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TERA Online

Ferrio said:
Hah, the character model does have no shame and I think it's quite ridiculous But it is just that polygons on a screen, and no harm comes from them.

You mean like the way no harm came from the concepts of sharking and harassing women on public transport being shown (and idealised) in anime , right?

Again, what possible other use or intent could there be behind drawing children in such a way?
Other than giving pedos and sickos something to fap to.


Unlimited Capacity
CcrooK said:
Maaan, and I just started a new character last night but I'm up to lvl 11 already. lol - blowing shit up doesn't get old. Even if it's a loli doing it all.

You will change your tune once you hit this area, and a 1v1 fight takes at least 50% of your HP every time.
Izayoi said:
The Elin aren't children, though. There are actual children in the game and they look nothing like the Elin. Hell, the Elin are as tall as most normal human adults (and as tall as Castanics). I think it's weird how people somehow draw that conclusion. I think it might be their very anime-influenced appearance that comes across as "childish," but looking at them in comparison to other races, they most definitely are not children (even the game lore says they're very old).

lol no it's not. It's just an excuse for creepy loli characters that many of the region's games are filled with. Create any backstory you want, it still largely is seen and appeals to the creepy loli loving fanbase.

I don't see how you can't draw that conclusion.
We are all kind of strung along in terms of level because we all started at different times. Well, I didn't help my situation by re-rolling already after just 4 days, because I'm not playing my warrior again until Bluehole fixes that class.


Brief inventory guide.


- Campfire Talismans: Give various buffs when used while next to a campfire and while having at least 100% vitality.
- Town Portal Scrolls: Teleport you to the nearest major town.
- Resurrection Scrolls: Resurrect a dead teammate. Make sure you're next to them and facing their direction before use.
- Vitality Potion: Restore your vitality to full.
- Mana Potion: Restore a % of your maximum mana.
- Bandages: Use while out of combat to quickly restore your health and mana.
- Bombs: Ranged weapon that can be used by all classes.


- Mat Boxes: Put a material in and either double or destroy it (I think).
- Crafting Mats: Used to craft items.


- Enhancement Crystals: Slot red ones into your weapon for offensive and mana bonuses, slot blue ones into your armor for defensive and health bonuses.
- Player Store: Used to set up a player store.
- Guild Medals: Used to upgrade the guild level or to barter for pots.
- Repeatable Medals: Used to barter for gear.

SneakyStephan said:
So because the 'lore' says they are not children it's okay to depict what essentially looks like a human pre teen from the waist up wearing outfits wearing skimpy/revealing/sexy outfits? (grammar 101 : this sentence means the outfits are sexy, not the character wearing them, before someone who is into loli stuff comes up with the 'no u' defense again).

I think it's sick, I'm not a prude at all (far from) but you just don't depict children that way, why it's allowed in parts of Asia is beyond me.

The whole loli thing is nothing more (nothing less) than child porn in the form of drawings or cartoons.

You dress women in video games in skimpy outfits because sex sells, not out of some sort of idealism of 'we were all born naked'.
Especially japanese cartoons full of so called fan service with the women constantly flashing their panties etc.
I don't believe for one second that the intent behind the loli crap is any different.

And no, it's not 'cute', find me one mother who thinks it would be cute to see her 10 year old daughter in an outfit like that.
You need to calm down, dude. If you honestly believe that drawings or pixels are just as bad as the real thing it's time you took a step back and evaluated your life. How do you live with yourself when you murder innocent people in GTA? How have the countless thousands you've killed in cold blood while playing videogames weighed on your conscious? How do you play videogames at all?

We're adults, I would hope that we can draw a line between fiction and reality. I could find you plenty of mothers, by the way. I don't have the link but there are those contests with the eight year olds in slutty outfits doing slutty dances, and their parents love that shit.

In any case, this is a discussion that doesn't belong in this thread. If you want to vent go make a thread on the OT.


Going to be updating the OP later tonight. Streamlining the first post and moving all of the info in the second post to a blog.

Also, I tried your application, Insayne, but I get this error when I run it:


Seems like it inputs the info just fine, but it just doesn't want to log in for some reason.


Rodent Whores
I figured what the hell, so I signed up for the beta test. I hope they're still taking applicants, the game sounds like a blast.

