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TERA Online

They still haven't applied my 90 days of gametime.. I'm not sure what's taking them so long..

my order is still "processing"


Robobandit said:
They still haven't applied my 90 days of gametime.. I'm not sure what's taking them so long..

my order is still "processing"
Open a customer support session and bug them about it. They should do it right away.
Izayoi said:
Open a customer support session and bug them about it. They should do it right away.

They ran out of stock, apparently..

She said they should have more 90 day time codes today... so we'll see.
Izayoi said:
See if they'll give you three 30 day codes instead.

I'm not that impatient.. my time doesn't run out until thursday.. if I don't have the time applied by then, I'll raise a little hell.
Oh God, I just hit 33 and flew over to the city-inside-a-tree south of Wonderland. I mean, come on, it's a city...inside a giant tree. It's been done, right? Everything from The Lord of the Rings to James Cameron's Avatar, a film by James Cameron, written and directed by James Cameron, story by James Cameron, James Cameron, James Cameron, James Cameron has done the city-in-a-tree. The Japanese overuse the city-in-a-tree so much that it's become cliched in anime and JRPGs.

And yet, it's...wow. WOW. I must have spent 15 minutes running around it and inside of it just gawking at it. It's incredible. Every time I think I think I've seen everything beautiful the game can throw at me, it finds something more beautiful for me to bug my eyes out at. Far Cry Island was really pretty, the Pirate Cave was amazingly detailed inside (and full of fucking annoying goddamned pirate enemies), but Korean Lothlorien here is the best place yet.

Takeda Kenshi

blew Staal
Unknown Soldier said:
Oh God, I just hit 33 and flew over to the city-inside-a-tree south of Wonderland. I mean, come on, it's a city...inside a giant tree. It's been done, right? Everything from The Lord of the Rings to James Cameron's Avatar, a film by James Cameron, written and directed by James Cameron, story by James Cameron, James Cameron, James Cameron, James Cameron has done the city-in-a-tree. The Japanese overuse the city-in-a-tree so much that it's become cliched in anime and JRPGs.

And yet, it's...wow. WOW. I must have spent 15 minutes running around it and inside of it just gawking at it. It's incredible. Every time I think I think I've seen everything beautiful the game can throw at me, it finds something more beautiful for me to bug my eyes out at. Far Cry Island was really pretty, the Pirate Cave was amazingly detailed inside (and full of fucking annoying goddamned pirate enemies), but Korean Lothlorien here is the best place yet.

To be fair the whole 'city in a tree' thing was in EQ back in the day as well. ;)
Really excited for this. Has anyone written up any detailed impressions of the game so far, I'd like to read them without having scour the thread.
Oh, and is this game viable with a 360 controller or is KBM the better option?


Neo Member
People concerned about censored content for the NA release, you can bet within a week or two there will be dat mods and what have you to recopy over the original Korean models.

Like how there was voice paks to copy the jp and korean voices over the horrible NA voices in AION right before release.

_tetsuo_ said:
Grinding can be more than a terrible thing. Finding good parties and grinding out a few levels in FFXI is some of the best fun I've had in an MMO.
This is so true.. I'm glad Tera isn't taking the Typical Grindfest route, but I hope it doesn't turn into something too easy that can't hold accounts over time. Like someone else said grinding is only boring when you're solo..
TeK-DeLorean said:
This is so true.. I'm glad Tera isn't taking the Typical Grindfest route, but I hope it doesn't turn into something too easy that can't hold accounts over time. Like someone else said grinding is only boring when you're solo..

There's already more than enough content to keep people busy well past the free month, and this is the Korean version which launched without levels 50-60 which were already planned. (The current cap is level 50.) While the solo content is of course meant to be soloable, the group content in this game ranges from moderately challenging to you-just-got-curbstomped-lol hard.


I should be doing hw said:
Really excited for this. Has anyone written up any detailed impressions of the game so far, I'd like to read them without having scour the thread.
Oh, and is this game viable with a 360 controller or is KBM the better option?
Best username ever. I will write detailed impressions this weekend, after I hit 50.

TeK-DeLorean said:
This is so true.. I'm glad Tera isn't taking the Typical Grindfest route, but I hope it doesn't turn into something too easy that can't hold accounts over time. Like someone else said grinding is only boring when you're solo..
There is a huge variety of stuff in the game. Duoing 5-man mobs is fucking great, and I could do it all day.

