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The iPad Mini


16 or 32GB?

I made the mistake of getting a 16GB 4S but I feel like it's mostly photo/video/music that I have on there...

I thought 16GB was enough... until I was getting low on space trying to install Asphalt 7 2 weeks after owning it. I switched it for a 32GB and I'm happy with it so far. Some games (racing especially!) get pretty big, I had zero music on my iPad Mini and I was surprised to run out of space as fast as I did.

The Real Abed

16 is enough for me. I just wish the damn thing would arrive already. I want to go to the store and see what the status is but I don't want to seem pushy. Gimmie gimmie gimmie!


Yeah, the better usability combined with a wider screen and more tablet enabled apps are the reason I bought an Ipad Mini for my mom for Christmas instead of the Nexus 7. I was all set to get her a Nexus 7 until I looked into the pros and cons of each device closer. I got a close look at the Mini the other day and it's great. I'll probably switch out my regular Ipad for a Mini in a couple years when Retina is available.

I'm ordered a Nexus 4 phone for myself, but Google needs to step it up in the tablet market.
Yeah, the better usability combined with a wider screen and more tablet enabled apps are the reason I bought an Ipad Mini for my mom for Christmas instead of the Nexus 7. I was all set to get her a Nexus 7 until I looked into the pros and cons of each device closer.

I'm ordered a Nexus 4 phone for myself, but Google needs to step it up in the tablet market.

The Nexus 7 is just a little too small in its current screen configuration to be a useful reading device. Everything is just a bit too small to read: magazines, pdf's, etc. It's really quite unfortunate as I love the device otherwise.


Yup, she wants to use it for web surfing (among other things) and the Nexus 7 screen is too small by comparison.

I notice someone in this thread ordered their Mini from Apple on Nov 26, and it shipped out. This is good as I ordered mine of the 27th so it should be shipping soon! Being able to engrave a message on the Apple website is a nice, personalized touch too. Apple truly are genius at marketing.
Yup, she wants to use it for web surfing (among other things) and the Nexus 7 screen is too small by comparison.

I notice someone in this thread ordered their Mini from Apple on Nov 26, and it shipped out. This is good as I ordered mine of the 27th so it should be shipping soon! Being able to engrave a message on the Apple website is a nice, personalized touch too. Apple truly are genius at marketing.

I ordered mine from apple on the 26th and got the shipping notice today. Gonna be tempted to just keep the damn thing for myself.


Decided to sell my mini today. I'm going to get an ipad 4 and switch back to mini when they up the specs.

I just can't unsee the screen difference and browsing speed. I blame my iphone 5 lol


So this is the first year I'll be getting a Christmas bonus. Since I just started in my position a couple months ago, I don't expect much, but if it's enough to cover a mini, I'm buying one.

Way too many apps on my 3rd gen iPad, and cleaning the screen constantly is getting annoying. Having an iPad just for work would be perfect.


Decided to sell my mini today. I'm going to get an ipad 4 and switch back to mini when they up the specs.

I just can't unsee the screen difference and browsing speed. I blame my iphone 5 lol
I don't notice the difference in resolution or speed much between my iPad mini and iPhone 5 but I understand where you're coming from because there IS a difference. I just don't notice it much. :)


Anybody else's 'purchased' tab not working in the App Store? Works fine on my iPhone and Mac, and used to be fine on my old ipad but here it just continually loads while everything else is fine. Tried resetting, signing out, purchasing an app, confirming my details etc but no change.


Anybody else's 'purchased' tab not working in the App Store? Works fine on my iPhone and Mac, and used to be fine on my old ipad but here it just continually loads while everything else is fine. Tried resetting, signing out, purchasing an app, confirming my details etc but no change.

It's an iOS 6 bug. It's been happening to my 4S and now my Mini.


can't go back to anything larger than the mini, it's the damn perfect size. tried using my ipad 1 today, and i just couldn't do it, it's now perma docked in the kitchen island. my cousin came over today with his kindle fire 1 and the 7" screen was just too damn small for me, the .85" was a huge difference to me. i've given apple a lot of shit over the years, but they fucking nailed the size perfect for the mini, my 2nd best tech purchase this year after the panasonic 65" ST50 plasma.


i bet it has been said in this thread before but just tell me quick : does the BLACK mini have the same problems like the black iphone 5 in regards to the black finish wearing off quickly?

also can i mirror the content of the mini to a projector like i could do with a ipad 3/4 !?


i bet it has been said in this thread before but just tell me quick : does the BLACK mini have the same problems like the black iphone 5 in regards to the black finish wearing off quickly?

also can i mirror the content of the mini to a projector like i could do with a ipad 3/4 !?
Doesn't have the same scuff problems.


i bet it has been said in this thread before but just tell me quick : does the BLACK mini have the same problems like the black iphone 5 in regards to the black finish wearing off quickly?

Not as bad, but the edge of the mini is very delicate, its has the same polish as the iphone 5

Indeed, I don't mind the odd dink here or there but it does seem that it will be a big problem and you do feel a bump when the material is scratched off.

I wished they went with a metal graphite edge like with the 1st gen ipod touch, I have one and it is scratched up and has dinks but still looks ok and you can't feel the edges of where it's been worn off:

here is a pic btw (I need to get a macro :|) :


I should have waiting for an iPad Mini instead of grabbing a Nexus 7 when I did. :/ I like the Nexus 7 as a product but the more I use it the more I realize that I'm an Apple guy. The extra I would pay for build quality and (what I now think is) a better OS seems worth it IMO.

