Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Preview Thread


Tears of Nintendo
DA is more technically advanced. The lip sync is just as good in this game.

But I get it, there is an anti-woke hate boner for this game
AFAIC, woke stuff doesn't influence my opinion, the game simply looks like a generic bloomfest from 2015, period. There's literally nothing to like about it visually except great looking Ice mage. I mean, hell, even NPCs look better than main characters.
Bro i never wrote what u quoted, u missquoted me instead of some1 else? Im not native english speaker, ez to tell those arent my words, grammar is simply too good;D

Pretty sure u meant to quote that other guy, DavidGzz, coz u guys keep arguing about it looking/not looking like BG3
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Gold Member

AFAIC, woke stuff doesn't influence my opinion, the game simply looks like a generic bloomfest from 2015, period. There's literally nothing to like about it visually except great looking Ice mage. I mean, hell, even NPCs look better than main characters.


The video in the OP from 2 min to 2:21. It isn't even that great but there is not one scene in BG3 that is on that level. We can wait for DF to show how it rates technically but it's easily better than BG3. BG3 is impressive for its genre, but that is saying NOTHING. What is the competition? Pillars of Eternity? You're confusing graphic prowess with your preferred art style.
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Gold Member
It's the newest iteration of the Frostbite engine. Again, you guys are talking about art style. Frostbite owns whatever BG3 uses.


Tears of Nintendo
We can wait for DF to show how it rates technically
Why the fuck do we need DF to tell us anything and rate something for us if we can do that ourselves with our own eyes?

BG3 is impressive for its genre, but that is saying NOTHING.
Have you read what you just said? Idk if you noticed, but it doesn't make sense one bit.

What is the competition? Pillars of Eternity?
POE games have pre-rendered backgrounds in the style of Infinity Engine games which was a deliberate choice. Also, it's a 100% isometric game with a very old school dialogue system without complex character rendering and well shot and staged cutscenes.

You're confusing graphic prowess with your preferred art style.
I'm not confusing anything. Both technical aspects and artstyle are terrible and generic, as well as environmental design, enemy designs and most of the main cast they showed during gameplay presentation, not to mention the whole image is blured as fuck.

Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere. Obviously you're refusing to see the real picture. Have a good one.
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I started watching this thinking that the art style wasn't exactly my thing but it looked better than I was expecting during actual gameplay.
Then the combat started and that's where all my optimism died on the spot.

It looks like complete shit.
I can only hope as you level it gets more interesting. But it seems 3 abilities are the max per character so it's a very faint hope.


Gold Member
Why the fuck do we need DF to tell us anything and rate something for us if we can do that ourselves with our own eyes?

Have you read what you just said? Idk if you noticed, but it doesn't make sense one bit.

POE games have pre-rendered backgrounds in the style of Infinity Engine games which was a deliberate choice. Also, it's a 100% isometric game with a very old school dialogue system without complex character rendering and well shot and staged cutscenes.

I'm not confusing anything. Both technical aspects and artstyle are terrible and generic, as well as environmental design, enemy designs and most of the main cast they showed during gameplay presentation, not to mention the whole image is blured as fuck.

Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere. Obviously you're refusing to see the real picture. Have a good one.

That's because you're confusing personal taste with facts. Frostbite 3 and this game are technically ahead of BG3s engine and tech specs. There is no 'real picture ' just opinion. The art style preference is just personal opinion plain and simple. Next.


Even DD2 with its nasty mtx and all kinds of performance issues(big city mostly, cpu related) looks like much better rpg, at least that thing can be ironed out/goty edition will likely have all dlcs, but bad game at its core like this shit is unfixable .

For comparision lil bit of gameplay(not trailers, actual gameplay) on rtx 4060(300$ gpu) and r5 5600(120$ cpu), in the city performance is much worse coz of cpu bottleneck but outside even on such a basic machine game looks and runs solid

Look how big contrast is character design, world design(actually open world, not fricken corridors), and no purple demons anywhere.

