The beginning where Cas is still watching Nextflix made me laugh, but then I had massive feels when they showed a flashback of Dean beating up Cas

Sam finally commenting on Dean and Crowley's fling hehe I love this type of brotherly fighting, keep it up!
Everytime they show a Demon trap on the ceiling I can't help but to wonder "How in the shit did they manage that? Do they have like a portable ladder or something?" In the jail cell I can understand, they climbed the bars(still would be incredibly difficult since it looks like they etched in with a knife) But other times it's just in an open room, and nothing in site shows how they could reach up. I know Sam is a giant and all, but come on.
I loved how Crowley was depicted as a single father, it made me lose my shit. I did get bothered by them putting memes in the show though...having the internet full of cats and having her be confused about the Internets fascination about cats, fine. But having actual memes, and her saying memes, no pls. Them cutting from Amara disarming and wreaking Crowley, to Cas tossing Metatron around made me chuckle heh and Amara almost killing Crowley, holy shit.
But Crowley telling Dean he tried to kill him many times, even times when he didn't know about it lol and Crowley saying they had a bromance LOL.
They broke the magic mirror! Now how will Amara see her grown up self?! I'm liking this actress more than the previous one, that one was awful Young Amara was good, she grew up I hatd her, she grows up a bit more and I'm liking her again.
Metatron somehow managed to become even a bigger dick than he was previously, which I found surprising. Also how he stole items, pawned them, then bought the video camera...instead of stealing the video camera. Silly Metatron! Or how he suddenly becomes to offended when Cas reveals he found the Demon tablet under Metatron's mattress "You BROKE into MY apartment?!"
Dean being unable to stab The Darkness(I wonder what would have happened if he even did stab her?) I wonder if they're connected to the point where he would be unable to carry out the deed.
Holy fucking hell, The Darkness is Gods freaking sister?! So...who was the one that said The Darkness and God had a thing? Primordial incest? Welp now I'm going to hell.
I think that was the first glimpse we got of the Cage from the outside, right? When Sam saw that in the Asylum my first thought was holy shit it's The Cage! I think the first hand that reached out was Lucifer's, and the Second was Michael's not that it matters much but it seemed lighting struck right as the second hand popped out and had the appearance of more divinity.
What's with Sam trying to not kill the Demons? If he doesn't want to harm the meatsuite you'd think he'd inspect the Demons he captures and sees if they have mortal wounds. If so then stop trying to save the already dead meatsuite. But him taking on two demons at the same time...not bad.
I wonder if the pizza man taught him any new tricks.
Meg ;-;
"What's this POI Sam"
"Point of Interest"
I lost it.
Edit: Another good episode. Cas with the awesome beatdown.
I loved that too. It's so simple yet hilarious. It's the good type of brotherly bickering.
Well, considering Lucifer was the first to bear the mark, and is also called the Lightbringer, he might be super important to defeat the Darkness.
Well, when Sam had that dream of their Dad, he did mention that to defeat The Darkness you need Light, and we already assume that Lucifer was taking the form of their Dad from the "I could never fool you" line. So I think that's the direction theyre heading.
But why is God giving Sam visions of the cage? Doesn't make sense. Unless he's basically reminding him that his destiny is to be Lucifer's vessel and fight Michael but that's not relevant to this season.
Had they just given into their destiny The Darkness wouldn't have been released, or the Leviathans for that matter, but screw those guys they're not part of this series shitting ass CGI bullshit(sorry I was super hyped for Leviathans and I was super buttmad with the season, as I'm pretty sure everyone else was too).