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The iPad Mini

I'm having trouble deciding to either A) keep my iPad mini, B) return the Mini and keep the 3G I have, or C) return the Mini and get a 4G iPad.

I love the small size and the weight. I just can't stop seeing those pixels when reading smaller text. Reading "The Daily" seems like a chore on the Mini, the smaller text is so much harder to look at compared to a retina display. Anyone else?


I know people are talking about their personal opinions — my comment was about the hyperbolic expression of those opinions. It's not enough that a size is 'great' or the 'best for me' it has to be declared as 'perfect'! I find it weird that Apple/iPad fans keep jumping to these extremes *shrug* but not surprising because Apple sets that tone in their marketing.

Haha, that's not the same thing at all. I'm attempting to declare a fact not an opinion: the dimensions of the 7" tablet are known and we can measure average pockets sizes. It either fits into the jeans pockets (or it doesn't) and we can then agree (or disagree) on a working definition of portability.

I don't think you are speaking to knowledge of average jean pocket sizes--you are declaring a fact that they fit your jean pockets. There is no "working definition" of portability--its an opinion based on personal needs, there definitely is no objective definition that declares that 1.4 cm of extra width places the iPad mini outside of the portability.

Speaking of extreme hyperbolic expression of opinions:
Lol Apple just fucked up the usability of their tablet. the iPad mini is truly the shit version. I wouldn't get one even if I was paid to.


I'm not 100% sure but I remember during the keynote Phil saying that the mini did a better job of ignoring unwanted stray touches. Not sure if they are doing this in the hardware or the software but I discovered something a little interesting due to this.

I take a lot of handwritten notes on my iPad with a variety of styli and apps. I noticed with the mini that the apps that use a hidden wrist protection solution (penultimate, bamboo, etc) that they are way more effective on the mini.

On my iPad 3 - I would say even with wrist protection turned on - around 10-15% of the time I would still get stray marks. With the mini I was getting around 3-5% at worst. Some apps were almost zero.

The mini for me has pretty much become the ultimate Moleskine that I had been dreaming about since I bought the iPad 1.


I don't think you are speaking to knowledge of average jean pocket sizes--you are declaring a fact that they fit your jean pockets. There is no "working definition" of portability--its an opinion based on personal needs, there definitely is no objective definition that declares that 1.4 cm of extra width places the iPad mini outside of the portability.
Stop projecting.
Speaking of extreme hyperbolic expression of opinions:
Lol Apple just fucked up the usability of their tablet. the iPad mini is truly the shit version. I wouldn't get one even if I was paid to.
I was referring to the thin side bezels which would be a definitely be a huge usability problem if left unaddressed. Once Apple revealed at their iPad Mini that they were attempting to cover for the thin bezels in software I scaled back my criticism. the full context of that post:
That should shut Greyface up.
Lol Apple just fucked up the usability of their tablet. the iPad mini is truly the shit version. I wouldn't get one even if I was paid to.

Lol, no it's not. Whatever. I can pull up posts from every Machead here explaining why the iPad needs big bezels but once Apple makes a 180 it looks cool. *smh*


numble said:
Esperado said:
The minor nitpicks I have are that I really hate the name and the screen bezel. The bezel is just too thick and the iPad name just sucks.
Nintendo has a game system called the Wii that no one thinks twice about now.

As for the bezel, that's a "you have to use it to understand it" scenario. I kind of wish it was even bigger.
Esperado said:
Right now it just looks like a bloated iPhone to me, and that's a surprise coming from such a design centric company like Apple.
There is no question that that bezel is like it is by design. Design isn't only how fancy something looks.


Stop projecting.

I was referring to the thin side bezels which would be a definitely be a huge usability problem if left unaddressed. Once Apple revealed at their iPad Mini that they were attempting to cover for the thin bezels in software I scaled my criticism. the full context of that post:
I don't think you know what projecting means. I wouldn't say "I think" otherwise. Do you really have detailed data on average jean pocket sizes that show that jean pockets can accomodate 12 cm thick devices, but can't accomodate an extra 1.47cm in width (I don't think average jeans can accomodate either size).

