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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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If I shook my head any harder it'd fucking fall off.



Someone should make a thread about this. I would but I'm at work for the next 8hrs.

Edit: Just saw there is one.


Im somehow not surprised by this whatsoever. It's funny that this even happens at anime conventions where 90% of the characters are all of Japanese descent, yet most of the people doing the cosplay aren't.

When I used to hang around cosplay forums, people would argue that anime characters weren't Japanese so a white person cosplaying them was still accurate. We're talking about characters that spoke Japanese and lived in Japan but, nope, they are all white because they don't look asian to them.


a friend of mine just posted this on facebook


i had no idea she was into cosplay but thats not important right now
I've debated this on facebook with this anime group I'm apart of and people take this shit way too seriously. The most popular argument seems to be "It's not true cosplay if you don't look like the character." Which is obviously bs cause no one looks like these fucking characters.

I once brought the point that to only cosplay characters of your race severely limits your choices and would probably prevent you going as your favorites. I was basically told that people should just deal with it and go as a different character.

People going too hard in the paint about dressing up like Naruto.

(I should point out that the group in question is mostly black.)


a friend of mine just posted this on facebook


i had no idea she was into cosplay but thats not important right now

Yeah fuck those people. Same thing with people that think cross gender cosplay shouldn't be done. They didn't put the time and effort into the cosplay. Of course they won't think why the options are so limited, it's a "i got mines, now stay over in yours"


I feel like this: once your time and money get involved, do whatever you want. You wanna spend hours and drop money to spend a weekend as a black ass Ichigo or Rukia? Do you, boo. Hope you truly enjoy yourself, and that your costume comes out wonderful.
I've debated this on facebook with this anime group I'm apart of and people take this shit way too seriously. The most popular argument seems to be "It's not true cosplay if you don't look like the character." Which is obviously bs cause no one looks like these fucking characters.

I once brought the point that to only cosplay characters of your race severely limits your choices and would probably prevent you going as your favorites. I was basically told that people should just deal with it and go as a different character.

People going too hard in the paint about dressing up like Naruto.

(I should point out that the group in question is mostly black.)

The only chick who looks like these characters is in Russia and she still needs a fuckton of makeup.
So hey guys

Killzone 2 is pretty fucking terrible by any metric. If it wasn't for the visuals it would probably be the worst FPS I've played this gen.

Funny considering GAF couldn't stop shitting up threads about that game back in the day.
So hey guys

Killzone 2 is pretty fucking terrible by any metric. If it wasn't for the visuals it would probably be the worst FPS I've played this gen.

Funny considering GAF couldn't stop shitting up threads about that game back in the day.

Personally think it's far and away the bet FPS this gen. That and Rainbow 6 Vegas.


Killzone 2 was soooo damn good when it came out. That was my shit. Best FPS (on consoles) this gen. The clan system alone blows out other FPS and the less reliance on DTS aiming.


Killzone 2 was that crack...That game made me switch from Xbox to PS3.

Pro tip:changed the controller configuration to Alternate 2

Word! It's the 1st FPS I got over 250 hours in online. Played the shit out of it. I even got that crazy ass trophy of getting in the top 1% for experience gain.
I used to be the biggest console FPS fiend in regards to MP.

Obviously becoming a grown ass man and having to work 40 hours a week cut into that, but once Call of Duty set the standard of "fuck yo winning and losing fool, stats stats stats" you start to feel like fuck it, why am I even bothering? Everybody in this room just cares about their KDR and killstreaks, not winning, and I'm a level 34 and this guys prestige 8.

Been about that singleplayer life lately.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I have issues with Fast Times because of the way it treated the only Black person as some simple minded athlete, who can be provoked into negro rage.

Phoebe Cates' bare breasts more than make up for any other faux pas the movie commits.

I actually wouldn't mind a Warriors remake. The problem is that I don't think anyone could actually do it justice.
The New York City that existed in 1979 is far different from the New York City that exists now, both in actuality and in the social conscious of the nation and the world. You can't re-capture that. It would have no power. It's like trying to remake Red Dawn. There's no other city that really has that combination of infrastructure with that rot. Even Chicago's not a good fit. The L isn't as isolating as the subway and it wouldn't be able to play the same role in being both a foreboding trap and a deliverance from evil, like the sea was to the Greeks.

