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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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I mean if Sony doesn't take advantage of it then what are gamers going to do? All buy gaming caliber PC's?

MS is in a great position if Sony follows suit.

There are other negatives outside of DRM. Internet connection ish, concerns about it being similar in price and much less powerful, mandatory kinect.

It'd be really hard for Sony to screw this up even they go the DRM route. But I thought MS would have a PS2-like reign this next gen and look what happened.


Junior Member
The problem with drinks is that if you swear off anything with a lot of calories, you ain't got a whole lot of choices left in the US. Most Americans I've seen who do that pretty much exclusively drink water. Only other thing I've found is diet Gold Peak Tea. Even going down to just one Pepsi a day though already get's results.

Then again I've had a small appetite my whole life. Throughout most of my childhood I was actually underweight. It was only after I got out of college and stuck in joblessness that I ended up with a gut that's taken actual dedication to get rid of. I'm still under 30 though so I don't know what's gonna happen in the future.


The problem with drinks is that if you swear off anything with a lot of calories, you ain't got a whole lot of choices left in the US. Most Americans I've seen who do that pretty much exclusively drink water. Only other thing I've found is diet Gold Peak Tea. Even going down to just one Pepsi a day though already get's results.

Then again I've had a small appetite my whole life. Throughout most of my childhood I was actually underweight. It was only after I got out of college and stuck in joblessness that I ended up with a gut that's taken actual dedication to get rid of. I'm still under 30 though so I don't know what's gonna happen in the future.

I mean, unless you're trying to have a 6 pack, you don't have to completely swear off drinks w/ a lot of calories. You just cant OD on that shit. That's the problem a lot of folks have, they don't know the line between normal and OD. Americans have a bad habit of eating until we're full rather than eating to kill hunger.

I really don't think it's that hard to be fit (both physically and dietwise). Modern knowledge & science really overcomplicates the shit out of being healthy IMO. You got folks out here believing they really can't drink any sodas, gotta eat super clean (there's so many goofy ass diets out there), follow all these complicated ass workout schedules. That's the shit that discourages people from even trying.

I dunno. I could definitely be biased because I've been, if not in shape then at least skinny all my life, but I truly don't think it's that hard for the average person that's just trying to get in better shape.
minerals [plural] UK OLD-FASHIONED
› cold, sweet fizzy drinks (= ones with
bubbles) without alcohol
(Definition of mineral noun (DRINK) from the
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary &
Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
I mean, unless you're trying to have a 6 pack, you don't have to completely swear off drinks w/ a lot of calories. You just cant OD on that shit. That's the problem a lot of folks have, they don't know the line between normal and OD. Americans have a bad habit of eating until we're full rather than eating to kill hunger.

I really don't think it's that hard to be fit (both physically and dietwise). Modern knowledge & science really overcomplicates the shit out of being healthy IMO. You got folks out here believing they really can't drink any sodas, gotta eat super clean (there's so many goofy ass diets out there), follow all these complicated ass workout schedules. That's the shit that discourages people from even trying.

I dunno. I could definitely be biased because I've been, if not in shape then at least skinny all my life, but I truly don't think it's that hard for the average person that's just trying to get in better shape.

Well it really depends on lifestyle and not all aspects of a persons life are easily controllable. Someone working 50+ hours a week at a desk job + commuting + small children really doesn't have time to be super active. Add to that most food in the US is loaded with sugars, salts, and carbs, and it becomes really easy to get out of shape quickly. Then once someone has adopted to that lifestyle it becomes hard to break the habit.

When you have developed a habit of drinking a 12oz can of Soda at every meal and drinking Beer/Mixed Drinks on the weekend.. then you really do need to cut that stuff cold turkey for at least the first 30 days otherwise you run a high risk of screwing up and just going back to what you're used to.

I will agree that complicated diets aren't necessary to lose weight but in terms of being fit.. there are so many personal ideas of what fit actually is... that's where thing can become a quagmire of complication depending on who you talk to.
Now that I have stopped drinking sodas and random shit I am starting to feel loads better almost like a detox if you will. I noticed my complexion is clearer. But the reason for me dropping the pounds is multiple. I have a damn herniated disc. Lower back all screwy. I have been suffering with this shit since Jan. Shit sucks man. But I drop some pounds less stress on my back. Also im tired of every 8 hours popping 1000 mg of ibuprofen to combat the swelling. Shit sucks


Junior Member
I mean, unless you're trying to have a 6 pack, you don't have to completely swear off drinks w/ a lot of calories. You just cant OD on that shit. That's the problem a lot of folks have, they don't know the line between normal and OD. Americans have a bad habit of eating until we're full rather than eating to kill hunger.