Calling something "shit" is just as extreme and hyperbolic as calling something "perfect."

Why are you pretending I'm saying something I didn't? I didn't say what you're pretending you're quoting me as saying, and the context of the quote is not being disputed anyway. The context of people calling things "perfect" is from their own beliefs, after all. Calling something "perfect" isn't even unusual to Apple fans in Apple threads, look at most GAF product threads.


I don't think you know what projecting means. I wouldn't say "I think" otherwise. Do you really have detailed data on average jean pocket sizes that show that jean pockets can accomodate 12 cm thick devices, but can't accomodate an extra 1.47cm in width (I don't think average jeans can accomodate either size).

Calling something "shit" is just as extreme and hyperbolic as calling something "perfect."

perfect is an extreme. There is nothing better than perfect. I can think of a few apt descriptions for tablets worse than the iPad mini.


My friend was showing me his iPad 2 and he says he can get 5-6 days use out of it without charging the battery. He showed me the usage and it was like 1 day, 18 hours usage and 4 days standby. I was amazed. Do all iPads last this long??


perfect is an extreme. There is nothing better than perfect. I can think of a few apt descriptions for tablets worse than the iPad mini.
Calling something "shit" is just as hyperbolic. You might as well join Martyville if you want to start making pedantic claims about how calling something "shit" is not extreme.


Calling something "shit" is just as hyperbolic. You might as well join Martyville if you want to start making pedantic claims about how calling something "shit" is not extreme.

*shrug* You said it was extreme, i said it's not. I guess disagreeing with you makes someone pedantic.

I included the context of the shit quote to show the importance of the feature and to show I wasn't jumping between extremes like I said Apple/iPad fans are. Ok so let's say "shit" is an extreme but when Apple revealed the software smart bezel feature I didn't immediately call it perfect; I didn't jump to two extremes.

You've searched through my gaf history so you can easily get understand my position on fitting in pockets:
…lol. Come on. Pocketable doesn't strictly mean "fit" to me. I can fit many large and heavy things in my pocket but I don't consider them pocketable and wouldn't want to put them in my pocket.

So about those photos?
Well my galaxy tab 7.7 goes in my pocket. it's not the best or easiest fit but it's comfortable enough for daily use. It's a much easier fit in back pockets and jacket pockets but you get the picture:

Greyface said:
Unknown Soldier said:
I want to know what kind of pockets you have which can fit a Kindle Fire or any other Kindle inside.
Regular/small sized pockets... before useful tablets became readily available I used to stuff paperback books in my pockets. Those are on average 7.8" long by 5.12" wide and usually a bit thick too. The Kindle Fire is 7.5" × 4.7" and an easier fit. It's not that the devices magically disappear in my pockets like a tiny phone would—I'm just past the point of caring that everybody can see a bulge in my pants. After a stock reply to the effect that 'I got a thousand books in my pocket I could be reading right now so I'm not happy to see you' my friends got tired of cracking jokes. *shrug*
I wear small/average jeans. It can fit in my pockets ergo it can fit in most people's pockets.

It's possible to discuss and agree on a definition of portable:
Portable Computer
“The Tablet” and gadget portability theory


*shrug* You said it was extreme, i said it's not. I guess disagreeing with you makes someone pedantic.

I included the context of the shit quote to show the importance of the feature and to show I wasn't jumping between extremes like I said Apple/iPad fans are. Ok so let's say "shit" is an extreme but when Apple revealed the software smart bezel feature I didn't immediately call it perfect; I didn't jump to two extremes.

You've searched through my gaf history so you can easily get understand my position on fitting in pockets:


I wear small/average jeans. It can fit in my pockets ergo it can fit in most people's pockets.

It's possible to discuss and agree on a definition of portable:
Portable Computer
“The Tablet” and gadget portability theory
LxW and cut? They don't look like small/average jeans to me.
Over half the population generally wear jeans with much smaller pockets and a tighter fit.

