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Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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Happy anniversary Zen and Alf, may your butt babies be brown and solid.
Thanks, we're expecting soon.
Nope, it's always black and blue for me. I tried with both my monitor and my iPhone on different contrasts and brightness.

Sorry for resurrecting this topic.

As a guy reading the backlog.. it looked white with a blue tint, which i assumed came from a computer screen or something, and gold but then i saw it again, and it was black and blue. @_@ what the hell!?!?


Let's catch up to the thread:
A dress brought the thread and most of the world in disarray. Ok. White/Gold obviously.
A-A-Ron has returned. Alright. Welcome back!
We got touchyfeelygropeyGAF. D'awwww.
Terrible movies getting pushed for group watches. umm.
Revival of the dress topic. Perfect.

Happy birthday Recursive!



Welcome back senpai!
The thread got so lame without you. We barely talked about monster girls, and every time I brought up loli, it turnd into a futanari discussion!
You missed Fraudwils death, also happy birthday Recursive waifu

Let's catch up to the thread:
A dress brought the thread and most of the world in disarray. Ok. White/Gold obviously.
A-A-Ron has returned. Alright. Welcome back!
We got touchyfeelygropeyGAF. D'awwww.
Terrible movies getting pushed for group watches. umm.
Revival of the dress topic. Perfect.

Happy birthday Recursive!

Thanks for that summary


Welcome back senpai!
The thread got so lame without you. We barely talked about monster girls, and every time I brought up loli, it turnd into a futanari discussion!
You missed Fraudwils death, also happy birthday Recursive waifu
You have something against futanari?
I've been to my silly pointless 9am lecture, I've come back and had my morning coffee. Now I'm free the rest of the day. Might start the essay that's due next week.
This is going to be a weird complaint but I'm unhappy I can't use over 1000 words. I wish the essay was 2000-3000 or something.

You have something against futanari?

Futanari is love. Futanari is life.


I've been to my silly pointless 9am lecture, I've come back and had my morning coffee. Now I'm free the rest of the day. Might start the essay that's due next week.
This is going to be a weird complaint but I'm unhappy I can't use over 1000 words. I wish the essay was 2000-3000 or something.

Futanari is love. Futanari is life.
What's wrong with less words?

Yes, it is.
What's wrong with less words?

Oh it's philosophy. I tend to want to write at great length. Apparently they changed it to much shorter essays this year, which kinda sucks. I can't tell if people complained they were too long or not.
Though I'm dreading the drama essay I've got which is 3000...
Then again being such a short essay means it won't take long to do. Which then means more time to goof off...


Do you have any idea who're you talking to right now?
Yes, I do.
Oh it's philosophy. I tend to want to write at great length. Apparently they changed it to much shorter essays this year, which kinda sucks. I can't tell if people complained they were too long or not.
Though I'm dreading the drama essay I've got which is 3000...
Then again being such a short essay means it won't take long to do. Which then means more time to goof off...
I suppose it forces you to be more concise instead of filling pages with words.
Getting everything you want to say in to 1000 words can be kind of tricky.
Perhaps, but that's only if you have a lot to talk about.
I suppose it forces you to be more concise instead of filling pages with words.

Well it forces to limit how many points I can make and elaborate on. Though I don't really mind that. Seeing as this is my first year and all I have to do is pass, I'm probably going to do some ballsy essay anyway.
I love when I've got room to be risky and shit. Lets you be more creative.

Yuzo Koshiro is love to me. I really do wish he got more work. Though if Sega eventually do a new Streets of Rage, I want him on the soundtrack. I wouldn't want anyone else dammit.
Edit: scrap that, he gets tons of work. I just meant I wish he got more work in games that actually come out here ;-;


Well it forces to limit how many points I can make and elaborate on. Though I don't really mind that. Seeing as this is my first year and all I have to do is pass, I'm probably going to do some ballsy essay anyway.
I love when I've got room to be risky and shit. Lets you be more creative.

Yuzo Koshiro is love to me. I really do wish he got more work. Though if Sega eventually do a new Streets of Rage, I want him on the soundtrack. I wouldn't want anyone else dammit.
Edit: scrap that, he gets tons of work. I just meant I wish he got more work in games that actually come out here ;-;
This way you have to have less points but talk more in-depth.

so... shouldn't you be blaming localization then?


Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.
da real mvp said:
I'm not going to argue with idiots. Yes alchemy was hidden from weak minds like you, who literally wrote all that but did not disprove a thing that I said. Have you searched how melatonin has "fountain of youth" properties, which if produced/harnessed correctly can delay aging for who knows how long? Strengthen immune systems,prevent cancer,treat alzheimers(which is a disease that comes about when the substantia nigra stops producing that neruo-melanin in certain people when they get older.) etc. Maybe this is why Yale,brown,Berkeley,Harvard etc are studying day and night on how to make a synthetic form of it for those who can't produce much of it? See, you're going to come on here and talk out of your ass all because you're ignorant to the subject at hand, but still act as if your disbelief makes it any less true lol. It's not only melatonin that the pineal gand produces theres also DMT and a whole host of other hormones. You don't think those who run society know this? That's why there is artificial lighting everywhere you go, this kind of lighting halts many key functions of the pineal gland(look this up there are countless physicians all over the world who are up on this) and is the very reason Americans cancer rates are out of control! Hitler was a master occultist, that's why he used the swastika to represent his Nazi party, he knew "Aryans" weren't blond haired blue eyed people that was for the sheep to swallow, the Aryans came from Dravidian stock which were DARK skinned indians from the subcontinent of India. Do a bit more studying before you come at me man. I've been studying this for damn near a decade now, and I've chosen my words wisely as to not give away too many secrets to an ignorant mind such as yours. You clearly do not have the mental or spiritual propensity to understand Alchemy. This is why it has never crossed your path. 
I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.
Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.

I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.

Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.

I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.

I was almost expecting to see mitochondria in there.


Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.

I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.

This guy is just a crackpot theorist who also probably thinks everything is a conspiracy. Unless this was a really elaborate joke.
Yeah. Fucking localising. Though I love his Wangan Midnights stuff, but they're arcade games. Never really got into the actual source material itself, because why would you when you have Initial D?
Damn.. This is pretty good. So was the etrian odyssey song.


And my thread title has been
because RecursiveFraud fucked it up back in ot12.
Now to go to schleep, and go to class in about 3 hours.
GG brain. You made the good decisions
Aaron, I'll see you and anyone else whose interested in like 9 hours for deadly prey.


Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.

I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.


EDIT: Found a better one


Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.

I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.



That is fucking amazing. Please post more!

When we're talking melanin were talking mainly internal neuro-melanin. Alchemists quest is to transform this substance from lead to gold through spiritual work. It's a very deep concept, that would take me damn near 24 hours to explain even 10%(if that) of it. Yes, in the melanin theory external melanin plays a part but ultimately its an internal process. The dark crystal would be the pineal gland(master gland) which secretes melatonin which is then passed through the pituitary gland and produces melanin. The goal is to learn how to harness this dark energy to transmute the consciousness/soul which then transforms the body.This story is told over and over in different cultures around the world, jason and the argonauts would be the Greek mythological interpretation of this. We have barely scraped the surface but that is a summarized overview on the subject. 
He posted sources this time. Follow them if you dare said:
Hitler and his thule society were on the same quest. You may have heard of "Vril" or the "black sun" that the nazis were trying to tap into in order to get in contact with beings from other realms. The pineal gland would be the black sun, and the substance it secretes would be the vril energy or life force. Melanin is carbon just given a different name, it was found that under a microscope carbon/melanin(same substance 6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons) made the swastika. I linked info for you to check this out.


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Vril Agency031 commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Nov 10, 2014

Fuck Jews
Here's a link to the dude's channel. It's... Really surprising.
And here's his equally confusing google plus.
It's largely normal, but then the crazy shit just pops out even more. I recommend you take a look.
Just... Wow.


