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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


I'm just doing a really really quick browse through the recent pages of this thread, but do the texture mods get rid of the horrible low quality textures? Walking around in a cave is making it look like the wall textures have been stretched to 10x their original size or something. It's a pixelated mess.


Anybody got some good weapon enchant suggestions? What exactly does bound sword do? Ive got a 10pt shock damage on an elven claymore thats pretty good. But i'm looking for something better. Any ideas?


Fuma said:
Anybody got some good weapon enchant suggestions? What exactly does bound sword do? Ive got a 10pt shock damage on an elven claymore thats pretty good. But i'm looking for something better. Any ideas?

I was just about to post a big HOLY SHIT for my new Deadric Short Sword that i enchanted with the Oblivion Gate Sigil from the Gate near Cheydinhal, the one you go into to rescue the Son of the Count of Cheydinhal.

My Sword kicks serious ass. Does 25 Fire Damage every hit and it isn't a Charged Weapong, that shit is permanent. Some Bear was walking up to me in the Wilderness and I took him down with 2 swings. Not only that but when he died he literally flew like 10 Feet away from the Explosion that my Sword made. :D

Bound Spells usualy give you a special Weapon for a defined period of Time. After the Time is up they just disapear and you have your old Weapons again. But apart the low Levels i didn't try them out much, they weren't that much of an advantage in my opinion (if at all in some cases).


Waku said:
I was just about to post a big HOLY SHIT for my new Deadric Short Sword that i enchanted with the Oblivion Gate Sigil from the Gate near Cheydinhal, the one you go into to rescue the Son of the Count of Cheydinhal.

My Sword kicks serious ass. Does 25 Fire Damage every hit and it isn't a Charged Weapong, that shit is permanent. Some Bear was walking up to me in the Wilderness and I took him down with 2 swings. Not only that but when he died he literally flew like 10 Feet away from the Explosion that my Sword made. :D

Bound Spells usualy give you a special Weapon for a defined period of Time. After the Time is up they just disapear and you have your old Weapons again. But apart the low Levels i didn't try them out much, they weren't that much of an advantage (if at all in some cases).

This reminds me of something, in Morrowind you could soul trap Golden Saints and get constant effects with weapon enchants. I wonder if there is a creature that has the same effect in Oblivion? Anyone know?

Nice weapon by the way. 8)
TheDuce22 said:
I thought about doing this but it would be pretty annoying having to go out of my way to level or fighting nothing but rats and goblins for 40 hours. Leveling natrually is more fun.

Why would you have to do that? I think you misunderstand me...

(The character I'm doing this with is a Mage/fighter... she levels on her fighting skills in a perfectly natural manner but she is first and foremost a mage)

I'm actually having to turn the difficulty meter up to about 75% to even get a challenge. This is with only using my fighting skills + perfectly normal destruction skills. Block + Touch damage spells = fun (especially once you've resistance debuffed them).


needs to show more effort.
Robobandit said:
I think I'm screwed..

The corrupt imperial watchman must still be flagged as a guard, because even when he attacks me and the guards kill him, they come after me. In short, all of the guards want to murder me and I only have a bounty of 40 :(

I've not done that quest, so dunno specifics. But if a human of any kind is attacking you you can hold block and press spacebar/interact button to 'surrender' to the person beating on you.

for guards, this generally brings up the dialog of paying your fine/going to jail etc.
slayn said:
I've not done that quest, so dunno specifics. But if a human of any kind is attacking you you can hold block and press spacebar/interact button to 'surrender' to the person beating on you.

for guards, this generally brings up the dialog of paying your fine/going to jail etc.

I'll give that a try, thanks :)

yep, that worked fine.. once I escaped they weren't trying to kill me anymore.. I tried going to jail the first time, and several times after that.. but each time I'd pay my fine and get released, audens would be waiting for me outside the prison and I'd get arrested again without even touching him. very frustrating.

