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TERA Online


Coverly said:
Also hit 20 the other day. I'll be able to somewhat heal with my mystic.

Hey fantastic. Be sure to get your 5 man quests are ready. Maybe get a group going tonight. I got my Sorc all ready to go :)


Was thinking about rolling on the GAF server since well yeah :p

What classes are needed? I was thinking about playing priest


QisTopTier said:
Was thinking about rolling on the GAF server since well yeah :p

What classes are needed? I was thinking about playing priest

A priest would be great actually, we don't have many, especially as their primary class.


Rodent Whores
Unknown Soldier said:
Izayoi was saying the healer class is hard to play in this game.
Why's that? How is a healer supposed to role in this more action-y sort of gameplay. Is there still stuff like enmity and what-not?


Unknown Soldier said:
Izayoi was saying the healer class is hard to play in this game.
Much harder than playing a healer in most MMOs.

Rentahamster said:
Why's that? How is a healer supposed to role in this more action-y sort of gameplay. Is there still stuff like enmity and what-not?
You have to aim your heals.

That, and heals pull huge aggro and without a proper tank it's likely you'll have aggro most of the time, which means you not only will need to heal your group members who are running around like idiots but also kite at the same time.

If you've got a group who knows what they're doing then it should be fine, but get lumped in with people who aren't stellar and you're going to have a hell of a time with things.

Also, the smaller the class, the easier it is for people to be hidden by bosses or get lost in seas of enemies.


Neo Member
The biggest challenge for me was to actually find the people that needed to be healed. Most of the time people are running or jumping all over the place and sometimes the elites are so big that by the time you find out where someone in need of healing is, its too late.

You can't really stay further away so you have a full field of vision of where everyone is at because your heal has a limited range. Also, at later stages you have an aura that heals hp/sec but you would need to stay close to your group members for that to work.

If there is a lancer in your group, it becomes a lot easier since they can keep aggro off you. Your instant healing spells have a pretty low mana cost but will draw massive aggro, you also have a 2 HoTs but costs around 3x as much mana and heals less but would generate less threat.

Having said that though, priest is very fun to play :)


Was hoping to hop on tonight but instead, I'm spending my time here at the hospital with the wife. Boy number two has arrived!


CcrooK said:
Was hoping to hop on tonight but instead, I'm spending my time here at the hospital with the wife. Boy number two has arrived!


You better get him a new GAF account, he ll probably get approved by his 18th birthday...

Insayne said:
Gratz! Thats a good reason for not playing

I was late to work (there was a code blue and I had to go, didnt show up to muster til 15 after :C) and now I have to write a 500 words essay as to why I shouldn't be late....

I have had a blank page on Word for the past 4 hours ._.


CcrooK said:
Was hoping to hop on tonight but instead, I'm spending my time here at the hospital with the wife. Boy number two has arrived!
Wow dude, congratulations.

Noshino said:
I was late to work (there was a code blue and I had to go, didnt show up to muster til 15 after :C) and now I have to write a 500 words essay as to why I shouldn't be late....

I have had a blank page on Word for the past 4 hours ._.
Your post is nearly a fifth of what you needed to type for the essay. You can't bullshit 500 words of kissing ass?

QisTopTier said:
Thanks for the add, Ill be playing all day tomorrow :D
Awesome. I won't be around tomorrow but it's great to have another person in the guild.


By the way, finally started really working on the blog. It's under heavy construction right now but here it is:

TERA Online Guides

By the time I get everything in it it will hopefully cover all you need to know about playing TERA.


Looked over the story of the game in the OP and lol, the continents of the game are actually 2 sleeping giants? wth? wow, they really went all out to be different with this game.

From the looks of the map it looks like something pierced both of them? There is a gash cutting through both of them.
Coverly said:
Looked over the story of the game in the OP and lol, the continents of the game are actually 2 sleeping giants? wth? wow, they really went all out to be different with this game.

From the looks of the map it looks like something pierced both of them? There is a gash cutting through both of them.

It's probably explained during the storyline that none of us can read right now. :3

The world is just a dream! We are all just figments of their imaginations!
Castanic riding on mounts are pretty funny...


Also once you get a mount the game becomes so much better, since the world is huge.


