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TERA Online


V_Arnold said:
Of course, this comes up with EVERY SINGLE MMO launch, and yet, there has been exactly zero that could survive and live long enough to deliver content enough to be called "complete". My problem is when advocates of one game tries to sell the game by calling upon WOW, when it is clear that spreading BS about that game wont convert anyone who is actually playing WoW and enjoys it. I know, it is the Big Thing That is Cool To Hate, but that is still pointless.

Do we got an EU release date for this yet btw?

Meh, I don't care about those kind of comparisons.

The thing I care about is the actual gameplay. I tried WoW when it came out and was disappointed, and every new update its fans keep saying that the gameplay is better and better, yet I keep being disappointed time after time.

Its so annoying that the gameplay is so slow, hell, I have played point and click games like Ragnarok and fuck, I would dare say that it was as fast as twitch shooters.

zlatko said:
Ah, so it's super easy then? :p

That's a bit of a shame. I like difficulty in my MMO's to a good extent otherwise I just get bored no matter what the quest pertains. I'm a former FFXI player, and the story missions in that game were some of the most difficult things to get done in any game ever, but the feeling of accomplishment was second to none.

I'm hoping this game leans more towards that and not just a constant WoW set up where nothing is hard, until the very end game, and even then it's more of a time commitment then a super hard battle where you stay on top of a lot of micro.

Blame the average gamer :C
Prepare your eyes for a feast!












Unlimited Capacity
zlatko said:
I'll most likely play the game with a group of RL friends I've played most MMOs with throughout the years and who also play a lot of other genres of games in general. So the worry isn't going to be for us in playing it as an action game of sorts... I'm curious if the fights will require constant team work in a group and communication.

How often have you been dying in the time you've been playing? How steep is the death penalty?

Every boss kills me in 1-2 hits, and there have been quite a few so far.


_tetsuo_ said:
Every boss kills me in 1-2 hits, and there have been quite a few so far.

That's somewhat reassuring. Everything about the game seems really on point, but without difficulty it'd be something I mess around with a month or two tops and then drop in hopes that the next big MMO will be "the one."

This looks like just the right amount of difficulty to keep me hooked. Can't wait for that USA beta. :)


Xiaoki said:
Actually, there is.

Bluehole Studios has said that the true level cap for Tera is level 60. The level 50 to 60 content was not yet finished so they released early just to get it out and make money.
NCSoft did the same thing with Aion.

Im not bashing Tera because I think even with the missing final 10 levels Tera is better and more complete than most other MMOs.
They have? Mind linking me to where they said this? I was under the impression that level 60 was part of a free expansion pack.

Augemitbutter said:
so what's the chance of gold farmers and botters/hackers bothering you in this game?
None. At least, so far. We've seen no botters/farmers yet and even if there are you can just change channels.

zlatko said:
How difficult is the game both solo and in group dungeons? Be honest.
It depends. If people are careless, you will wipe. With a full group of five who's well-versed and doesn't make stupid mistakes I'm sure a lot of stuff is easy. Even then, if someone slips up, it's going to cause a lot of problems.

Soloing/duoing elites and three-manning dungeons, however, is incredibly difficult and white-knuckle. A single mistake and everyone dies a horrible death. I hear some of the late-game dungeons are brutal, even with five people who know the game.

zlatko said:
Ah, so it's super easy then? :p

That's a bit of a shame. I like difficulty in my MMO's to a good extent otherwise I just get bored no matter what the quest pertains. I'm a former FFXI player, and the story missions in that game were some of the most difficult things to get done in any game ever, but the feeling of accomplishment was second to none.

I'm hoping this game leans more towards that and not just a constant WoW set up where nothing is hard, until the very end game, and even then it's more of a time commitment then a super hard battle where you stay on top of a lot of micro.
The game is as hard as you make it. If you only do solo quests and stick to the solo areas then yeah, you'll probably have a pretty easy time with it. If you're not content with that, though, you can go for three-man or even five-man content alone (or with a friend) and have a serious challenge on your hand.