I was in the process of creating a new item with a script to get me out of my current situation :lol

I may try to finish it anyway, just to see if it works :)

"Ring of Forgiveness" eliminates the player's bounty when equipped, though adds to the player's player's burden ("Guilt" effect :) )


needs to show more effort.
LakeEarth said:
So what's great about a trainer again, other than not having to do the work? What you get trained in doesn't count for your level increasing?

And holy crap this thread. RE4 who?

the only time I've used trainers are for the armorer skill. I found magic equipment rather early on, back when my armorer skill was still only maybe 20. And you can't self repair magic stuff until 50. Later in the game this was starting to hurt me really badly. So for about 6 levels in a row I pumped all my trainer points into armorer.


Anyone experience a bug on the second Dark Brotherhood contract? I broke into the house way too early and decided to leave and wait outside, and now
when I try to kill the guy his servant dies instantly in the next room, blowing the mission.
How can I rectify this?

Just loaded an old save and did it right. I'm guessing it's caused by breaking in too early and getting "spotted" by the residents

lol: I still kept failing the mission because
the guy's servant kept chasing me outdoors and would aggro the guards with his aggression, getting himself killed in the process
I guess you're supposed to go through the basement in order to do it "right"
My Arms Your Hearse said:
You can only get a 3x bonus with a bow. The 6x bonus is with a melee attack. My warrior is nearing Master level in sneak now... and his Daedric Mace is rated at like 31 damage..... :). Oh, and master level nullifies enemey defense rating on the initial 6x damage....

Opps. That's what I meant. -_-

I'm about the same level myself. Something I've noticed though. Some weapons give you the 6x multiplier and some only give you a 1x (what's the point?). When I had a Dwarvish long sword, it would deal out the 6x. When I had a glass claymore, it only delt out 1x. What gives?


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
The Shadow said:
Opps. That's what I meant. -_-

I'm about the same level myself. Something I've noticed though. Some weapons give you the 6x multiplier and some only give you a 1x (what's the point?). When I had a Dwarvish long sword, it would deal out the 6x. When I had a glass claymore, it only delt out 1x. What gives?

2H weapons.


needs to show more effort.
some questions about the Kvatch siege:

first, whats the optimanl level to do this at to achieve the hardest difficulty? At level 15 so far the
first oblivion gate and beginning of the Kvatch siege stuff has been rediculaously easy.
I'm not really tempted to up the difficulty though since assuming that just increases the life and damage of the enemies, it would be the exact same battles but make them longer and more tedious.

Though I dod almost die in a not very fun moment.
In the first oblivion gate there is one tower with an elevator going down. I was standing at the top and decided to pick off the enemies I saw before heading down. Except that I sorta...fell...off... plumitting 20 feet onto a daedra warrior who was none to happy to have someone fall on their head and offered me a sword to the face in payment. That shit hurts when you are a stealth character that wears no armor. The fact that there was a lanfear charging at me from behind made it more fun as well.

But in general all of the monsters just move so slowly. Especially those huge things whatever they were. I didn't catch the name. I can run circles around them. The arena, with its fighters that must have had like 200 speed at whatever level I played it at, was far more difficult.

second, I'm stuck.
I am with matius and a couple soldiers trying to open the gate to the castle. The gate is closed. We cleared out the enemies in front, and now there seems to be an infinite amount of spawning archers at the top. Me and the other archer took them out until I got bored at around enemy archer number 20. Some of them helped by leaping off of the castle to their deaths. One of the in fact made a rather spectacular jump right onto the tip of Matius's sword. I've now been wandering around the castle while matius continues to run into the front gate and the other soldier takes out the archers but I can't find any entrance or switch to open the portcullis. I have no idea where I'm supposed to go now.

edit: every instance where I said marcus shoudl have been matius... oops


Was just about to complete the quest for the
Mace of Molag Bal
.... but then I came to my senses and realized that "good" characters do not hang out and have a beer with Molag Bal. :lol

What a shame, though... that was one kick ass weapon. :(


needs to show more effort.
The Shadow said:
But why would two handed weapons not have a bonus? It doesn't make sense.

cuz its kinda difficult to stab a small vital organ with a claymore...?

