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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Goes to Yahoo.com -> Clicks Obama's Immigration Plan link -> reads comments -> suplexes computer monitor from the top rope.

Most newsreporting webistes comment sections are SUPER RACIST.

In the comment section of Yahoo of the Timeline for Obama Inauguration Events

"5;00 - 6"00 pm...Flashmob takes over KFC on New York ave! "


Speaking of light-skin black people I remember I was in the car with my friends they all were lighter skinned than I was and I forgot how it started but they started talking about me being darker skinned then them. Then I was said "I'ma get on this TV, momma I'ma, I'ma break shit down I'ma make sure these light skinned niggaz Never ever never come back in style ! They all shut up after that but we got stop this Darker Vs Lighter Skin DAT JIM CROW/SLAVE MENTALITY we all considered BLACK at the end of the day.
Word, race is a social construct. Makes no sense for the downtrodden to further an oppressive cause. The divisiveness helps no one.
I've heard plenty of racism regarding mixed individuals. Like some dude telling that black girls are ugly, and that the only reason women like Paula Patton are cute is the fact that "their white side softens the black features." Haven't talked to him since.

That stuff just makes me shake my head.
Speaking of light-skin black people I remember I was in the car with my friends they all were lighter skinned than I was and I forgot how it started but they started talking about me being darker skinned then them. Then I was said "I'ma get on this TV, momma I'ma, I'ma break shit down I'ma make sure these light skinned niggaz Never ever never come back in style ! They all shut up after that but we got stop this Darker Vs Lighter Skin DAT JIM CROW/SLAVE MENTALITY we all considered BLACK at the end of the day.
I consider myself a nice shade of decaf coffee. I don't have to pick a side. :p

Real talk, I've neither had nor been in such a conversation with friends in my life. I've never felt anyone was more or less cool because of complexion, as popularity was always obviously a function of personality. But I was cute and had a pretty diverse base of friends, so I never really spent much time meditating on such issues.

I've heard plenty of racism regarding mixed individuals. Like some dude telling that black girls are ugly, and that the only reason women like Paula Patton are cute is the fact that "their white side softens the black features." Haven't talked to him since.
Man where the fuck are ya'll from.


not licensed in your state
I've heard plenty of racism regarding mixed individuals. Like some dude telling that black girls are ugly, and that the only reason women like Paula Patton are cute is the fact that "their white side softens the black features." Haven't talked to him since.

Tell them Rashida Jones is black. Watch heads explode.
Better yet when they start arguing tell them Rashida identifies as black and watch their entire preconceived notions dissolve like cotton candy in water. Happened to me in an argument, dude was like "what?! Why would she want to identify as black" I just stared.

I consider myself a nice shade of decaf coffee. I don't have to pick a side. :p

Real talk, I've neither had nor been in such a conversation with friends in my life. I've never felt anyone was more or less cool because of complexion, as popularity was always obviously a function of personality. But I was cute and had a pretty diverse base of friends, so I never really spent much time meditating on such issues.

This, havin that "Cute boy" look got you so much play in HS/part of college. Shit is cray


I have to think that most of the people saying the ridiculous shit are just sheltered and only know other races/cultures by the stereotypes that they see. I stay away from those threads because I honestly don't know how to handle the people in them and I'm white. I don't know how you guys manage to hold your tongues as often as you do.
I consider myself a nice shade of decaf coffee. I don't have to pick a side. :p

Real talk, I've neither had nor been in such a conversation with friends in my life. I've never felt anyone was more or less cool because of complexion, as popularity was always obviously a function of personality. But I was cute and had a pretty diverse base of friends, so I never really spent much time meditating on such issues.

That was the first time that happened to me I'm a Lebron James complextion and was never picked on until then I was like WDF really ? But other than that I had all types of friends through out my life as well I could get along with anyone due to my laidback personality.
I've heard plenty of racism regarding mixed individuals. Like some dude telling that black girls are ugly, and that the only reason women like Paula Patton are cute is the fact that "their white side softens the black features." Haven't talked to him since.

This that shit that'll piss me off real quick.
Where's Ja?! I need him to make sense of all of this.