The game rewards people who are skillful. You can go as far as your skill allows. Soloing boss monsters is doable because of the way the game is set up. If you're good, you know how to not get hit, how to aim your attacks just right, how to work with the boss and make him move the way you want. That's not easy, especially when a single attack can do 90% of your health on heavy armor classes, and one-shot everyone else.

zlatko said:
I'll most likely play the game with a group of RL friends I've played most MMOs with throughout the years and who also play a lot of other genres of games in general. So the worry isn't going to be for us in playing it as an action game of sorts... I'm curious if the fights will require constant team work in a group and communication.

How often have you been dying in the time you've been playing? How steep is the death penalty?
Constant communication and teamwork is a must. One person can fuck everything up.

Dying happens frequently in group areas. The penalty is relatively mild. There's no armor wear or anything like that. Crystals, that you slot into armor to give you bonuses, have a chance to break upon death. You will also be revived with no vitality, which means you have less than max health and hit for 50% of your normal damage until you find (or make) a campfire to restore it.


Ha! Girl on the phone was great, and she said that it was ok, that she ll take care of it, 15 mins later, I get an email with my code! Fuck you PayPal!

Alright, now to decipher this bitch.


Neo Member
zlatko said:
How difficult is the game both solo and in group dungeons? Be honest.

Soloing is easy for the most part, but some areas do get a bit challenging. For grouping, I've tried 3 manning, and also doing a full 5 person group.

As a healer, I'm not quite sure which one is easier, in the 5 person groups I've been in with the Korean players, it seems like they get very careless and stop dodging/defending as much.


I'm in, testing out classes and such. I'm liking the archer.

Graphics are incredible and have their own style.

Having to aim is a nice change.


My original plan was to build a new rig for FFXIV but it now seems I'm going to be building it for this game. We really need a launch date on this one stat. Reading through all the good feedback and not knowing when I can expect to get my hands on this is killing me.


I almost bit on a Radeon HD 6870 for 120 bucks for this game, but couldn't pull the trigger. Maybe when the game gets closer to launch I'll find a better deal.


V_Arnold said:
Of course, this comes up with EVERY SINGLE MMO launch, and yet, there has been exactly zero that could survive and live long enough to deliver content enough to be called "complete". My problem is when advocates of one game tries to sell the game by calling upon WOW, when it is clear that spreading BS about that game wont convert anyone who is actually playing WoW and enjoys it. I know, it is the Big Thing That is Cool To Hate, but that is still pointless.
Someone's first MMO was WoW and only played shitty "WoW-killers" since then, I see.
Your statement doesn't hold true against games that came before WoW and/or games that had a different target audience.
And just to avoid derailing the thread, I'm not dissing on WoW, just don't agree with you saying "exactly zero" MMOs survived and were completed. Give credit where credit is due, as the MMO market isn't "WoW, and the rest sucks" like you paint it.
drkOne said:
Someone's first MMO was WoW and only played shitty "WoW-killers" since then, I see.
Your statement doesn't hold true against games that came before WoW and/or games that had a different target audience.

Yeah, kinda sucks that alot of the new MMO's are going to WoW route, but the ones before it were awesome. UO/EQ/DAoC/AC were all great MMO's, but WoW is the new model to follow. It's good to see Tera break away from that, the game looks absolutely awesome.

Edit: It's actually surprising that it seems that Rift is getting a decent amount of WoW players too, so I mean while it's not going to take all of them away, WoW will eventually be over, just like all other MMO's end up doing.


Unknown Soldier and bigboss, you have to go to the first instance. The entrance is at the NE part of the area, where the blue diamond with the black outline is in bigboss' screenshot.


QisTopTier said:
Enjoying my warrior so much, don't know why people hate them.

Many people thought warriors were DD at release, so that's how most of the korean players played it. A skilled warrior can tank everything in game except for the hardest instance (could've changed since it's been a long time since I've checked Tera progression). It's just that with a pug, lancers are just a safer tank and there are some awful warriors that ruin it for skilled warriors.
ueo119 said:
Many people thought warriors were DD at release, so that's how most of the korean players played it. A skilled warrior can tank everything in game except for the hardest instance (could've changed since it's been a long time since I've checked Tera progression). It's just that with a pug, lancers are just a safer tank and there are some awful warriors that ruin it for skilled warriors.