What did you guys list as your 5 favorite games?

My list: Final Fantasy: Tactics, Resident Evil 4, Super Metroid, X-COM, Street Fighter 4


Neo Member
The main city map. I don't know what else to call this place.


Let's cover some of the basics of this map. Left clicking on areas of a zone will allow you to zoom in. Right clicking zooms out.

For reference - Starting from the zoomed out world map. These are zones. Click on one of those, I'll call these areas. I call the really big town you go to after the starting zone the city. I call the other places towns.

The icons
Megaphone - AH
Key - Bank / Mail
Satchel / Bag - General goods vendor
Grey flag - Camp, these are usually quest hubs and also have a fire to restore vitality.
White flag with brown colored circle - Teleporter. This NPC will teleport you to different areas in the zone. You can teleport to any camp you've been to.
Wings - Flight NPC, allows you to fly to different zones. You can fly to any zone based off of level from the main town. Once you're in a zone, the only flight paths available are to other areas in the zone or back to the main town.

-City only notable places
The light blue spots on the map are where skill trainers and glyph vendors are located. I believe the top one is for ranged classes and the bottom for melee. I could also be separated by caster / physical damage classes. I'm not 100% sure.

Other notable things

Orange text is a dungeon. These are usually multi-floored, have a mix of solo and group quests, and lots and lots of quests. These places are awesome for exp.

Blue text is a town.
Bright yellow is an area or section of a zone.
Dark yellow text seems to refer to sections of an area.
Black text on a zone map are areas you haven't been to yet.
There is an AH, banker, general goods vendor, crystal vendor, and skill trainer in every town. Unfortunately, the crystal vendor and skill trainers are not marked on the map. See the sections below for some tips on finding these in towns.

Finally, in the last picture is a skill that I believe everyone gets. (It might be Elin only actually) I'm not 100% sure which level though. I believe high elves have a racial that uses the same icon so the tooltip is included. This nifty skill teleports you to the main city on a 30 min CD. This skill saves a ton of time.

Here's a few questing basics to make things a bit easier.

Most quests will be one of these two types. The first is your standard kill quest. Click on the blue text below the objective tracker. This is the actual name of the mob and will mark the location on your map. As you can see in the screenshot, match text, kill mobs, collect rewards.

The 2nd is a collection quest off of mobs. This is almost 100% identical to a kill quest except for a few things. There will sometimes be different kinds of mobs you can kill for the quest. The drop rate is not always 100%. If you're doing these quests in a group, only one person will receive credit for a drop. If you're duoing, you will need double. 3 man group, you'll need triple. Etc.

I don't have screenshots for gathering quests, but these aren't too bad. Sometimes the area of where you can gather the item is in the quest description in dark red text. Look at the item icon, is it a crystal? a flower? ore? rock? Something else? Keep an eye out for any gatherable item and just try it.

Finally, there are the go talk to this NPC quest. Just click on the blue text and go there.

AH Usage
I'm going to keep this one short.

This is the AH window, I'll describe the tabs and categories on the side.

1st Tab - Stuff for Sale (1st drop down menu is rarity)
2nd Tab - AH History
3rd Tab - Your current auctions. Drag an item into window to sell. Enter price, hit yes (left button) The right button on the bottom allows you to cancel an auction.
4th Tab - Items sold. Right button on the bottom to collect money.
5th Tab - Items bought. Right button on the bottom to collect items.

The columns from left to right are as follows:
Item - Level - Item Type - Quanity - Bid price - Buyout Price (Smaller number indicates price per unit)

Left button is bid, right is buyout.

Trading Shop Thingies
-Scrolls, Campfires, Etc.

Note: I didn't list anything for the expanded categories of crafting and a few others. You should be able to figure out the armor one for your specific type.

Edit1: Notable items that sell. Health potions sell for a lot. The ones that heal for 75% of your health over 15 seconds sell for about 150k iirc.


Here's where you need to start keeping google translate open.
Link to a list of crystals. Toss that into google translate and match with the vendor.

Red ones go into your weapons. Blue into your chest armor. White and green items are 2 sockets (I think). Blue items have 3. Gold items have 4 sockets. Upon death, there is a chance for one or more of your crystals to break.