This will never get old.

Am I just lucky I've almost never encountered shit like this in real life? I mean, I don't even know what I would do to be honest. I probably just wouldn't even try.

I guess it depends on how far you're willing to stick your neck out to set someone straight. For instance, I'll cut my friends off if they're about to say something ignorant, or if a conversation that I'm already in is about to take a nosedive - but I'd never jump into a conversation to do something like that. Things get too heated for me when that happens.
Most newsreporting webistes comment sections are SUPER RACIST.

"Funny we got along just fine before we were invaded by millions of illegals, had alot more money and a whole lot less crime"

I agree, send those Irish back to Ireland and Italians to Italy! With their crazy catholic God!

This used to be a peaceful and quiet place, but once THOSE people showed up....well there went the neighborhood.

One comment against reform literally said his grand father came to America after WW1 and never got anything from the government. =(
"Funny we got along just fine before we were invaded by millions of illegals, had alot more money and a whole lot less crime"

I agree, send those Irish back to Ireland and Italians to Italy! With their crazy catholic God!

This used to be a peaceful and quiet place, but once THOSE people showed up....well there went the neighborhood.

One comment against reform literally said his grand father came to America after WW1 and never got anything from the government. =(

SMH the Internet the hiding place for bitch ass racists.
someone wanna settle this for me... Denzel Washington is dark skinned right?

i dunno if its just me or do people in the south have a totally different scale of dark and light than everyone else?


The internet would seriously be better off without commenting ability on news sites.

They're usually not even moderated, so they all just turned into the final forums where racist turds congregate because they've been banned from everywhere else.
SMH the Internet the hiding place for bitch ass racists.

gotta love the sites like whitenews and chimpout always blaming Jews for the media protecting and glorifying black culture

im like lmao, they seriously beleive that shit?


I went to mostly black schools.Sometimes the darker kids would get picked on for being dark.
Usually the case unfortunately. The jokes get real fucking old real fucking fast. Because black people do this to each other, its tacit approval for every one to make black jokes, turn on the light jokes, or smile jokes. Meh.
someone wanna settle this for me... Denzel Washington is dark skinned right?

i dunno if its just me or do people in the south have a totally different scale of dark and light than everyone else?
Probably because of the creoles.
In my schools, darker kids did tend to get teased for it moreso than light kids. I'm light myself and didn't experience teasing about my skin tone from other black kids.

I only got comments for my personality. Everything from "you're not really black" from other races to "white washed" from other black kids. I skateboarded and dressed like a skateboarder in a time when there were only about 3 black professionals so I guess it made me stand out. I also used to rap though but that never factored in to the people who'd make the comments.


Usually the case unfortunately. The jokes get real fucking old real ducking fast. Because black people do this to each other, its taxis approval for every one to make black jokes, turn on the light jokes, or smile jokes. Meh.

They sure do! As I said before, I've been hated on by black folks more than I have from any other ethnic group. My name was Rush Hour for pretty much all of 4th grade when they found out I was part Asian.


first time some chick has ever called me light skinned was in the south... i was like "what? me? i'm that denzel complexion, i'm dark skinned, would you call denzel light skinned?"


I'd consider someone like Idris Elba or Don Cheadle to be dark skinned.

It doesn't really matter though. It's kind of a useless and troublesome classification :p
They sure do! As I said before, I've been hated on by black folks more than I have from any other ethnic group. My name was Rush Hour for pretty much all of 4th grade when they found out I was part Asian.

I'd consider someone like Idris Elba or Don Cheadle to be dark skinned.

It doesn't really matter though. It's kind of a useless and troublesome classification :p

i guess i'm on that line where i could catch heat from both sides. or none... now that i think about it, i rarely got joked on for my complexion as a kid, the really dark and really light kids did though. most of the jokes on me were about being smart... those never affected me though hahaha
uh huh

Listen, while I enjoy the echo chamber as much as the next guy, sitting here in this particular thread and whinging about how certain posts/threads drive you nuts instead of, y'know, doing something about it...doesn't hold much truck with me.