There are different ways to hit cap. Just straight questing is an option, solo and group grinding is an option (tons of repeatables for those who are so inclined), doing instances for a few levels is an option. You're not really restricted to any one path. Those who want to grind, whether it be solo or group, can. Those who want to quest, can. Leveling is not easy or fast at higher levels, but you're never once forced into grinding, and never are you forced into questing. I've done a bit of both, mainly to get the repeatable medals you can use to barter for some neat gear.

The best part is that grinding solo in this game isn't actually all that bad. I quit Aion at 42 because of the grind but I'm pretty sure even if this game forced me to grind from 1 to 50 I could do it no problem. The combat makes all the difference.


I should be doing hw said:
Really excited for this. Has anyone written up any detailed impressions of the game so far, I'd like to read them without having scour the thread.
Oh, and is this game viable with a 360 controller or is KBM the better option?

The game is awesome with the controller. Mind you that you still have to use the keyboard for quest options and chat, but for pure combat it is great. There are enough customizable buttons to cover just about everything and the combo chains take care of the attacks you couldn't fit in the controller (when executing a combo, the computer will suggest the next attack to a button you already have like the jump button, temporarily overriding the configuration and executing the next combo move)

The only time the controller is not enough is in group boss battles. That's when I do have to reach for the keyboard to press skills that I don't use often like regen mana or cure status. Otherwise moving around feels great and it's easy to have your way with most mobs. Healing with a controller is easy too, just in case you're thinking support class.


Holy fuck. Trailer for this month's update, showcasing some new zones, a couple of the new bosses, flying mounts, and server vs. server PvP.


Holy FUCK.

New Berserker armor looks awesome. Very excite.


Also, if anyone with a K-TERA account is interested in the test server (I believe they supply 50's, but I'm not 100% positive), it will be opening on the 12th. Using IE 32-bit:

1.) Log in to http://tera.hangame.com/
2.) Go to http://tera.hangame.com/pds/download.nhn
3.) Click the orange/red download image.
4.) Wait for the Hangame downloader to show up (look for a UAC pop-up if it doesn't show up after about two minutes or so).
5.) Select your directory and wait for a few days while the download finishes (it's 27.6GB).
Coverly said:
The game is awesome with the controller. Mind you that you still have to use the keyboard for quest options and chat, but for pure combat it is great. There are enough customizable buttons to cover just about everything and the combo chains take care of the attacks you couldn't fit in the controller (when executing a combo, the computer will suggest the next attack to a button you already have like the jump button, temporarily overriding the configuration and executing the next combo move)

The only time the controller is not enough is in group boss battles. That's when I do have to reach for the keyboard to press skills that I don't use often like regen mana or cure status. Otherwise moving around feels great and it's easy to have your way with most mobs. Healing with a controller is easy too, just in case you're thinking support class.
Thanks for the impressions, sounds good enough, I game close to my keyboard anyway so it shouldn't be too much trouble like you say.
What's the situation with how many characters you can have to an account? I kind of want to make a female and and a male character.

Izayoi said:
Holy fuck. Trailer for this month's update, showcasing some new zones, a couple of the new bosses, flying mounts, and server vs. server PvP.

Wow, I'm too excited for this. It's funny, I made this username back in high school, and now that I'm in uni it applies even more. I'm sure if I start up an mmo it will apply even further.


I should be doing hw said:
What's the situation with how many characters you can have to an account? I kind of want to make a female and and a male character.
You can make 8 characters per server, enough room for all of the classes.

Edit: Yay, 50. Detailed impressions when I wake up.


Well, here we go.


Probably the most important thing about TERA is the gameplay. Gone are the days of clicking or tab-targeting monsters in order to use a skill that's put through a RNG to see if it actually does anything or not. Gone are the days of just standing there spamming threat spells to tank. Gone are the days where gear is the only thing that matters. Finally, there's an MMO that actually emphasizes actual skill in addition to knowledge. You need to constantly be in motion, actively thinking about your options, dodging enemy attacks, timing and aiming your own attacks correctly, all while being mindful of the environment. If you don't, it's more likely than not that your group has wiped and you're sitting at the start of the instance huddled around a campfire.