Coverly said:
From the looks of the map it looks like something pierced both of them? There is a gash cutting through both of them.
I would assume it's a result of that mechanical race they talk about. The starter island illustrates this fantastically with a gigantic fissure with dark... stuff pouring out.

V_Arnold said:
WoW, that is some "hey guys, you were NOT supposed to let players see THAT place" texturing, huh. Just like in Aion :(
Uh, what?

Prissy said:
Is this game any good?
Nope, it's terrible.

The game is amazing. Read back a few pages for lots of impressions. I think everyone who has tried it so far has had a ton of fun.


Well, I thought after playing for a bit, and having most classes at levels 11+ (highest being 23 or so) I would give some of my thoughts of the game for those of you who can be bothered to read it all :p


It looks absolutely gorgeous as you can see from all these screenshots, and it does not stop there. The UI is very different from most MMO's in the fashion you handle it, yet while it is strange at first, it is more of an UI that makes you go "ahhhh, cool!" rather than the usual "why did they do this?!".

Animation wise I am quite please - they flow well together (well most at least), look very nice and have some nice effects. On my Slayer, I had this skill to bash really hard (but very slow), which leaves an awesome trail of dust, and slices the ground texture dynamically. Of course, I know the texture being overlaid exists since all times, but the Dust is something I have rarely seen - especially since its volume does change depending on whether you hit a mob or not.


Let me try to explain the UI a bit, or try to... You basically have this real-time combat, which doesn't give you a friendly mouse to just click things, as you have you reticule with which you aim. So to talk to an NPC, you can use your "pickup" button (by default, it is F). This is basically an "interact" button. You can climb up stuff using it, pickup items, and talk to NPCs.

Now, you actually then have a "HUD" mode outside of this, which you enable with ALT/Mouse Browser Forward or Escape Key. This will give you a mouse to arrange your windows, move things about, look after your inventory and sort it. (Although, you do have auto sort and don't really need to do so).

This might sound odd, but to play it, and see it in action, this is very nice. Because, you will toggle off the HUD mode as I call it, instantly when moving. So it's not "close these 10 windows, then you can continue with what you wanted". It's quite quick in that regard. It might sound simple, but it actually gave a lot of freshness, at how fast things can be done, and the game not trying to hinder you from having fun.


The Combat is taking most of it's roots directly from Monster Hunter. Real-time, where you face is important, learn the behaviour of a mob in order not ot get hit, etc. It is not as intricate as Monster Hunter for the most part, on Elites, it isn't lagging much behind either though. Regular mobs however, stay simple, although this is true for Monster Hunter too.

Skill progression is simple, and quite well done. For the big part, every 2 levels you will gain new skills or upgrades. Upgrades are simply replaced on your hotkey bars, so you don't have to bother doing so. New skills you can drag and drop into the bar. Usually, you get at least 1 new skill (which you didnt have before) and a couple of upgrades. However, some levels do not give you a new skill at all (Like level 16), but only upgrades.

All in all, the pacing is done quite well in that regard, you always get something new to add to your rotation (which is heavily changed depending on mob, etc).

Leveling currently only works (efficiently) with questing. Grinding with repeatable quests is much slower and not as rewarding (item wise). Leveling also seems to be most efficient as a duo. Playing it in single player fashion will give you the kills much slower, and thus progress is slowed down too. From trio and upwards, you actually don't get enough of a party XP bonus to cover the level requirements for quests (in my experience).

While I enjoy that people do not have a dire requirement of grinding (as the term has gained alot of hatred), I miss it very much, as it's a lack of an option of how I choose to level. Grinding should be more rewarding so you can keep up time wise with your questing friends.

Quests, are your standard MMO quests. Kill X of Monster Y. Escort person X without person dying. etc. Its the only part of the game where I had not witnessed a fresh take on things. The UI, the graphics, the combat mechanics, all are overhauled and taken to a new interactive level - the quests... not really... But, that isn't a bad thing either - I enjoy my "go kill X mobs" and the "get x amount of items which mob Y drops" quests, So i am not too bothered.


Class wise, the variety is quite nice, yet a little short too. I will try to explain the roles a little bit (as to my understanding) of each class and their role, so you get the idea.

