The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |Thread4| NOT Doomed

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You're playing it wrong I guess. I only play a few minutes a day and have no problem raking in the gold. Upgrade your harbors as soon as you're allowed to, dump all your gold into that, and upgrade your best gold generating dinosaurs up to lvl 10. Either favor the quick gold generators if you check a lot, or the slow but large value gold generators if you check infrequently. Also, do all the missions as soon as you can, they all have cash rewards that you can re-invest in upgrading harbors and dinosaurs.

Yeah, those games are basically a form of Cityville. They're not meant to be played in long sessions. You check in for a few minutes here and a few minutes there -- something to pass the time. It's along similar lines as Viva Pinata, I'd say.


It's ridiculously slow to earn money. One day's worth of waiting equals about 500 coins for me, can't even get to the 3000 mark to upgrade the meat shop or whatever it is.

I've long been a freemium defender but most of these recent efforts are pitiful, Happy Street being the exception.

Yeah man, you seem to be doing something not quite right. I've gotten to level 15 and I've only started slowing down since around level 12. Up to that point, I could play for for quite a bit.

I'm level 13 on Monster Life now and I've gotten to the point where I can only play for a few minutes at a stretch before there's nothing left to do.


Yeah man, you seem to be doing something not quite right. I've gotten to level 15 and I've only started slowing down since around level 12. Up to that point, I could play for for quite a bit.

I'm level 13 on Monster Life now and I've gotten to the point where I can only play for a few minutes at a stretch before there's nothing left to do.

I've always been like that for Monster Life. What have you been doing? I just do whatever taking care of a monster thing is active, collect some coins, battle all my monsters, all that takes maybe 2 minutes, then there is nothing to do for an hour.


How does 10M compare to Dungeon Raid? Been playing DR for a little over a week now and I'm kind of getting tired of it.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
My wife and I are hopelessly addicted to Happy Street. Is there any way to add friends other than facebook? I NEED MORE FLOOZ!


My wife and I are hopelessly addicted to Happy Street. Is there any way to add friends other than facebook? I NEED MORE FLOOZ!
Yeah, automatically picks up your game center friends.
I've always been like that for Monster Life. What have you been doing? I just do whatever taking care of a monster thing is active, collect some coins, battle all my monsters, all that takes maybe 2 minutes, then there is nothing to do for an hour.
Same. Also for JP Builder, it's go in the app, collect food, feed, collect coins, close app. 30 seconds.


I've always been like that for Monster Life. What have you been doing? I just do whatever taking care of a monster thing is active, collect some coins, battle all my monsters, all that takes maybe 2 minutes, then there is nothing to do for an hour.

Same. Also for JP Builder, it's go in the app, collect food, feed, collect coins, close app. 30 seconds.

I spend a decent amount of time looking at random parks. In Monster Life, it's a good way to build up Friend Stones. In JP, you instantly build up your Code Red meter every time you visit someone's park. It's a good way to get a buttload of coins in a relatively short amount of time.

I really really wish either of these games could be played offline though. I've got a wifi only iPad and the only places with free wifi in my area are my house and my workplace. I'd love to be able to connect and play at a cafe, but Japan is super stingy with free wifi.


How does 10M compare to Dungeon Raid? Been playing DR for a little over a week now and I'm kind of getting tired of it.

They're pretty different, actually. In 100000000 you slide an entire column/row of tiles to try to match 3+. As you progress through the "dungeon" you have a time meter, represented by how far your character is from the left side of the screen. Your time ticks away while you try to make matches against to progress (swords and staffs for physical/magical attacks, keys to unlock chests and doors), and drops faster when monsters hit you. Matching shields will keep monsters from hurting your time, and matching backpacks increases the drop rate for the currently engaged monster (dropped items generally either increase time or help pass the current obstacle), and finally matching stone and wood grants resources used outside of the puzzle area.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that 10000000 has a bit more persistence. Resources gathered in the dungeon are used to unlock and upgrade a hub area, which allows you to then upgrade your character (things like stronger attack, better defense, and some more general perks). The overall goal of the game is to upgrade your character enough to complete challenges, which then let you fight more difficult enemies for bigger rewards. Through this process you will eventually earn 10,000,000 points (across all plays), which I suppose is the end of the game. I assume you could just grind the first bit of the game and gain enough points, but you gain points faster the farther you go.

As someone who enjoys puzzle games but has a hard time stomaching score attacks so common in the genre, I really appreciate the over arching goal of the game. It has turned 10000000 from something I would have played a dozen times and then grown tired of into something I will play for a few weeks, finish, and then be able to delete while feeling completely satisfied with, rather than fatigued by.


formerly "chigiri"
Hunters 2 is 0.99, yay or nay? What's it like?

If you like TBS games it's fantastic. I've played it for some 50 hours at this point. Some say it's repetitive but I enjoy "the grind" so to speak, improving the team you have. There's a short singleplayer story campaign that nets unique rewards at the end which can be repeated, as well as daily contracts that refresh every 24 hours.


Yay, just finished Wargames WOPR!


Great game, such awesome value for 99c.
Just now? ;)

I clocked it no longer than a week or so after I bought it... agreed that it's great value, but literally zero replay value in it, which blows.
10M's overarching game with DR's matching mechanic would be pretty perfect.

Don't much care for the sliding, but like having something to do
It's ridiculously slow to earn money. One day's worth of waiting equals about 500 coins for me, can't even get to the 3000 mark to upgrade the meat shop or whatever it is.
You don't have enough dinosaurs and/or ones that are evolved/leveled. I can get to 100,000 gold in about two cycles now at level 15 and all of my harbor is upgraded to my level. Right now my current issue is that I need to stockpile my food to start leveling up my dinosaurs more. Can you post a pic of your park here? I'd be happy to give you advice.