The best way to describe combat in this game is to think of a cross between Vindictus and Monster Hunter. It's more in-depth than Vindictus, but more streamlined than Monster Hunter. It's basically a third person action games. Fighting Elites in this game is a challenge that takes patience, precise timing, and perfect knowledge of the monster that you're facing. All classes have a basic attack or combo that lets them build into bigger skill chains. For example, the class I took to 50, the Berserker, uses the basic combo to drain MP from enemies. They then use that MP to lead into a series of devastating smash attacks.

The combat, depending on the class, can go anywhere from slow and strategic to fast paced and technical. There's a class for everyone, whether you like classic hack-and-slashes or third person shooters.

Questing and Leveling

The second thing that TERA gets right is dropping the classic stigma of Korean MMO = grindfest. The option is there for those who want it (and as I'll show later, actually faster than just straight up questing), but there are plenty of quests for those who would prefer not to grind at all. Every new area stuffs your tracker full of new quests, and it's rare that you'll ever have a time without any quests to do. Actually, I don't think that there was ever a single time where my tracker was not at least half-full past the starting island. There are more quests in this game than five of your average Korean MMOs combined, at the very least.

The story quests act to guide you from area to area, and give tons of XP. Each area it take you to usually has several camps, each with five to six quests. Quests are relatively straight-forward, and outside of the story stuff they usually consist of gathering, killing, and boss-hunting. Story quests offer more variation, and lots of story type things happen. The game seems to have a fairly intricate plot, with lots of major characters and without spoiling too much, some serious shit goes down throughout the course of the game. There are tons of cutscenes in the game as well, another concept that usually isn't fully exploited in MMOs.

As far as leveling itself goes, it's relatively quick, but never too easy. The curve is very smooth and well-planned, with experience never really jumping by enormous amounts between levels. Arveene and I figure that if you were playing fairly regularly every day, and did all of the solo content while solo (being in a party slows it down)/all of the group content while grouped, you could hit level 50 in about two weeks or so.

Next I'll talk about leveling speed. In my tests from 49 to 50 (as well as notes and observations from earlier levels), I found that leveling speed, in order from fastest to slowest, goes something like this:

Solo Grinding > Group Grinding > Solo Questing >>> Group Questing

There's a fairly large gap between solo questing and group questing, but it really depends on the group you're with. If everyone is constantly ready and nobody needs to wait around or take breaks, then it's probably on-par (if not a little faster) than solo questing. However, as that almost never happens, I think it's safe to say that for most people it will be the slowest way to level. Here are the EXP rates at 49:

- Solo Grinding: 3,308,470 EXP per hour. (2,302,070 (20,018*115) mob + 1,006,400 (125,800*8) quest)
- Group Grinding: 2,400,000 EXP per hour. (1,920,000 (160,000*12) mob + 480,000 (240,000*2) quest)
- Solo Questing: N/A
- Group Questing: 1,900,000 EXP per hour. (900,000 mob + 1,000,000 quest)

You need 24,500,000 experience to go from 49 to 50, so at those rates solo grinding would take you about seven and half hours, group grinding about ten hours, and group questing about thirteen hours. There are no solid solo questing zones past 48, so I excluded that statistic. Group questing could probably receive several boosts if they were focusing on story quests, which give 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 experience each. In any case, throughout all levels, soloing is the fastest way to level up.


The world is amazing. It's huge, and every zone looks completely different from the last. After level 30 you'll start running into what I like to call world dungeons, which are open to anyone and are not instanced. They're huge and offer tons of quests and a level or two, usually. Dungeon crawling in this game is great fun, and the dungeons themselves are widely varied and visually distinct. Whether intentional or not, there are very few invisible walls in the game. If you see a mountain, chances are pretty good that there's a way to climb it somehow. Exploration is a ton of find and I often find myself wandering off unintentionally just to see how far out of the map I can get.

Visuals and Art

Well, you've all seen the screenshots, so you know just how visually impressive this game is (and yes, it does look like that while you're playing). I always found myself saying “there's no way this game could look any better”, only to be proven wrong time and time again by the very next area. If anything, the game is even more impressive during gameplay, because the animations are silky smooth, and the shaders and particle effects are a sight to behold. I love the art style. It's a nice break from the recent Western MMO philosophy of “brown and realistic, so edgy” bullshit. The colors are bright, the character designs are bubbly, the monster designs are weird and whimsical, and it's all just very pleasing to look at.

