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The iPad Mini


The reason Mini exists is because the original iPad isn't the perfect size. Jobs was wrong about that. Horribly wrong. I'm not saying what's right or wrong for you. I'm saying what I ultimately will be the flagship size iPad for Apple.
Won't be the first time he changed his mind/lied.

"We don't think tablets are the future of computing."


"Horribly wrong" is probably an overstatement. I interpret horrible mistakes to be failures. the iPad isn't. But I gotta say in my time with the mini store demo, I didn't feel like I was missing out on much.

I can think of a few things I've done with the ipad that wouldn't quite work as well on the mini (relatively large Numbers spreadsheet. watching movies on a camping trip from several feet away) but, overall, i think I'll be moving to the mini line and staying there.


The reason Mini exists is because the original iPad isn't the perfect size. Jobs was wrong about that. Horribly wrong. I'm not saying what's right or wrong for you. I'm saying what I ultimately believe will be the flagship size iPad for Apple.

The reason the mini exists is because other companies filled a niche they weren't a part of.


I could definitely use a mini for work due to portability but as my primary tablet? Way too small. I'm actually surprised how many people here are claiming it to be the perfect size but we're all entitled to like what we like.
I could definitely use a mini for work due to portability but as my primary tablet? Way too small. I'm actually surprised how many people here are claiming it to be the perfect size but we're all entitled to like what we like.

For me and my wife, and I assume many others, the regular iPad is too big and heavy to be of any real use to us. If I'm going to use something that heavy, might as well just use my MB Air and not sacrifice any functionality. The OG iPad's size negates its usefulness to me outside of the house, and I see no reason to use it at home when I own an actual computer. It's a complaint/comment I see quite often, so I don't feel like I'm alone in that opinion.
I could definitely use a mini for work due to portability but as my primary tablet? Way too small. I'm actually surprised how many people here are claiming it to be the perfect size but we're all entitled to like what we like.

I guess, for me a tablet will never be a "primary" anything. I have a Samsung Slate 7 running Windows 8 and honestly it's too soon to call it a laptop/PC replacement. Very capable machine but not really suitable, for me, as a primary tablet. At this point tablets are complimentary devices to desktops/laptops, I understand they CAN be replacements for a good number of people but I don't see it as feasible for me. I see Windows 8 taking that spot. I have no need for a "primary" tablet though.

I am in need of a complimentary device and iOS has given me just that. Even more so with the smaller Mini and its very spacious screen. All that aside, these are luxury devices. We don't really need any of them.

Since I've had a few days with the mini, I have sold my "New" iPad and given my slate to my younger brother.

The other night I was out at a bar celebrating with friends, my boss called me in a panic to handle an issue one of my coworkers was unable to. Instead of making the trek all the way to the office, I pulled my Mini out of my bag and quickly logged onto Sharepoint, within five minutes I had edited and fixed all the issues that had arose and no one in my party had even noticed.

Could I have done the same with a full size iPad? Absolutely, but at that point if I'm using something so large I would just pull out my MBA. Could I have done so at a cramped bar table with the full size iPad? Probably. It's great to have the option between the two and for the majority of scenarios I find myself in. The mini is king.

There has to be something said for portability and a very small yet extremely efficient footprint. Especially when it comes to those who are consistently needed yet always on the go.


So I had an iPad1, but never paid for it. Never considered buying one and very rarely used it. It was a nice travel companion when flying, but I rarely ever took trips. But the mini has already invaded my daily life. I adore the form factor. If Android had a better tablet ecosystem I think I would have Ben all over the N7, but now I am stuck with this iPad mini.

I don't think I will have any urge to update to a new tablet until this is no longer functioning.


For me and my family, the iPad was the perfect 'inside the house' size. It is almost constantly in use. I wonder if the 7" size is the perfect 'outside the house' size (ie definitely get the cellular model rather than just wifi). Unfortunately, none of the stores near me have a display model to play with.
For me and my family, the iPad was the perfect 'inside the house' size. It is almost constantly in use. I wonder if the 7" size is the perfect 'outside the house' size (ie definitely get the cellular model rather than just wifi). Unfortunately, none of the stores near me have a display model to play with.

Same, perfect for quick and easy use and the 9.7' retina screen is always easy on then eyes


Forgot about this, did we?



I find it weird, but not altogether surprising, that the conclusion Apple/iPad fans take from success of the 7" form factor is that it is the one 'perfect' size instead of the realization that there is no 'perfect' size.



I find it weird, but not altogether surprising, that the conclusion Apple/iPad fans take from success of the 7" form factor is that it is the one 'perfect' size instead of the realization that there is no 'perfect' size.

I think most people are talking about their own opinions. You need to add that qualifier to every statement made on forums.

Just like a declaration that "7 inch tablets are portable and fit into jean pockets" actually means "I think 7 inch tablets are portable and they fit into my jean pockets."

There's plenty of people here and elsewhere that still prefer the 10" size.


nods at old men
I think most people are talking about their own opinions. You need to add that qualifier to every statement made on forums.