Personally, I use flat HP blues + out of combat move speed. I use mana regen per 5 reds along with in combat move speed. This might be different for your class.

Skill trainers and Glyphs


Remember those light blue sections I mentioned in the map section? If not, go to the main city and you'll see them on your map. These locations are where skill trainers and glyph vendors are. Find the ones for your class. Starting at level 25 you have 10 glyph points and you gain 1 for every level after that. The trainer show on the left is a glyph vendor, the right is the skill trainer. You can use the 2nd half of the hangul under their name to tell the difference between them.

Note: More google translate needed here.

Here is the skill list for every class. The column on the far right shows what glyphs are available for that skill. Glyphs are organized into different categories as you can see based off the icons. A few of them include focus, time, fight, and spirit. It's not that important to know these, but it does give you an idea of what a specific glyph will do.

So toss that into google translate and click on your class icon and choose a skill. I've chosen one of my mystic skills as an example.


As you can see it shows general info about the skill up top. The section after basic info is what we want to look at. I have two glyphs available for this skill. One gives me a 20% cooldown reduction. Pretty easy to understand eh. The next one is a bit more complex, but what is means is that after I use this skill, the next skill in the "skill chain" uses 41 less MP. Pretty small overall, but when you're grinding the mana could add up.

"Sentence points" means how many points it costs to use that glyph.

Now, how do you buy and use the glyphs? You talk to the glyph vendor and choose the top option.


Usually you can match the numbers to figure out which glyph you need to buy. Sometimes you may need to load up the page in Korean and match the hangul.


Note the hangul next to the "Glyph of Time" icon. It matches the hangul before the hyphen on the tooltip in the screenshot above.

Buy your glyphs and then right click on them in your inventory to learn them.

Finally, this is where you put glyph points in.


As you can see, I already have the glyph points in. All you do is open your skills window once you've learned your glyphs. You'll see 2nd tab as shown above. Left click on the glyph to put points into it. You can see your current usage and maximum points at the bottom. Hit the button on the bottom to confirm your choices.

Note: To respec your points, you need to talk to the glyph vendor and use the 2nd option. This is quite expensive so be 100% certain about your choices.

Traveling tips


The second picture shows the tooltip and icon for your basic town portal scroll. Using this scroll will take you to the nearest town.

The first picture shows the 4th tab of a general goods vendor and a zone map of the area after you visit the city.

Notice how you can buy a bunch of different scrolls? These are scrolls that will teleport you to a specific town. The upper left one will take you to the city. I'm assuming the upper right one takes you to the main city on the other continent. I haven't tried yet. Match the hangul after the colon to a town to buy a scroll to teleport you there. This along with the city teleport mentioned earlier will save lots of time when traveling.
Damn, you guys worked hard on your guides. At the rate you guys are progressing, we'll have most of GAF in K-Tera already and won't even need to buy the NA/EU versions!

I was under the impression that the general consensus on Warrior and source of the complaints is that as a tank it is still broken and as a DD it doesn't come close to any of the other damage dealing classes. Even with a skilled Warrior that is good at evading attacks, the class is still at a serious disadvantage to Lancers in terms of party benefits. It is a viable tank that still needs balancing.

I agree with everything you say here, which is why I put my Warrior on ice. Bluehole needs to increase Warrior's HP by 50% and raw damage output by 50%. They need to buff the shit out of Warrior, if that suddenly makes it OP, that's fine, they can buff by 50% and then nerf by 25% every patch until it's re-balanced. Right now I hate playing my Warrior, solo and in party.

I've rolled a Loli Ranger just to see what the main ranged class is like, and also a Panda Berserker just for the lulz of seeing a giant panda swinging a huge axe around. :3

Rentahamster said:
I figured what the hell, so I signed up for the beta test. I hope they're still taking applicants, the game sounds like a blast.

The closed beta has already started, you won't get in now. Open beta is somewhere down the road. Just cough up your goddamn $33 and join us already! >:0


Oh man I am so tempted to just join K-Tera now instead of waiting. No dumb censorship *and* no waiting for patches to be translated? argh!
As much fun as I'm having in K-Tera, I'm anticipating NA launch far more now..

