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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Awww...man, I thought you'd be all over this one! :lol
I have to admit, it was tempting. I'm living in a sparsley furnished one room shack on the Imperial City Waterfront. Then I decided that was a pretty vile lair as it was.


I'm definitely jumping on the Vile Lair. I'll gladly pay the points to live in such an evil abode. Especially when my all dark character.


bengraven said:
I'm definitely jumping on the Vile Lair. I'll gladly pay the points to live in such an evil abode. Especially when my all dark character.

The Vile Lair has replaced the Thieves Den as my 2nd fave haven (Wizard's Tower still #1). It seriously kicks ass plus it comes with my own personal evil minion who I sent out to murder someone in the name of Sithis (I felt bad about that but I just wanted to see if he would do it). The only thing I don't like is that I'm too good to use the Shrine of Sithis, I want to try it out but I'd probably have to kill an entire city to get my infamy higher than my fame at this point, so I don't know if I'll get to use it.


jlh said:
The Vile Lair has replaced the Thieves Den as my 2nd fave haven (Wizard's Tower still #1). It seriously kicks ass plus it comes with my own personal evil minion who I sent out to murder someone in the name of Sithis (I felt bad about that but I just wanted to see if he would do it). The only thing I don't like is that I'm too good to use the Shrine of Sithis, I want to try it out but I'd probably have to kill an entire city to get my infamy higher than my fame at this point, so I don't know if I'll get to use it.

Is there a vampire to actually give you the disease in case I wouldn't want to seek one out? That would be convenient. And fun.
bengraven said:
Is there a vampire to actually give you the disease in case I wouldn't want to seek one out? That would be convenient. And fun.

Have you done the Dark Brotherhood Quests yet?

Otherwise, you can probably find a vampire or three lurking around in the sewers under the imperial city.



That last quest rocked, but it wasn't perfect.
I have two big issues with it. First, the dungeon leading into the Imperial Council was way too big. Never thought I'd say that. :lol Perhaps it just got too repetitive - it was packed with nothing but nether liches, dread zombies, skeleton champions and gloom wraiths. Not exactly fun stuff to fight, and that was ALL that was in there, often in large groups. Since two of those four summon creatures like mad, it just got boring for my little archer to do. I sprinted through the last part.


The other disappointment was that the freaking map markers told me the exact way to go. I really think Bethesda tilted the hand-holding too far in a lot of the Thieve's Guild quests, but this was the worst. The entire premise of the quest is that the Grey Fox does not know the details of where stuff is at, but gives you some general direction. How is it that the map markers then point out every exit, item and location that you need to go to? It took ALL of the exploration out of the quest. Stupid.


What I did love was how challenging the sneaking around was - lots of fun situations dodging guards. And there was a TON of awesome loot in there - raiding the display cases rocked. :D

Also surprising was the presense of what I will gladly call a boss - the guard statues to the Old Way entrance into the Council building. Why the first, and ONLY, unique boss in the ENTIRE GAME is at the end of the freaking Thieve's guild I have no idea, but it was a very pleasant surprise.


It was a great, great quest and a nice finale to the whole questline. I'd rank and score the questlines as:

Dark Brotherhoood - 9/10
Thieve's Guild - 8/10
Main Quest - 8/10
Mage's Guild - 7/10
Fighter's Guild - 4/10


I've decided to focus on all the stuff I didn't do in my old game now. Most of the Daedric quests, lots of side quests. I'll do the main quest as well. I just got this weird obsession with closing every Oblivion gate in the game when I saw a map of how many there were - DOZENS. Gonna pile up the Sigil stones in heap in my shack on the Waterfront. I'll likely sprint through most of them.

I'm very disappointed that I don't fire arrows faster the better my Marksman skill gets. It's approaching 70, and my Agility attribute is 100, but I still fire just as slowly as before. it's really starting to hamper the combat and make it more tedious.