Thing is, if u got high end rig u can bruteforce its performance into smoothness, so it looks and runs like that, even in big city:

Yeah I forgot about DD2 - not my kind of game (I'd buy it and not really get much out of it), but I have a ton of respect for what the DD2 team achieved - unlike this Dragon Age tasteless gruel


Honestly the reveal was ass, i dont like it, its too stupid.
It feels the people who created this reveal are dumb and dont know what the actual fans want to see.
-For instance the devs focused their reveal on a lame section of the game, a section where you just walk, watch small cutscene and then defeat repetitive recycled enemies.
#A smart dev would've picked a better section (if there is any) and showcases multiple layout to the level and more interaction, they would've also showed enemy variety and different ways to tackle them.
-Another example is dialogue, they showed little dialogue and when the time comes to pick a choice they showed us that the choice didn't matter, thats dumb way to market your game.
#It would've been better if they showed a choice that actually mattered
-Last example is what they chose to do, instead of showing the intrigue of Dragon Age universe they went for action gameplay as if this franchise was named God of Devil May CrySouls or something
#Instead of focusing on flashy combat that seems weightless they should've followed suit with a well prepared presentation where they tackle a quest from start to finish and show the grey morality and choice of the Dragon Age universe, they could show how dialogue is varied and how you can branch out with choice.

Overall the reveal doesn't strike me as good, nothing but generic action with flashy colors and not a single highlight on rpg mechanics, builds or abilities, not a single highlight on world or level design, not a single highligh on characters personality, not a single highlight on C&C systems.
It feels like they just wanted to show off their pretty colors and generic marvel action, the devs clearly lag out behind or they have no idea what they are doing, either way the reveal sucked imo and i wasn't impressed, i'm not hyped at all and i think the game will do worse than Inquisition.

It was a pretty disappointing showing. Looks like a mediocre action game. And here I was hoping for some FF12 gambits in combat. Oh well.


"I don't know who Dragon Age: The Veilguard is for—it certainly doesn't seem to be RPG fans. BioWare gave us our first glimpse of the game in action this week, and while it was a big improvement over the initial reveal trailer, it seems to have completely shed its CRPG roots"



It doesn’t look bad at all and those locations screenshots look amazing, but showing a demo with a a level 1 character was a mistake, if they want to sell the new combat system they have to show something more complex/advanced.


So Eve being sexy is bad and appeals to women objectification, but the "pansexual orgy fest" is cool for game jounalists. No complains about the objectification of sex in games? Well, as long it's made by a woke studio...it's ok.

I got it. Straight sex is bad...whatever other kink is good.
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These are some strong words, I really want to see the parts he has seen then.

Oh, he says he basically saw what we saw, except he also saw the bits they skip on in the public footage, hmm. It wasn't THAT great though. But we'll see.
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I want this to be good so bad….it kinda sucks only having 2 companions.
Mass Effect had 3-person parties and was/is excellent. Art direction of the characters in The Veilguard aside, there's still some hope they've made something good if the gameplay, story, and overall tone are on point.

I too, want this to be good so bad.



Good video this one! I do get the disappointment by the hardcore Origins fans. Combat wise this goes back to 2 but improved, and not much tactical elements are left. I personally never used this and the combat system of DAO actually was the one thing I couldn't get into. I did get far in the story, but sadly still dropped it because of the combat.

That being said, DAO's characters with the Origin stories, subject matters, story, choices was top notch. And I'm not gonna kid myself believing we have THAT BioWare back. I hope to be wrong but Origins was at times very dark, I don't think The Veilguard will be that. And if not, hopefully still a good enough story, interesting characters, cool choices that matter and a world worth exploring.
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Good video this one! I do get the disappointment by the hardcore Origins fans. Combat wise this goes back to 2 but improved, and not much tactical elements are left. I personally never used this and the combat system of DAO actually was the one thing I couldn't get into. I did get far in the story, but sadly still dropped it because of the combat.