I want to get 100% out of the game when I'm playing, and I can't really do that with nothing to go on but google translations. They help you get through the game, but I'm pretty sure I'm not enjoying it the same way I would if it was in english.

I'm going to keep playing until my 30 days are up, and then I'm going to wait for the NA release knowing that the story quests haven't been spoiled for me and I know where to go and what to do to progress, so it won't take me as long to get back up to whatever level I am on.


Unknown Soldier said:
The closed beta has already started, you won't get in now. Open beta is somewhere down the road. Just cough up your goddamn $33 and join us already! >:0

Wait so pre-ordering the game gets you into closed beta? Is this the Korean version only and can I change the language to english if I want to?
Quagm1r3 said:
Wait so pre-ordering the game gets you into closed beta? Is this the Korean version only and can I change the language to english if I want to?

We're playing the Korean retail version of the game now. You can't change the game to English.. it's 100% Korean. We're using guides and google translate to help us when we get stuck on quests.

If you want to play in english, wait for the NA launch.


Robobandit said:
We're playing the Korean retail version of the game now. You can't change the game to English.. it's 100% Korean. We're using guides and google translate to help us when we get stuck on quests.

If you want to play in english, wait for the NA launch.

Any idea on when this might be? Still TBA?
Quagm1r3 said:
Wait so pre-ordering the game gets you into closed beta? Is this the Korean version only and can I change the language to english if I want to?

Uh, not exactly. $33 gets you an account for K-Tera and a 30 days game time card. What you are playing is the released, currently operational Korean game. You are connecting to a server in the Republic of Korea, which means if you know how to do the emote for /wave you can wave to the Koreans you see, and you'll see a pretty decent number of them during Korean peak hours. The entire game is in Korean, which can be moderately amusing when you're trying to figure out what the fuck you're supposed to do next on some story quests.

The NA/EU version is in closed beta. Right now only a few people have been allowed in to see it. It's not clear exactly when En Masse Entertainment (a wholly owned subsidiary of Bluehole Studio, despite the completely different name) will be ready to reveal NA/EU Tera to the world. If they are actually waiting for the level cap raise to 60 and endgame content to be added, then it might not be until summer when we see a larger closed beta. I really do think that Bluehole/En Masse will release NA/EU Tera with the first Korean expansion that includes the level cap raise and endgame content.


Unknown Soldier said:
Uh, not exactly. $33 gets you an account for K-Tera and a 30 days game time card. What you are playing is the released, currently operational Korean game. You are connecting to a server in the Republic of Korea, which means if you know how to do the emote for /wave you can wave to the Koreans you see, and you'll see a pretty decent number of them during Korean peak hours. The entire game is in Korean, which can be moderately amusing when you're trying to figure out what the fuck you're supposed to do next on some story quests.

The NA/EU version is in closed beta. Right now only a few people have been allowed in to see it. It's not clear exactly when En Masse Entertainment (a wholly owned subsidiary of Bluehole Studio, despite the completely different name) will be ready to reveal NA/EU Tera to the world. If they are actually waiting for the level cap raise to 60 and endgame content to be added, then it might not be until summer when we see a larger closed beta. I really do think that Bluehole/En Masse will release NA/EU Tera with the first Korean expansion that includes the level cap raise and endgame content.

Well that's a shame. I suppose it's better to wait though, as trying to figure out how to play a game that's completely in Korean would be frustrating. Although $33 isn't that much... I'll have to think about it :D
Quagm1r3 said:
Well that's a shame. I suppose it's better to wait though, as trying to figure out how to play a game that's completely in Korean would be frustrating. Although $33 isn't that much... I'll have to think about it :D

We're all having a blast. Playing K-Tera has been surprisingly instructive on how little you actually need to read to play through a game and succeed. Then again, I've played the JP version of Final Fantasy XII from beginning to end without being able to read Japanese, so playing a game in another form of moonspeak isn't that terribly novel to me. I've done it before. Moonspeak is moonspeak. :3


RSLAEV said:
Oh man I am so tempted to just join K-Tera now instead of waiting. No dumb censorship *and* no waiting for patches to be translated? argh!
Has any censorship been confirmed? I remember hearing about was concern over the loli characters but nothing was ever set in stone as far as I know.
Blueblur1 said:
Has any censorship been confirmed? I remember hearing about was concern over the loli characters but nothing was ever set in stone as far as I know.