Sound and Music

The music is all dynamic, and much of it (especially the boss themes) is really good. The sound design itself is awesome. It feels so satisfying to smash something with your axe and be rewarded with a heavy squishy “thunk”, and the accompanying blood splash. The ambient sound is great and adds a ton of atmosphere to the zones.


That's pretty much it, then. I don't think that there's anything I missed, but if you have any specific questions I would be more than happy to answer them.
Izayoi said:
Holy fuck. Trailer for this month's update, showcasing some new zones, a couple of the new bosses, flying mounts, and server vs. server PvP.


Holy FUCK.

HOLY FUCK indeed, is that really all ingame?
1.17 mins in looks just unreal (proofread edit : pun not intended I swear).

I love the sound effects (like when she shoots her bow), very final fantasy like.
Animations seem incredible, way way above the standard for mmos.

That last scene where she walks up to the edge of the platform and it reveals the scale of the world around here really instills a sense of adventure and wonder.
That feeling is something I normally play JRPGS for.

I'm really hyped now.

If you took parts of this (the parts that don't look too eastern) and told people it's a future blizzard mmo they'd go apeshit over it.

Is there an HD version of this trailer?


SneakyStephan said:
HOLY FUCK indeed, is that really all ingame?

Is there an HD version of this trailer?
Yes, it's all in-game. The shot you're talking about at 1.17 is the Aman main city, on the third continent.

No HD version that I've seen yet, unfortunately. On the 12th I will have screenshots of the new zones, though.

markot said:
Any good vids of high lvl combat >.<?
You looking for solo stuff or group stuff? Melee, ranged, or support?


Um... Just stuff that shows off the combat in this game, any situation as long as its a good representation.


Well, here's a bit from a Berserker's perspective. This takes place in one of the level 50 instances, the Golden Labyrinth. The Berserker isn't all that great, but it still gives a decent idea of what the combat is like.


After that, we have the last boss of the Golden Labyrinth. This is from a Priest's perspective. Note that most of the deaths aren't actually the Priest's fault, it's just people fucking up and getting one-shot.


That same fight, this time from a Lancer's perspective. Other than a few mistakes (which nearly got him killed), he does a pretty good job. This particular boss moves around a lot and it's all about manipulating his attacks the right way, which this particular Lancer is very adept at.



hide your water-based mammals
Can I get a recap on what the cost of the game is per month? And as I read the thread, it seems like it's not out in the west yet. Am I to assume that there's no english translation yet? Looks really pleasing.
LiquidMetal14 said:
Can I get a recap on what the cost of the game is per month? And as I read the thread, it seems like it's not out in the west yet. Am I to assume that there's no english translation yet? Looks really pleasing.

It's being worked on.. but EnMasse Entertainment, the NA branch of Blue Hole Studio (Korean dev.) hasn't announced a date or a monthly price yet. Right now they appear to be having small beta events where a handful of players are selected to play for a few days.

Hopefully they'll announce something at E3..


LiquidMetal14 said:
Can I get a recap on what the cost of the game is per month? And as I read the thread, it seems like it's not out in the west yet. Am I to assume that there's no english translation yet? Looks really pleasing.
No price has been announced, but they said the model is going to be retail box + monthly fee, so we can assume a $50 box that includes a free month and then a $15 per month fee after that.

If you want to play the Korean version it's $10 for an account and $22 a month.

adam.chance said:
Finally made it through finals and I am going to get ready to play. I am downloading the client today.
Awesome! I'll be on alts, so just post a message here when you get into the server and I'll hop on my main to invite you the guild.


Neo Member
Just did my customer service call. The guy mentioned something about me replying to an email, but I don't really know what he was talking about. I will wait around a while to see if I get an email, but then I am going to bed. If I don't have it by the morning, then I guess I will open a ticket with them.


adam.chance said:
Just did my customer service call. The guy mentioned something about me replying to an email, but I don't really know what he was talking about. I will wait around a while to see if I get an email, but then I am going to bed. If I don't have it by the morning, then I guess I will open a ticket with them.

Their mail always go to my junk folder, so if it's about an email you haven't gotten check there.