I really don't think it's that hard to be fit (both physically and dietwise). Modern knowledge & science really overcomplicates the shit out of being healthy IMO. You got folks out here believing they really can't drink any sodas, gotta eat super clean (there's so many goofy ass diets out there), follow all these complicated ass workout schedules. That's the shit that discourages people from even trying.

I dunno. I could definitely be biased because I've been, if not in shape then at least skinny all my life, but I truly don't think it's that hard for the average person that's just trying to get in better shape.

Well that's not even just individual eating habits, but part of the culture and even economy at this point.

My own attempts to decrease my portion sizes have caused me to repeatedly decline additional food and soft drinks from friends, relatives, and restaurants. Just look at how many sit-down restaurants in the US just automatically give you a free refill without you having to ask.
Now that I have stopped drinking sodas and random shit I am starting to feel loads better almost like a detox if you will. I noticed my complexion is clearer. But the reason for me dropping the pounds is multiple. I have a damn herniated disc. Lower back all screwy. I have been suffering with this shit since Jan. Shit sucks man. But I drop some pounds less stress on my back. Also im tired of every 8 hours popping 1000 mg of ibuprofen to combat the swelling. Shit sucks

Been there man. Techincally still there though the symptoms don't plague me much these days. The NSAIDs I was perscribed jacked up my stomach so I couldn't take those and they wanted to give me the shots in my spine but I couldn't mess with that because at the time my son was 2 years old and my Wife in Afghanistan on deployment. Couldn't risk being out of commission for my son. Just dealt with it. What helped a lot though was slowly incorporating more exercises that strengthen the lower back.


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A game about Kanye West, hip-hop, life, The BasedGod and the future.




I'm kinda speechless now


^ that Kanye Quest looks ignorant as hell. "Kanye uses coke" lmao. I want to play that shit.

Well it really depends on lifestyle and not all aspects of a persons life are easily controllable. Someone working 50+ hours a week at a desk job + commuting + small children really doesn't have time to be super active. Add to that most food in the US is loaded with sugars, salts, and carbs, and it becomes really easy to get out of shape quickly. Then once someone has adopted to that lifestyle it becomes hard to break the habit.

When you have developed a habit of drinking a 12oz can of Soda at every meal and drinking Beer/Mixed Drinks on the weekend.. then you really do need to cut that stuff cold turkey for at least the first 30 days otherwise you run a high risk of screwing up and just going back to what you're used to.

I will agree that complicated diets aren't necessary to lose weight but in terms of being fit.. there are so many personal ideas of what fit actually is... that's where thing can become a quagmire of complication depending on who you talk to.

See this is where my assholeness comes through because all I see is excuses (I get that from my mom). Barring physical & financial limitations it really all comes down to willpower and "want to." So many people's problems are right between their ears.

Willpower - I am a sugar addict. Folks at school used joke that I ate more candy and drank more soda than I did actual food/water. So I realized that cutting that shit out completely was just unrealistic. So I cut back. I might grab some gummy worms or some SPKs maybe 3 days out of the week instead of multiple times per day. I always drink a soda or a tea when I'm out. Occasionally I'll buy some at the store for the house. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't want that shit, but I tell myself no. I'm strong enough to cut back, which is a victory in itself. You have to be self-aware of what you put in your body.

Want To - I am a firm believer that if you want something bad enough, you will do what you have to do to get it. I didn't wake up one day wanting to be in shape. I tried it at 16. I tried it at 18. But it finally clicked when I was 20 (X-Mas 11) that I needed to do this and the rest was history. I got a buddy trying to be a musician, literally has nothing in his schedule during the day because he isn't in school or working. Just playing music. Always talking about getting in shape, but never actually getting off his ass to do it. At some point I told him "look I can't help you until you want to help yourself" and he eventually came around from what I've heard. Whether it's a job, kids, etc, after watching my parents get it together I fully believe you can plan around all of that...if you want it bad enough.

Now people in disadvantaged situations, I understand they might not have the access to make all that shit possible or the education to make good food choices. But I do believe that most folks should and can do better, but they just haven't wrapped their minds around it. And it surprises me how quick folks are to throw in the towel on their own health.

Well that's not even just individual eating habits, but part of the culture and even economy at this point.