I don't think longswords and such shouldn't really qualify either, I tend to think of small weapons as being the only ones a sneak attack really works for, but thats me.
slayn said:
cuz its kinda difficult to stab a small vital organ with a claymore...?

I don't think longswords and such shouldn't really qualify either, I tend to think of small weapons as being the only ones a sneak attack really works for, but thats me.

Stab? You could cut someone's head clean off with a claymore.


needs to show more effort.
yes well, but sneaking doesn't really add to that. You could cut someone's head off with a claymore while they fight with you too.

I tend to think of a 'sneak attack' as a rogue's ability through training to be able to, given sufficient care and timing, be able to stab a vital weakpoint rather than stab at random. So instead of stabbing someone in the back, stab in such a way that you know it going to puncture or lung or something. Or, in the case of armor/think hide, a rogue can find that oen soft spot to poke their dagger.

If you are swinging with a claymore, it doesn't really matter whether you do it from the front or the back.

edit: say someone is wearing full plate mail. Someone with a claymore has to just sorta swing and attempt to do damage. If sneaking attacking, the person doesn't get to use their shield (if they have one to block) but you are still basically bashing their armor. With a small dagger, you could, without them being able to immediately react, slip your dagger carefully inbetween the joints to cause good damage.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The second one is hillarious!

I love how the NPC rises like some major villan in a action movie.

Somehow this game got a T rating too :lol


needs to show more effort.
so I figured out where I was stuck. I had to leave and come back and that triggered something so that matius decided to... take off his armor... and then tell me to open the gate. (Why did he take off his uniform/armor? This is not naked time...)

So this next part was a pretty decent challenge as long as I forced myself to keep the dude with the key alive through the whole thing. So I did that, and now he's just sorta staring at this trap door thing. I can personally go through and finish this part of the quest but he won't follow me. I was hoping to get something for keeping the dude alive unto the end :(

I guess I just have to leave him there and its not expected that he will still be alive at this point?


you should have paid da fine
you should have paid da fine
you should have paid da fine
you should have paid da fine
I've fought mudcrabs stronger than you
I've fought mudcrabs stronger than you
Hold still
Sysgen said:
Where does this post belong in a thread like this? Maybe if you qualified it with games that you like. I've bought 4 games since I got the system in Feb and every game has been triple AAA to me.

Excuse me for defending the 499$ canadian I'd be blowing on a console that, as he clearly said, only has two good games right now.
I'm not trying to turn this thread into anything. I just don't get where someone gets off saying something stupid like that.
So I go back to my pirate ship, and all the stuff I stored there is gone. All of it. Swords, potions, spells, what have you.
I'd already killed everyone on board during a quest
, so that isn't the problem. Is this a game glitch, or did I just get robbed?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think there are only select 'safe places' where you can leave spare loot. Such as your home, for one.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Eel O'Brian said:
Well, that's crap. I wish that would have been explained in the manual, or in-game somewhere.

There are mods out there that add "Guild Storage" chests to guilds that you're enrolled in, which are also safe, IIRC.
Oh great, just found what is seemingly a gamebreaking bug for my character?

Another stat bug... I think. My magicka on my character has hardcapped itself at 400. I've just gained two levels and it has failed to advance (I'm level 13 now). Surely, this is too low? Or is there an actual limit? Similarly, my warrior's armor capped at 85, though it didn't seem to actually.
Vyse The Legend said:
It is. Turn to page 46.

Well, that's crap. I wish my attention span and reading comprehension were better.

Plus, it can be argued that, for all intents and purposes, the pirate ship was mine.
Seeing as I killed the original owner and everyone else aboard.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Eel O'Brian said:
Well, that's crap. I wish that would have been explained in the manual, or in-game somewhere.

EDIT: Nevermind, it IS in the manual.