New content looks amazing,

Really sad that my playtime was cut short, just my luck to land a new (busy) job a week after starting >_<; I'll be keeping an eye out for the NA release, hopefully I'll have some more free time around then.

dont think i'll be able to go back to any mmo's after tera, its spoiled me :p


Hey guys :)

I was gonna write up all the skills and their effects (well translate them) from a french forum... but then I came across this:


It has all classes, and skills! And its in english - so my work is done :D It helps understand what the skills do (to a certain extent) :)

Also, I found explanations about the Crystals; albeit in french, here is a google translated link: http://translate.google.com/transla...thread.php?t=1120539&sl=fr&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8

I could on request translate it to english


Okay, so some people are curious about Crystals and Glyphs. First, I'll cover Crystals, because it's universal and something that's pretty much the same for all classes (at least while leveling up and not doing instances), as well as being useful right from level 1.

Crystals are the little red and blue stones that have various icons on them (sword, shield, etc.) as seen here:


There are a variety of different red and blue Crystals. Red Crystals are offensive-based and are slotted into your weapons. Blue Crystals are defensive-based and are slotted into your armor. Crystals make a huge difference in the outcome of your fights, doing everything from increasing your critical damage to reducing the damage you receive from boss monsters.

I will post and image of the Crystal and then the Korean name followed by the English name. After that, I will post a description of what the Crystal does, in both Korean and English. Ignore the number in the bottom right of the images. That's just how many in a stack I have of that particular Crystal. When looking for a particular Crystal on the Auction House, match the Hangul in the name first and double check that the Hangul in the description lists a value that's in-line with the one I put in the English description.

Some Crystals are only avaialable on the Auction House, while others can be bought from the General Store or Advanced Crystal vendors located in most towns. Capitol cities will also have a basic Crystal vendor next to the general store.

Red Crystals


&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#54596;&#49324;&#51032; &#51068;&#44201;
Enhancement Crystal - Mortal Strike

HP&#44032; 50% &#51060;&#54616;&#51064; &#50948;&#44592; &#49345;&#54889;&#50640;&#49436; &#52824;&#47749;&#53440; &#50948;&#47141;&#51060; +1.42&#48176; &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;. &#46041;&#51068;&#54620; &#54952;&#44284;&#51032; &#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448;&#44284; &#51473;&#48373; &#51109;&#52265;&#54624; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When your HP is below 50%, this Crystal increases your critical multiplier by 0.64 to 1.42 depending on Crystal level and rarity. Not stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#54596;&#49324;&#51032; &#48152;&#44201;
Enhancement Crystal - Desperate Counterattack

HP&#44032; 50% &#51060;&#54616;&#51064; &#50948;&#44592; &#49345;&#54889;&#50640;&#49436; &#45936;&#48120;&#51648;&#44032; 8.6% &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When your HP is below 50%, this Crystal increases your damage to all monsters by 4.3% to 8.6% depending on Crystal level and rarity. Stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#54617;&#49332;&#51088;&#51032; &#48516;&#45432;
Enhancement Crystal - Slayer's Wrath

&#49548;&#54805; &#47788;&#49828;&#53552; &#44277;&#44201; &#49884; &#52824;&#47749;&#53440; &#50948;&#47141;&#51060; +1.32&#48176; &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;. &#46041;&#51068;&#54620; &#54952;&#44284;&#51032; &#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448;&#44284; &#51473;&#48373; &#51109;&#52265;&#54624; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When attacking small monsters, this Crystal increases your critical multiplier by 0.88 to 1.32 depending on Crystal level and rarity. Not stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#48516;&#45432;&#51032; &#51333;&#44208;&#51088;
Enhancement Crystal - Terminator's Wrath

&#48516;&#45432;&#54620; &#47788;&#49828;&#53552; &#44277;&#44201; &#49884; &#52824;&#47749;&#53440; &#50948;&#47141;&#51060; +1.54&#48176; &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;. &#46041;&#51068;&#54620; &#54952;&#44284;&#51032; &#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448;&#44284; &#51473;&#48373; &#51109;&#52265;&#54624; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When attacking enraged monsters, this Crystal increases your critical multiplier by 0.70 to 1.54 depending on Crystal level and rarity. Not stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#54617;&#49332;&#51088;&#51032; &#48516;&#45432;
Enhancement Crystal - The Ecstasy of Slaughter