Just like a declaration that "7 inch tablets are portable and fit into jean pockets" actually means "I think 7 inch tablets are portable and they fit into my jean pockets."

There's plenty of people here and elsewhere that still prefer the 10" size.

Nope, it's obviously crazy Apple fanboys.
Never mind that this is the iPad mini thread and there's a separate thread for the big brother size.
Or even some posters on this page stating they prefer 10".
I find it weird, but not altogether surprising, that the conclusion Apple/iPad fans take from success of the 7" form factor is that it is the one 'perfect' size instead of the realization that there is no 'perfect' size.


Is this the first time you've come into contact with people who have opinions?


I find it weird, but not altogether surprising, that the conclusion Apple/iPad fans take from success of the 7" form factor is that it is the one 'perfect' size instead of the realization that there is no 'perfect' size.


I was super tempted to get an N7, but having an android tablet while I have an Android felt redundant and I was also aware of the short comings of the OS in the tablet space. I am sure the N7 is great to use, but right now I am lusting over my mini.

I very much prefer the mini for factor, perfect for me.
I was super tempted to get an N7, but having an android tablet while I have an Android felt redundant and I was also aware of the short comings of the OS in the tablet space. I am sure the N7 is great to use, but right now I am lusting over my mini.

I very much prefer the mini for factor, perfect for me.

How dare you.


I find it weird, but not altogether surprising, that the conclusion Apple/iPad fans take from success of the 7" form factor is that it is the one 'perfect' size instead of the realization that there is no 'perfect' size.


The iPad mini screen has more in common with the main iPad screen than with other 7" tablets I've used.

Like I said, I think it's a better balance. the 10" screen is still better for some things but with the mini I don't feel I'm using something so cramped as 7" tablets.

I think the AR is the main reason behind this feeling and not that extra inch of screen.


Still liking my iPad Mini, I bring it with me everywhere. Just today, I were editing my economy document and doing some stuff in my bank while being outside. Convenient. Love it.


The only one i think I'm aware of is IGZO, which may depend on Sharp escaping bankruptcy in the next few months. In any case new backlight strategies are enormously expensive because of the failure rate - it's not worth building if half your panels can't be sold. Sharp is betting on IGZO to save the company, which speaks as much to the expense of manufacturing as it does to the promise of their technology.

Anyway, the bigger problem is that the mini is a "Trailer" device. To meet their cost targets/margins they are shipping with older/cheaper parts. But the Retina display requires 3 things:
a) More battery life (if they cut power draw, maybe 25% more)
b) A faster multicore CPU/GPU with double the bandwidth (A5X dieshrunk, I guess)
c) The more efficient display panel (if Apple goes with IGZO I'm guessing the 10" model will dominate Sharp's production line)

I guess it's possible we see all three of those improvements but of the three I think only b) is a lock for next year.
There's also LTPS which the iPhones use, and perhaps some other acronyms I won't pretend to understand. But yeah out of those I'd say B is a given too, albeit both A and B are somewhat dependent on C. Without a need to power/run more pixels there's not a need to boost the battery and don't need the "X" SoC variant.

As for the SoC itself I assume A5X is dead, it'll be two generations behind when the next models come out if the A7 is ready by then. I semi expect the 32nm A5 baseline to be replaced with the A6, whether the one from the iPhone 5 or another tweaked revision.

Another variable is the sales of the thing. If it outsells the big one (a la the iPod mini) I could see them getting aggressive with it (a la iPod nano) and putting in the newer generation parts.
For me and my family, the iPad was the perfect 'inside the house' size. It is almost constantly in use. I wonder if the 7" size is the perfect 'outside the house' size (ie definitely get the cellular model rather than just wifi). Unfortunately, none of the stores near me have a display model to play with.
That's what I suspect will be the case for me. Or another way I've thought about it, if I can put the iPad down (table, in my lap, treadmill/bike stand, etc) the big one is good, but if mostly hand supported or just moving around more the smaller one would be nicer cause the weight and smaller footprint.


I think most people are talking about their own opinions. You need to add that qualifier to every statement made on forums.

Just like a declaration that "7 inch tablets are portable and fit into jean pockets" actually means "I think 7 inch tablets are portable and they fit into my jean pockets."

There's plenty of people here and elsewhere that still prefer the 10" size.

I know people are talking about their personal opinions — my comment was about the hyperbolic expression of those opinions. It's not enough that a size is 'great' or the 'best for me' it has to be declared as 'perfect'! I find it weird that Apple/iPad fans keep jumping to these extremes *shrug* but not surprising because Apple sets that tone in their marketing.

Just like a declaration that "7 inch tablets are portable and fit into jean pockets" actually means "I think 7 inch tablets are portable and they fit into my jean pockets."
Haha, that's not the same thing at all. I'm attempting to declare a fact not an opinion: the dimensions of the 7" tablet are known and we can measure average pockets sizes. It either fits into the jeans pockets (or it doesn't) and we can then agree (or disagree) on a working definition of portability.