Some other highlights
I dont actually think the "illuminati" has anything to do with these flight anomalies, I think it has something to do with the ozone layer depleting. All types of electrical occurrences can happen when the most powerful of the suns rays can penetrate earths atmosphere with no filter. But the illuminati would rather have you think its them in order to scare you, put fear in your vessel; and steal your vital source energy.
The media was only created to paint us to globe as savages so they can justify sending in UN troops to wipe us out. America was unclear on what to to do with blacks when slavery ended; even up till the 1960's, so they built "projects"(as if were test subjects in their project) buildings to throw us in, hoping that we destroy ourselves while THEIR media broadcasts this to the entire globe; basically trying to show the world why we HAD TO enslave these "dumb niggers". As if blacks created drugs in the hood. How do these kids get all these guns? These are the questions you must ask yourself. America not understanding why theres so much crime in the hood, is like Hitler not understanding why jews despise him. The media (jewish owned) is now even doing this to whites americans, painting ALL whites (especially men) as "mass murdering racist psychopaths" (even though we know for the majority thats not even close to truth) so the Gov. once again can send in the UN troops to take their guns and freedoms away. Wake up Americans, the elite are against this country and everyone in it no matter the skin color. It may have started out as a race thing but now its escalated into much more than that. If all races dont unite to expell these leaders from our country we all will be destroyed. Think about the image they paint to the world on whites,blacks and latinos in this country! They arent for the USA period. This is why theyre trying to incite racial tensions to that of the jim crow era so that we all may devolve in consciousness rather than evolve. The chicago crime rate,sandy hook,Trayvon Martin,Jordan Davis&Michael Dunn,James holmes and Adam Lanza etc are all examples(some were even staged if not all) to the UN why the "AMERICAN" savage needs to be tamed. Peep game Americans.
Nice vid bro. Just last night in the dream world I astral traveled to neptune where there were many brown skinned women wearing teal clothing. They were SOO childlike, they would laugh at everything I did but they were very sweet. They didnt stress anything. They took me to some 'Hot spring' where they hangout with each other and relax. The water felt so good. Ecstasy. Keep em coming brotha. Were taking over all the verses!
I don't believe you need anything. A sound mind results in a sound body. Just don't fear and live as if you've never heard of Ebola. Changing your diet all because of Ebola still radiates the vibration of fear throughout your entire temple. You cannot trick the mind no matter how hard you try. Ebola is literally comical to me.
So called NDE (near death experience) unlocks the door from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind where all your latent abilities dwell. I was once jumped by 12 kids on a bad side of town and I dont remember anything I completely blacked out, and when I became conscious again after about a minute or so (I swear on my unborn children) I see them all take off running a few bleeding from the head and others screaming for me to stop lol. Someone had called the police and the officer said to me " you dont even have a scratch on you" lol. This was the beginning of my freshman year at college(2010) and till this day idk who those kids were. Super Saiyans are real; im living proof. Test your limits.
Hair is an extension of the nervous system; antennas if you will. Kids are more in tune this is why they cry when they get their first haircut. Youre cutting off their memory! I can see the pain on their face. Sad.
Im a black american and I respect the hell out of this man. No lie. I've read Mein Kampf. This man is a legend. Heil Hitler

I can't anymore.
I'm done.
Night frienders.


legacy of cane
Dear Lord semi, those are amazing.

Reminds me of that really racist website that argued that Denzel Washington, Samuel L Jackson, and Lawrence Fishburne were all the same person, just at different moods, based on their nose, ear, and lip sizes.

And Obama is Osama Bin Laden, who is alive and the govt is covering it up just like 9/11 btw.


Holy shit you guys
while i was browsing through a playlist of full action movies I found on youtube, I found Jim Henson's the dark crystal.
And when I went to go check the comments to see if it was the one with all the puppets, I stumbled upon a fucking amazing youtube arguement.

I'm going to be reposting this later because holy shit. Just look at this.



Yo Aaron I'm super late on this but I remember you saying that you wouldn't play long live the queen because it didn't have controller support but actually it totally does
My mom didnt pay the phone bill for some reason, and now my phone doesnt work unless im using wifi.
And it's not like I can call her to tell her to fix it cause that means her phone is dead too.
That and she sleeps until like 9.


Yo Aaron I'm super late on this but I remember you saying that you wouldn't play long live the queen because it didn't have controller support but actually it totally does
So, he's totally going to play it then?
Did the 50 gem draw for love live and no UR, only a SR umi
RNGsus did not shine on you today.
My mom didnt pay the phone bill for some reason, and now my phone doesnt work unless im using wifi.
And it's not like I can call her to tell her to fix it cause that means her phone is dead too.
That and she sleeps until like 9.
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