&#49548;&#54805; &#47788;&#49828;&#53552; &#44277;&#44201; &#49884; &#45936;&#48120;&#51648;&#44032; 8% &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When attacking small monsters, this Crystal increases your damage by 4% to 8% depending on Crystal level and rarity. Stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#46020;&#51204;&#51088;&#51032; &#50948;&#50857;
Enhancement Crystal - The Ecstasy of Challenge

&#51473;&#54805; &#47788;&#49828;&#53552; &#44277;&#44201; &#49884; &#45936;&#48120;&#51648;&#44032; 7% &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When attacking Elite and boss monsters, this Crystal increases your damage by 3.9% to 7% depending on Crystal level and rarity. Stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#47609;&#46021;&#51032; &#52860;&#45216;
Enhancement Crystal - Poisoned Blade

&#45796;&#50868;&#46108; &#45824;&#49345;&#50640;&#44172; &#52824;&#47749;&#53440;&#47484; &#47749;&#51473;&#49884;&#53412;&#47732; &#47609;&#46021; V &#54952;&#44284;&#44032; &#52628;&#44032;&#47196; &#48156;&#49373;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;. &#46041;&#51068;&#54620; &#54952;&#44284;&#51032; &#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448;&#44284; &#51473;&#48373; &#51109;&#52265;&#54624; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When you knock down a monster, you have a chance to apply a poison bleed. Chance to apply and bleed strength vary depending on Crystal level and rarity. Not stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#44592;&#54924; &#54252;&#52265;
Enhancement Crystal - Opportunist

&#45824;&#49345;&#50640;&#44172; &#45796;&#50868; &#50976;&#48156; &#49884; &#52824;&#47749;&#53440; &#50948;&#47141; &#51613;&#44032; V &#54952;&#44284;&#44032; &#48156;&#49373;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;. &#46041;&#51068;&#54620; &#54952;&#44284;&#51032; &#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448;&#44284; &#51473;&#48373; &#51109;&#52265;&#54624; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When you knock down a monster, your critical multiplier is increased for a short period of time. Critical multiplier buff varies depending on Crystal level and rarity. Not stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#47924;&#51088;&#48708;
Enhancement Crystal - Ruthless

&#45796;&#50868;&#46108; &#45824;&#49345; &#44277;&#44201; &#49884; &#45936;&#48120;&#51648;&#44032; 8.3% &#51613;&#44032;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When attacking knocked down monsters, this Crystal increases your damage by 3.8% to 8.3% depending on Crystal level and rarity. Stackable.



&#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448; - &#50557;&#51216; &#44053;&#53440;
Enhancement Crystal - Weak Point Exploitation

&#54980;&#48169;&#50640;&#49436; &#45824;&#49345;&#50640;&#44172; &#52824;&#47749;&#53440;&#47484; &#47749;&#51473;&#49884;&#53412;&#47732; &#55192; &#51613;&#44032; V &#54952;&#44284;&#44032; &#48156;&#49373;&#46121;&#45768;&#45796;. &#50864;&#53364;&#47533;&#54616;&#47732; &#47924;&#44592;&#50640; &#51109;&#52265;&#46104;&#47728;, &#49324;&#47581; &#49884;&#50640;&#45716; &#48512;&#49716;&#51656; &#49688; &#51080;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;. &#46041;&#51068;&#54620; &#54952;&#44284;&#51032; &#44053;&#54868; &#53356;&#47532;&#49828;&#53448;&#44284; &#51473;&#48373; &#51109;&#52265;&#54624; &#49688; &#50630;&#49845;&#45768;&#45796;.
When you critically hit a monster from behind, this Crystal increases your damage temporarily. Damage increase varies depending on Crystal level and rarity. Not stackable.


Hm... this is taking way longer than I thought it was going to. I'm going to break this into chunks for now. Here's everything that I have currently, I will post more over the course of the week.


And by the way, they're actually adding ten new zones, not just four like I thought previously. Also coming are four new major cities, apparently.

You can check out some screenshots here as well as some new music. If you're having trouble viewing the site (IE 32-bit recommended, as always), here are a handful that I grabbed:






Screenshot of one of the four new instances:


Found a 720p version of the trailer too, though it's going to take 18 hours to download.
Iyazoi, I'm thinking it might be useful to create a FAQ forum on the unofficial guild website and maybe you can migrate your helpful information posts to it. They're sort of scattered in this thread and people have to load and scroll past some huge images to get to the info posts. A dedicated forum with just your information posts would really help other people looking to join up in K-Tera who don't want to read this entire 20-page thread (10 pages if you're using 100 posts per page, LOL).

