I've only seen '11, but Greed Island was my favorite arc.
Likewise, Genthru vs Gon is still my favorite battle in the whole series and good lord that dodge ball match.
I've only seen '11, but Greed Island was my favorite arc.
Rakudai was the better of the two. Asterisk was a massive turd of a show, the fact that the game is making its way over and others aren't baffles me.
I wonder if the way I feel towards Asterisk is how other people feel towards SAO.
Heart x Hybrid #2
Yeeeeah screw this lol. Dat auditorium scene and then the, er....
You got those two mixed up, friend.
Rakudai was bad.
Asterisk was better than Rakudai , well if you compare only season 1. Asterisk S2 in an completely different story...
I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with. The OVA format promises battles with a lot of visual flair at the very least.Am I the only one excited that we're getting more Gundam Build fighters even if it's just a Try ova?
I mean the series is far from perfect but their isn't much mecha stuff going on and I really enjoyed how since it's people fighting with toys instead of actual people vs actual people they could get really crazy with some of the battles
Hopefully we'll get a season 3.
I still don't know why so many people in this thread felt the need to watch both these LN magic high school shows and compare the two.
I still don't know why so many people in this thread felt the need to watch both these LN magic high school shows and compare the two.
Do Olympics usually interfere with anime? I cant remember if it did the last time it happened.
I still don't know why so many people in this thread felt the need to watch both these LN magic high school shows and compare the two.
Guessing that yes it does.
Shamelss self promotion!Guessing that yes it does.
I know you can overanalyze these things, but Hishiro's social dysfunction is so extreme that I have to believe she's autistic.
I know people make jokes about a character in anime having Autism, which in some ways is a product of how character detail is presented in anime, but Hishiro has to be on the spectrum and I'm not saying this as a joke. I'm on episode 6 btw.
BTW on that subject. Anyone know about how autism is treated in japan or its rates? Is it ever portrayed on TV in Japan? Has anyone in an anime been specifically mentioned to have autism?
Best staircase
OH, yay; something to look forward to WHEN I'M NOT WORKING!!! At least it wasn't as bad as Quasar, but...
lol, how appropriate. What was the plot again? Right...
Who do you think you are?I still don't know why so many people in this thread felt the need to watch both these LN magic high school shows and compare the two.
Best staircase
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (End)
Anime when? At least I can get back to watching my backlog now.
Guessing that yes it does.
LMAO, why are you watching the trash I recommended at work?
But everyone said as much lol.There is trash and then there is soft-core porn which is HxH...
But everyone said as much lol.