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The Acolyte premieres June 4th on Disney+


In Awe What GIF


It's like the video's I post

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Gold Member

this tweet, i'm losing it

I called it earlier in the thread, lol.

The socio-political undertone that Star Wars and other IPs that have been a vehicle for is painfully transparent. I was expecting a 3K in republic credits visit to the woods of Endor just to scream like a psychopath scene to boot. Poor nature. Poor Ewoks, no ladies, they're not bears. But they will eat you all the same.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
In context, this is the last 10 minutes of her special on Netflix. She was actually telling jokes and getting laughs before this part.

It doesn't make sense for her to direct her rage at 50% of the population because of the actions of a few individuals, and at her comedy special no less. Talk about ambushing the audience who are there to support her. Reporting these incidents to the police would have been a more constructive approach, as it could have led to justice being served. In many cases, it is men who play a crucial role in bringing these cunts to justice. By not reporting the incidents, she allowed these bastards to escape consequences. Seeking therapy and legal recourse would have been a healthier way to cope with her experiences instead of expressing her anger through her special.


Gold Member
Wow the drinker was right, that torbin dude has one of the most hilarious hair\beard combo i seen in recent times :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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as a complete outsider, whose never gonna watch the show nor care. So take my opinion with a grain of salt, also i don't have the full context of what is happening.

i must say this clip has the worst acting i have ever seen in a high budget tv show.

It's like the fever dream you have at night after a whole day of suffering from stomach flu.

Neon Xenon

I think most female writers fundamentally just don't understand the difference between cool and lame and it shows in every female led project

For guys growing up it's basically existential to understand that. Especially when you're young and trying to make it in the world. Young guys don't get by on their looks, it's by being cool and gravitating to interests that are cool

This is the lamest thing Ive ever seen and being an all female team I bet it didn't even register with anyone involved

If Star Wars isn't trying to be cool then wtf is the point of it

My reaction to this is just the same reaction I have to a lot of what comes out of modern creatives now (not just an easy target like Disney):

"This is embarrassing."


Gold Member
Everyone's favorite contributor network,

Here’s one exchange between two characters in this latest episode:

Mae: “The Jedi are bad!”

Osha: “The Jedi are good!”

Later, the same two characters—the twin protagonist/antagonists of the story, as children in this flashback episode—say to one another: “What have you done?” “What have you done?” “What have YOU DONE?”

I want to ask Disney the same question: What have you done?

This entire episode is a bad joke.

  • The witch chant was one of the lamest chants in the history of all chants. I wanted to giggle maniacally listening to it. I also wanted to cry.

  • This show had something like $180 million for its budget and I cannot for the life of me tell where any of it has gone. Every world feels small. Every set feels claustrophobic. There is no sense of scale or variety. It’s all so relentlessly generic. But hey, lightsabers!

I do have a theory, however. Imposters have taken over Star Wars (and lots of other popular genre properties, from The Witcher to True Detective). Maybe they’re fans, maybe they’re not but they’re certainly masquerading as good storytellers. And they think they know best, making whatever changes they see fit to “make it their own”.


As Game Of Thrones author George R.R. Martin wrote recently:

Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and “make them their own.” It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it. “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own.

They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse.

Amen, brother.
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There must be a point where disney stocks are going to fall like a rock and maybe this mandness will stop. It's impossible to keep releasing trash like this for years to no end. Not even disney can sustain this.

To be fair, disney stock post covid has already been performing like total dogshit against market trend. In a really pathetic way.


Biggest Trails Stan
Its from a series called The OA. Hot garbage. But worth a laugh.

I was planning on watching The OA considering it had a lot of praise online but I'm guessing it's woke garbage too especially since it's a Netflix show.

I loved Dark on Netflix which was surprising since it's Netflix and I expected something woke


Disney has ruined Star Wars. I have so much apathy for the franchise I can't even be bothered to hate watch the outrage YouTubers.
Star Wars was never meant to be Star Trek and have as much exposure. It was six stories or “legends” from a galaxy far, far, away. I’ve never considered anything outside of the six films to be cannon anyway. Everything outside of those films is fan fiction that attempts to ape or pervert themes from those movies.

It’s hilarious to see how many channels on YouTube that never discuss Star Wars are either discussing the outrage or they are outragers. The outrage is driving traffic to Disney+ for people to see for themselves. It’s genius marketing. I have to applaud Disney for it. It’s more interesting than the actual show to me. This is the real entertainment.


Gold Member
I think most female writers fundamentally just don't understand the difference between cool and lame and it shows in every female led project

For guys growing up it's basically existential to understand that. Especially when you're young and trying to make it in the world. Young guys don't get by on their looks, it's by being cool and gravitating to interests that are cool

This is the lamest thing Ive ever seen and being an all female team I bet it didn't even register with anyone involved

If Star Wars isn't trying to be cool then wtf is the point of it

Oh my fuckin god LOL.

What lame, corny, cheesy, cheap piece of shit. Its so bad Im not even upset anymore, Im just moving on. Time to change the avatar. Star Wars is absolutely buried.


Not really. They crowed about the 4.8 million views for the first couple of episodes. And they'll obfuscate if the views drop significantly. Hate watchers probably helped grant them a win for this out of the blocks with the shareholders.

Can't stress how much people who don't want this shit to continue should actually stop engaging with it altogether.

Im going to watch it at some point, but I'm torrenting it. Trying to cut as many subs as possible.

These disney shows nowadays reminds me of the trash that syfy channel would put out, but not even those took themselves seriously.


LucasFilms, well LucasFilms Games. already produced a way better, more original and interesting story about a child born of Thread, woven by a tragic woman in a Guild of "Weavers", ultimately resulting in the destruction of that Guild and bringing about apocalyptic events to the rest of that fantasy universe.

Boy, I miss Loom.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't all previous canon depict the Nightsisters as being very pale white? So how come we see so many black or dark skin witches in the new series?


So finally got around to watching the third episode. I don't have a problem with Nightsisters or the force ritual, my issue is with the continued character assassination they have going on regarding the Jedi. Which has been a issue ever since that shit stain of a movie called The Last Jedi.


Gold Member
So finally got around to watching the third episode. I don't have a problem with Nightsisters or the force ritual, my issue is with the continued character assassination they have going on regarding the Jedi. Which has been a issue ever since that shit stain of a movie called The Last Jedi.

Or the three movies George Lucas made that showed the Jedi were so bad at their jobs they allowed space Hitler to take over.


Gold Member
At some point people really need to believe that this idea of a coven or some women getting together to do dark spiritual magic is a real thing... it's existed throughout history... even in our supposedly atheistic/gnostic age... lots of women believe it and enact these rituals. It's not a surprise at all that a show done by a bunch of women will end up portraying a coven getting together to do dark spiritual magic. Say what you wil about this show, it's dumb as hell, but this is probably the part that rings the most true of it.

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Or the three movies George Lucas made that showed the Jedi were so bad at their jobs they allowed space Hitler to take over.
I never claimed the Jedi were perfect, but it's gotten to the point that the Jedi are simply made to be terrible all the time. The prequels showed the Jedi as aloof and out of touch but not actively stupid or malicious. The Last Jedi killed any potential future the Jedi might have had while this is just pissing on the legacy. Frankly, the legends EU was better in almost every way.
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So I think the space witch lesbians probably all pulled an Obi-Wan by basically just dying on the spot and joining their spirits into "Smilo-Ren". "Power of many".


Gold Member
He was a duly elected senator from Naboo that was granted the chancellorship due to the ongoing trade war. Then granted emergency powers due to existential threats to the republic.

Like I said, space Hitler.
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