Yeah, the last Thieves Guild Quest was both awesome, and frustrating at the same time. Totally agree with you. It was a very cool, epic heist, but it stretched on forever, which I suppose it had to, in order to get into the areas you needed to reach. Have the Map Marker on was a bit too much though, agreed.

Upon the urging of my buddy who warned me about leveling up too much before I got to the main quest, I've finally got to my first Oblivion gate and I'm stuck.

I'm a level 8 and I'm getting destroyed by what I think are Dremora Caitiffs (level 6s) in the towers. I don't wear any armor (just robes) and rely heavily magic spells. I'm thinking I need to leave the Oblivion plain and go by some light armor and a shock spell (because the guide says that those dudes have a weakness to it). Any other advice?
I played through much of the game without any armor and using mainly fire spells against the stuff in the Oblivion Gates. Are you good with any other weapons? Maybe use a bow and stealth in as close as you can to get the Bow critical before you break out the spells. I did the first gate when I was probably 4th level or so, and didn't have too many problems. Are you summoning any creatures to assist you? What spells are you using?


I found a really weird item in the game today. I was doing the standard dungeon crawling and ran into an item called "horse armor" in one of the chests. Tells me to take it to one of the stables for some horse armor.

I thought horse armor wasn't in the game and that's why we had to pay for it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Core407 said:
I found a really weird item in the game today. I was doing the standard dungeon crawling and ran into an item called "horse armor" in one of the chests. Tells me to take it to one of the stables for some horse armor.

I thought horse armor wasn't in the game and that's why we had to pay for it.

Lol. Did you download a "free" mod?
Core407 said:
I found a really weird item in the game today. I was doing the standard dungeon crawling and ran into an item called "horse armor" in one of the chests. Tells me to take it to one of the stables for some horse armor.

I thought horse armor wasn't in the game and that's why we had to pay for it.

That ought to get the conspiracy theorist going! Horse Armor was on the DVD all along! :D


siamesedreamer said:

Upon the urging of my buddy who warned me about leveling up too much before I got to the main quest, I've finally got to my first Oblivion gate and I'm stuck.

I'm a level 8 and I'm getting destroyed by what I think are Dremora Caitiffs (level 6s) in the towers. I don't wear any armor (just robes) and rely heavily magic spells. I'm thinking I need to leave the Oblivion plain and go by some light armor and a shock spell (because the guide says that those dudes have a weakness to it). Any other advice?

Yeah. Sprint past all the bad guys up to the top of the tower, take the Sigil Stone, and then keep sprinting to avoid from being killed while the gate disintegrates. This is how I closed 90% of the Oblivion Gates. You shouln't have any problems as long as you're good at dodging the traps and projectiles (ie. scamp breath) and put away your weapon so you run faster.

gblues said:
Yeah. Sprint past all the bad guys up to the top of the tower, take the Sigil Stone, and then keep sprinting to avoid from being killed while the gate disintegrates. This is how I closed 90% of the Oblivion Gates. You shouln't have any problems as long as you're good at dodging the traps and projectiles (ie. scamp breath) and put away your weapon so you run faster.


Good advice indeed. You can pretty much sprint to the top, with a line of bad guys following behind. Once, I even grabbed the Sigil Stone and just jumped off the ledge. The game loaded to the exit before I hit bottom! :D
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Good advice indeed. You can pretty much sprint to the top, with a line of bad guys following behind. Once, I even grabbed the Sigil Stone and just jumped off the ledge. The game loaded to the exit before I hit bottom! :D

You are your username.
OK, that sounds like good advice indeed.

I ended up looking in the hint book and found out that most of the creatures in that particular gate had a weakness to shock. So, I used the longsword I had been hoarding that was enchanted with shock and a weak shock spell I had bought earlier to get through all of it. It ended up not being too bad, but I died quite a bit. I actually did think about running, but I had no idea whaere I was going and it ended up working out because I found some good treasure. I definately learned my lesson and I've made the neccessary adjustments - I bought way more powerful destruction spells and I've started wearing light armor. I'm probably gonna buy some more powerful summoning spells as well.