Warrior: Off tank, or main tank which is evasion based. Meaning, you have to generate enough aggro with your skills and damage output, and not be touched (you roll away) on time. This is very straining on a healer, as your position influences their targeting and healing capabilities. So while it might be a good idea to stand on the side behind a huge monsters leg, its not cool for the healer, especially with your combat run speed/roll.

Berserker: (2 Handed Axe) Brutal in your face damage, nice AoE
Slayer: (2 Handed greatsword) Damage from behind, but slow attack speed as well
Ranger/Archer: (Bows) Good ranged DPS, less DPS (so far) than berserker or slayer - but much safer HP wise to play.
Sorcerer: (Discs) Good ranged DPS too, didn't play mine far enough yet to tell you more..
Mystic: (Wand) Off-healer, buffer, CC - quite a nice Class, and it can DPS a bit too :D
Priest: (Staff) Main healer,Ii think that enough.

As you can see - a few roles are missing here.

The Ranger used to CC in WoW, this seems to not exist (until level 16 at least) in TERA.
The Warrior has low defense with its light armor and is not a traditional tank, making many people (in Korea) hate the class as a whole. (I personally love mine!)
The Berserker and Slayer are almost identical when questing, slayer has a bit worse performance, but hey, a cool greatsword has to bring a back draw, right?

You also lack a true assassin class who can stealth and such. You also lack a heal-over-time (HOT) healer like druids (again from WoW).

The question then boils down to a simple thing: Do you play any of those classes and couldn't find a liking to the others in TERA? Well, I do miss the variety, but on the other hand, this leaves it very easy to understand the game. It also helps them to balance the game, which they did a magnificent job at so far (but not perfect either).


Now else, the combat is pretty much like a dumbed down monster hunter on regular mobs. They have 1-2 things they do, you barely need to learn em, as they leave no true difficulty to be beaten.

However, the game began to become very interesting (Monster Hunter Style) with elites. I tried on my Berserker with my friend Selavi (Mystic) to duo one of them. We utterly failed the first two times. We thought of it as "this must be a 5 man mob" and asked for help in the Guild. During the process of fighting these mobs with the full party, I was able to learn its behavior, this time a bit more variation and randomization coming from it. (For those who play, it's the lizards before the instance.)

The next day, I went ahead and told Selavi "We can duo this, let's try!" - and magically, knowing its pattern, we evaded its attacks, prepared with healing orbs, blocking the attacks when necessary, and went through it, albeit both of us being tense, and beat the hell out of it. We were the same level, we had no new gear - yet, player skill was the difference between a crushing defeat/wipe, getting the mob only down to 90%, or staying alive with 80% hp/mp on our side.

There are more elites, harder, later on that were as much fun to do, as trio or more. This is exactly what I was hoping the PVE to be, challenging on the player-skill side. And that, it is! Its a lot of fun, especially as you get the sense of achievement of honing your own skill, not a stat of your character.


Now onward from this, I tried checking out the PVP a bit with my mate Trib. In towns, you can duel one another, but, this makes you capable of running through others. Outside, you both block each other from moving through one another. This seems so small of a change from most games - but this was exactly the big issue in Aion and its PVP.

Now, i will sidetrack to explain how PVP worked in AION due to non-solid enemies but bear with me. In aion, Sieges of fortresses were done with 2 big groups forming a huge blob. The defending block behind a door of the fortress, the attacking one outside. At some point in time, the attack blob would move, and on either side, all you did was "next target" and then hit a skill. Whichever blob was more massive would win by default. This was possible only because people could walk through you.

In TERA, that isn't possible, and for the PVP side of the game, I can imagine great things like Formations mattering, and not "next target -> Shoot" being the best strategy. This opens up a great deal of the PVP system capabilities.

As for open-pvp, I sadly believe we play on a PVE server. PK'ing wasn't possible thus far. Also, I have to voice my discontent of the planned behavior of PVP that I read from an interview. Apparently, you declare a PK on your enemy, and then it counts down for 5 seconds, warning him, before you can PK. This removes the surprise element of things, and gives them a head start to port out (a scroll takes 5 seconds :S) or run away. Thats quite carebear if you ask me.

But, maybe it will work differently for EU/NA.


Now, the things I dislike or at least, think could be improved are coming in too....