Any definition of portability that declares an extra 1.4 cm of length to be not portable is going to fall into the realm of opinion. Your links all point to pages discussing devices that are wider than 13.5 cm, by the way.


LxW and cut? They don't look like small/average jeans to me.
Over half the population generally wear jeans with much smaller pockets and a tighter fit.

... you're telling me what size jeans I wear? Based on a cutoff picture on the internet?! LOL. Ok, you're right, you win, I'm done here.
Any definition of portability that declares an extra 1.4 cm of length to be not portable is going to fall into the realm of opinion. Your links all point to pages discussing devices that are wider than 13.5 cm, by the way.
Er what:
“The Tablet” and gadget portability theory – Marco.org :
iPhones use slow, low-capacity, ultra-low-power hardware on a tiny screen with almost no ports and very few compatible peripherals. They can do only a small (albeit useful) subset of general computing roles. They are poorly suited to text input of significant length, such as writing documents or composing nontrivial emails, or tasks requiring a mix of frequent, precise navigation and typing, such as editing a spreadsheet or writing code. But they’re always in your pocket
And they’re too big to fit in a pocket.
The keyboards are too small to be anywhere near as useful as a desktop’s or laptop’s, and the devices are far too large to be pocketed.
I don’t know what Apple has in mind for the Tablet, but they nailed it with the iPhone: after decades of clunky, awkward, mediocre pocket computers, I think it’s safe to say that the large touchscreen is the best input mechanism for them.

But the decision isn’t nearly as clear for a slate-type device with a 7-10” screen
iPhone isn't wider than 13.5 cm... Marco discusses gadget portability and pays much attention to the pocket-ability of those gadgets. I don't see why it's now a problem when I bring it up in the context of the iPad mini.
Wouldnt that apply to the haters going into these threads? Im not the one going into Android threads to shit things up. Not to say it doesnt happen.

Wow, the term "haters" has zero meaning anymore when it's just applied to anyone doesn't 100% love something

bob page

Just got mine.

Sweet Jesus this thing is nice. Probably the most impressed I've been with a gadget since the iPhone 4. The weight and thickness of it make it so it fits in my hands easily, making it much easier to type on that the iPad 2 (and 4S, for that matter). I cat emphasize enough how easy it is to type on. Because of the aspect ratio and extra inch of screen size, the device definitely seems much better than the Nexus 7 for browsing (especially in landscape). I also find it easier to hold than the Nexus 7 because of the extra width.

As far as the screen goes- it definitely looks better than the iPad 2. Comparing them side by side, the mini is noticeably clearer and less jaggy. Black levels seem better too. Comparing it next to the Nexus 7, the mini seems to have better colors and the text is more clear in most sites I checked- this could be as a result of Apple's font rendering, though. The only retina device I have is a 4S, but I have zero issues with the resolution for reading so far.

Overall, as an upgrade from the iPad 2, this is a no brainer.


...hate me...
Got my bestPad as well. 16GB black. Happy!! Still restoring from backup though, internet be slow at work.

Amazing how I ordered an iPhone 5 day one and got an iPad mini while still waiting for it, it hasn't even been shipped yet. FU Apple!


My friend was showing me his iPad 2 and he says he can get 5-6 days use out of it without charging the battery. He showed me the usage and it was like 1 day, 18 hours usage and 4 days standby. I was amazed. Do all iPads last this long??

I think it still tracks usage while you're listening to audio with the screen off, which sips extremely low amounts of power. So no, ipads shouldn't last over 40 hours of actual screen on time. If you keep the backlight down, though, over 15 hours is possible with light activities (I just got as much on my 4).
For me, yes. For games I can deal with non-retina resolutions, but for anything to do with text, a retina screen is just much more pleasing to me.

Yep. I'm using it mainly for games/apps. Reading is a no-go. It's probably my favorite handheld gaming device right now.


Check store.apple.com after 10 p.m. for instore pickup availability. Did that on Saturday - picked mine up on Sunday without waiting in any line.

Thanks for posting this kr2t0s. I ordered a mini last night and picked it up today.