It's confirmed that they are changing some of the armor sets for the Elin characters.. but they haven't completed the changes yet.. apparently they are just adding tights to the armor sets so that you can't see their underwear.

We'll know more when they have finished the changes and they update the character page.


Blueblur1 said:
Has any censorship been confirmed? I remember hearing about was concern over the loli characters but nothing was ever set in stone as far as I know.
Depending on how much people bitch about the changes, they or may not get implemented in the retail client.

At least, that's what they say, but everyone knows they aren't going to budge on it. The fact that they're going through with it at all, even after the outrage it caused on the official site, is proof enough that they don't actually care what people think.
Izayoi said:
Depending on how much people bitch about the changes, they or may not get implemented in the retail client.

At least, that's what they say, but everyone knows they aren't going to budge on it. The fact that they're going through with it at all, even after the outrage it caused on the official site, is proof enough that they don't actually care what people think.

They are more worried about the ESRB and PEGI opinions and ratings than people ranting about a potential minor change to some in-game items.

Anything that could be considered loli probably sends up red flags on ratings boards and would make it hard for them to sell the game in NA and the EU.

People get outraged over stupid stuff all the time..

I'm going to wait until they show the changes before I decide if I'm going to be outraged.


Robobandit said:
Anything that could be considered loli probably sends up red flags on ratings boards and would make it hard for them to sell the game in NA and the EU.
That's bullshit though. Ar Tonelico III got released here (and all over Europe) with no censorship, and that game is FAR more gratuitous than TERA is. Hell, TERA is downright tame compared to it.
Izayoi said:
That's bullshit though. Ar Tonelico III got released here (and all over Europe) with no censorship, and that game is FAR more gratuitous than TERA is. Hell, TERA is downright tame compared to it.

I don't disagree with you, I just don't get why people care so much about seeing the panties of a virtual character. If all they do is add tights to the character armor for the Elin, then honestly I'm not going to give a shit either way.


Robobandit said:
I don't disagree with you, I just don't get why people care so much about seeing the panties of a virtual character. If all they do is add tights to the character armor for the Elin, then honestly I'm not going to give a shit either way.
I don't care if it's panties or if it's some dude getting his head cut off. It's censorship, which is stupid and I hate and I'm going to prevent myself from going on a rant about it but when it works its way into videogames I hate it even more. I'll leave it at that.


Izayoi said:
I don't care if it's panties or if it's some dude getting his head cut off. It's censorship, which is stupid and I hate and I'm going to prevent myself from going on a rant about it but when it works its way into videogames I hate it even more. I'll leave it at that.

Nothing we do is done in a vacuum. The context of society is always present.

I mean, if it wasn't, I'm pretty sure the artists in Tera online would just play out their mastubatory fantasies; armor without groin and nipple covering, etc.


Heya :)

For those of you whom where my launcher doesn't work, could you please replace your exe from this one: Download.
It is a debug version, PM or e-mail me your debug.txt file so i can find the issue.

Soldier: I didnt know what the box meant :p I will make it an option as soon as I can find out why it works for some, and not for others.
I've actually been taking some video of character creation and the opening area, mainly to show how this game is different and how this group of us manage to play a game we can't read. They'll be narrated and are all in smooth 720p.

If there is anything that you want to specifically see, let me know and I'll try to cover it.

Also, I think it might be worth putting a GAF Name/Character(s) Name list in the OP.
Anyone have any tips on getting HD videos recorded in FRAPS onto Youtube unmolested? I tried one encoded in H.264 via Handbrake but when I uploaded into Youtube their compression wrecked it, leaving nothing but artifacts.


Anyone have any tips on getting HD videos recorded in FRAPS onto Youtube unmolested? I tried one encoded in H.264 via Handbrake but when I uploaded into Youtube their compression wrecked it, leaving nothing but artifacts.
Use divx or something and use the highest setting possible without going over whatever the YouTube limit is (2GB IIRC).

If you really, really have to you can use Windows Movie Maker and just set the bitrate as high as it will go and the videos still turn out alright.


Neo Member
I ran into that issue too, I was going to work on messing with bit rates to figure out a good setting to use.

