It's a shame about Rowena, she really grew on me since her first appearance.
Maybe, but first I cringed then laughed when he revealed who he was. I'm on board with the story line but to me Misha was imitating Mark's performance rather than making it his own. It was very off putting at first. Maybe he'll grown into the role in the future.Okay can we all agree Misha Collins is a fantastic actor? Holy shit.
Thank god Rowena is dead. Very interesting development with Lucifer and Cas. I wonder if they'll remember that Sam is the only true vessel for Lucifer and he'll start rotting.
You know if this was S6 or 7 things would be pretty good.
I'm pretty sure there will be some kind of loop hole with that vessel thing this time. Being that Cas was brought back by God and a whole bunch of other things, his Vessel can probably hold Lucifier, but not give him his "ultimate" strength or some crap.
Finally watching the episode now. GOD DAMN at Lucifer calling Sam out for being shit the last few seasons.
Maybe, but first I cringed then laughed when he revealed who he was. I'm on board with the story line but to me Misha was imitating Mark's performance rather than making it his own. It was very off putting at first. Maybe he'll grown into the role in the future.
Oh no, not Rowena.
And I have to wonder, where is Castiel now? Would two angels be able to occupy the same body?
Excellent episode - boy, this show sure found its mojo again.
So, was Amara *almost* smited? Seems like she was a bit weak after zapping Castiel.
I'm not really sure that's the case, though, since she juiced up on Ambriel, and if she needed more, she would have just consumed Cas, too. Plus, if the message were for Heaven, it makes no sense that she'd send him to Hell's door, near that reaper.Yeah I think that's why she 'saved' him for the message. She didn't have the juice to finish him.
Wait LuciferPossessed Cas?
This ruins all of my fanfics
So I've not seen supernatural since cas turned into a demon alien thing. The black veiny shit. Is it worth catching up? Sounds like it's good.
The best part about Lucifer is that he doesn't lie. It really makes him seem even more formidable, since he tells you exactly what he's going to do, and you can't do anything about it.Have to get this out of my system DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!
Okay, on to more pressing matters, now that I saw it(finally because of Bell I had to wait a day) here's my thoughts. I saw that cute number cruncher dying(but didn't see her getting her graced sapped, that was a surprise). Also, I knew The Darkness didn't die(obviously, that would have sucked) but figured that since she got hit so hard parts of her essence kinda exploded(thus causing the dark atmosphere during the middle of the afternoon) I figured Lucifer had possessed Castiel from the look he gave the boys as they were leaving. And I saw Lucifer killing Rowena coming when he had said "ooof...Rowena -fixes tie-" I was like yup, she's dead...
I love how they went back to moments before Castiel yells "Hey, Assbutt!" and Lucifer is just like "I still don't understand that..." then Castiel yells it again when they confront him at the cage...CLASSIC! Speaking of which, they had Sam & Adam fall into the cage at a different angel, I wonder if they had shot that previously and were debating between it and the one they went with, but kept this just in case they wanted to return to that scene.
Lucifer calling out Sam on all his bullshit was amazing, and so freaking accurate. I didn't like how he pissed on him for not looking for Dean when he was in Purgatory, since they did make a deal. Dean did the same thing, he went and lived a normal life while he thought Sam was in the cage. The other parts were true though, Season 5 he was willing to spend eternity in the cage with Lucifer to stop the apocalypse. Then he decides to not sacrifice himself(and go to Heaven most likely) to seal the gates of Hell forever and thus stop people from being possessed, making deals, etc.
Also, did anyone else get the hint that Lucifer was scared shitless when Sam said "No!"? He seemed scared out of his mind, like if Sam doesn't say yes, The Darkness will win and he's gonna probably be on her hit list, you know, for helping seal her up and shit.
Crowly serving the team, I guess he and Dean will no longer howl at the moon together
I honestly feel a bit sad now that Rowena is dead. Early in the episode she annoyed me again...but that confession about why she hates Crowly...that tear-jerking heart-aching scene made me sympathize with her. DAMMIT SUPERNATURAL! Everytime...EVERY DAMN TIME! They make you feel sorry, or love a character then kill em, just like that -frowny face-
Almost forgot about the reaper. First time we saw Billie I hated her. But now...I actually kinda like her. Her absolute calmness is so amazing- Angels gets zapped in- "Hey." As if it's commonplace lol.