WTF at the difficulty of the Ending the Castle Siege quest. I'm doing it at level 21, combat character and it's absolutely undoable for me at normal difficulty, even two notches down difficulty. I was able to
lift the key off the dead guy to open the floor gate
but the dremora or whatever they're called follow me whereever I go making it impossible to have time to heal. There are more than a dozen of these things armed and armored to the teeth. The guards that
try and help me
also get beat down in 2 seconds. Finally I gave in and lowered the difficulty but that ruined the quest for me.


hyperbolically metafictive
i've spent too much time nitpicking my favorite game in ages, but i really wish you could commandeer random establishments as you could in morrowind. i like slumming it in my waterfront shack, but living on a pirate ship would be AWESOME.

sysgen -- i didn't do that quest at quite so high a level, but my strategy for masses of overpowered daedra is to back myself into a narrow space so only one enemy can attack me at a time. you can sit behind your shield to recover fatigue, and spellcasting enemies will often hit their allies. i burned through a bunch of potions and lost all the soldiers, but i did ultimately get through that quest without lowering the difficulty. oh, and in any situation where you're fighting alongside npcs, resting will recover their hp as well.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Zensetsu said:
:D Wait till the modders have actually had some time, I predict great things from the elder scrolls community.

I've got some GREAT ones already.

Graphical Mods:

All 3 or 4 upgraded "far view" textures packs, of course.

Upgraded gold coin texture (hey, why not).

Completely retooled UI. Smaller fonts, more zoomed out maps, more information displayed on screen in menus. Moved around icons, percentage descriptions to various status and progress bars, recolored overworld map, colored health bars floating over the respective enemies, etc.

Another graphical mod that makes the grass shorter. Speeds up gameplay a bit (not really necessary for me), but also makes things easier to see, without compromising the beauty!

A tweak that makes underwater viewing easier.

Another that removes the "loading area" message while traveling outdoors. (That just needlessly breaks immersion).

A mod that reduces the crosshair size by about 60% (woo.)

Another mod that reduces the enchanted item glow mesh graphics by 50%, largely eliminating the garish glowing saran-wrap look to most enchanted goodies.

I've got tweaks going on that strip out the opening bethesda and oblivion screens, taking me straight to the main menu. Yeah, I'm lazy.

Gameplay Mods:

Let's see... a total conversion of the leveling up system to remove the ridiculous micromanagement. Levels are still tied to major skills, but now your stats go up according to what skills (major and minor) you power up. Very dynamic and open. Loving it.

A complete retooling of enemy inventories. Monsters and loot still level up with you, but now loot drops are much more staggered. Even as a high level character, you'll find MUCH more iron and steel than glass and daedric. As a bonus, steel is more common on the early levels as well. I remember how tough it was to gather a complete set of Daedric equipment in Daggerfall. Oblivion will be that way as well. In my game, anyway.

Auto-harvesting ftw! Walk close enough to herbs and mushroom and whatnot, and my character auto-harvests most of it. As a bonus, the actual 3D model for that plant or mushroom or clam or whatever will vanish until the ingredient it contained respawns, in about 3 days. Brillliant!

Slowed down time. I believe the game defaults to 1 real world minute = 30 game world minutes. I have a mod that tweaked that into a 1 : 10 ratio instead of a 1 : 30 ratio. Much better.

A nice mod that will "level up" major quest rewards. As it turns out, Oblivion scales quest rewards depending on the level you were when you completed a quest. So the game actually penalizes you for doing quests early, since you'll get a severely stripped down reward for completing a quest at say, level 5, instead of waiting to finish until you're level 20. So now, any quest rewards you have will upgrade as you level up as well, removing that penalty! Nice!

Scripts that require you to routinely feed and sleep (Ultima whore in me). The eating script is even clever enough to auto-eat food from my inventory. And the sleep script came with a modification to general store-type merchants that have them selling a new item, a bedroll you can carry with you. Neat.

A fix to guild item ownership. Instead of being able to completely loot a guild of all of its treasures upon joining, more and more of its spare treasure opens up as you advance in ranks. Nice!