Im somehow not surprised by this whatsoever. It's funny that this even happens at anime conventions where 90% of the characters are all of Japanese descent, yet most of the people doing the cosplay aren't.
I have been all over this earth. I have set foot on every continent except Antartica. I have seen white people, black people, brown people, yellow people, olive people, and every shade in between. I have seen people with big eyes and small mouths, and small eyes and big mouths. I have been welcomed. I have been cursed. I have been shot at. But, I have never fucking seen someone with naturally green, blue, or purple hair.


not licensed in your state
I used to be the biggest console FPS fiend in regards to MP.

Obviously becoming a grown ass man and having to work 40 hours a week cut into that, but once Call of Duty set the standard of "fuck yo winning and losing fool, stats stats stats" you start to feel like fuck it, why am I even bothering? Everybody in this room just cares about their KDR and killstreaks, not winning, and I'm a level 34 and this guys prestige 8.

Been about that singleplayer life lately.

It's like this with me as well. I played Q3, UT '99, and other PC multiplayer games religiously back in the day. Of course, you had those that were dead bent on stats, but the majority were there to just play.

Lately, it seems that multiplayer in fps are a shell of what they once were - it's all about who has the biggest electro-cock online. I'm not about that, I'd be happy with bots these days.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Phoebe Cates' bare breasts more than make up for any other faux pas the movie commits.

The New York City that existed in 1979 is far different from the New York City that exists now, both in actuality and in the social conscious of the nation and the world. You can't re-capture that. It would have no power. It's like trying to remake Red Dawn. There's no other city that really has that combination of infrastructure with that rot. Even Chicago's not a good fit. The L isn't as isolating as the subway and it wouldn't be able to play the same role in being both a foreboding trap and a deliverance from evil, like the sea was to the Greeks.

I have been all over this earth. I have set foot on every continent except Antartica. I have seen white people, black people, brown people, yellow people, olive people, and every shade in between. I have seen people with big eyes and small mouths, and small eyes and big mouths. I have been welcomed. I have been cursed. I have been shot at. But, I have never fucking seen someone with naturally green, blue, or purple hair.

Yeah I got to agree. The only way to remake the warriors would to make it into some sort of science fiction movie and if you were going to do that you might as well call it something else and just use the greek myth as a basis for a new franchise.


When I used to hang around cosplay forums, people would argue that anime characters weren't Japanese so a white person cosplaying them was still accurate. We're talking about characters that spoke Japanese and lived in Japan but, nope, they are all white because they don't look asian to them.

So then Asian people aren't allowed to cosplay based on their logic? I hate that argument because it's a clear front so that you can be an ignorant racist douchebag.

That girl should continue to do her thing. Fuck the haters.
Just saw Flight......

Hes in the hotel room looking at the mini fridge full of liqueur. Its the night before the hearing and he needs to be sober. He pulls out a bottle of vodka, and opens the top. The smell entices him, promising the sweet release from his pain. But he stops, puts the top back on, and places it on top of the fridge. The camera lingers on the bottle to show his victory over his demons. He has finally won, things are going to be different he has a bright fut........
NOPE, niggas hand comes from off screen like Zeus reaching for a thunderbolt when grabbing that shit. Next time we see him mother fucker drank all the alcohol in the mini fridge and is passed out in the bathroom.

I was in tears of laughter.
I played KZ2 recently and the single-player really is kind of boring and the main characters are terrible. It looks amazing though; had I played 2 when it first came out, I would've probably enjoyed it more just based on that.

The multiplayer is one of those things you just needed to experience in its heyday, I guess. I wouldn't mind the input lag in multiplayer since everyone would be on even keel, but in single-player, it was kind of annoying, even with the updated controls. Don't feel like getting into any other MP games now either...

If you're looking a for a fun single-player FPS on PS3, play Resistence 3. It's the only one in the series I played, but it's great.

Have any of the BCT pdocasts discussed black protagonists in games yet? I was thinking about a game where you play as that Atlanta security guard could be a way to bring social ills to light/give a critique on violence, like Spec Ops: The Line supposedly did.

It was like Star Fox 64 re-skinned with Tuskegee Airmen. That's gotta count for something, right?


not licensed in your state
Just saw Flight......

Hes in the hotel room looking at the mini fridge full of liqueur. Its the night before the hearing and he needs to be sober. He pulls out a bottle of vodka, and opens the top. The smell entices him, promising the sweet release from his pain. But he stops, puts the top back on, and places it on top of the fridge. The camera lingers on the bottle to show his victory over his demons. He has finally won, things are going to be different he has a bright fut........
NOPE, niggas hand comes from off screen like Zeus reaching for a thunderbolt when grabbing that shit. Next time we see him mother fucker drank all the alcohol in the mini fridge and is passed out in the bathroom.

I was in tears of laughter.

best part:

needing cocaine to 'wake up' afterwards
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