Open World, or is it?
While the world is connected, without any loading screens - it still encages you by surrounding you with huge mountains you cannot traverse. It is definitely not a closed corridor game as Aion was, but it does not reach the freedom of Lineage 2 either. (Heck, I think WoW, according to my memory when playing BC was a bit more open).

Another stab in this direction are the Channels we know from Aion/Guild Wars. I dislike that I can stand next to someone, and they are in an alternate channel, and thus I can't see them or interact with them. I prefer to "one world, no channels" of Lineage 2 - and am still hopeful, one day we will get it. Don't get me wrong, this is not horrible, but the sense of a "complete world, we all share" goes away - heck, on open PVP servers, your enemy could just be hiding in another channel; Its very disconnecting you from other players and removes a bit the number of other players you see. I hope it is something they will alot dynamically and if the server does not require multiple channels, they won't exist. (I hoped the same in Aion, but it wasn't the case).

Performance Scalability
The performance of the game (Frames per second, etc) does not scale very well according to Hardware in my opinion. I have seen the same framerates on a GTX260 as a GTX570OC. That could be bad drivers, but as soon as we jump to the AMD/ATi camp, the same issue seemed to arise. (only had 1 person tell me so though).

Some people with newer GPU's on the ATi side actually got worse FPS than the older versions of the GPU or the nvidia counterpart. That for me, is bad scaling, whether the issue lies with TERA or drivers on both ATI/nvidia side of things, I don't know.

Key Remapping
Remapping keys, while possible, did not allow a few shortcuts to be made. For example Right control could not be used as toggle (example: Ctrl + 1). Only Left control works for that. And while the game does allow you to map the mouse buttons (forward/back), they also do not work with a modifier key.

Invisible Walls
The last issue i have is that the game features Invisible walls (bad collisions) on several accounts. They sometimes hinder you to walk through/past something where you could easily fit, but also, some areas have them buggy, and you can't walk through open spaces, others you stand in the air, and sometimes a wall is just bigger than its supposed to be with the collision detection. To be frank, all these issues were found in one area and happened almost exclusively there.

I can understand you don't want to limit players by real geometry, but then add the extra layer of polish so I don't float in the air depending where I stand (yes I am that nitpicky) or can't walk past an opening, because your wall is 6 feet longer than it shows on my screen. (As side note, L2 had a lot of these issues, especially getting stuck in its early year too, and they fixed them since and the bugs are almost non-existent).

Polish, and I don't mean the Nation!
The few cows stuck in buildings, mob going through the floor, clipping errors, shadow flickering and invisible walls all seem to be very rare occurences, yet they are there. While the game is highly polished where it does count (gameplay/ui), a few other subtleties have went by unnoticed or unfinished. Its not really bad, but I won't deny its existence either.

Stupid Open-PVP system so far...
Yeah, we might get changes, but we might not. So for now, i think the open-pvp system sucks to be plainly put. The PVE aspect is good enough to hold me interested though :p


All in all, TERA is a delightful experience overall, I love the game - and the combat is so fun compared to the other MMOs that I don't see myself being able to go back anymore.
I hope for a true PVP Server with Open PVP ala Lineage 2, and I will be set for many years to come. The game isn't without flaws, but for this early, I can give it nothing but praise for the things it does right.

So far, I would give it an 8/10 - as there is still some room for improvement, but this is definitely a gem of its own kind :) You should definitely try it out if you have any interest in the game at all imho :)


I can't wait for this game to come out in europe! I need something to scratch my open PvP itch since I left Lineage 2 and this look like it could be awesome :)

I'll wait for an english release tho, not understanding the majority of the people you're playing with isn't too fun, especially for an open pvp game (if it's like L2 the "political" part of the game was the only thing that kept me playing for so long).


formerly nacire
Monster Hunter style combat in an MMO, that just sounds awesome! If it comes states side I will most likely give this a go!


Insayne said:
Open World, or is it?
While the world is connected, without any loading screens - it still encages you by surrounding you with huge mountains you cannot traverse. It is definitely not a closed corridor game as Aion was, but it does not reach the freedom of Lineage 2 either. (Heck, I think WoW, according to my memory when playing BC was a bit more open).
The world is very open. The mountains can be easily climbed and you can take shortcuts from one region to another by hiking mountains. The early 20's is when the game really starts opening up and becomes truly sprawling. The sheer scale of some areas is astounding. I'll post some screens to emphasize my point.