Someone says something dumb, get in there and make them come correct. Hit them with knowledge, call them out on their bullshit, do something. Slay's in there fighting the good fight, but if everyone in this thread went into that thread en masse and called folks out on their bullshit, you'd feel a lot better.

I can (and do) ban people for being shitheads, but a pointed word, a linked tag or even some subtle humor to expose someone's ignorance goes a long way. That should be coming from any of you, no matter the race, who takes issue with people being racist asshats. Real life, forums, whatever.

Get off your ass and get involved.

Well I said some shit then I had to go to bed, did it get even worse since then? I didn't wake up till like now >_>.


Its funny how colorism works. My best friend is Latino,most of his family is tan or black, he's paler than them and his family ribs on him for it and say its a good thing for him as far as social status is concerned and they call him white jokingly. On Mexican independence day(not cinco de mayo) this casino was full of white people who speak Spanish, rich white Mexicans. He would try and holler at some girls but they weren't having it because he's clearly mestizo. He wasn't getting the time of day for nothing,shot down every time. He has the color, language and culture but that wasn't enough. He was salty as hell saying how racist these rich uppity Mexican girls were haha. If I wanted to be a dick for whatever reason I can joke about his whiteness for all those years of rick James "darkness is spreading jokes". Shit cuts deep cuz some people cant tell that he's Latino and it pisses him off.
What got me was when I was in Puerto Rico there's every kind of person down there from the blonde, blue eyed anglo european type to the fro'd out black guy. So unless you basically make it known you're not from there people just start speaking spanish to you as if you're just another Puerto Rican. It was actually pretty cool, everyone is just assumed to be another person from the Island because there are all kinds of people down there.
Here. It's pretty cool being dark. Except having to constantly explain I'm not from Africa.

Nah son you're from Africa, only logical explanation. On a slight tangent I was with my cousin at the mall when I was younger and I was talking to him. A couple walked past me and the lady stopped me and said "You have an interesting accent...are you from Africa?"

I swear on my niece this happened, I was confused as all the fucks. I don't have an "accent" I grew up overseas so I guess speaking proper English is an accent within itself to people in the South? Also, apparently my "speaking white" accent attracts all manners of hood ass chicks to me. I swear I get so many hood chicks tryin to holla at me. It's like go away!
If you talked proper in my school you got laughed at.

Weird thing is I never had issues with my speech in school HS or college, it only manifested when I interned at the unemployment office. And most of the time they weren't making fun of me but were curious/attracted to it.

I chalk it up to my personality carrying me through life. My circle of friends is hilariously diverse, I have a friend for every occasion.
Nah son you're from Africa, only logical explanation. On a slight tangent I was with my cousin at the mall when I was younger and I was talking to him. A couple walked past me and the lady stopped me and said "You have an interesting accent...are you from Africa?"

I swear on my niece this happened, I was confused as all the fucks. I don't have an "accent" I grew up overseas so I guess speaking proper English is an accent within itself to people in the South? Also, apparently my "speaking white" accent attracts all manners of hood ass chicks to me. I swear I get so many hood chicks tryin to holla at me. It's like go away!

I never guess where someone is from but if they have a cool accent relative to where I grew up, I ask about it. To us it's never an accent but you have to remember the person talking it you is used to their regional tongue. It sounds like they're used to southern black folk talking like Disney crows though, jerks.
I never guess where someone is from but if they have a cool accent relative to where I grew up, I ask about it. To us it's never an accent but you have to remember the person talking it you is used to their regional tongue. It sounds like they're used to southern black folk talking like Disney crows though, jerks.

It took a minute for it to hit me when she asked. I simply said no and we went our separate ways and my friend Peter looked at me and I was like...whoa. All in all though I wasn't too bothered by it, but I like telling the story. But I definitely understand the curiosity born from hearing someone speak in an accent you're unfamiliar with. I remember I met this lady with a British accent, granted I've heard the accent several times from being there. It was just a "someone NOT from here!" moment for me. It was just good to converse with someone who was foreign to the area like myself.

I dont get it :/

I'm lost too.
I have some kind of American accent but no one can ever place me. Seems like the obvious ones are South, Boston, NY, NJ, midwest and sometimes socal.
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