Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Preview Thread


Do we know who the writer is? I'm curious for what other games this person has written stories.

Can only show u reply of other GAF-bro in this thread
What a game lead by


And written by


Has a strange tone? I wonder why? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Well they've been working on this for 10 years and Bioware's entire future likely rests on it, so they better have something good here. Remains to be seen if they were able to beat their EA overlords (and DEI gods) and make something worthwhile.
Big doubts considering star wars mmo still makes money and anthem actually sold well just didnt have enough players that stick with it


Considering that characters are sex dolls without any personal preference, the chances that these people can write a good story is 0%

Then wtf were EA/BioWare thinking hiring these people? Solely to tick the box of being inclusive and it didn't matter a damn thing if they were talented? I don't want to believe that.


Then wtf were EA/BioWare thinking hiring these people? Solely to tick the box of being inclusive and it didn't matter a damn thing if they were talented? I don't want to believe that.
Thats how it goes nowadays in western dev studios bro, even here in eastern europe that plague hit IT companies hard, i know some friends who couldnt get promoted coz of diversity quota, aka they had too lil women higher ups so if u were a guy u had to wait for another male retire/get fired/leave only rofl, kinda sad but what u gonna do =/
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True, I'll hold back further judgement until the game comes out, maybe they'll surprise us. As for Harding, it's great she's a companion, but part of me wonders.. why? Lol I don't remember her being a very big part of dragon age inquisition, I guess she was likeable enough but I would've been much happier with someone like Varric, since he's already an established character. Him being a common thread throughout multiple DA games would be pretty cool.

A lot of people wanted to romance her. Also she was voiced by Ali Hillis who obviously has history working with BioWare. So it probably seemed like an easy choice for them to put her in Veilguard.


Typical grumzz garbage tweet. It means every companion is romanceable you muppets. How is that a bad thing? I doubt any of you would complain if Panam or Judy would be bi, hell theres mods for that, which were praised for both being bi. Dont see how this is anything but a win since you can just pick whoever you want to romance now. Dragon Age Origins also has BI companions.
Agreed. Isn't everyone in Baldur's Gate 3 romanceable? The Sims as well. Having diverse romamceable options is kind of EA's thing. This isn't really new. I'm tired of gaming rage bait.
This….doesn’t look good. DA:O was a great first step. DA2 completely shit the bed, and DA:I seemed to be course correcting yet here we are.
Still, a fantasy Mass Effect style rpg could be a fun romp, I’ll keep an eye on it.

SF Kosmo

Vertical slice looks vertical slicey. It's hard to show a game like this to press because so much is going to rely on quality writing and side quests.


There was a write-up online which said that the game is mission-based. If I had to guess, you have the Veilguard hub where you access missions. I don't think its open world.
Anything would be better than the open world formula of Inquisition. It was the game that made me tired of open worlds. Unfortunate since there was a lot I liked about the game. I hope this one is less padded.




Thats how it goes nowadays in western dev studios bro, even here in eastern europe that plague hit IT companies hard, i know some friends who couldnt get promoted coz of diversity quota, aka they had too lil women higher ups so if u were a guy u had to wait for another male retire/get fired/leave only rofl, kinda sad but what u gonna do =/
That's fucking terrible. The sooner this stops the better. Fucking hell.


Pansexuals... God forbid there is one straight character. Game writing is so lazy these days.

I've honestly never worried about any of this stuff for RPGs and it's rather stupid how this even needs to be mentioned in previews. Also, I didn't play BG3 but I keep reading that one does it exactly the same. True?


I've honestly never worried about any of this stuff for RPGs and it's rather stupid how this even needs to be mentioned in previews. Also, I didn't play BG3 but I keep reading that one does it exactly the same. True?
Not just mentioned. It's the headline of an article. With the subtitle: Pan-Ultimate. Give PC Gamer some credit here.


I watched the "gameplay" trailer yesterday night and I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes, it's not Dragon Age anymore. I really liked the first Dragon Age and Inquisition, too bad, it was a good IP.


Then wtf were EA/BioWare thinking hiring these people? Solely to tick the box of being inclusive and it didn't matter a damn thing if they were talented? I don't want to believe that.
Once you hire a few it self replicates. They usually first get hired to the division that hires and fires people. If we make it out of this spiral, it's spread will be studied for centuries.


Gold Member
Then wtf were EA/BioWare thinking hiring these people? Solely to tick the box of being inclusive and it didn't matter a damn thing if they were talented? I don't want to believe that.

In addition to what others have said, I'd add that the writing profession has a high percentage of liberal, left-leaning people in it. It's just the type of people it attracts. The world of writing is largely filled with left-leaning teachers, editors, writers, critics, and publishers. So, in addition to the quotas and "woke points" that others have mentioned, part of what happens here is just the percentage of the draw. When you hire a game writer, chances are good that you're going to get someone who sees the world through a left-leaning political-cultural lens - because that's how most writers are these days (especially the younger generations).
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In addition to what others have said, I'd add that the writing profession has a high percentage of liberal, left-leaning people in it. It's just the type of people it attracts. The world of writing is largely filled with left-leaning teachers, editors, writers, critics, and publishers. So, in addition to the quotas and "woke points" that others have mentioned, part of what happens here is just the percentage of the draw. When you hire a game writer, chances are good that you're going to get someone who sees the world through a left-leaning political-cultural lens - because that's how most writers are these days (especially the younger generations).

When I think back on my career the last few years, really every writer and narrative designer I worked with I would describe as left-leaning and supportive of a liberal worldview, but somehow they are also the people I have the most enjoyable conversations with and think of them as very capable and respect their opinions a lot.

If only they liked burly sweaty men doing violence and banging hot chicks as much as I do, we could achieve so much greatness. But alas! Every project I worked with them was cancelled.
Wrong. RPG means Role-Playing Game, such role can be fixed e.g. in every Witcher game you play as Geralt of Rivia. Nothing forbids them from setting some things in stone, not everything needs to be for everyone.

The idea of having different races all behaving sexually the same way is lazy and dumb. The same moronic justification I often read "it's fantasy, everything is permitted" , as if writers (real ones) didn't invest thousands of hours in creating a coherent worldbuilding with its own set of rules.

What these amateurs have done is worse than Wattpad horny fanfic.


Dragon Age: Inquisition was so shallow, unfinished but worst of all -- boring. It took me a week to get back my zest for gaming.

The Veilguard looks like more DA: I.
I noticed something that made me chuckle. Looks like they changed "race" to "lineage". It's a small thing and not really a big deal, but man, it's so fucking funny they were so bothered by it they decided to replace this

race 'lineage'. sex 'gender'...

'everything was vocabulary'...
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