The launch at the largest Apple store in Europe (London) via @mmalex
LOL ! Oh wow, akward as hell.
The line is growing slowly here, they're opening in about 30 min.
Pleeease God don't make them go out of the store and start clapping
The launch at the largest Apple store in Europe (London) via @mmalex
The launch at the largest Apple store in Europe (London) via @mmalex
I was just thinking that considering Apple are releasing a brand new iPad and iPad mini, there doesn't seem to be that much hype around the Internets, and news of little queues makes me wonder if Apple are concerned. Or maybe the kind of people who will buy a mini aren't the kind to queue on day one?
The launch at the largest Apple store in Europe (London) via @mmalex
If you think the box feels good, you're in for a treat.It feels amazing in the hands:
I've never really had any trouble walking in day one and getting any version of iPad so I wouldn't say it's unprecedented
Is the screen noticeably better than the 2 due to the smaller size?
You'll notice side by side at least.
I am really tempted to sell my 32gb ipad 2 and get a mini. I have an iPhone and a mac and I feel like I don't really use my ipad that much at home because I may as well just use my mac, and I think the size could be good for uni and reading books etc, could someone recommend the best way to do this.
Just got my white mini... That thing is gorgeous as hell. And LIGHT.
Astonishing queues at times reached as far as several feet from the tills in Glasgow's Apple store, as the Wi-Fi version of the iPad mini launched in the UK.
Reader Joseph Heenan reported walking in to the Apple Store, buying the device and walking out "within a couple of minutes".
Heenan added that "there were staff standing around with nothing to do".
? where do you live? This is the first time I've heard that a large Apple store didn't get any lines, or sell out stock, for a previous iPad launch...
The new iPad isn't launching on the same day?
The launch at the largest Apple store in Europe (London) via @mmalex
I live in an area with 2 Apple stores and the only time there's been an issue getting something on launch day involved iPhones. iPads have never been hard to get. Small, or non-existant, lines are hopefully a sign that people are getting smarter and simply pre-ordering and getting them via UPS.
I have an iPad and iPhone, and love them both, and I have no interest in the mini. I wonder if people have finally reached the point where they're like "I simply don't have $329 for this right now" or maybe people just can't get excited about it. It has to end sometime.
Now my immediate impression of the Mini after seeing it (the black one) is that it's similar to spotting a beautiful woman in the wild wearing yoga pants. Hnnnnngggggggg, and then she turns around to reveal a face full of buck teeth, zits and hairy moles. The lack of Retina is very very apparent. Fortunately I won't be reading on it, but I definitely will once they release the inevitable Mini 2 with Retina, because the form factor is leaps and bounds ahead of the larger tablets. Sorry Steve, but you were wrong, this is the size tablets should have always been. So light and comfortable when held properly. The side bezel looks really nice, but holding it via the side-pinch isn't comfortable or useful to me. Regardless, there are plenty of better options to holding it. This thing is going to lose a lot of sales based on the screen and price, but I also think it's going to gain a few based simply on fit and feel.
It's only Baconsammy who keeps harping on about it here.I think you guys are making the screen "issue" way bigger than it actually is. The average consumer has a hard time noticing the difference- my parents couldn't even tell the difference in retina. Sure, they said it looked clearer, but they didn't think it was a monumental stride over the iPad 2.
After using their iPad 3 for several weeks and returning to my iPad 2, yes, the difference was quite apparent at first. But I wouldn't say it was bad or even mediocre. Hell, it took me less than a day to readjust to the iPad 2 screen and not even notice the difference.
NeoGAF on my Mini:
So, the only reasonable way Apple can bring retina to the mini is by using 2048x1536. Will it be possible to mass produce such dense screens by next year? What PPI would that be? Do such screens exist already? Just curious, the mini looks great!
There were long lines and low stock for the iPad 1 and 2. I also waited in line for the iPad 3 but that launched with lots of stock. It's trivial to do a search on any tech site and get confirmation of the lines. Heck just check the Gaf threadsI live in an area with 2 Apple stores and the only time there's been an issue getting something on launch day involved iPhones. iPads have never been hard to get. Small, or non-existant, lines are hopefully a sign that people are getting smarter and simply pre-ordering and getting them via UPS.
Interesting posts about the lines (or lack of). It's also a story on CNN right now - no lines.
I have an iPad and iPhone, and love them both, and I have no interest in the mini. I wonder if people have finally reached the point where they're like "I simply don't have $329 for this right now" or maybe people just can't get excited about it. It has to end sometime.
So, the only reasonable way Apple can bring retina to the mini is by using 2048x1536. Will it be possible to mass produce such dense screens by next year? What PPI would that be? Do such screens exist already? Just curious, the mini looks great! Don't have a tablet, and not entirely sure I need one, but definitely want to try out the new form factor.
So, the only reasonable way Apple can bring retina to the mini is by using 2048x1536. Will it be possible to mass produce such dense screens by next year? What PPI would that be? Do such screens exist already? Just curious, the mini looks great! Don't have a tablet, and not entirely sure I need one, but definitely want to try out the new form factor.
So, the only reasonable way Apple can bring retina to the mini is by using 2048x1536. Will it be possible to mass produce such dense screens by next year? What PPI would that be? Do such screens exist already? Just curious, the mini looks great! Don't have a tablet, and not entirely sure I need one, but definitely want to try out the new form factor.
No.I think the mini is too expensive and the revision next year will sell for $299
and have a retina display.
The screen is possible, but currently too expensive unless Apple cuts margins even further. But as mentioned the problem is more that they need to cut power consumption; unless they do that they would need to expand battery capacity enough that it would make the device significantly heavier and thicker.
326.11 PPI, which is about the same as the iPhone which is 325 PPI.