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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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bitch I'm taking calls.
I'm getting close to catching a ban in this redskins thread.
All I see are the same shitty arguments and drive-by posts that completely ignore attempts at genuine argument or discussion about racial terms being used in traditional sports names. I don't know anything that is important enough to disrespect racial heritage but it's certainly not a damn sport. You've made your point man, it doesn't look like most of the people posting are open to being redeemed so don't sacrifice yourself for their foolishness.

EDIT: I just caught up with that thread. I get where you're coming from now, Moris, especially the latest posts. I kind of understand now.


Yeah how could we live without always having this safe-haven to go back to

Bish's call to arms was like Superman asking a cop to help him fight braniac

"No thanks, did you see what Darkseid did to Turpin? I'll just stay home, thanks."

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air

so yeah bruhs i am gotta ask has anyone been to Israel and is this the norm?
Slay Devo. You two gonna be on Skype in an hour and a half? One mic and immortal won't be able to make and Day is 50/50.

Nah. I gotta get a chair. x_x. Maybe you should just get one of those websites where you can pop in days and times you're available, then link it to us and we can vote.
Im just throwing this out there but I am off and available on Tuesday and Wednesdays. And I want to be apart of this So Well Spoken. I just cant do Fridays at all.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I just had the toughest fucking interview I've ever had the disservice of having. I was actually hired last week, but this job pays more and is close to my house, so I thought to myself "what the hell?" and decided to give it a go.

The interview started at 1:30, and I proceeded to interview with 8 people (This is actually my 2nd interview with the place). I didn't get out of there until after 4:30. I swear they left the room and fetched the fucking janitor to come into the room and interview me. The first 7 interviews were pretty standard stuff, and went relatively well. Some of the people were approachable, some not so approachable, but whatever, I answered everything thrown at me with ease. Every one of them asked "What kind of manager do you like?" followed by "Because our CEO is confrontational, frank and to the point, and a lot of people don't like that." I'm like yeah whatever, I like that in a person, and didn't think anything of it. And then the CEO walked in.

Every other interviewer sat to my side, to maintain a relatively close eye to eye interview. This dude walks in, and sits opposite of me without saying a damned thing. I introduced myself, and expected him to do the same, but dude wasn't having it. I still don't know his name, even after trying to pry it from him several times. This dude was literally an old Asian version of Donald Trump, and I'm talking Donald Trump once someone on the Apprentice has pissed him off and he's ready to fire them. He maintained that level of intensity for damn near 40 minutes.

He fucking GRILLED me.

"You had a 3.78 in college? Well, why didn't you get a 4.0 and what does that say about you as a person? Why should I hire someone who obviously didn't care enough about school to achieve perfection. Do you put a similar lack of effort into your work?"

"Oh, it says here that you majored in Film with a minor in teaching. Why didn't you pursue a STEM degree? This is a technological company, how is a Liberal Arts major going to make the jump? So you want to teach down the line? Well teaching is a useless profession. Look at Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, no education and they're billionaires. I'm also uneducated, and here I am interviewing you as CEO of this company. Why would you choose such a financially unfulfilling profession, and why should I hire someone with a lack of foresight into the direction of the job market?"

"It says here that you were unemployed for 1.5 months following college. Why do you think you went so long without finding work? Are you simply unappealing? Is there something about you that screams "underachiever?" Personally, I think it's your choice of major. I mean, really, what were you thinking?"

"So you'd like to grow within the company? Aren't you getting ahead of yourself? You don't even have the job yet, and you're talking about growth? And what makes you think I'd want to promote you in the first place."

"Do you speak Mandarin? No? Why not. Me, personally, I know multiple languages. Is there any reason you couldn't pick up multiple languages within college and you're free time?"

"A lot of your work experience has nothing to do with your major. Why did you waste your time working jobs that had nothing to do with your major? It's a waste of time. You could have worked at McDonalds or the Red Cross and gotten the same end result, ie. worthless job experience."

He just kept going and going, delving into what seemed like increasingly bullshit and unrelated information. Dude seemed like he legitimately hated my fucking guts from the get go, like I was the basis of every bad thing that ever happened within his life. Then once the interview finished, he asked me if I had any questions.