You and Arveene are both admins over at the Enjin site, so do as you please with the forums if you think this is a good idea.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Oh man, each time I jump into this thread I regret it, I'd kill to have this game >_<, what are the odds of an english version hittin 2011?

I'm starting to think that learning korean will be quicker than waiting for aforementioned version.
You don't even need to learn Korean, Izayoi and Arveene hit level 50 without being able to read a single thing the game says. If you've ever played an MMOG in your life, especially WoW or Aion, you can play this game. It's so self-explanatory that an illiterate person can figure out how to play it in a day or so. I know this, because I AM illiterate, as I can neither read nor speak Korean!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Unknown Soldier said:
You don't even need to learn Korean, Izayoi and Arveene hit level 50 without being able to read a single thing the game says. If you've ever played an MMOG in your life, especially WoW or Aion, you can play this game. It's so self-explanatory that an illiterate person can figure out how to play it in a day or so. I know this, because I AM illiterate, as I can neither read nor speak Korean!

omg, I'm this close to jumping in! *hngghhhh* must ..... stop, buying two games a every 3 days.
Corky said:
omg, I'm this close to jumping in! *hngghhhh* must ..... stop, buying two games a every 3 days.

Think of it this way: the game will launch in NA/EU likely for $50 + a free month, then $15 a month thereafter. The usual MMOG pricing in NA/EU these days. For $32, you can buy an account in K-Tera and a 30 days time card. Thereafter, if you stick around a few months, you'll pay $22 every 30 days for another time card, or if you think you'll be around awhile, $52 for a 90 months time card. Either way, you're paying less to play K-Tera now than you will at NA/EU launch. Hell, for that kind of money, why wouldn't I be playing it now?

In unrelated news, NA/EU MMOG players get screwed when it comes to paying for their games. Not only do they have to pay subscriptions month-to-month, instead of buying time cards when they have time to play and the account is just inactive when time is expired, they have to pay for the game at launch! How shitty is that? Koreans and Chinese never pay up front for the game, they just buy the time cards and go to any Internet cafe and play! I mean, I like owning my own computer and playing my games on it, but wouldn't it be cool if there was an Internet cafe on every corner which had my game installed on it, so I could just show up anywhere and log in and play?


Unknown Soldier said:
Iyazoi, I'm thinking it might be useful to create a FAQ forum on the unofficial guild website and maybe you can migrate your helpful information posts to it. They're sort of scattered in this thread and people have to load and scroll past some huge images to get to the info posts. A dedicated forum with just your information posts would really help other people looking to join up in K-Tera who don't want to read this entire 20-page thread (10 pages if you're using 100 posts per page, LOL).

You and Arveene are both admins over at the Enjin site, so do as you please with the forums if you think this is a good idea.
Well eventually the idea is to get everything onto the blog. It might be a few weeks, though. School is starting to get hectic again with finals coming up here pretty soon, and with all of the test server/new patch stuff. I will get it all organized, it's just a matter of when I'm going to be able to find the time to do it really.

Corky said:
Oh man, each time I jump into this thread I regret it, I'd kill to have this game >_<, what are the odds of an english version hittin 2011?

I'm starting to think that learning korean will be quicker than waiting for aforementioned version.
You don't even need to know Korean! I mean, I've picked some up along the way but I started with absolutely zero knowledge of the Korean language.

As for when it's coming out, it depends on where you live. They're shooting for a 2011 release in NA, but who knows how long it might take. European version is TBA, but most likely early 2012.

Buttergoose said:
Elves strip and poledance around their staffs when they cast spells.

I wish. ;_;


Izayoi said:
As for when it's coming out, it depends on where you live. They're shooting for a 2011 release in NA, but who knows how long it might take. European version is TBA, but most likely early 2012.
EnMasse isn't publishing the EU version?

edit: they aren't. o_O Never heard of Frogster either. Seems they had a security breach few years ago. Ok now I've hit the point of being skeptical.

edit2: nvm seems they have a partnership with EnMass as far as content goes.


Euhm.. isn't everyone speaking in Korean? Communication with other players is kinda a big part of mmo's, and the launch of a mmo is always a cool experience (even with lag, server crashes and what not). If you have the patience i would just wait for the NA/EU retail release.
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