Warrior is NOT an easy class to play. Even the plate-wearing classes get slaughtered by the bosses half the time. Warriors wear leather. The Warrior essentially has be perfect 100% in knowing a boss or elite mob's patterns and successfully dodge the big attacks 100% of the time or he gets torn to pieces. The problem is the Warrior also needs to do some dps while he's running around in order to hold aggro if he wants to be a tank. So the Warrior needs to circle-kite the boss, while doing dps and using taunts and skills, while also dodging the huge AoE attacks the bosses do which can't be avoided in any other way than using a certain skill which makes you do a forward flip. Oh, right, I should mention that the flip, and the aggro-holding skills, they all require MP, so you need to also plink the boss with your normal attack combos at some point. And you're doing all this while running circles around the boss and watching what attack it's going to do next.

A Lancer just stands still almost all the time and holds Block. Sometimes he hits the mob to get more MP, then he goes back to blocking. Lancer is probably deathly boring to try and solo but tanking with Lancer is roughly 10 billion times easier than tanking with Warrior.

Warrior is playing Tera on Hardmode, quite frankly. It's not a starter class, it's a class you play as your alt after you've made level cap on an easier class to play. Evasion tanking in any game where you have to stand still to attack is not trivial, and Tera is not a faceroll MMOG. You make a mistake and you WILL be punished, and we're not talking about yelling "Oh shit, heal me quick!" on Vent, we're talking "Oh shit, I'm dead!" and that's the end of it.


Unlimited Capacity
Unknown Soldier said:
You make a mistake and you WILL be punished, and we're not talking about yelling "Oh shit, heal me quick!" on Vent, we're talking "Oh shit, I'm dead!" and that's the end of it.

Kawaii straight jackin' my quotes, mang D:


For those who care, I updated the launcher I wrote to be 100% reliable and as fast as possible (using pixel recognition instead of timing).

It now requires no setup beyond entering your TERA path, username and password.
And as some people might not like editing an INI file, i even wrote a Configuration App.


Usage is quite simple, set it up with the Configuration Utility, then run TeraLauncher.exe.
For people who have UAC enabled, run it as admin, else it will not work.
Any feedback is welcome :) Enjoy!

P.S: For those afraid that I steal accounts, I am more than willing to share the source code of it on demand :)

- Download Version 2.2

Update: I had a bug in 2.1 that could for some people cause issues (grey box in korean appearing asking for you to login, OR, terms never working). I fixed these now and would urge people who used the other version to use it, as it is more reliable, Sorry for that :(
Insayne said:
For those who care, I updated the launcher I wrote to be 100% reliable and as fast as possible (using pixel recognition instead of timing).

It now requires no setup beyond entering your TERA path, username and password.
And as some people might not like editing an INI file, i even wrote a Configuration App.


Usage is quite simple, set it up with the Configuration Utility, then run TeraLauncher.exe.
For people who have UAC enabled, run it as admin, else it will not work.
Any feedback is welcome :) Enjoy!

P.S: For those afraid that I steal accounts, I am more than willing to share the source code of it on demand :)

- [URL="http://insayne.net/tera/TeraLauncher-v2.1.zip"]Download Version 2.1[/URL][/QUOTE]Thanks man, so awesome
My Slayer and Lancer are both level 20 and I am currently working on getting the quest for the level 20 instance. There are supposed to be teleport scrolls you can buy that will take you there but I'm not sure which ones they are or if you need the quest before you can use them. Can anyone provide some additional information? I'll be on from about 5:30PM EST to 11PM EST for anyone insterested in tackling this.

Unknown Soldier said:
A Lancer just stands still almost all the time and holds Block. Sometimes he hits the mob to get more MP, then he goes back to blocking. Lancer is probably deathly boring to try and solo but tanking with Lancer is roughly 10 billion times easier than tanking with Warrior.

Warrior is playing Tera on Hardmode, quite frankly. It's not a starter class, it's a class you play as your alt after you've made level cap on an easier class to play. Evasion tanking in any game where you have to stand still to attack is not trivial, and Tera is not a faceroll MMOG. You make a mistake and you WILL be punished, and we're not talking about yelling "Oh shit, heal me quick!" on Vent, we're talking "Oh shit, I'm dead!" and that's the end of it.