So any over or under about if this is a must buy? I have an iPad 2 and I love it, but I wish I could carry it around. I'm hesitant to get the mini because I just know the next iteration will have the retina display. So gaf should I wait or jump in?
So any over or under about if this is a must buy? I have an iPad 2 and I love it, but I wish I could carry it around. I'm hesitant to get the mini because I just know the next iteration will have the retina display. So gaf should I wait or jump in?
jumpppppp, re-sell, get retinaaaaaaa
So any over or under about if this is a must buy? I have an iPad 2 and I love it, but I wish I could carry it around. I'm hesitant to get the mini because I just know the next iteration will have the retina display. So gaf should I wait or jump in?

It'll probably cost you an extra 50-100 dollars to buy a Mini right now. That's how much you'll lose when you resell it next year. They hold their value really well.
Just got mine.

Sweet Jesus this thing is nice. Probably the most impressed I've been with a gadget since the iPhone 4. The weight and thickness of it make it so it fits in my hands easily, making it much easier to type on that the iPad 2 (and 4S, for that matter). I cat emphasize enough how easy it is to type on.

Are you talking about one hand typing or two hand typing?


My friend was showing me his iPad 2 and he says he can get 5-6 days use out of it without charging the battery. He showed me the usage and it was like 1 day, 18 hours usage and 4 days standby. I was amazed. Do all iPads last this long??
ipad2 is the longest lasting out of the series, since the battery was improved from the original, and the retina display takes up more juice in the newer models. 5-6 days sounds pretty low use, but I use my ipad2 every day and only have to charge it every third or forth day. Though intensive games like Infinity Blade can drain it pretty quick.

The Real Abed

Are non-retina screens really that hard to look at anymore?
I'll put it this way. You're less likely to notice it if you're coming from an iPad 1/2 that you use all the time and never had problems with.

An iPhone or iPod touch or iPad with Retina however. Though I've had a Retina iPod/iPhone for a while now and a non-Retina iPad 2 and it never bugged me in the slightest. And my eyes aren't that bad at all. I see the pixels if I'm looking for them.

I say play with one yourself and decide yourself if you can stand the screen. Test one out. And keep in mind the return period if you don't like it. It's best to experience it first hand if you ask me.

Can anyone tell me how much space the OS takes up on the Mini? It was around 3.5GB on my iPad 2.
That seems high. Is that on a completely fresh iPad before syncing anything to it? I have an old iPod touch (32GB actually) that I have wiped completely clean to ground zero with no iCloud data or anything but the default OS and it says it only takes .79GB for "miscellaneous" files. I can't see it needing much more at all for iPad iOS. At least not 3GB. Even with all its bigger resources which aren't all that much more really when you get down to it. Can anyone else shed light on this? I always set up iCloud before even getting to the Springboard.

bob page

hey how come the app store dont have swiftkey? i thought the app store has the most apps?

this is a serious question, i got an ipad 3.

Looks like someone still hasn't learned that this is an iPad Mini thread- nice job with the trolling.

But Apple doesn't allow apps that edit core system components from outside the app. Thus, a keyboard app would be useless.

Anyway, Swiftkey for Tablets is awful. It's even worse than the stock keyboard on the Nexus 7, not sure why you would want it anyway.
picked one up today on a whim, 64GB black because that's all that was left in bic camera. 32 would probably have been more appropriate, but i sold a 64GB ipad 2 last week for roughly the same price so the stars sort of aligned.

anyway, love it so far for absolutely everything except reading longform text. while i use the kindle app on my nexus 7 a lot, i can tell already that i won't be using the mini for the same function (though it's alright for stuff like skimming through the NYT).

fortunately the kindle paperwhite is out in japan in a week or two and will do a much better job than both those devices, so. otherwise i think this is pretty much going to replace my ipad 3, and i say that as someone with a deep-set devotion to high pixel density displays.


Occasionally my iPad's wireless goes to shit and I have to restart it to get the speeds back to normal. Anyone have this issue?
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