Insayne said:
Another stab in this direction are the Channels we know from Aion/Guild Wars. I dislike that I can stand next to someone, and they are in an alternate channel, and thus I can't see them or interact with them. I prefer to "one world, no channels" of Lineage 2 - and am still hopeful, one day we will get it. Don't get me wrong, this is not horrible, but the sense of a "complete world, we all share" goes away - heck, on open PVP servers, your enemy could just be hiding in another channel; Its very disconnecting you from other players and removes a bit the number of other players you see. I hope it is something they will alot dynamically and if the server does not require multiple channels, they won't exist. (I hoped the same in Aion, but it wasn't the case).
I think this is more a matter of opinion than anything. Channels have helped Arveene and I immensely while leveling and while it's true that they may hinder open-world PvP, at least in the earlier areas it's very helpful. They keep questing uninterrupted and smooth. There are fewer channels the higher you get in level, so I imagine that most level 50 areas will have only one channel (we're 39 right now and there are only two channels in new areas). Cities also only have a single channel.

Open world dungeons are incredible, by the way. Visually stunning and tons of fun to mess around in (and usually accompanied by incredible music as well).

Anyway, enough talk. Screens.

After I get some sleep I'll finish up the blog and post some screens of the level 37 instance.


Izayoi, this is in resposne to you, I would quote, but its too much :p

I think my overall "review" or impressions are nothing but my opinion; I tried to keep it as neutral as possible, but the dislikes part is truly personal.

For the channels, well....

If people enjoy Channels, then it's a good thing (for them). You seem to do so for questing and getting more chests (or w/e limited item to collect) you need by switching, or the mob that spawns only every hour. While I enjoy that some people will have to wait (including myself).

I like it because it creates this epic tales people have done. Ask people from Lineage II about Baium for their 2nd class. And everyone will have a crazy story, how war tags didn't let them in,they had to wait, port at the right moment, and such , after waiting crazy amounts of time to get it done.

I like that. It has a sense of achievement - the world, can be harsh, and not just on channel 2 where all the gankers are :) Of course, this is a personal preference. If you get easily frustrated at those things, and think thats deprecated game design, then channels are the solution to this - and a good one at that.

I loved the "1 world" concept of Lineage II, and I miss that in any MMO since. But I do believe, most people enjoy the channeling as you dont have long wait times, etc hinder you. That doesn't mean I have to agree on that though ^^

And the openness... well again, this is the free-est I have been in such a good looking game. I don't feel completely free as in L2 (where you could literally jump off a cliff and never ever get up again, til you port, /unstuck or die). However, that is more bug-related and unintentional in Tera than desired from the developers side IMHO.

In the newbie island, you cant jump off any cliff or border. In the level 20 areas, there were some mountains you can climb as you describe, so its gotten better there. But still not completely free. And tbh, it seems not to be by design choice and they might close that off, as I could freely walk through "walls" of the mountain, some huge stone, inside a waterfall, etc.

It doesn't give me a sense of confinment, or corridor running like Aion did. But the "its a completely open land, no mountains to block you and follow a path" like Lineage II, it isn't either. Its between the two. You can run off paths to some extent, sometimes intentional, other times not imho.

In the end, I don't feel caged to the extent that I get upset at it. But i always wonder "why can't i climb this mountain?" especially after I did climb a steeper one before that, crossed regions using it. I can't due to the manually put "invisible walls" from the developers.

As people can see, there's definitely two opinions floating about :)

You feel free as a bird (i assume), while i feel that a little bit less. Same goes for channels :) People can make up their own mind at the end of the day.

And as final note, I do enjoy the game tremendous amounts on what it does give. But i always wish for a little more no matter which game I play :)


Well the channel is mostly to avoid issues with quest monsters in crowded low level zone. I don't know when you started playing L2, but at the beginning the wait for some important quest monsters was awful. (There was a quest for a weapon at an early lvl in orc land that required to kill one mob that spawned every 10 min or something... Cue dozens of people lining up to get the kill...). It tends to frustrate new players and that's a thing you want to avoid as a company. While it's not perfect it's understandable...

