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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Bane was a good character it should have been about him and only him. But we had Catwomen outsmarting bats, and Talia coming out of nowhere with an RKO
I loved Avengers and I loved Captain America. But I'm a fucking functional marvel fanboy so I'm biased. And Steve Rogers is my favorite comic book hero next to Luke Cage,T'challa and the Boys. So yeah I'm biased as all get out.


I mean it's perfect if you want your superheros to be selfish prissy underdeveloped characters that squabble with each other like they were a part of Pop-Gaf for 2 hours then take part in an action scene worthy of being in transformers for the last 30 mins.

i'm a huge fan of the Nolan Batmans but that works for me too. Avengers was dope. reminded me a lot of the DC cartoon movies really. i don't even fuck w/ Marvel heavy outside of the X-Men but i've liked all their recent movies.

and the Ls keep piling
Bane was a good character it should have been about him and only him. But we had Catwomen outsmarting bats, and Talia coming out of nowhere with an RKO
Yeah bane was a awesome character as he was, i loved his voice
But then the whole Talia thing made him seem like less of his own person


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
So I'm bored on my last day off and I start watching this movie called Confederate States of America. Yeah.... its satire but.....


Stick around for the ending montage.


Cap was marvel's best movie until it hit the POW rescue. Once that was over, it was all downhill. Felt like the movie had to fast track so we could get him in the ice.

Avengers was fun and I loved it the first time I saw it. Love it way less now, but it's still good.

Hulk was boring as fuck. Thor and IM2 were ass.

Iron Man 1 remains Marvel Studios's best. IM3 was disappointing, and where I realized I my honeymoon period with Marvel films was over. I'm probably going to be more critical of Marvel Studios efforts from here on - Avengers 2 especially. (Looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. Thor 2 looks like it'll be less ass than the first, I guess.)


I love all of the Marvel movies because fuck your Chris Nolan bullshit, superheroes can be superheroes and there's not a damn thing wrong with that.

Every single Marvel film holds up better on repeated viewings than Nolan's films. Learn how to shoot an action scene, asshole.
As opposed to what? You looking for drama, romance and intrigue?
Well it would be nice to have anyone of those in the Avengers. It had none. Empty action film that would get shitted on if people would look past it being a "Marvel" movie.

I take it your a fan of the Nolan batman trilogy? Avengers was damn good, the only movie I seen 2 times in the theatre, both times it was a packed house with people going ham at every action scene

I like BB and TDK. TDKR only gets points for looking like an actual big budget film and not like it was filmed and lighted by college students.

Best Comic flicks:

Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Spidey 2 (Even though I hate Dorkby's Peter Parker)
Iron Man
I love all of the Marvel movies because fuck your Chris Nolan bullshit, superheroes can be superheroes and there's not a damn thing wrong with that.

Every single Marvel film holds up better on repeated viewings than Nolan's films. Learn how to shoot an action scene, asshole.

The only action scene I really liked in the Nolan trilogy was the joker/harvey/batman chase. Other then that meh, the bane fight should have been epic

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Cooley High is a great movie. Anyone else seen it?

'You a star. You ain't gotta worry about your grades.'
'You ain't gotta worry either. You know you failing.'


Oh my god... my face is peeling badly. It looks like vitiligo. How am I supposed to hit the club Friday with my face looking like early 90s Michael Jackson without his foundation? :(

Cooley High is a great movie. Anyone else seen it?

Yup, I've recommended it a few times on these boards. How old are you btw? Cooley High and a Banana Splits Show avatar?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Oh my god... my face is peeling badly. It looks like vitiligo. How am I supposed to hit the club Friday with my face looking like early 90s Michael Jackson without his foundation? :(

Yup, I've recommended it a few times on these boards. How old are you btw? Cooley High and a Banana Splits Show avatar?

23. Banana Splits was brought on by Space Ghost and got me real into it. I end up watching a lot of movies from the 60s and 70s though.


Oh my god... my face is peeling badly. It looks like vitiligo. How am I supposed to hit the club Friday with my face looking like early 90s Michael Jackson without his foundation? :(

Yup, I've recommended it a few times on these boards. How old are you btw? Cooley High and a Banana Splits Show avatar?

uh...that sounds like some shit i had 2 or 3 summers ago. you might want to hit the dermatologist immediately. my face was fucked up for the entire summer.


nah that aint sunburn. at least not what i had back then (tinea versicolor i think). i looked like my face was falling off.

i dont usually catch bad sunburns though.