Anyway, I'm off visiting all the towns for recs to the mage's guild. After that I'll probably do the next part of the main quest. Hopefully I'll be more prepared this time.

Hey, I found and sold some Varla (?) stones. Should I be holding on to things like that? What are they for? I know they make for a quick 500 gold.


siamesedreamer said:
Anyway, I'm off visiting all the towns for recs to the mage's guild. After that I'll probably do the next part of the main quest. Hopefully I'll be more prepared this time.

Hey, I found and sold some Varla (?) stones. Should I be holding on to things like that? What are they for? I know they make for a quick 500 gold.
I do strongly recommend getting into the Arcane University, and fast. You can enchant your own weapons and create your own spells there. It rocks. Don't wait.

And DO NOT sell the Varla stones. I did that (to much ridicule a few dozen pages ago) at first. What they do is recharge all of the magic/enchanted weapons in your inventory at once, then disappear. It's really, really expensive to recharge magic items otherwise. I keep three enchanted bows and a sword on me, and recharging all of them at once rocks.

Also - if you are a magic user, you've got to use Conjuration for help. Having a scamp run around with you during combat will make a huge difference, and you keep getting more and more powerful creatures. Conjuration levels pretty fast, and has saved my butt on many occasions.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
What is the verdict on the DLC?

I was thinking of taking a plunge and downloading some but none of it excites me that much (there are still plenty of quests in the game world plus I have plenty of houses).


Do The Mario said:
What is the verdict on the DLC?

I was thinking of taking a plunge and downloading some but none of it excites me that much (there are still plenty of quests in the game world plus I have plenty of houses).
The general consensus is that there is so much content in the game, and the DLC adds so little to the experience, that it's not worth it. It's mostly new locations/lairs for your character, and one dungeon.

That said a few people have liked the stuff for magic users. I got the Razor (aka Epic Dungeon) DLC and, while fun, regret it. It just didn't offer anything really new, especially when there were tons of dungeons I hadn't done yet.

I'm waiting for the expansion and holding off on any further DLC.
siamesedreamer said:
OK, good advice.....

Don't get kicked out of the mages guild and don't sell the Varla stones!

Thank you. :)
I've toyed around a little. I read the last couple pages and a few other pages here and there, but no way am I catching up to 9k+ posts.
I saved right before the sewer exit so I could toy around with various classes, and races. Just trying to get a feel for what I like. This is my first ES game. I've heard the leveling system has been a pain since ES3. I've heard of many people getting 15-20 hours in and having characters that just aren't cutting it.
For my race, I'm down to either a Dark Elf, or Breton. As for class, probably a spellsword.
Can't wait to "officially" get going.


Lord Helmet said:
Thank you. :)
I've toyed around a little. I read the last couple pages and a few other pages here and there, but no way am I catching up to 9k+ posts.
I saved right before the sewer exit so I could toy around with various classes, and races. Just trying to get a feel for what I like. This is my first ES game. I've heard the leveling system has been a pain since ES3. I've heard of many people getting 15-20 hours in and having characters that just aren't cutting it.
For my race, I'm down to either a Dark Elf, or Breton. As for class, probably a spellsword.
Can't wait to "officially" get going.
The leveling system is a subject of much heated debate. All I'll say is it keeps the game pretty challenging. I did a battlemage class the first time and had a blast.


One bit of advice. Your character has to have balance. Don't go all magic, all melee, all stealth, etc. It's got to be a mix or you're toast. That's a mistake lots of folks made early on and had to restart. I read someone making a purely stealthy character, which rocks until you get caught - you only get one sneak attack until they notice you - and then you get owned. I went that route, but I'm also a badass with a bow and can summon creatures to my aide, which is working out well. Balance. :)

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Just did a very challenging mages guild quest in which I took on 6 faded wraiths at once.

Leveling system FTW!

It was awesome.

Also if you start to struggle with combat due to poor level ups start training non major strength skills.