There is a lower margin of error when tanking with a Warrior but that doesn't mean that tanking with a Lancer is easy mode. During open beta, Lancers could completely control and position mobs by just blocking attacks but this is no longer viable. Thanks to recent patches and class balancing, it now takes a considerable amount of effort for Lancers to maintain hate.

I also disagree that soloing as Lancer is boring; Lancer is a very active class. Lancers have to attack to hold hate and their attacks generate more hate than other classes. You have to time your blocks perfectly the same way you have to time your dodge on a Warrior and since the Lancer's normal attack hits multiple times it can be tricky to throw up a block at the right time while attacking. In party battles, the Lancer's ability to protect players positioned behind them turns positioning into a key strategic element. In addition, there is a nice variety of blocks, stun moves, healing abilities, enmity abilities, and attacks that make things plenty interesting.

I was under the impression that the general consensus on Warrior and source of the complaints is that as a tank it is still broken and as a DD it doesn't come close to any of the other damage dealing classes. Even with a skilled Warrior that is good at evading attacks, the class is still at a serious disadvantage to Lancers in terms of party benefits. It is a viable tank that still needs balancing.


drkOne said:
Someone's first MMO was WoW and only played shitty "WoW-killers" since then, I see.
Your statement doesn't hold true against games that came before WoW and/or games that had a different target audience.
And just to avoid derailing the thread, I'm not dissing on WoW, just don't agree with you saying "exactly zero" MMOs survived and were completed. Give credit where credit is due, as the MMO market isn't "WoW, and the rest sucks" like you paint it.

Just so we are clear: I am still talking about the "WoW and friend / aka WoW + "WoW-killers" subgenre itself, not about the whole genre, where there are other ways to sustain yourself and even improve, like EVE Online, or even F2P games.


Unknown Soldier said:
Okay, for anybody else using Nvidia cards, this game works fine if you use the default UE3 SLI and AA profiles. You can force AA, and SLI does seem to function, though I'm not sure what kind of speedup the game gives with SLI enabled.

Open the Nvidia Control Panel first and create a custom profile for Tera.exe. You'll see the control panel already populates the SLI field as Nvidia Recommended (SLI), you don't need to touch that! You can force the AA settings you want, I used 16xQ AA for starters, force Anisotropic filtering to 16x as well. Now quit Nvidia Control Panel. You'll need Nvidia Inspector for the next step, open up that tool, click on the icon to the right of the driver version listing in the middle of the window to open up the game profile tool. Open the Profiles drop box on the upper left. Scroll down to the Tera entry you just created, you will now put the value 0x080100C5 into the Antialiasing Compatibility field. Check to make sure the SLI compatibility bits field is populated with 0x02400005, the Nvidia Control Panel should have detected the game and populated this field automatically. If it doesn't because you're using an older driver set, put that in yourself. Now hit Apply Changes on the upper right of the box, close Nvidia Inspector, and you're all set for forced AA and SLI compatibility in Tera Online!

Nvidia Inspector: http://www.geeks3d.com/20110305/nvidia-inspector-1-9-5-5-available/

edit: How do you take screenshots without the UI?

Thanks for this, I'm going to try it out tonight.

I should be on tonight for several hours. I haven't decided on what to level yet, thinking sorc. Anyway the screens are great but seeing it in motion is magic.
I'm using:
cooler master cosmos rc-1000
6g ram
gtx 295
(soon to be replaced by 570sli)
corsair 1000 watt psu
(little over kill)


Finally saw lots of gaffers on the weekend. Previous to that, it was just forever alone chat. Looks like a big lot of players are within the 17-23 range. Even met a few of you randomly (my char is MiSoon or something like it). Also, you guys level very fast.

Felt sort of bad for the few korean players that kept trying to talk or trade with me over the weekend, maybe learning a few phrases will help.

The plains after the forest is downright gorgeous. Just a really serene feeling of space. It's like when you go on a picnic and it's just the right type and amount of light that makes everything look so good.

What are you guys doing for armor/weps? I only have what the quests give me, but does anyone buy from the auction house? Where do they sell mystic equipment in the main city?
Izayoi said:
None. At least, so far. We've seen no botters/farmers yet and even if there are you can just change channels.

thanks! can you influence gameplay by buying gold or other services from farmers? i'm not interested in this shit myself, i just want to know if i should give this game a chance or not. it's important how smart devs are about this matter. i had a lot of bad experience with older games.