Never caught a sunburn, but I sweat like a motherfucker during the summer - it's unbearable. About 4 years ago I went on a graduation trip to Costa Rica in June - never have I felt such intense heat.
Never had a burn in my life and I'm a couple shades above light skinned, my sister does though. My skin is terrible otherwise, got stretch marks and shit even though Ive never been overweight in my life.


I'm just a white dude that burns. I helped my bro out with his car a few days ago, I was in the sun for maybe 30-40 minutes total and that was with me going inside to get tools and check work stuff and my upper arms and head got burned. Also just buzzed all my hair off, so that was my first scalp sunburn

ow ow ow ow

Now I know to put on sunblock no matter how little time I think I'm going to be in the sun. Also can never use enough aloe vera


Two of our most trusted neoGAF insiders have said that Microsoft is reacting hard to what has went down, and so they're going to try to dismantle PS4's image as a "for gamers" console by paying publishers and devs to not show their multiplatform titles during E3 on a PS4. In other words, even if the multiplatform version is coming out for the PS4, they won't be able to show them at E3, thus contributing to the perception that somehow Sony is getting significantly less support for PS4 than Microsoft is "for gamers."

Of course, I'm sure multiplatform games will slip through - they can't possibly pay everyone - but it's extremely telling how they're choosing to spend their money. Rather than do the thing everyone wants, which is end the anti-consumer nonsense, they'll spend their time trying to deceive everyone instead. That should say it all about Microsoft since this year started

Microsoft is getting waaaay out of line if this is true. any devs that actually go for it are too.

Aint you dark brotha doe?

yeah...mid/dark. dad's kinda light and mom's dark so it balanced out a bit. like i had straight up white spots on my face. and then that shit started peeling. and the dermatologist said it got worse because the lotion i used was oily as fuck. and it caused the rash to spread even more. thank god it got better before school though because i was tripping off that shit real hard.
Well it would be nice to have anyone of those in the Avengers. It had none. Empty action film that would get shitted on if people would look past it being a "Marvel" movie.

Why would you look past the most important part of the film. It's the Avengers.. starring, the Avengers. It's from comics, it tells a story like a comic would in a 2 hour time span.

You looking for a summer blockbuster with dudes in spandex to change your life?


Why would you look past the most important part of the film. It's the Avengers.. starring, the Avengers. It's from comics, it tells a story like a comic would in a 2 hour time span.

You looking for a summer blockbuster with dudes in spandex to change your life?

eh, I'd say that it could've gone for better character development and less cheesy as fuck comedy scenes. All the best superehero movies have had at least somewhat decent character and plot development and Avengers is lacking a ton in that department. It makes up for it in the action department, which is why it works as a mindless superhero popcorn flick. Analyzing it as an actual movie, it isn't very good, which is why in 10 years you wont here nobody talking about how great that movie is.


Mannnnnn. I've been sunburned before, but my face is usually just red for the day and then I wake up more tanned the next morning.

Never caught a sunburn, but I sweat like a motherfucker during the summer - it's unbearable. About 4 years ago I went on a graduation trip to Costa Rica in June - never have I felt such intense heat.

I used to sweat like a motherfucker before I lost weight. I still sweat a bit though. I wish I could wear dress shirts without anything under :(


Ubisoft Marketing
Someone mentioned Aloe Vera.

Since i was a kid, i've been using vaseline as moisturiser (no joke). My parents used to cover us head to toe in it before school. I combine a little bit of it with Astral, which doubles as a low level sunscreen.

I'm West African level dark, lol. Thankfully never burned either.


Someone mentioned Aloe Vera.

Since i was a kid, i've been using vaseline as moisturiser (no joke). My parents used to cover us head to toe in it before school. I combine a little bit of it with Astral, which doubles as a low level sunscreen.

I'm West African level dark, lol. Thankfully never burned either.


nah that is not the move. or at least my dermatologist thought it was a terrible idea. lotion will do the job just fine.
Why would you look past the most important part of the film. It's the Avengers.. starring, the Avengers. It's from comics, it tells a story like a comic would in a 2 hour time span.

You looking for a summer blockbuster with dudes in spandex to change your life?

Good comics are 95% character development and story. Sorry I can't ignore 2 hours of a 2 and 1/2 hours movie where nothing happens except Captain America cracks a joke and Iron Man just spouts witting lines. The movie is just boring as shit until Hulk punches stuff.


I ain't going to name names. But I rather hater ass busters meet me in the threads then do their coward stuff in PMs. Come at me in the streets, you know who you are.
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