Also, I found out why Rowena hated Sam so muchIt's because Sam got to have Lucifer inside of him, and she was jealous
Cas absolutely nailed Lucifers' persona. I wonder if Misha and Mark spent a lot of time together to do it so well.
I can't believe I didn't catch the "Snapping necks and cashing checks, it's what I do" line. I heard it, but I dismissed it D: but now that I hear it again I love it especially with what transpired.
What was the crime show dig at though? Is Mark on a CSI kinda show?
What was the crime show dig at though? Is Mark on a CSI kinda show?
EDIT: Also, the part when Sam tells Lucifer that he would just start the Apocalypse again--would he? That was always Michael's prerogative, and even if Lucifer wanted to do it, too, he'd have to get Michael out of the cage, wouldn't he? Not that he couldn't just read the Book of the Damned himself, I guess.
Well, it does get significantly better, just you have to go through Season 7 which is arguably the worst season. But trust me, it's worth it, this current season has been nothing but perfection.So I've not seen supernatural since cas turned into a demon alien thing. The black veiny shit. Is it worth catching up? Sounds like it's good.
True. Even when we see Lucifer in the future setting he said he wouldn't want to destroy the planet. He didn't even want to fight Michael, he wanted to step off the chess board as he said. He'd probably still kill humans though, you know, since he despises us and allThe best part about Lucifer is that he doesn't lie. It really makes him seem even more formidable, since he tells you exactly what he's going to do, and you can't do anything about it.
EDIT: Also, the part when Sam tells Lucifer that he would just start the Apocalypse again--would he? That was always Michael's prerogative, and even if Lucifer wanted to do it, too, he'd have to get Michael out of the cage, wouldn't he? Not that he couldn't just read the Book of the Damned himself, I guess.
I'm not really sure that's the case, though, since she juiced up on Ambriel, and if she needed more, she would have just consumed Cas, too. Plus, if the message were for Heaven, it makes no sense that she'd send him to Hell's door, near that reaper.
Plus, there's that line about how all that power didn't even scratch her paint job.
Oh no, not Rowena.
And I have to wonder, where is Castiel now? Would two angels be able to occupy the same body?
We've seen a demon be able to possess a reaper to carry out a deal. Maybe since Jimmy no longer is no longer an occupant, another Angel can get in? Maybe Cas went to heaven or now is just a floating grace. My best bet would be since Cas became human and then ate back his grace he's like a human with angelic abilities rather than a full on Angel. I wonder if he still has a halo...Caught up with the latest episode and it was fantastic. I love Mark P hamming it up as Lucifer. Dude is absolute talent. I've definitely got some questions about how Lucy can possess Cas, but I'm happy that we have a legit no-fucks-given badass powerhouse in Casifer. Should be fun.
And Rowena...bye Felicia.
And nice title change - though I do think the "snapping necks and cashing checks" would also be awesome to have as a title!
If Rowena died... isn't she just somewhere in Hell now?
/Supernatural Logic
LOL! It would be a great way to troll people who hate Rowena. "Finally she's dead and we're rid of her!" -Rowena posses her own body- "DAMMIT CW!"If Rowena died... isn't she just somewhere in Hell now?
/Supernatural Logic
Well, she's a 1000 (or something) year old witch, there has to be some dark magic going on there. Most of the witches in the show are evil, yeah, one would assume they'd end up in hell. Not sure if they are technically monster enough to end up in Purgatory
at least Castiel as Lucifer should be much better than sam.
That's because Misha Collins can actually act.
And I am finally all caught up on the season. A few long plane rides this week allowed me to watch all the episodes that I missed. Damn, this season is on fire.
Hey you leave Moose alone
Hey you leave Moose alone
He was pretty bad in seasons 1-10 tho... seriously.
I will give Moose credit for having no shame. He is not afraid to make fun of himself or make himself look like an ass. That goes a long way for me.
But I would never say he was a good actor. Just one that I enjoy on the show.
He was pretty bad in season 10 tho... seriously.
I tried
That's about as far as I'll go to defend Moose. My favorite acting of him is when he tries to make a pained face(When he's hurt on the inside). He ends up looking confused.
stellar Mark Pellegrino in these last episodes, sucks that he's already gone.
at least Castiel as Lucifer should be much better than sam.
I'll be honest
I never liked Mark Pelligrino as Lucifer. I remember in Season 5 when he showed up, his scenes never interested me.