V_Arnold said:
Just so we are clear: I am still talking about the "WoW and friend / aka WoW + "WoW-killers" subgenre itself, not about the whole genre, where there are other ways to sustain yourself and even improve, like EVE Online, or even F2P games.
I guess missed that.

I don't think TERA aims to be the WoW-killer though. I'll play TERA even if the only purpose ends up being taking gorgeous screenshots.
They seem to have a nice starting ground, as long as they keep adding new zones and some long lasting endgame, they shouldn't have much trouble keeping people subscribing.
The game looks awesome, but the bunny eared loli's are absolutely ridiculous and hideously out of place in a world with such amazing art. Just the way they pose pisses me off.


Maleficence said:
The game looks awesome, but the bunny eared loli's are absolutely ridiculous and hideously out of place in a world with such amazing art. Just the way they pose pisses me off.

I agree. I love the architecture and geography, but really can't stand any of the character art.
Been looking forward to this for a while, but I've actively tried to avoid any news since we still don't have a set release date.

Maleficence said:
The game looks awesome, but the bunny eared loli's are absolutely ridiculous and hideously out of place in a world with such amazing art. Just the way they pose pisses me off.

They give me a very creepy vibe, I'd honestly prefer if they were removed for the US release. I can stomach the tarus in FFXI, but these little girls are wearing the same revealing outfits as the other women and are seductively swaying their hips.


Quick Update on my launcher, I had a bug in 2.1 that could for some people cause issues (grey box in korean appearing asking for you to login, OR, terms never working). I fixed these now and would urge people who used the other version to use it, as it is more reliable, Sorry for that :(

For those who don't wanna scroll, here is the link: Download
spandexmonkey said:
They give me a very creepy vibe, I'd honestly prefer if they were removed for the US release. I can stomach the tarus in FFXI, but these little girls are wearing the same revealing outfits as the other women and are seductively swaying their hips.

I think it's creepy that you think they are seductively swaying their hips. I don't see it that way at all. People seriously bothered by this must have complexes themselves.

Also, my wife plays an Elin and loves it. Tera will not appeal to everyone and I'm okay with that. The US does not need MORE censorship. Unfortunately, I have already read that En Masse may be making changes to the races. For example, the Elin was not available in the Community Event because they were adding "tights" to the race.
I think it's creepy that you think they are seductively swaying their hips. I don't see it that way at all. People seriously bothered by this must have complexes themselves.

Also, my wife plays an Elin and loves it. Tera will not appeal to everyone and I'm okay with that. The US does not need MORE censorship. Unfortunately, I have already read that En Masse may be making changes to the races. For example, the Elin was not available in the Community Event because they were adding "tights" to the race.
America all for killing but any type of nudity and sexual content and all hell breaks loose lol

I dont like the popori chicks myself but I hate when things get neutered like that.
GhostRidah said:
America all for killing but any type of nudity and sexual content and all hell breaks lose lol

I dont like the popori chicks myself but I hate when things get neutered like that.

There's a difference between reacting to sexual content in general and disliking little girls dressed in the same outfits as older women. I love the armor designs in this game, my wife loves that even the men get some revealing outfits, but we both agree, just something wrong seeing those outfits on a child's body.


Unlimited Capacity
Gonna hold off playing a day or two until the 10ish folks that are lvl 20-23 get to my level. Playing alone sucks, especially as a slayer.


Coverly said:
What are you guys doing for armor/weps? I only have what the quests give me, but does anyone buy from the auction house? Where do they sell mystic equipment in the main city?
I mostly use quest rewards/random blue drops to gear out my character. I've bought stuff from the auction house before, but really it's hardly worth it. You out-level gear very quickly.

Augemitbutter said:
thanks! can you influence gameplay by buying gold or other services from farmers? i'm not interested in this shit myself, i just want to know if i should give this game a chance or not. it's important how smart devs are about this matter. i had a lot of bad experience with older games.
Not really. It's very easy to make money in this game, so if you want a piece of gear bad enough you can just buy it.

