NeoGAF on my Mini:
So my girlfriend bought a black iPad mini and I'm sold! Selling my iPad 2 and upgrading to mini. Yes, upgrading.
I was very surprised but the mini feels like what the iPad should be, the larger one just feels outdated after having used the mini. To me I'd still pick the mini over a retina enabled full size iPad at the same price point. I no longer see a point in the larger size.
It's only Baconsammy who keeps harping on about it here.
Everyone else has gotten over it and expects it in a future revision.
Yeah and it was like that photo posted earlier at my local apple store. They had those little bars setup to herd the crowd expecting lines and a ton of staff on hand but there was literally no line.This launch was nothing special, business as usual. I made that comment earlier and seems like its true.
Mini is definitely an upgrade over the iPad 2. People that think the Mini will forever be the iPod Touch to the iPhone are going to be proven wrong, I think. This is just an infinitely better mobile form factor.
Well duh. Anyone who cares about screen quality knows this. (Including me).
Gee, did I upset your delicate sensibilities? Deal with it. It's the one glaring flaw the Mini has. Everything else outside of the side bezel appears to be an improvement over the larger tablets.
Mini is definitely an upgrade over the iPad 2. People that think the Mini will forever be the iPod Touch to the iPhone are going to be proven wrong, I think. This is just an infinitely better mobile form factor.
Gee, did I upset your delicate sensibilities? Deal with it. It's the one glaring flaw the Mini has.
Everybody will slowly come around I'm sure. People just need to use it to realize the difference for themselves. Apple really nailed the design of this thing and to me and everyone that I know that has used it, it feels better in every way compared with the full sized iPadMini is definitely an upgrade over the iPad 2. People that think the Mini will forever be the iPod Touch to the iPhone are going to be proven wrong, I think. This is just an infinitely better mobile form factor.
Glaring flaw.. lol.
Maybe in the small world of extreme tech enthusiasts and spec whores.
I can forsee a commercial version of this with barcode scanner and credit card swipe.
Everybody will slowly come around I'm sure. People just need to use it to realize the difference for themselves. Apple really nailed the design of this thing and to me and everyone that I know that has used it, it feels better in every way compared with the full sized iPad
Mini is definitely an upgrade over the iPad 2. People that think the Mini will forever be the iPod Touch to the iPhone are going to be proven wrong, I think. This is just an infinitely better mobile form factor.
I agree it feels better but a retina would have warranted a purchase from me and you know it will be there next yearEverybody will slowly come around I'm sure. People just need to use it to realize the difference for themselves. Apple really nailed the design of this thing and to me and everyone that I know that has used it, it feels better in every way compared with the full sized iPad
Touch was more a replacement of the ipod though. Mini seems to be more a replacement of the ipad in the long term - once the tech is there that'll maybe be no bad thing; following the reviews people seem to prefer the smaller form and build quality.
I'd be surprised if Apple's primary engineering focus right now is reducing power draw from these displays. There are too many potential benefits not to. The weight of the iPad, the possibility of a Retina iPad, battery life, etc. I was hoping that they'd made some progress with the iPad 4, but evidently not.
So wait, now only tech enthusiasts and spec whores care about HD screens? I wonder which one of those classifications my mother is. I'll go with spec whore.
Definitely. I expect to start seeing a ton of these in airports/planes.
I agree it feels better but a retina would have warranted a purchase from me and you know it will be there next year
My gf has the 3 and I don't think I could go back to that res after seeing in person. Everything else about the mini is great. It is light and feels great to hold.That's why I don't know if I should buy one now or wait.
It's tempting, but I already have an iPad3 and an iPhone5, but...
Stop me. xD
Your words, not mine.
I just think it's pretty funny to see you act like it's some kind of ultimate deal-breaker for the mass consumer.
An hour to opening only about a dozen people in line. Going 32gb white. If what I'm hearing is right this will become my primary iPad.
Mini seems to be more a replacement of the ipad in the long term - once the tech is there that'll maybe be no bad thing; following the reviews people seem to prefer the smaller form and build quality.
Free egg mcmuffins for upstrata consumers in the iPad mini line!
An hour to opening only about a dozen people in line. Going 32gb white. If what I'm hearing is right this will become my primary iPad.
An hour to opening only about a dozen people in line. Going 32gb white. If what I'm hearing is right this will become my primary iPad.
The line on 5th Ave in Manhattan, about 500 people strong. Also keep in mind that half the city is still without power & subways. I'd probably be there if I could but I'd have to walk for 3 hours.
But what about the lack of Retina, Gary? Is it not a deal breaker?
That this is a better and more useable form factor overall. Based on my experience with the Nexus 7 I can believe it.What are you hearing?
Something about this bothers me...
I know I know...just a weird juxtaposition to see people lining up for a luxury item when a few miles away entire neighborhoods are destroy.
Not judging.
That this is a better and more useable form factor overall. Based on my experience with the Nexus 7 I can believe it.
I wish it had it but I understand why it doesn't and I don't think it will stop me enjoying it. Plus, trade-in next year! Or in six months. FUCK YOU APPLE.But what about the lack of Retina, Gary? Is it not a deal breaker?
Lot a rich people in NYC too. It's a funny town. One block has luxury apartment and the next block might have project apartment.
The mini is never going to replace the larger iPad. lmao
The lack of enthusiasm for this launch is blatant evidence of this. I think the mini is going to be a very niche product. If people want an iPad they'll buy the larger one, not the smaller one.
Of course there will always be that small niche of people though who want something smaller, but that is always going to be the minority of people. Let's not kid ourselves. The normal iPad is not large. Everything being smaller is not better.
I wish it had it but I understand why it doesn't and I don't think it will stop me enjoying it. Plus, trade-in next year! Or in six months. FUCK YOU APPLE.
Change wife to GF and I'm in the same boat.
Kind of how I feel, I thought it felt really nice and liked the size but dat low res screen was not looking good after being used to retinaFriend got one and I got to play around with it. The display is awful, but everything else is nice. No retina is tolerable if you've never used retina or don't have any other retina devices, I guess.
So wait, now only tech enthusiasts and spec whores care about HD screens? I wonder which one of those classifications my mother is. I'll go with spec whore.
I think this will replace the touch as the big gift item this holiday. I'm gonna get my parents one.
I see absolutely no reason why it won't be for most people. It's the perfect size and built like a tank.
If only because the iPad brand is now stronger than the iPod.
I actually think the iPod Touch seems like a better overall product. Better screen and twice the storage, and still cheaper than the Mini.
Kind of how I feel, I thought it felt really nice and liked the size but dat low res screen was not looking good after being used to retina