By this point, I had already asked 7 people questions, but I managed to come up with a few: "I know you said you had to let go the previous person within this position. What are some ways that I as a potential employee could rectify and improve upon his or her deficiencies?" and "Are there any reservations on your end regarding my ability to fulfill this role?"

And he responded with, no joke, "I thought I was doing the interview." and proceeded to ask if I had anymore questions.

I was pretty pissed off and annoyed by this point (internally) so I snidely said "When do I start working and what's my salary?" He told me "Now's not the time to be discussing that" and proceeded to get up and ask that I follow him so he could escort me out. I thought I had pissed him off, but once we came to the secretaries desk, he asked her to set me up with a 3rd interview.

There's NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL I'm going back for that 3rd interview. The job doesn't pay that much more than my current one to warrant working under the fucking Gordon Ramsay of the Silicon Valley. Jesus Christ.


Third interview? They really need to make it illegal to have more than one. I swear one company had a six interview loop. It's a lame way to keep your attention so it's harder for you to be interviewed and swept out from under them while they get all the time in the world to consider you while dragging people along and draining their transportation money.


Junior Member
Time for the post-funeral BBQ, as per family tradition. JC would flip if he saw some of my cousins.

Oh I'm about 24 hours away from that over here. Just got back from the viewing. Basically turned into a sub family reunion since half the people there hadn't seen each other in 15 years.

I'm also finally starting to learn just how complex my family is. I'm running into people who are half-brothers of my uncle (the deceased) and so-on, slowly realizing that NONE of my aunts and uncles are full siblings to each other. I have never met, and probably will never meet either of my biological grandfathers. How common is this in your families BCT?
Go to the third interview and give em hell.

"Many companies in your industry have much better financials, do a bunch of unqualified people work here or is it poor management? I see that there several companies considered overall more stable with more room for growth, why would I work for a company that doesn't strive for perfection? I've since reviewed your company's stock prices and lifetime year to year net income, why are other companies outperforming you? I was under the impression that this was an ambitious company."
Go to the third interview and give em hell.

"Many companies in your industry have much better financials, do a bunch of unqualified people work here or is it poor management? I see that there several companies considered overall more stable with more room for growth, why would I work for a company that doesn't strive for perfection? I've since reviewed your company's stock prices and lifetime year to year net income, why are other companies outperforming you? I was under the impression that this was an ambitious company."

Hahaha, this CEO might make him the executive VP for that performance.

Harson, when you stared with "hardest interview ever," and then said it was like 4 hours - honestly, I was like, "hahaha.. 4 hours.. wooooooow, baby ass." But yea, I've never dealt with anything like that in all the asshole interviews I've done. That just seems entirely unhelpful for their purposes, but whatever.

Is the company a better place to be at than your current place? I'd take it and negotiate if you got something.


Hahaha, this CEO might make him the executive VP for that performance.

Harson, when you stared with "hardest interview ever," and then said it was like 4 hours - honestly, I was like, "hahaha.. 4 hours.. wooooooow, baby ass." But yea, I've never dealt with anything like that in all the asshole interviews I've done. That just seems entirely unhelpful for their purposes, but whatever.

Is the company a better place to be at than your current place? I'd take it and negotiate if you got something.

I literally just started working at my current job Monday. The job I interviewed for today pays roughly a dollar more an hour, is within a company that's relatively similar in size to the one I'm working at now and is literally right around the corner from my house. But my current manager is really cool, and everyone in the office is chill, so unless I'd able to squeeze a bit more money out of the company I interviewed for today... it's just not worth it if the CEO is this much of an ass to his employees haha

Shit, can we trade GPAs?

Congrats on the GPA man. Good shit.

Thanks! It's literally 2.0 points higher than my High School GPA haha. I've come a long way. Started from the bottom now we're here! You know how Drake do.


Somehow, my evening went from potentially hanging out with the very attractive models from the fashion show put on by my new alma mater's BSU...to instead watching a bunch of dudes dance in a circle at a bar.

Not gonna lie....kinda salty. lol
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