GhostRidah said:
So what is the other way to heal if you dont have any bandages or pots after combat?
Recruit a Mystic or a Priest. Standing by a campfire also increases regen.

spandexmonkey said:
There's a difference between reacting to sexual content in general and disliking little girls dressed in the same outfits as older women. I love the armor designs in this game, my wife loves that even the men get some revealing outfits, but we both agree, just something wrong seeing those outfits on a child's body.
The Elin aren't children, though. There are actual children in the game and they look nothing like the Elin. Hell, the Elin are as tall as most normal human adults (and as tall as Castanics). I think it's weird how people somehow draw that conclusion. I think it might be their very anime-influenced appearance that comes across as "childish," but looking at them in comparison to other races, they most definitely are not children (even the game lore says they're very old).

_tetsuo_ said:
Gonna hold off playing a day or two until the 10ish folks that are lvl 20-23 get to my level. Playing alone sucks, especially as a slayer.
The area you're in is kind of brutal for solo play. It gets less rough later on.


_tetsuo_ said:
Gonna hold off playing a day or two until the 10ish folks that are lvl 20-23 get to my level. Playing alone sucks, especially as a slayer.

Maaan, and I just started a new character last night but I'm up to lvl 11 already. lol - blowing shit up doesn't get old. Even if it's a loli doing it all.


Neo Member
I'll be posting a few guides on some stuff later tonight. I'll cover skill glyphs (comes at level 25 so this seems like a good time to get that covered, the AH, and I'm not sure what else. If anyone has a request for a guide, drop me a PM or something.

Edit: Oh! For anyone with Nvidia frame rate problems. I found a random thread that mentions one of the 260.xx drivers has issues with Tera. I updated to the latest 266.58 drivers and picked up about 15 more fps. Worth a shot if your drivers aren't up-to-date.
Izayoi said:
The Elin aren't children, though. There are actual children in the game and they look nothing like the Elin. Hell, the Elin are as tall as most normal human adults (and as tall as Castanics). I think it's weird how people somehow draw that conclusion. I think it might be their very anime-influenced appearance that comes across as "childish," but looking at them in comparison to other races, they most definitely are not children (even the game lore says they're very old).

So because the 'lore' says they are not children it's okay to depict what essentially looks like a human pre teen from the waist up wearing outfits wearing skimpy/revealing/sexy outfits? (grammar 101 : this sentence means the outfits are sexy, not the character wearing them, before someone who is into loli stuff comes up with the 'no u' defense again).

I think it's sick, I'm not a prude at all (far from) but you just don't depict children that way, why it's allowed in parts of Asia is beyond me.

The whole loli thing is nothing more (nothing less) than child porn in the form of drawings or cartoons.

You dress women in video games in skimpy outfits because sex sells, not out of some sort of idealism of 'we were all born naked'.
Especially japanese cartoons full of so called fan service with the women constantly flashing their panties etc.
I don't believe for one second that the intent behind the loli crap is any different.

And no, it's not 'cute', find me one mother who thinks it would be cute to see her 10 year old daughter in an outfit like that.


SneakyStephan said:
So because the 'lore' says they are not children it's okay to depict what essentially looks like a human pre teen from the waist up wearing outfits wearing skimpy/revealing/sexy outfits? (grammar 101 : this sentence means the outfits are sexy, not the character wearing them, before someone who is into loli stuff comes up with the 'no u' defense again).

I think it's sick, I'm not a prude at all (far from) but you just don't depict children that way, why it's allowed in parts of Asia is beyond me.

The whole loli thing is nothing more (nothing less) than child porn in the form of drawings or cartoons.

You dress women in video games in skimpy outfits because sex sells, not out of some sort of idealism of 'we were all born naked'.

And no, it's not 'cute', find me one mother who thinks it would be cute to see her 10 year old daughter in an outfit like that.

Hah, the character model does have no shame and I think it's quite ridiculous But it is just that polygons on a screen, and no harm comes from them.


Neo Member
_tetsuo_ said:
Gonna hold off playing a day or two until the 10ish folks that are lvl 20-23 get to my level. Playing alone sucks, especially as a slayer.

I'm going to wait for the next batch of players to hit 30's until I start playing my Priest again, things just takes too long to kill with my Priest and I'm too squishy by myself.
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