He's going away for the holidays. Although, this update is pretty crappy.
Any update that brings weapons for the Spy is a great update (except for the horrible Halloween update).
He's going away for the holidays. Although, this update is pretty crappy.
He's going away for the holidays. Although, this update is pretty crappy.
Any update that brings weapons for the Spy is a great update (except for the horrible Halloween update).
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
This is so getting nerfed.
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
So all the nice crate items will eventually be craftable, and the naughty crate items are all reskins (although strange festives are tempying).
Am I right in that there's no point in uncrating any of these crates right now?
It says only uncrateable for the week so that most likely means afterwards they get added to the drop system/craftable. It would be ridiculous for Valve to create weapons with new stats that are only uncrateable and only for a limited time.I'm pretty sure I read on the update page that the items are only uncratable and only for a limited time.
Jesus that thing is OP.
yeah the next spy update will be a sapper that instantly self ubers when a sapped sentry gets desapped and sees spy so he can get away safely from them as wellThat being said, I don't like that they gave the spy a buff against his single biggest weakness.
It gives the Pyro a really good reason to run the shotgun again.
Maybe they'll go the caber route with it and making you go back to the ammo locker to replenish it if it melts.I don't like that they gave the spy a buff against his single biggest weakness. It gives the Pyro a really good reason to run the shotgun again.
Ugh. It'll get nerfed. Not sure how they'll do it. Start by taking out the silent kill I guess. Reduce the fireproof time to 1 second? Lower health?
Omg, that is bullshit. Talk about rage inducing.
just as long as pyro players are annoyed I'm ok with that knife.
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
this update not only brought you a spy weapon, it brought you THE spy weapon to use.
Spies are having a field day with that thing
There absolutely needs to be a sound of the knife melting away in all scenarios (cloaked and disguised).
Not to mention Pyro spychecking is going to involve physically bumping into people now since the Spy can use the knife to protect his cover. Then he can just wait until you run away a bit and shoot you dead.
There absolutely needs to be a sound of the knife melting away in all scenarios (cloaked and disguised).
It seems like pyros are the weakest class while spies, demomans, and scouts are the worst classes who should be annoyed with stuff.
It also seems to me like pyros should be able to do damage to spies! Making spies fireproof seems like an unfortunate change.
The funny thing is that someone was just saying that the pyro flamethrower would be nerfed. Seems like spy got the better end of the deal especially if there's a taunt involved to activate the flamethrower.Poor Tenck must be furious at people clamoring for Spy-cicle nerfs.
The funny thing is that someone was just saying that the pyro flamethrower would be nerfed. Seems like spy got the better end of the deal especially if there's a taunt involved to activate the flamethrower.
Seems like enforcer would go well with the new knife.
The funny thing is that someone was just saying that the pyro flamethrower would be nerfed. Seems like spy got the better end of the deal especially if there's a taunt involved to activate the flamethrower.
Seems like enforcer would go well with the new knife.
I was trying out the Amby, Spy-cicle, and DR combo yesterday. Honestly, it is a terrible combo to use.
Of course it is. Ambassador is the worst spy weapon in the game.
enforcer is the dumbest weapon in the game, and only bad spies use it.
Strange Knife, DR, and Strange Ambassador for me. I just find the ambassador really fun trying to always plug people in the head. But enforcer is *so* fucking good I know I'm at a disadvantage not using it.
Pffft. Big Kill is the greatest Spy weapon.
Pffft. Big Kill is the greatest Spy weapon.
The naughty crates seem pointless to me. I don't want a regular weapon with christmas lights on it and I don't really want to buy keys for a chance at old stranges. I ended up just selling off all my winter crates actually.