But I agree that there shouldn't be channels in higher lvl zones, those tend to be less crowded and with an open PvP game it's better to have everyone in the same world :)

Small question about the game (sorry if it's already been answered I didn't read the whole thread attentively), are dungeon/high lvl xp zone instanced? A pretty great thing in L2 is that you were never really safe when you leveled, an attack could happen at any instant and it was a good way to keep you attentive while grinding.


Insayne said:
I loved the "1 world" concept of Lineage II, and I miss that in any MMO since. But I do believe, most people enjoy the channeling as you dont have long wait times, etc hinder you. That doesn't mean I have to agree on that though ^^

In the newbie island, you cant jump off any cliff or border. In the level 20 areas, there were some mountains you can climb as you describe, so its gotten better there. But still not completely free. And tbh, it seems not to be by design choice and they might close that off, as I could freely walk through "walls" of the mountain, some huge stone, inside a waterfall, etc.
Yeah see, I don't think we'll ever agree about the wait time things. I find it infuriating sitting around waiting for mobs or quest items when there's tons of other people doing the same thing and actually getting the tag on the mob is a stupid clusterfuck that makes me want to unsubscribe. I think channels are amazing and I think that every MMO going forward should implement them.

However, the mountain thing is weird. You can get out of the map easily everywhere after the starter zone. Outside of the first main city, above the forest village, in the fields, everywhere. I don't think there's been a single zone so far (up to level 39) where you couldn't actually get out of the map. There are a few places with odd invisible walls but nothing that restricts you from climbing out of the map. Maybe you haven't done enough exploring yet but TERA is definitely one of the most open MMOs that I've played. It's not quite as open as, say, LoTRO, but it's definitely up there as far as large MMOs go.

Not just that, but the world itself is enormous. Each new zone feels completely different from any of the previous ones and and looks incredible. Exploring is a ton of fun and it's going to take me an awful lot of time to get bored of it, especially when it seems like I've overlooked so many things in many areas. I don't know, to each his own, but TERA definitely does not give me a sense of claustrophobia of any real feeling that I'm being restricted at all.

More screens.



CcrooK said:
Sup everyone. Should be back into the game come Sunday or Monday. LFG Level 20 Instance - PST!

Sounds good. We just did the instance literally a few hours ago. I was logging in to finish a quest and by chance other guild members were in the same area doing the quests for that instance. Healer, Archer, and Lancer. So From 11pm to 3:30am we were mostly in that instance. I think someone was east coast and for him it was 6am or so.

It was a lot of fun. Sorry I didn't take pictures but it was great to see that we were each different races and our classes worked well together. Before this grouping I had never used the MP regen spell but it proved very useful. It's risky because you have to be near the mob without moving for 10 secs, leaving yourself wide open. But when it worked the damaged coverted itself to MP and the party was able to keep going without having to rest or pop potions (for the most part).

Healing was manageable too. You have to be within range and in view of the target but they have short casts times, so you can heal and run. Healing locks in your target so even if it moves it still gets healed.

The whole instance yesterday was great until the end. On that last boss, even with good armor I got 1-shot four times and then when the boss was down to 1% my computer decided it was time for windows update and restarted itself .. -_-

Anyways, had a lot of fun, great group. Would easily love to repeat this instance and do better.
yeah.. that was me..

6 am.. sheesh.. been a long time since I did that with a mmorpg.

That boss did not like your flash heals.. was quite hard to keep him angry at me lol

I'm just glad you got credit for everything. I tried to use a res scroll on you, but I saw the boss about to attack me so I had to throw up a block instead.

I think what we need is a 5th player.. maybe a sorc. or other DPS..

We did well until we had hate issues on that last fight, I think if it hadn't dragged on so long, it would have been better for all of us.
Robobandit said:
I'm just glad you got credit for everything. I tried to use a res scroll on you, but I saw the boss about to attack me so I had to throw up a block instead.

Yeah, I saw you and Arasso running circles around the boss trying to keep his attention, so I ended up being the one using a res scroll to get our Nyaa Nyaa Loli up. :3

I think what we need is a 5th player.. maybe a sorc. or other DPS..

