We're fighting about measuring systems this time?
We're fighting about measuring systems this time?
Why couldn't you guys fight me out of class then?We have to fight about something.
Also, is offering CODAWwith every purchase of an Xbox one. I'm looking at that AC:U/ACIV xbone bundle and thinking that a console and 2 games for 400 euros is an amazing offer.reads like a bird call
What should I do, you guys? Wait and hope for a better offer when discount black friday comes around in France or get it now? The offer runs from today to the 16
Steam Thread, We're Coming for YOU Brother! FRIENDERMANIA running wild up in here.
Just quoting myself to reshow you guys my dilemma, seeing as though it was ignored when I posted it earlier.
Imperial is like DmC. The feel of a good measurement system.
Actually, using Imperial is like playing on Non-Stop Infinite Climax and Metric is babby mode.
More like metric is Easy Automatic while imperial is actually normal.
it was more so to the fact that America is one of the last nations to use it, and the rest of the world has moved to a more efficient systemDon't get me wrong. My point is that Metric is way easier to use and that Canadian's comment was inherently false. Not that Imperial is better.
an archaic, inefficient system that is needlessly complicated that most of the world was smart enough to leave behind. We're eating cakes and you guys are over there eating lemons pretending to like it
Not me. Anything that's citrus can go straight to hell.We're eating cakes and you guys are over there eating lemons pretending to like it
Steam Thread, We're Coming for YOU Brother! FRIENDERMANIA running wild up in here.
What exclusives are you interested in?
Just quoting myself to reshow you guys my dilemma, seeing as though it was ignored when I posted it earlier.
Maybe wait it out till Black Friday deals get leaked? If you wanted to buy AC anyway, I don't see a better deal than that coming outJust quoting myself to reshow you guys my dilemma, seeing as though it was ignored when I posted it earlier.
I know, I'm just fueling the flames of a (fake, just-for-[not-a-lot-of-actual-]fun) measurement system war with an unrelated reply, because I'm bored out of my fucking mind at this point.
Maybe it's time to start KLK right now.
an archaic, inefficient system that is needlessly complicated that most of the world was smart enough to leave behind. We're eating cakes and you guys are over there eating lemons pretending to like it
Look, an average penis is 5.5 inches. But it's 14 centimeters! isn't that neat? People who use the metric system have bigger dicks.
Forza, Sunset Overdrive could be fun, gotta support Swery so D4, Scalebound might come out some day, Killer Instinct for the fightans and Halo for the pew pew.
So pretty much all of them.
Maybe wait it out till Black Friday deals get leaked? If you wanted to buy AC anyway, I don't see a better deal than that coming out
No! Don't make measuring more complicated!
How about for PS4. No bloodbourne?
If you really want it why not jump now? I don't think there'll be any deals substantially better than that.
Just go up to them and be likeWe're gonna challenge them to a YAPAPI STRAP MATCH.
Just go up to them and be like
Yeah, considering how ingrained the imperial system is, it would take a massive amount of effort to switch to the Metric system and it likely wouldn't be worth the benefits it brings for the American population. Didn't they try to switch, but did so half-assed and failed spectacularly?
More like metric is Easy Automatic while imperial is actually normal.
That was a thing that happened yes. So unfortunately we're not getting the metric system in this lifetimeYeah, considering how ingrained the imperial system is, it would take a massive amount of effort to switch to the Metric system and it likely wouldn't be worth the benefits it brings for the American population. Didn't they try to switch, but did so half-assed and failed spectacularly?
We have fun here.We won't rest until we're the known as the worst community on GAF.
Make the measuring simple by using the metric system, it's the best!
Yea, I'll be getting a PS4 some day as well for Bloodbourne and whatever Naughty Dog churns out. But for this winter Xbox's lineup seems more interesting.
My fingers are twiching right now. But the idea that a better deal might come is terrifying me.
Alright well how much is 400 euros in real money?
Alright well how much is 400 euros in real money?
Alright well how much is 400 euros in real money?
Nonstop Infinite.Does that mean measuring temperature in Kelvin is third climax?
400 in real money, just like you said and 500 bucks in the land of the imperial system.
Alright well how much is 400 euros in real money?
From a financial viewpoint, I mean. I agree that the imperial system is significantly and unnecessarily more difficult and obtuse and if there was an easy way to switch everything over to the Metric system immediately (that includes peoples knowledge about the measurement systems), it'd be a step up from what the US got. And the UK (which I believe is trying to switch over to metric, but the public still widely uses Imperial?), Canada (also hybrid if I recall?) and the other few countries that still stick to it.
But it's like JB says....
You don't how much I laughed when I read this..
A lot of threads getting purged into community lately, it's not all bad.
So this is what the Purge was really about...
Imagine all the work it'd take to change everything that says miles to kilometers.But
There's plenty more than that.I just noticed a HUGE SPOILER when you are in theRed Room of the Prologue of Deadly Premonition.There is a Map with a Kaysen doll on a table.
I can easily say that movie was the worst shit I've seen in my lifeThat was the dumbest fucking movie in years to get a big release
So basically MSRP with 3 games thrown in? Sounds pretty good unless it doesn't include kinect.
You don't how much I laughed when I read this..
A lot of threads getting purged into community lately, it's not all bad.
So this is what the Purge was really about...
That was the dumbest fucking movie in years to get a big release
I can easily say that movie was the worst shit I've seen in my life
There's plenty more than that.Ever taken a look at George's license plate?
That was the dumbest fucking movie in years to get a big release
Which got a sequel and people trying to reenact itThat was the dumbest fucking movie in years to get a big release
What does it say?There's plenty more than that.Ever taken a look at George's license plate?
No kinect in the bundaru. But it's a pretty decent deal.
Now to think about the purchase until the very last second.
Nah man you don't get it. It's a commentary on America and the society we live in.
You say The Room and we fight. Tommy Wiseau is the voice of a generation.Nah. I mean it was definitely awful, but I can easily think of worse movies.