I'm not exaggerating here. I'm counting.
It took 22 Japanese players to match and drop in For Glory before one finally stayed.
On my JPN account it's not much better. :/ There's some really good players out there on the JP servers, and the majority doesn't do more than 1 match. The obsession with win percentage on JP For Glory is disgusting.
You never say anything needs a nerf, though. Prove me wrong and give me your list. Also, I don't feel calling bullshit is disrespectful. You know I love you. My apologies if you were offended.
I think Heavy Skull Bash and Sheik's needles are the things most worthy of a nerf at the moment. A slight nerf to Kong Cyclone and Power VIsion would be nice too. Everything else I feel like other characters should get buffed or left as is. Let the meta figure out counters before nerfing things. I'd rather have more buffs to things.
Apology accepted.