A mod that makes alchemy ingredients lighter (allowing you to harvest more without burdening you).

Another that makes Elven and Mithril equipment lighter, as they should be. (No decent fantasy-world based reason why they are heavier than Dwarven equipment.)

Tweaks to the gemstone economy. They're much more valuable now. (Doesn't add any gemstomes to the game, just changes their prices. That of the silver and gold nuggets too).

A mod that adds lockpicks to certain stores.

A mod that pops a "buy/sell all" when trying to buy or sell 2 or more items, versus the default 3 or more items. (Very nice when trying to bring up Mercantile early in the game).

A mod that retools the Bounty system such that bounties will slowly fade away over time (real world time, not game time, so don't try to sleep it all off!). Neat idea, actually. As the crime gets "cold", interest wanes and the guards start to focus on more recent crimes with better leads!

A mod that reduces the recharge cost of magical items. (Way too expensive on default, IMHO).


Not a bad start so far, eh?


Sorry but IMO most of those mods are useless or break the game or it's immersion. Keep in mind I'm of the school that says you play it as the designers intended. I was bitching about something being too hard before but I still wouldn't get a mod to fix it. Clearly if I wasn't lazy I could improve my magic skills or obtain better magic or items to deal with it. The only one I would take is the loading message which was left in. It's a free world though so do what you want.

Autiomatic harvest of ingredients. Lighter ingredients so you can carry more? :lol :lol :lol Way to break the immersion. The gui mod for PC players is good in my book since it does not effect game play.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sysgen said:
Sorry but IMO most of those mods are useless or break the game or it's immersion. Keep in mind I'm of the school that says you play it as the designers intended. I was bitching about something being too hard before but I still wouldn't get a mod to fix it. Clearly if I wasn't lazy I could improve my magic skills or obtain better magic or items to deal with it. The only one I would take is the loading message which was left in. It's a free world though so do what you want.

Autiomatic harvest of ingredients. Lighter ingredients so you can carry more? :lol :lol :lol Way to break the immersion. The gui mod for PC players is good in my book since it does not effect game play.

I'm the kind of obsessive freak who combs an area for all things take-able, so saving me those hundreds of space bar presses (auto-harvest) is fantastic. The lighter ingredients mod is really mostly for the food, honestly, since now I have to carry around some to feed.

The GUI and graphics mods are freaking awesome. I've only selected the smallest sampling of gameplay mods, though some of them are quite ambitious and powerful. None of them, however, were intended to tame the game's difficulty down. Not directly anyway. I particularly love the leveling balance and NPC loot balance (which imho was broken to begin with, intentional or otherwise). Hell, if you take all of the mods I chose into account, I've actually rebalanced the economy and made it more difficult to get money, later on!

Seth C

Slowed down time. I believe the game defaults to 1 real world minute = 30 game world minutes. I have a mod that tweaked that into a 1 : 10 ratio instead of a 1 : 30 ratio. Much better.

Good luck with that one. There is a quest that will now takes you over four hours to complete, rather than the already painful time it would normally take. Four hours of walking around town or just sitting still doing absolutely nothing.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Seth C said:
Good luck with that one. There is a quest that will now takes you over four hours to complete, rather than the already painful time it would normally take. Four hours of walking around town or just sitting still doing absolutely nothing.

Uh... can't you just "wait" time? If not, I can save my game, exit, and with 3 clicks of my mouse, disable that one mod, and reload. Not a big deal, really.

Seth C

Mejilan said:
Uh... can't you just "wait" time? If not, I can save my game, exit, and with 3 clicks of my mouse, disable that one mod, and reload. Not a big deal, really.

Nope. For three game days you are supposed to follow some people around town and watch what they do. It felt like it took an eternity...haha...and all for a few hundred gold. Not worth it.


Hey just a question, if anyone could tell me. I recently became Arch-Mage. Is the Arch Mage quarters flagged as theif free zone? So effectlively by becoming Arch-Mage, I acquire a house/apartment?
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