When you level up you will max your strength


I don't know, I'm a level 15 tank--all strength, speed and agility (some edurance here and there) and am not have much difficulty. I got a big old warhammer and just smash everything. The only magic I use are healing spells. I do not use a bow and wear only light armour. I've closed two oblivion gates (didn't run through them but may start after reading above) and done most of the guild quests. I don't think balance is absolutely necessary.


DD-11 said:
I don't know, I'm a level 15 tank--all strength, speed and agility (some edurance here and there) and am not have much difficulty. I got a big old warhammer and just smash everything. The only magic I use are healing spells. I do not use a bow and wear only light armour. I've closed two oblivion gates (didn't run through them but may start after reading above) and done most of the guild quests. I don't think balance is absolutely necessary.
I was a pretty brutal melee fighter - hit level 100 on Blade by level 20 or so - and struggled a bit for about the middle 1/3 of the game. The leveled goblins in particular tore me a new one until I got my Conjuration up high enough to get some help that actually, you know, helped. I suppose you can get by better focusing on melee more so than focusing on any other skill, but I still found it tough. And, not very fun.
Hey! We've got a few new players to help us on our March to 10k! :D

I don't think you need to balance your character completely either. It's all about how you want to play, what tactics you use, and improving your equipement, especially weapons and armor. Find a type of character you want to play, and focus on those areas and becoming efficient with your skills/stats. Also, learn to change your tactics for new creatures, and you'll be good.


Junior Member
The game seems extremely easy to me.

I'm almost 15 hours in, about halfway through the main story and some side quests completed. I'm still only at level 2 and most enemies are killed by only one hit.

Fantastic game though, SO much to do!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
u_neek said:
The game seems extremely easy to me.

I'm almost 15 hours in, about halfway through the main story and some side quests completed. I'm still only at level 2 and most enemies are killed by only one hit.

Fantastic game though, SO much to do!
Continue not leveling up and it'll stay that way. Though, there are plenty of powerful exploits for higher levels.


I was just browsing through the sales thread and thought I'd toss this in: LTD for Oblivion in the US for the XBox 360, according to NPD

Oblivion: 526,573
Oblivion CE: 158,558

Total: 685,131

This makes it the third best-selling 360 game, behind Call of Duty 2 at #1 and GRAW at #2. It's slowly catching up on both, moving another 86k in June. Baby's got legs!
u_neek said:
The game seems extremely easy to me.

I'm almost 15 hours in, about halfway through the main story and some side quests completed. I'm still only at level 2 and most enemies are killed by only one hit.

Fantastic game though, SO much to do!

If you're finding it too easy, slide the difficulty setting a little the right some. Or, you could level more regularly, which of course increases the difficulty of the enemies as well.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
If you're finding it too easy, slide the difficulty setting a little the right some. Or, you could level more regularly, which of course increases the difficulty of the enemies as well.
Dramatically. I remember thinking I'd be getting by okay early on, since I was killing guys in a couple of shots with my arrows. Some, even taken down in one stealth shot for 3x damage. Three levels later they took 2x as many and I wasn't feeling so hot. I can still get by, but the game ramps up fast early on as long as you level.

And ESPECIALLY if you level based on Mysticism and Stealth. :(


they call me "Man Gravy".
Ghaleon and Kung Fu Jedi - you two are pretty dedicated to this thread :lol

It seems like EVERY time I see a new post in here it's you two guys giving pointers.


Nerevar said:
Ghaleon and Kung Fu Jedi - you two are pretty dedicated to this thread :lol

It seems like EVERY time I see a new post in here it's you two guys giving pointers.
I think we are both watching for this thread to float up and jump on it every time it does. Half the time we're just agreeing with each other. :lol

KFJ still has well over 200 more posts than I in this thread, though.


they call me "Man Gravy".
GhaleonEB said:
I think we are both watching for this thread to float up and jump on it every time it does. Half the time we're just agreeing with each other. :lol