I'm just going to keep pushing CRF to a lower number and upload test videos I think.


Thanks again for that AH guide Arve. I had a bunch of potions saved up and put a good amount of them for sale. Is there an icon or notification telling you things sold?

Does anyone else play without the hud? the game really looks incredible when you're fighting without any indicators. usually do this with quests once I know what mobs to kill. the only negative is not being up to date on the guild chat.


Hobs said:
I have an account that has game time left until May 4th, 2011. I got exams for the next two weeks so better not waste the game time.

I got a 34 Priest, 24 Ranger, 23 Lancer equipped with pretty alright stuff. PM me if anyone is interested.
You gonna be gone?
Damn shame :( You have been very helpful and i had lots of fun with the elites last night!
Good luck with the exams!
You will be missed :)


Neo Member
Yeah I've seen enough to know I'm definitely coming back when English version is out.

See you guys on the NA server!

Hmmm... but I guess Insayne you would be on the Euro server.


Having only ever played WoW, how does this compare?

It sure looks brilliant but how does it play?

When is it coming out in EU?!

I just gotta know!



A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Hope the NA version sticks to the 2011 time frame. I really wanna play this. Curse you, Paypal!


dc89 said:
Having only ever played WoW, how does this compare?

It sure looks brilliant but how does it play?

When is it coming out in EU?!

I just gotta know!


Embrace yourself, impact incoming :D
If you liked WOW's gameplay, some people will tell you now that it sucked. So you were in an illusion : )

I want to know EU release too so I can prepare.
That thought just occurred to me. It would be sad to see all of us in K-Tera split up when the Americans go to the NA servers and the Euros go to the EU servers. I suppose that's inevitable when a game is released as split regions by different publishers. Unless you Euros agree to roll with us on the NA servers, that is. :3

About the music: I was wondering why the game's music comes and goes, fading in and out. The soundtrack for Tera was composed by Inon Zur and his game soundtracks are notable for being discontinuous, fading in and out and being dynamic based on what is happening. Inon Zur is certainly no Nobuo Uematsu, but nobody is. The Great Uematsu is in a class all by himself. I actually think Aion's soundtrack, composed by Yang Bang-Ean (Ryo Kunihiko) is better than Tera's soundtrack, even though Aion the game is much worse. The soundtrack for this game is serviceable and sometimes quite good and sometimes quite mediocre. I definitely think it's way better than Rift's soundtrack, which he also composed, much as Tera is overall a much better game than Rift.
That's too bad Hobs. :/

Well, education comes first so good luck and hopefully we will see you at NA release!

My wife and I are going to wait for more people to get into the 20 range since we really want to do the instances. We tried the 5-man but got obliterated (Slayer and Warrior with no healer). We both rolled another character yesterday and are having so much fun that these might become our new main jobs.


It's sad to see you go Hobs :( Thanks for all the help and parties!

On another note, I got some good news :) Thanks to Yin and Serrena I got the bug fixed of the launcher. The one where its not working for some of you. Which means, now it should work for everyone! :)

I also thought that a simple bugfix release would be kinda dull, so I updated the Config Tool and added some more capabilities to it, here is a screenie:


Changes are as follows:
- Fixed Bug of sending Username/password wrongly (Im an idiot, ok?)
- Added Secure Login option
- Added Debug Logging
- Added Popup closing after you exit TERA
- Added setting priority of TERA.exe
- Changed Config Tool to adapt to the changes

Notes: Some more background code stuff was done, but i'll leave that out of this :) This time around I release it as beta until I am sure it works for everyone. Additionally, I did not squeeze in one feature that I meant to implement; Password encryption. I will do that in the upcoming version. Anyhow....

Download the Beta

Any Feedback would be welcome. If you run into issues, please enable the debug logging in the config tool, and send me a pm with the debug.txt content. Thanks and Enjoy!
I just got to 21 last night on my Lancer..

depending on the availability of folks, I may just roll up another character to play around with until more people are ready to do the lv 20ish instance.

edit -

Few screenshots from playing yesterday..

View of the city from the mountain top -


The edge of the world -


Riding my horse -



Neo Member
I hit 22 earlier on my warrior. Got all the group stuff ready to go. I'll be on tonight after I get some sleep.
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