Don't know if this is the best place to comment on that, but I figure this tread now contains most of the iPad discussion.

What do you guys think are the chances the 10'' iPad release schedule has been totally altered to fall into the October-November window, thus sharing the spot with the iPhone (that already moved there with the 4S release)?

At first I assumed that, since the iPad 4 presentation was so brief and was so much out of the spotlight, there would be the "usual" revision coming February or May (2013).
But I've been reading about that, and people seem to take for granted that the next iPad we are gonna see will come in a year's time.

I think that iPad Feb-May, Macs July-August, and iPhone Oct-Nov made a lot of sense, so that there's always on recently refreshed product.
Don't know why people think it's a good decision to not refresh anything at all between November and July. The only thing I can think about is that maybe Apple is making "room" for some new product.


I'm not sure of if this is any indication of the Mini's success or not, but there are no Apple stores showing any available stock in and around the Atlanta area. This includes stores in South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. The iPad 4 is however readily available everywhere. Could be more 4's were made, or perhaps there are no supply issues with manufacturing the 4, regardless, to me it appears Apple has another winner.


But it's nothing new. One has a retina screen, the other don't. Yet people still buy the Mini for reading purposes because of the form factor, weight and size.


Ars posted their review: http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/11/the-skinny-on-the-mini-its-not-the-size-that-counts

Now I'm glad I stayed away, I was going to mostly use it for reading and well..



Better than Surface.

I'm hoping to find a 16gb in store today but might settle with 32. Color is the real decision I need to make. Decided my 3rd gen will be fine for me until a new design happens for the Retina. Now I just need to sell my dust-covered N7.


To me, a 7" tablet is good for reading if you're traveling and packing light. At home, I'd much rather use a Kindle.


If you were going to get one for mainly reading, you'd be wise to avoid it. It's a terrible e-reader. For everything else it's the perfect iPad.
You're so wrong, at least if we're looking at the iPad Mini screen with my eyes lol. I read Kindle books perfectly, I read magazines with a breeze and have no trouble with the web.

And I bought this device to read and write.


we went through all this when the ipad first launched, too. there were some people who had no trouble reading novels on the 132 ppi screen. and then there were those of us who owned e-ink readers who couldn't deal with the text on the ipad.

same argument here - some people will care about the screen, some people won't. it's not a clear cut case of "right" or "wrong" at least now, the ipad mini is light and the ppi is slightly better than the first 2 ipads.


Selling my 3rd gen after work today. Couldn't resist.

It's like Retina is released and suddenly the older normal resolution is impossible to put up with.

It's all dependent on what you're used to, how you use the iPad, and your tolerance for these sorts of things. I can totally understand people who are in love with their Retina displays and don't ever want to go back. I can understand people who don't see it as a huge deal. I can understand people who dislike the switch but do so thanks to the form factor, size, and weight.

What I don't understand is why so many people in this thread can't get it through their skulls that other people's opinions and tolerance levels can and will vary wildly with this sort of thing.

Me too. I want an iMac that folds down into something like that for touch manipulation.

iPad Maxi: It's our best iPad for menstrual jokes yet!

The Real Abed

It's like Retina is released and suddenly the older normal resolution is impossible to put up with.

Someone modify that Spider-Man 3 GIF. I think it'd fit this thread perfectly.


For me, the original iPad is not big enough. I'd love an iPad about this size:


Me too. I want an iMac that folds down into something like that for touch manipulation.

Anyways. I wonder how people will feel about the mini iPad once the weight comes down on the bigger one. It's 308 grams on the mini vs 650 or so on the bigger iPad. I think the one-handed operation is probably the more important factor (weight) than just having something slightly smaller. But that's me.
It's like Retina is released and suddenly the older normal resolution is impossible to put up with.

Someone modify that Spider-Man 3 GIF. I think it'd fit this thread perfectly.

We also should go back to Windows Mobile and Palm OS devices. They were good back then, weren't they?
Me too. I want an iMac that folds down into something like that for touch manipulation.

Anyways. I wonder how people will feel about the mini iPad once the weight comes down on the bigger one. It's 308 grams on the mini vs 650 or so on the bigger iPad. I think the one-handed operation is probably the more important factor (weight) than just having something slightly smaller. But that's me.

The weight is the killer part of the full sized iPad. I love the screen size, but it does weigh a lot.



What's wrong with me!? Ordered a black one, and another Portenzo cover since I was so impressed with my first one.

The weight is the killer part of the full sized iPad. I love the screen size, but it does weigh a lot.

This is what it boils down to. I have a 2, selling it to get the Mini. A lateral move in everything except for weight and size, which I am totally fine with. Mainly used to browse GAF anyway.
This is what it boils down to. I have a 2, selling it to get the Mini. A lateral move in everything except for weight and size.

Have an iPad 1. Going to sell it and get a mini. Only retina display I have is on my iPhone, so I am not spoiled by the iPad's retina display. Either way, the mini should feel like a big upgrade.
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