KFJ still has well over 200 more posts than I in this thread, though.
I'm just amazed at the number of times this thread has floated up, I've clicked and gone to my frist unread post to see a question, gotten ready to answer ... only to stop when I've noticed you or KFJ (or oftentimes both) have already answered it. :lol
I finally settled on a Brenton Spellsword.
Didn't do too much today. Just wandered around the main town talking to people. Wandered aroun a couple nearby dungeons. Ended up getting one level up. I have no desire to even bother with the main quest. I have 3 or 4 quests lined up that I'm going to start picking apart. Working on following the shady merchant Thoronir now.
I'm really just mesmerized by walking around and seeing the sheer size of the game.
I really wish I had a bag of "ears" to hand out to the guards though. "You have my ear citizen." I'm going to stab someone if I hear it again. :D
Oblivion gates in the middle of the forest have started popping up. I remember reading something in the guide book about this - like I did something with that priest I rescued from Kavatch. Anyway, do I need to close them?


siamesedreamer said:
Oblivion gates in the middle of the forest have started popping up. I remember reading something in the guide book about this - like I did something with that priest I rescued from Kavatch. Anyway, do I need to close them?
There are only a few Oblivion gates you HAVE to close, I won't say how many. You'll know them because they are tied to the main quest - you'll know. All others are optional, including a whole bunch tied to a side-quest late in the main quest. There will be a LOT of optional gates, with good loot and of course the Sigil stones.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I'm at level 12 and I've only closed 1 gate, however
I've become the Gray Fox, I beat the Gray Prince in the Arena, gotten pretty far in the fighter's guild and the mage's guild. I need to do more for the Dark Brotherhood. I was hell doing the last mission for the Gray Fox, likewise for stealing that book from the Cult.
I love this ****in game.


Agent Icebeezy said:
I'm at level 12 and I've only closed 1 gate, however
I've become the Gray Fox, I beat the Gray Prince in the Arena, gotten pretty far in the fighter's guild and the mage's guild. I need to do more for the Dark Brotherhood. I was hell doing the last mission for the Gray Fox, likewise for stealing that book from the Cult.
I love this ****in game.
The Dark Brotherhood ****ing rocks. Best writing in the game.


I'm enjoying my run through the Thieves' Guild right now. Fighters' Guild was pretty much brainless thwacking, but I love the different approach to the thief stuff. I'm currently trying to find a place to buy lockpicks
to give to a guy in prison
. After that, I only have the Dark Brotherhood stuff left to do.
Jonnyram said:
I'm enjoying my run through the Thieves' Guild right now. Fighters' Guild was pretty much brainless thwacking, but I love the different approach to the thief stuff. I'm currently trying to find a place to buy lockpicks
to give to a guy in prison
. After that, I only have the Dark Brotherhood stuff left to do.

You can buy lockpicks from any of the Thieves Guild fences.
Nerevar said:
I'm just amazed at the number of times this thread has floated up, I've clicked and gone to my frist unread post to see a question, gotten ready to answer ... only to stop when I've noticed you or KFJ (or oftentimes both) have already answered it. :lol


Yeah, Ghaleon and I have been pretty dedicated to this thread. We want to see it hit the 10k mark, and we're closing in on it. It is the thread that refuses to die it seems. :D


I'm sure this has been asked before in this thread, but it's well over 100 pages long so I hope I'll be forgiven for asking it again: where's the best place to sell expensive/valuable weapons and armor? Most armorers I've found have a max capital of 1200 at most. Is there any way to get anything close to what these things are actually worth?


they call me "Man Gravy".
Andonuts said:
I'm sure this has been asked before in this thread, but it's well over 100 pages long so I hope I'll be forgiven for asking it again: where's the best place to sell expensive/valuable weapons and armor? Most armorers I've found have a max capital of 1200 at most. Is there any way to get anything close to what these things are actually worth?
IIRC, no vendor has more than 1200 gold. When you get to expert / master level mercantile, you can "invest" (aka give) 500 gold to a shopkeeper, which will increase the maximum amount they can buy by 500 gold (i.e 1700 gold for a vendor that could originally only pay 1200). You can never get more than 1700 for a piece though.
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