My own attempts to decrease my portion sizes have caused me to repeatedly decline additional food and soft drinks from friends, relatives, and restaurants. Just look at how many sit-down restaurants in the US just automatically give you a free refill without you having to ask.

Exactly, and see that's where willpower comes in. Just because they put it in front of you, you don't have to consume it. The soda shit at restaurant kills me because before you know it you've subconsciously drank 2 or 3 sodas. And that shit fills you up more than the food does!
See this is where my assholeness comes through because all I see is excuses (I get that from my mom). Barring physical & financial limitations it really all comes down to willpower and "want to." So many people's problems are right between their ears.

Willpower - I am a sugar addict. Folks at school used joke that I ate more candy and drank more soda than I did actual food/water. So I realized that cutting that shit out completely was just unrealistic. So I cut back. I might grab some gummy worms or some SPKs maybe 3 days out of the week instead of multiple times per day. I always drink a soda or a tea when I'm out. Occasionally I'll buy some at the store for the house. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't want that shit, but I tell myself no. I'm strong enough to cut back, which is a victory in itself. You have to be self-aware of what you put in your body.

Want To - I am a firm believer that if you want something bad enough, you will do what you have to do to get it. I didn't wake up one day wanting to be in shape. I tried it at 16. I tried it at 18. But it finally clicked when I was 20 (X-Mas 11) that I needed to do this and the rest was history. I got a buddy trying to be a musician, literally has nothing in his schedule during the day because he isn't in school or working. Just playing music. Always talking about getting in shape, but never actually getting off his ass to do it. At some point I told him "look I can't help you until you want to help yourself" and he eventually came around from what I've heard. Whether it's a job, kids, etc, after watching my parents get it together I fully believe you can plan around all of that...if you want it bad enough.

Now people in disadvantaged situations, I understand they might not have the access to make all that shit possible or the education to make good food choices. But I do believe that most folks should and can do better, but they just haven't wrapped their minds around it. And it surprises me how quick folks are to throw in the towel on their own health.

I just think that your opinion relies entirely on your observations. It's anecdotal. Young kids take a large amount of attention and time from your life and without babysitters or family there to help out what are you gonna do? Let your kid stay home alone by themselves cooking their own tv dinners? I joke a bit here but I mean not every sacrifice that can be made is worth the trade. You can take me as an example with my earlier post about herniated discs. I had/have two of them. But with a 2 year old at home, no family within 500 miles and the medication they gave me doing more harm than good I had a choice to make. Let them stick a needle in my spine for a treatment that may not even work at the risk of the possibility (albeit a low one) being paralyzed if something went wrong. Or I could ride it out and just deal with it. I chose the latter. And I have very little pain now if I ever do and that's fine with me.

I mean this really varies from person to person because there are people need the change their health to improve quality of life and then there are those who are out of shape but otherwise living just fine. I can understand the idea that one shouldn't lament over things they're not willing to really try to achieve but I think it's kind of impossible not to lament something. For some people it's that ex they should've stayed with or that job they should have gone for and others it's not getting in shape.
Ever have family that call you and the first thing they say after "Hello" is "What you cook today?".

We can start a thread about common colloquiums of the south. I personally hate that shit. I cannot stand it when people randomly get in my fridge with dirty hands and shit.


Nintendo fans need to let Nintendo's highly paid employees worry about their situation, armchair quarterbacks forget they don't have the entire top-down view of the company. They gon b 'k.

Microsoft would have just been better off going full digital at this point. The whole cloud thing is pointless if developers can't depend on the game being always connected. And hardly anyone is going to want to slap a 24hr requirement on their game because they want to maximize sales, like how hardly anyone required the HDD on 360.


We can start a thread about common colloquiums of the south. I personally hate that shit. I cannot stand it when people randomly get in my fridge with dirty hands and shit.

Nah GAF already thinks the south as a whole is ignorant as hell. We shouldn't "confirm" that for them w/ our quirky sayings.


Nah GAF already thinks the south as a whole is ignorant as hell. We shouldn't "confirm" that for them w/ our quirky sayings.
My favorite all time sayings come from rednecks. "She struck me jsut right" meaning love at first sight and "High interest short term loan" writhing a check that had a 90 percent chance of bouncing if cashed before next Friday.

The game they used as their example has 360/PS3 versions...like...seriously son? No one has a WiiU, maybe that's why they don't develop shit for it.

The denial is monumental. It's not selling and it's not their jobs to sell it .
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