Jedeye Sniv

Has anyone here played Aliens vs Humans? Apparently it's a port of XCom which I've always wanted to try, but I'd have thought people would have talked about it more if that was the case. Any impressions?


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh god, '10000000' is like digital crack. Haven't been this addicted to a iOS game since Game Dev Story

Alright, I guess it's time I finally get to playing this. The soundtrack seems pretty cool, it reminds me of VVVVVV.

Huh? Looks like a Plants vs Zombies rip-off.

Yikes. I appreciate PopCap's art more than ever.

Looks like they're talking about Aliens Versus Humans:


formerly "chigiri"
Has anyone here played Aliens vs Humans? Apparently it's a port of XCom which I've always wanted to try, but I'd have thought people would have talked about it more if that was the case. Any impressions?

Was lacking a lot last time I tried it which was ages ago. Hunters was much much better in every way.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I liked 10000000 a lot. Sad there weren't more upgrades. Give me 100000000000!
Are you guys serious about happy street? It's just one more of those copycat games that try to get people hooked in so they purchase in-game currency, no? What am I missing?

They all seem so shady to me.

And no, it is not the same as Animal Crossing.
Has anyone here played Aliens vs Humans? Apparently it's a port of XCom which I've always wanted to try, but I'd have thought people would have talked about it more if that was the case. Any impressions?

I posted an article about it a few pages back

Apparently it's a husband and wife team that is working on it. There is supposed to be a large update in the next few months adding in the simulation aspects. Right now it's just the tactical part.
I came here to post a bragging screenshot about how I've been chipping away at getting all the achievements for my iOS games-I got them all on Hero Academy last night finally-and then when I went to take the screenshot, GameCenter updated Hero Academy's achievements for the Team Fortress team! Update immminent:

Speaking of achievements, I want to get them all in Happy Street and one of them requires getting villagers in your hotel from 20 different people.

Anyone playing Happy Street please add me on Game Center. Name on there is Dosuchin.
Speaking of achievements, I want to get them all in Happy Street and one of them requires getting villagers in your hotel from 20 different people.

Anyone playing Happy Street please add me on Game Center. Name on there is Dosuchin.

add me-I'm mikeydavis. You can come stay at my hotel. :)

So for Happy Street-do all plants give you bonuses to adjacent shops? For instance-does the coconut tree do the same thing? I'm just trying to think about how to place my stuff...
add me-I'm mikeydavis. You can come stay at my hotel. :)

So for Happy Street-do all plants give you bonuses to adjacent shops? For instance-does the coconut tree do the same thing? I'm just trying to think about how to place my stuff...

Awesome, added you.

If I'm understanding the icons on the trees right they do give additional money when placed next to a shop. I need to rearrange mine better.
Awesome, added you.

If I'm understanding the icons on the trees right they do give additional money when placed next to a shop. I need to rearrange mine better.

Yeah, you get bonus money for x amount of spaces either side of certain items, and further to that some items have "combo bonuses" if you have certain shops either side of them, so you can really increase what you're earning between checking in. Check the descriptions in the shop menu.
If you like TBS games it's fantastic. I've played it for some 50 hours at this point. Some say it's repetitive but I enjoy "the grind" so to speak, improving the team you have. There's a short singleplayer story campaign that nets unique rewards at the end which can be repeated, as well as daily contracts that refresh every 24 hours.

Late but thanks for the rec. gonna buy it in a second.
Yeah, you get bonus money for x amount of spaces either side of certain items, and further to that some items have "combo bonuses" if you have certain shops either side of them, so you can really increase what you're earning between checking in. Check the descriptions in the shop menu.

Alright, thanks. Is there any way to check the letters you get from friends? The only way I see how to do it is on the globe. And for some reason, there's one person who I have three messages from and it doesn't let me check them. I click on it, but it just takes me to that default CPU person like I'm touching the area wrong.

Also, they show up on the side of the screen sometimes but I can only check one. I pick, "Send it later" and they go away not letting me check the others.

Edit: I sent a bunch of requests for people in my hotel and I guess it's full. Apparently I need to level it up first to allow more people in. Sorry guys!
Any other games like Jurassic Park Build, but better and maybe not as bad of a paywall? It seems really slow paced compared to some other ones (Tribez comes to mind).
Alright, thanks. Is there any way to check the letters you get from friends? The only way I see how to do it is on the globe. And for some reason, there's one person who I have three messages from and it doesn't let me check them. I click on it, but it just takes me to that default CPU person like I'm touching the area wrong.

Also, they show up on the side of the screen sometimes but I can only check one. I pick, "Send it later" and they go away not letting me check the others.

Edit: I sent a bunch of requests for people in my hotel and I guess it's full. Apparently I need to level it up first to allow more people in. Sorry guys!

The letters functionality could use some work. When you get a letter, if you have the item they want you can click "No" or "Yes"-and if you don't have the item yet, then you can say "Maybe Later". Clicking Maybe Later keeps the letter, and returns you to the regular screen, and if you tap the letters again, it shows you the next one in your list.

There is a bug where it shows all the letters on the left hand side instead of just a letter icon. If this happens, just force quit the app.

The friends functionality could use some work too-spinning the globe and trying to find someone you haven't visited yet is tedious. They could also be a little less stingy with the Flooz. Maybe let you get 5 per day from friends.

Flim Flam

Neo Member
how long do "friends villagers" visit? I swear mikeydavis's visitor has been loitering around for over 24 hours at this point. Hes clogging up the works!
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