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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Only an hour or so in but Tomb Raider isn't living up to even my moderate hype for it.

I can't help but compare it to Uncharted and it's not coming close.
I already have tons of complaints, some small, but damn it's been like an hour lol.

Why does it feel like I have so little control of lara in the beginning cave, I felt like I was just watching, unsure if me holding the thumbstick was actually moving her forward.

Why the fuck am I burning everything in this confined spaces and why does the fire die even if its surrounded by the same exact things I set on fire.

Why the fuck am I jumping into chest deep water at night when its raining if Im trying to survive, why did I not grab a lifejacket if not to keep afloat and save strength but to keep warm. These things wouldn't bother me if this reboot wasn't striving for realism.

Those text commands on screen telling you what to do is a real poor narative device if you can even call it that.

The controls feel odd, like there's a lag and Lara is a little floaty.

Jumping from ledge to ledge in the beginning was way too easy, Uncharted made you feel like you had to calculate distance and jump at the right time. That's made even worse when you realize you're controlling a person stabbed straight through their abs. Granted games in general tend to do that a lot.

And the least significant gripe. Burn the net, wooden box doesn't catch fire, falls to the floor.

I'll keep at it but damn did it start off on the wrong foot. And I don'mt think I'll ever forgive it for these loose-ass controls.


I thought about getting Tomb Raider but I guess not now.

Now you know how his kids feel.



I'm still pissed because I liked the Tomb Raider games the way they were.

With actual raiding of tombs.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
If you don't dig the unchartedness in the beginning to the baby steps approach up to the first hour or so, then drop it. The game is great but if the atmosphere doesn't click then it doesn't click and you wont appreciate what's to follow. I probably wouldn't have recommended it to moris directly though. Didn't think it was his kind of game.
Shitty fanservice simulator. Avoid.

also, Naoto > all your bullshit
The show was not bad. Probably the best fanservice one could ever hope to see too.

And last night was weird.


I would but I have never played a monster hunter game and you would probably get frustrated by my poor play.

its actually my first monster hunter game and i've been playing all this time not even sure of what i'm doing

all i know is that i cant believe ive missed out on this series for so long

its making the wait for Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 much easier


So I'm looking at my phone and computer trying to figure out what the hell I was so mad about last night. All I know is that my roommate put me in my room and wouldn't let me come out. It's rare that I completely flip out so I had to be acting a damn fool for him to do that. I feel like an apology tour is coming...

sn: i get no sleep whenever i get hammered off beer. always up at the ass crack of dawn. probably doesnt help that i only drink shitty beer.
Yesterday, I ate a big-ass t-bone steak, drank fancy beer and got wasted as a precursor to my 30th birthday this week.

I'm gonna be old now. :(
Also, Wii U hate is silly...you know what it's about. It's a Nintendo; you buy it to play Nintendo games. You know you'll be all over that shit when that 3d Mario or Zelda comes out in HD.
So I'm looking at my phone and computer trying to figure out what the hell I was so mad about last night. All I know is that my roommate put me in my room and wouldn't let me come out. It's rare that I completely flip out so I had to be acting a damn fool for him to do that. I feel like an apology tour is coming...

sn: i get no sleep whenever i get hammered off beer. always up at the ass crack of dawn. probably doesnt help that i only drink shitty beer.

It was a full moon and you began to transform into Slay. Your roommate saved your life, bro

I just thought why spend the money on a struggle system when I can spend a little more and get a baller system like a PS4.

Smash bros, Bayo 2 and Wonderful 101 are what make the WiiU worth it

Also, Carrie Brownstein is a 10/10
My tax refund despite making decent money this year is predicted (not filing this shit until I'm sure) to be less than I got when I was working part time at Taco-Bell in highschool.


Voting Republican if I didn't fuck this up.
My tax refund despite making decent money this year is predicted (not filing this shit until I'm sure) to be less than I got when I was working part time at Taco-Bell in highschool.


Voting Republican if I didn't fuck this up.

You do realize unless your making over $250k it wouldn't make a difference.
Personally i loved Tomb Raider thought it was a damn good game and personally i looked at it as more of a metroidvania then an uncharted clone. It has all the standard metroidvania tropes upgradable powerups back tracking connected areas etc. Its a really solid title that comes into its on the longer you play. I cracked out on it when i borrowed from my boy. But again to each his own. Infinite is my next purchase though. And im only gonna fuck with a wii u for that x/xenoblade 2 game. System does nothing for me until is cheap.


My tax refund despite making decent money this year is predicted (not filing this shit until I'm sure) to be less than I got when I was working part time at Taco-Bell in highschool.


Voting Republican if I didn't fuck this up.
You didn't claim somebody's kids?


Also, Wii U hate is silly...you know what it's about. It's a Nintendo; you buy it to play Nintendo games. You know you'll be all over that shit when that 3d Mario or Zelda comes out in HD.

Nintendo fucked up with me when Wii owners had to fuckin beg for them to put Nintendo games out for the system. Shit was already translated and they were just gonna let Wii owners sit there with nothing to play, in the middle of a giant game drought.


Smash bros, Bayo 2 and Wonderful 101 are what make the WiiU worth it

Also, Wii U hate is silly...you know what it's about. It's a Nintendo; you buy it to play Nintendo games. You know you'll be all over that shit when that 3d Mario or Zelda comes out in HD.

What I'll never understand about companies like Nintendo is how they've been doing the same thing for years (releasing gaming devices dependent on their first party software) and still don't know how to have at least one or two "system sellers" out on launch day vs months/years later after everyone has panned their product for not having any games. For example, Smash Brothers. It moves systems. Why not have this game out day one? It can't be that hard to take the same engine and throw more characters at it in 4+ years. Come out the gate swinging. Don't try to hit a home run after the game is almost over and people have almost given up. That strategy only works with their portables because Sony has no idea how to market a portable product.


What I'll never understand about companies like Nintendo is how they've been doing the same thing for years (releasing gaming devices dependent on their first party software) and still don't know how to have at least one or two "system sellers" out on launch day vs months/years later after everyone has panned their product for not having any games. For example, Smash Brothers. It moves systems. Why not have this game out day one? It can't be that hard to take the same engine and throw more characters at it in 4+ years. Come out the gate swinging. Don't try to hit a home run after the game is almost over and people have almost given up. That strategy only works with their portables because Sony has no idea how to market a portable product.

yeah this is one reason why i've never bought a Nintendo console. the little shit i'd actually want to play (basically Kart, Smash & Mario Sports) takes fucking forever to come out. i'll let a friend take that hit. i know there's tons of people that feel the same way as me.


Hold up. You're not buying that PS-quadruple?

i plan to get one

all it'll take is a couple of must-have games on the horizon and a decent price point and i'll buy it

bayonetta and vanquish were why i bought a 360, and i cant remember why i bought a PS3, but journey and the deals on PS+ ended up making it worth it

so i'll bite eventually



Got rushed to the hospital yesterday. Apparently I'm allergic to Bee stings. I was at a friends BBQ and apparently there was a Wasp's nest in my boy's gazebo. Long story short, I got stung. It looked like I had just lost a fight cause my face swelled the fuck up, I had hives and it started to get tough as shit to breathe. Was taken to the hospital by ambulance, given adrenaline and had to stay there over night. Shit fucking sucked.
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