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The Acolyte premieres June 4th on Disney+


Perpetually Offended
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't all previous canon depict the Nightsisters as being very pale white? So how come we see so many black or dark skin witches in the new series?

The witches of Dathomir are pale white...

However Morgan Elsbeth isn't pale or white ... Neither do these women have to be? Different planets, same religion, different cultures... Like here on Earth.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Witches chant in media all of the time, going back to Shakespeare (MacBeth), and no one cares. The writer(s) and director really achieved something by making a witch chant corny enough to make even Star Wars super fans grimace a little.

On a second watch I don't find it as bad as I did during "opening" night with an Old Fashioned in me while working on a second, but it still ain't working. I also find myself looking more forward to the next flashback on a second watch, as I picked up on more things that will need to be revealed as the layers of this onion come off.


Gold Member
Or the three movies George Lucas made that showed the Jedi were so bad at their jobs they allowed space Hitler to take over.


World’s Biggest Weeb

Oh my god I can’t stop laughing at this. Gotta love how literally nobody wants to hear this, but if you slap the word “feminist” on it then everyone is forced to patronizingly pretend like this is some respectable art form.

Although I guess getting people to eat shit on live TV and pretend they like it is an art form in itself. So, well played?


Oh my god I can’t stop laughing at this. Gotta love how literally nobody wants to hear this, but if you slap the word “feminist” on it then everyone is forced to patronizingly pretend like this is some respectable art form.

Although I guess getting people to eat shit on live TV and pretend they like it is an art form in itself. So, well played?

Well, there was one time an art exhibition in my town where they had a food blender filled with human shit. It mixed it 24/7. People went to see and marvel it....because it was art.

edit: Looked up what it was about...so it wasn't just shit but also menstrual blood and piss and as one might guess....it was about feminism and motherhood.

noot noot GIF
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Some random movie called "acolytes" from years ago is getting a bunch of negative reviews added onto it from idiots/bots who don't realize it has nothing to do with the show. When you look at the reviews they explicitly are mentioning star wars



I think most female writers fundamentally just don't understand the difference between cool and lame and it shows in every female led project

For guys growing up it's basically existential to understand that. Especially when you're young and trying to make it in the world. Young guys don't get by on their looks, it's by being cool and gravitating to interests that are cool

This is the lamest thing Ive ever seen and being an all female team I bet it didn't even register with anyone involved

If Star Wars isn't trying to be cool then wtf is the point of it

This made me think about which filmmakers make "cool" stuff....

Names that came to my mind:

James Cameron, Mel Gibson, and Ridley Scott.

And I might get a lot of hate for this one but.....Zack Snyder. I know people hate his movies, but I think he's really talented at making "cool" visuals.


Perpetually Offended
This made me think about which filmmakers make "cool" stuff....

Names that came to my mind:

James Cameron, Mel Gibson, and Ridley Scott.

And I might get a lot of hate for this one but.....Zack Snyder. I know people hate his movies, but I think he's really talented at making "cool" visuals.

Disregarding the story parts, the action sequences by Chloe Zhao for The Eternals were ACE!

Kathryn Bigelow too.


Disregarding the story parts, the action sequences by Chloe Zhao for The Eternals were ACE!

Kathryn Bigelow too.
I hate to say it but usually the action sequences are created by committee at marvel.

There's even some saying that they create the set pieces first and try build the story around it.

So I think there's are large team involved in their creation, especially the director for hire movies like the eternals seemed to be.

Obviously Kathryn Bigelow is in a league of her own and doesn't relate to the above
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Now we need an article about how fat Jedis are also canon because a Portuguese-language Star Wars book published in 2011 referenced a portly Jedi who had a thyroid problem.
Portly jedis are the least of the shows problems. The writing and the entertainment gaslighting to back it up are the problem. But if they say something negative access to Lucas film gets cut off. You cannot actually critic.
I loved the first trilogy.