That being said, DAO's characters with the Origin stories, subject matters, story, choices was top notch. And I'm not gonna kid myself believing we have THAT BioWare back. I hope to be wrong but Origins was at times very dark, I don't think The Veilguard will be that. And if not, hopefully still a good enough story, interesting characters, cool choices that matter and a world worth exploring.

GL bro, u , will be one of the few playing. among journos/paid streamers, dont see much more audience than that with that gameplay, i still could deceive myself/had hopes with just reveal/cgi trailer but cant really salvage the gameplay unfortunatelly :(


Gold Member
Yeah looks like Dragon Effect now. Still gonna play it since its DA lore. Need to see how are the RPG systems in this game if there is any left lol


GL bro, u , will be one of the few playing. among journos/paid streamers, dont see much more audience than that with that gameplay, i still could deceive myself/had hopes with just reveal/cgi trailer but cant really salvage the gameplay unfortunatelly :(

Oh I am not 100% sure yet though. I might end up waiting and see what some reviewers such as ACG and a few others I can trust say. I do want to play it but I cannot say with full certainty it's a day one for me.

Nice art doesn't hide shit gameplay and bad dialogue. That chases you in to your dreams (or in DA theme the fade)

I so hope this won't be the case. I do not expect superb stories, characters such as in DAO, unfortunately we won't ever get that again. But a decent story please? Not that I can remember much from DAI's story.


Despite the art style not being my cup of tea. The enemy design is what hurts me the most. Previous DA games had some cool looking demons, now they just look like incredibly uninspired floating wraiths. Here's hoping they haven't butchered the look of the darkspawn too.


This doesn't seem like Dragon Age. Looks better than Dragon Age 2 at least.

If I play this, I'll get it cheap off some cd key site.


Gold Member
Combat needs to be well balanced and not feel mundane, pointless.

Most rpgs that try to mix real time with strategy/rpg elements end up feeling inconsequential, like going through the motions.

If it can somehow avoid that, it will be miracle, and probably an enjoyable game.
And saying this is Baldur’s Gate 3 with action combat is deliberately being insulting to BG3.

The latter had a huge amount of character action choices and subsequent consequences. Combat and environment together had a lot of emergent gameplay. The game had a great story, very well written quests, amazing characters AND great atmosphere.

Suicide: Veilguard doesn’t seem to have an iota of any of the above. And dumbed down combat on top.

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As a big Dragon Age fan I think it looks fine, though the companions aren't as visually appealing to me compared to those in DA:O, in particular Morrigan and Alistair.


As a big Dragon Age fan I think it looks fine, though the companions aren't as visually appealing to me compared to those in DA:O, in particular Morrigan and Alistair.

A lot of them do look pretty lame, but granted we haven’t seen most them speak yet.

I do like Harding though. Cool they made her a companion.


A lot of them do look pretty lame, but granted we haven’t seen most them speak yet.

I do like Harding though. Cool they made her a companion.
True, I'll hold back further judgement until the game comes out, maybe they'll surprise us. As for Harding, it's great she's a companion, but part of me wonders.. why? Lol I don't remember her being a very big part of dragon age inquisition, I guess she was likeable enough but I would've been much happier with someone like Varric, since he's already an established character. Him being a common thread throughout multiple DA games would be pretty cool.


Gold Member
As expected, the gameplay itself looks less shit than the awful trailer made it seem. But it still looks like an extremely dumbed down version of previous entries in the series.
More action, more frantic button mashing, waaayyyy fewer abilities (looks like three active ones at a time? wtf?), no direct control over companions, no real strategies or tactics....

Which is probably great for mass market appeal, but personally I'm out. That's not what I want in an a Dragon Age game.
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Got to agree on PC Gamer with this one, Dragon Age moving away from complex and deep systems towards a more cinematic experience has been the death of the franchise.

Sad thing is Disco Elysium, Pillars of Eternity, Baldur's Gate prove that deep and complex cRPG's not only sell well but sell great, it's just EA refuses to see it.


fell off the series after the first...this one looks so damn generic...asnd the removal of any semblance of turn system kinda kills any remaining interest


Do we know who the writer is? I'm curious for what other games this person has written stories.
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