Any single DPS class (Berserker, Slayer, Sorceror, Ranger) would be a good fit as our 5th person. We already had just about the ideal party composition up to that point for 4 people, with Lancer, Mystic, Priest, and Ranger. Some would argue that maybe such a composition is heavy on heals and light on DPS but the Mystic was also refreshing everybody's MP constantly and so letting us fight continuously, and having 2 healers and killing more slowly is infinitely preferable to 1 healer and wiping on the boss and wasting what was by that point several hours in the dungeon.

We did well until we had hate issues on that last fight, I think if it hadn't dragged on so long, it would have been better for all of us.

I believe the hate issues are by design, to prevent boss fights from becoming trivial tank-and-spank affairs like in most MMOGs.


Neo Member
Here we go. So Yin and I got over to the other continent and figured out some stuff about PvP.

There's a wings icon with a green band under it on your minimap. That tells you you're safe. It seems like in all of the zones on the other continent will change the icon to be something that's red. Red means it's a PvP area.

There's a few restrictions on this it appears. You need this "PK Tokens" that you can buy from a vendor to be able to attack someone. When you see someone you want to attack you click them and hit the 4th menu button (the one that says PK, the 3rd one is for dueling specifically)

This will immediately start a 5 second countdown and the person will become attackable as well as you. I personally find this very awkward, but it's better than nothing. There are a few things we haven't figured out. We ran into someone we couldn't PK.

As a final note, be careful of who you attack. We don't want to start a war we can't finish.

I'd love to get screenshots for this but I'm dead tired currently. I'll update this when I get up.
Some more impressions, a video, and screenshots:

We did the level 21 dungeon with no healer and it proved to be quite challenging. The final boss concluded in what became an absolutely epic hour long boss fight. We had a party markup of Warrior, Warrior, Slayer, Archer, and Lancer and all the players were in the appropriate level range (20-23). I recorded a video of the first main boss fight from the perspective of my character, Meruru which you can find below. Unfortunately, I had to stop recording on the final boss fight of the dungeon due to length.

Level 21 Dungeon Boss - No Healers - Slayer Perspective (HD) - CLICK HERE!

* Apologies on the quality. It's not bad but could be better. I'm still trying to figure out the best codec settings for Youtube as it seems to degrade the quality more than I would like on anything that I upload.

I played with crafting a bit and might make a guide for this later. You can find and buy one-time use scrolls that teach you recipes. Once you are at a crafting facility, you interact with a crafting tool in the shop and it gives you a prompt that displays any recipes you have learned for that craft. Clicking on the recipe will show you the required materials and you can buy most non-gathered materials needed from the NPCs in the crafting shop. You click on craft and after a brief progress bar your item is created. If you have several materials and are crafting in mass quantities there is also an auto-craft button that will continue crafting automatically (and at a faster pace) until you run out of materials. I am not sure if using the auto-craft function hinders your success rate. There is a progress bar at the top that reads 1/300 which appears to be either your current or overall level in that craft as it will increase with each item you successfully craft.

I earned a mount for one of my characters yesterday and had a blast. The quest was very easy to complete and gives you pretty much unlimited access to your mount. It can be summoned in cities and anywhere out on the field and moves at a much faster pace than walking. The only downside is that your mount cannot swim but since the cooldown on mount summoning is extremely short you can usually swim across the body of water and then just re-summon your mount.

I have three jobs at rank 20 now and wanted to post some more impressions. I already posted on Lancer earlier so I wanted to discuss Berserker and Slayer.

Berserker is a very strong class with extremely high damage output. Despite this, the class still has a good balance. The attacks are very slow so you need to make sure you time your moves accurately. The majority of their moves are charge abilities and drain a much larger percentage of MP than Slayers. Again, timing on these attacks is crucial. Due to the nature of charge attacks, this also means less chaining and fewer combos so you will be hitting less but you will be hitting very hard. In contrast, Slayers can chain EVERYTHING and you can make some pretty impressive combos. Berserkers have a block instead of dodge which I actually prefer in most cases but it does make the class a lot less mobile. I can see this becoming a problem in PVP and boss fights. Slayer has a dash attack which allows them to almost instantly close any gap on the enemy and also doubles as a handy escape maneuver in boss fights and other situations where you find the need to quickly get away. Luckily, Berserker is a heavy armor character so they can take a decent beating. With the Slayer's far reaching attacks, I feel that Slayer is the better overall AOE attacker but Berserker does have an awesomely powerful AOE spin attack move and can handle adds and AOE just as good.