Nostalgia is a helluva drug but lets not dismiss the fact that the OG trilogy didnt have its hillariously stupid moments as worse as the modern stuff. Obviously, that doesnt mean the newer Star Wars stuff should be given an excuse since budget and technology and lore has improved considerably over the years, but just saying. I was never a HUGE Star Wars fan when I was a kid and even tho I watched the trilogy any time I got the chance I still found it stupid silly fun. It wasnt until I played and learned about The Old Republic stuff that started to peak my interest in Star Wars. A lot of heavy mature stuff in that period which sadly we are still not getting.


Bro i was young lmao

After two sentences I stopped.

Nothing personal.
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Gold Member
See, the thing with endor was how it was juxtaposed with 2 other battles and they all went through the same "we are losing....and then..." turn around cycle. The ewoks didn't fight well at first, some were killed, and while those elaborate traps were improbable at best, it kinda showed how they evolved their tactics within the battle. Plus it was really chewie getting control of an AT-ST the turned the tide.

So silly as it was, there was a strong narrative arc, good emotional resonance, and tieing it into the space battles success and Luke's struggle really made it a great capstone moment for the trilogy.

Do I wish those ewols were wookies instead? ABSOLUTELY. Am I a fan of ewoks in general though? ABSOLUTELY. You don't see an ewok flipping stormtroopers over his shoulder, punching them, or doing flying leap kicks. They tended to use weapons and ganged up on them. The traps were inventive. About the only really bad bit was raining down small stones on the troopers in armor as they cower.



Nostalgia is a helluva drug but lets not dismiss the fact that the OG trilogy didnt have its hillariously stupid moments as worse as the modern stuff. Obviously, that doesnt mean the newer Star Wars stuff should be given an excuse since budget and technology and lore has improved considerably over the years, but just saying. I was never a HUGE Star Wars fan when I was a kid and even tho I watched the trilogy any time I got the chance I still found it stupid silly fun. It wasnt until I played and learned about The Old Republic stuff that started to peak my interest in Star Wars. A lot of heavy mature stuff in that period which sadly we are still not getting.

Wasnt the Empire loss on Endor a reflection of USA loosing in Vietnam?

Strongest army in the world loses to a sticks and stones army.
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Gold Member
Some random movie called "acolytes" from years ago is getting a bunch of negative reviews added onto it from idiots/bots who don't realize it has nothing to do with the show. When you look at the reviews they explicitly are mentioning star wars



Gold Member
Wasnt the Empire loss on Endor a reflection of USA loosing in Vietnam?

Strongest army in the world loses to a sticks and stones army.

No it was to sell teddy bear toys. The original movie before Kurtz left didn't even have Ewoks in it.

“I could see where things were headed,” Kurtz said. “The toy business began to drive the [Lucasfilm] empire. It’s a shame. They make three times as much on toys as they do on films. It’s natural to make decisions that protect the toy business, but that’s not the best thing for making quality films.”
He added: “The first film and ‘Empire’ were about story and character, but I could see that George’s priorities were changing.”

“The emphasis on the toys, it’s like the cart driving the horse,” Kurtz said. “If it wasn’t for that the films would be done for their own merits. The creative team wouldn’t be looking over their shoulder all the time.”

“We had an outline and George changed everything in it,’ Kurtz said. “Instead of bittersweet and poignant he wanted a euphoric ending with everybody happy. The original idea was that they would recover [the kidnapped] Han Solo in the early part of the story and that he would then die in the middle part of the film in a raid on an Imperial base. George then decided he didn’t want any of the principals killed. By that time there were really big toy sales and that was a reason.”

The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.
Kurtz said that ending would have been a more emotionally nuanced finale to an epic adventure than the forest celebration of the Ewoks that essentially ended the trilogy with a teddy bear luau.


"A place to discuss Star Wars with a huge emphasis on positivity. Criticism of any content is allowed, but do so respectfully towards the creators as well as the fans."

Wow, these sad sacks actually made a safe space to whine about anyone who doesn't bend over for this trash.

Star wars discussion has become so abrasive that you're basicslly shunted into one extreme or the other. Theres been a "negative" circlejerk sub called saltierthancrait for years.

Its becoming early 2000s level with how bad it was and its easier to just avoid talking about it online. Thankfully most people I've encountered in the real world are a lot more normal about the stuff, even when there are disagreements.


