Just saw it yesterday with subs in the cinema with some friends, absolutly fantasic momie. This was my face in nearly all the parts of it :O
The scene with the two ships and the motorcycle one were just mindblowing.
Bothered by the calling Milu Snowy in english, but I really liked the british voices. Will probably watch it again in spanish. It was also fun to see how they translated Haddock typical phrases to english, as im accostumed to the spanish version in the comics. Tintin saying "Large Snakes!" made me laugh.
The character models are breathtaking, also the animation of the hair. I also love that it has cartoon humour all over the place, remid me of what they did with Mortadelo and Filemon here, although that was an very exagerated real live action movie.
Also me and a friend talked about how awesome is watching in a movie a relationship with a old "mad" man and a young boy doing adventures, and that it reminds us a lot of the other only movie with such a relationship. Back to the Future. Maybe is not a coincidence that the movie was produced by Steven Spielberg (and when he did that he already knew about tintin) and that the relationship of Haddock and Tintin is similar to Doc and Marty.
BTW the theaters were packed with long lines surrounding the buildings and the tickets were sold out every where when they released the movie last week in Spain, so at least here, the movie is doing very well. But thats probably beacause spain has always loved the european comics as Tintin, Asterix and Mortadelo y Filemon.