+ High normal attack damage
+ Powerful charge abilities that simply OBLITERATE your enemies
+ High defense
+ Axe doubles as a shield and can be used to block attacks
+ Multiple knock down attacks

- Not very mobile
- Slow attacks
- Less chaining and combos
- High MP usage
- Constant MP drain

+ High normal attack damage (less than Berserker)
+ Extensive chaining and combos
+ Extremely mobile and fast moving class
+ Dashing allows fast escapes and can close the gap on targets quickly
+ Dodge can allow you to be almost as agile as Warriors
+ Knock down attacks and stun moves

- Slow normal attacks but faster than Berserker
- Constant MP drain

The environments are absolutely stunning and the world is extremely large and expansive. They did a wonderful job with the scaling. I do not feel restricted and most mountains and areas outside of the paths marked on your minimap can be traversed, allowing you access to any of the zones in the continent you are in from just about anywhere.

More Screenshots










Here's the party of 4 which went into the first instance of the game to kill the Filled with Generic Rage boss:


And here's the Blue Motherfucker.


I call him the Blue Motherfucker because (1) he's blue and (2) he's a MOTHERFUCKER. I learned a lot about soloing the elites in this game during the hours I spent dancing with him. The elites have a much smaller active area than the trash mobs, and they will reset on your if you pull them too far from their spots. So far all the elites I've run into outside of instances have not been aggro, which means you can casually prepare your first attack since it's pre-emptive. They have very predictable patterns but they hit HARD and you will be punished severely for screwing up during a solo. Death is not inevitable from screwing up, however, if you play smart and know when to run away or kite. Somewhere along the line I discovered that the portable campfires you can put down will heal you if you kite the mob for >20 seconds, that's how it takes you to disengage and you can then use bandages and even kite him around the campfire while it restores your health and vitality. Being a Ranger in this game is probably both more fun and challenging than any other game I've played the ranged DPS class in. It felt good when I killed my first Blue Motherfucker. :3


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
The OP still says TBA 2011 any change on that front?.

I've been itching for an mmo ever since I stopped playing WoW a couple of years ago. The game looks ridiculous, I really want to try it but I'm gonna try to abstain until there's an english version out.

Damn it looks cool :(


Corky said:
The OP still says TBA 2011 any change on that front?.
Still no word. It's likely we won't know until sometime this summer.

Mr Pockets said:
Blog on the Official site has some interesting stats from recent play event..


Good read :)
I'm interested in knowing what the race statistics will look like when they put the Elin in. It seems like 70% of players on the Korean servers are Elin, and I'm curious if there would be a similar situation over here (especially considering how popular they are on the forums).

More screens.



I've received a lot of complaints about in-line screenshots so I'd like to take a second and ask that people post thumbnails that link to the full versions. If you want to post the full versions of the screens on NeoGAF you should put ones that retain the HUD/are combat shots in the 2011 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread (make sure you read the rules of the thread before you do - no compressed JPGs, no low-res or downsampled shots), and the HUDless ones in the Multiformat Artshots Thread. I've fixed all of my screenshots on the last two pages (one page if you're awesome) to reflect this, and will keep my future screenshots in this format. It's not necessary or anything, but it does add bloat to thread and it scares some people away, so I ask that you do it as a favor to the thread. It has the added benefit of not spoiling new zones for those who want to witness them with their own eyes. Thanks guys!

With that, have over twenty new screenshots from the second continent.



a couple of us in group were talking about making a semi official group nights so that if people log in for those days, they will know a party will be ready to help them with their quests. I know I would log on if needed, so this makes it simpler.

How about Tues and Thursdays 6pm-9pm pacific? It's early enough that people in the east coast can join.

Had a lot of fun yesterday with you guys. I logged on for what I thought would be an hr and 8 hrs later we were still running around.

As for the AH, you guys really have to get on it! At my lvl 25, with just selling potions and crappy drops, I've made close to 4m now. And that's by severely underselling all my items.

Those fat red and orange pots you guys have sitting there sell for 100-200k. just those potions alone can bring in a lot of money.
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