Gold Member
Is the show going to end with the twins fighting Smile-o-Ren, they’re having a force push battle and the twins remember “the power of two”. But it’s not quite enough, and suddenly the ghosts of the witches show up and the music “the power of manyyyyyy” starts playing?

If that happens ya’ll better phone an ambulance for me. I might literally be dying of laughter.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Is the show going to end with the twins fighting Smile-o-Ren, they’re having a force push battle and the twins remember “the power of two”. But it’s not quite enough, and suddenly the ghosts of the witches show up and the music “the power of manyyyyyy” starts playing?

If that happens ya’ll better phone an ambulance for me. I might literally be dying of laughter.
I think you spoiled the ending 😂.


Gold Member
Finally finished episode 3. What I don't understand is why the bald Jedi Master accepted the poison even though the sister killed everyone.


Fafracer forever
If that happens ya’ll better phone an ambulance for me. I might literally be dying of laughter.
See I was already not planning to keep watching this train-wreck but now you're making me morbidly curious to see it just for this prediction 🤦‍♂️

Finally finished episode 3. What I don't understand is why the bald Jedi Master accepted the poison even though the sister killed everyone.
Ep 3 is clearly meant to be 'unreliable narrator' view point - ie. we'll find out what 'really' happened later (or what Jedi think really happened at least).
With that said - I'm about 89% certain at this point that one of the witches mind controlled 1-3 Jedi(s) to murder everyone, and then eventually got killed by The Squid Game herself. It would slot neatly with what the authors think is 'clever twist', explain why one of the twins thinks Jedi pull sabers only to kill - and the Jedi would feel responsible for what they've done (and the subsequent cover-up) and the chekov's mind control has been prominently featured in first 3 episodes so it's GOING to be a plot-thing even if my prediction turns out wrong.

Now the best part of this is that my story still works with Madflavor's ending - I fully expect two plot threads to be disconnected based on general Disney Wars writer competency - so yea - we're probably both right.
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Fafracer forever
The prequels showed the Jedi as aloof and out of touch but not actively stupid or malicious.
Oh they definitely showed them as stupid - everything that happened post Dooku exposition to Obi Wan is basically their own fault.
Malicious - maybe not in the movies - but Clone Wars explicitly had other 'evil Jedi' right down to some that opted to kill their own forces 'just because they could' - years before Disney sequels were a thing.


Fafracer forever
They already said it's Star Wars Rashomon. But the people review bombing anything with "Acolyte" in the title are too stupid to know what that is.
Well in fairness it's executed - quite - poorly - you can't retroactively claim 'a perspective' when you show events from at least 3 different character's perspectives on screen. The blame here rests squarely on the show-runner's shoulders.


Gold Member
Oh they definitely showed them as stupid - everything that happened post Dooku exposition to Obi Wan is basically their own fault.
Malicious - maybe not in the movies - but Clone Wars explicitly had other 'evil Jedi' right down to some that opted to kill their own forces 'just because they could' - years before Disney sequels were a thing.

Even before that, George completely changed the Jedi in TPM. People seem to have selective memory about how they were in the EU novels before TPM:

George made them warrior monk government enforcers who were sent in to make sure the government got their way.


Gold Member
See I was already not planning to keep watching this train-wreck but now you're making me morbidly curious to see it just for this prediction 🤦‍♂️

Ep 3 is clearly meant to be 'unreliable narrator' view point - ie. we'll find out what 'really' happened later (or what Jedi think really happened at least).
With that said - I'm about 89% certain at this point that one of the witches mind controlled 1-3 Jedi(s) to murder everyone, and then eventually got killed by The Squid Game herself. It would slot neatly with what the authors think is 'clever twist', explain why one of the twins thinks Jedi pull sabers only to kill - and the Jedi would feel responsible for what they've done (and the subsequent cover-up) and the chekov's mind control has been prominently featured in first 3 episodes so it's GOING to be a plot-thing even if my prediction turns out wrong.

Now the best part of this is that my story still works with Madflavor's ending - I fully expect two plot threads to be disconnected based on general Disney Wars writer competency - so yea - we're probably both right.
But there were no signs of fighting on the witches. No detached body parts or lightsaber injuries. They were just lying there.
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