Honestly the reveal was ass, i dont like it, its too stupid.
It feels the people who created this reveal are dumb and dont know what the actual fans want to see.
-For instance the devs focused their reveal on a lame section of the game, a section where you just walk, watch small cutscene and then defeat repetitive recycled enemies.
#A smart dev would've picked a better section (if there is any) and showcases multiple layout to the level and more interaction, they would've also showed enemy variety and different ways to tackle them.
-Another example is dialogue, they showed little dialogue and when the time comes to pick a choice they showed us that the choice didn't matter, thats dumb way to market your game.
#It would've been better if they showed a choice that actually mattered
-Last example is what they chose to do, instead of showing the intrigue of Dragon Age universe they went for action gameplay as if this franchise was named God of Devil May CrySouls or something
#Instead of focusing on flashy combat that seems weightless they should've followed suit with a well prepared presentation where they tackle a quest from start to finish and show the grey morality and choice of the Dragon Age universe, they could show how dialogue is varied and how you can branch out with choice.
Overall the reveal doesn't strike me as good, nothing but generic action with flashy colors and not a single highlight on rpg mechanics, builds or abilities, not a single highlight on world or level design, not a single highligh on characters personality, not a single highlight on C&C systems.
It feels like they just wanted to show off their pretty colors and generic marvel action, the devs clearly lag out behind or they have no idea what they are doing, either way the reveal sucked imo and i wasn't impressed, i'm not hyped at all and i think the game will do worse than Inquisition.