May put my N7 up on eBay.



I should have waiting for an iPad Mini instead of grabbing a Nexus 7 when I did. :/ I like the Nexus 7 as a product but the more I use it the more I realize that I'm an Apple guy. The extra I would pay for build quality and (what I now think is) a better OS seems worth it IMO.

May put my N7 up on eBay.

DO IT!!!!

iPad Mini is the best shit ever.
DO IT!!!!

iPad Mini is the best shit ever.

I'm making moves to sell my N7. I only paid $150 for it and $100 came from gift money from work so I was never out of pocket too much on it. I can probably sell it for $150. Great device, it just isn't my device.

Going to trade in a few Wii U games I've already finished to FS as well. They probably won't have won in stock (might go 32gb as well) but I'm willing to wait and I'm in there daily.


paid requisite penance
I haven't been following this closely, but I was wondering: how is the iPad Mini performing sales-wise? My marketing teacher is saying it's not selling, but then she's full of shit half the time. What say you, Sales-GAF?

bob page

I haven't been following this closely, but I was wondering: how is the iPad Mini performing sales-wise? My marketing teacher is saying it's not selling, but then she's full of shit half the time. What say you, Sales-GAF?
It's selling extremely well, as far as I know. It's still sold out at most Apple stores and has 1-2 week back order on their site.

Sounds like she has another agenda.
I haven't been following this closely, but I was wondering: how is the iPad Mini performing sales-wise? My marketing teacher is saying it's not selling, but then she's full of shit half the time. What say you, Sales-GAF?

totally anecdotal, but from shopping around for one this holiday I found that the 16 gig base ones are impossible to find, but the more expensive models are available. The guy at Best Buy told me their shipments are pretty random but they expect those to sell out almost immediately. I had to order one from the apple site with a 2 week wait.


paid requisite penance
It's selling extremely well, as far as I know. It's still sold out at most Apple stores and has 1-2 week back order on their site.

Sounds like she has another agenda.

Nah. Ill-informed, prematurely judging, jumping to conclusions, maybe, but I don't think she has an agenda (other than 'once they're done with products originally designed by Jobs they're done for'). I mean the thing hasn't been out for long.

Still, any sales data so far?
totally anecdotal, but from shopping around for one this holiday I found that the 16 gig base ones are impossible to find, but the more expensive models are available. The guy at Best Buy told me their shipments are pretty random but they expect those to sell out almost immediately. I had to order one from the apple site with a 2 week wait.

Yeah, I think I might be shit out of luck today when I go to grab a 32gb in black. I'm stuck waiting on Future Shop since I have around $100 of credit there I want to use. Oh well, I'm willing to wait.
No luck at Future Shop today. 16gb lte and 64gb was all they had. Seems like this is going to be a bit of a hunt. Too bad I'm stuck with Future Shop for this.

Edit: Bah. No one posted since my last post. :/

The Real Abed

You guys are making me jealous. I ordered mine from the local MacOutfitters a month and a half ago and until now didn't know why I never got a call.

Turns out they called on the 29th of November but I never got a voicemail message. And the number they called from is different from the one in my contacts. So I never knew who was calling me and that they left a message. Seems that when I got my Virgin Mobile iPhone, I NEVER ACTIVATED VOICEMAIL. And I didn't know this. I've never owned a cellphone where voicemail wasn't already turned on, or at least that I can remember.

I had emailed them earlier today and they emailed back telling me about the message they left. I was about to tell them how I never got a message when I decided to check my phone and sure enough, voicemail was not even activated yet. And I've had the phone for 6 months. Who knows how many messages I might have missed?

So she said she'd check into the next shipment and hold one for me from there as the one they got for me was only held for a week. It was totally my fault, but at the same time understandable. She just emailed about it too. And will probably try emailing when it does come in this time. Not that it matters anymore since my voicemail is now properly set up. (I hope)

Technology. Go figure. #FirstWorldProblems

So.... I should hopefully have it before my birthday. (I hope this weeks shipment hasn't arrived yet.)
My kid is getting one of these for xmas from my parents. Figure i should get a good protective cover for it, any suggestions?

Oh, my kid is 3 btw, so needs to be something sturdy suppose.

The Real Abed

Well. If this isn't an interesting turn of events...

She emailed back very shortly after and told me someone they called for todays shipment had declined. i.e. probably found one elsewhere. So I got moved up. Hooray! I got my iPad mini!


nods at old men
Well. If this isn't an interesting turn of events...

She emailed back very shortly after and told me someone they called for todays shipment had declined. i.e. probably found one elsewhere. So I got moved up. Hooray! I got my iPad mini!

Ha awesome.
Let us know what you think.

Fox Mulder

Same here, never have I been more satisfied with a purchase.

I was just going to buy a refurbished iPad 3, but went to bestbuy to try out the mini. I ended up buying one there immediately and love it. The size is great and I don't think I can go back to the regular sizes.

The only flaw I have is with the charger. They give you a little dinky ass phone charger when I was used to the fat one charging up my older iPads pretty quick. I need to pick up a bigger one off eBay or something.

The Real Abed

Do you live in Australia?
No. I just really like holding my box upside down. I live in Rand McNally.

Ha awesome.
Let us know what you think.
I really really like this thing. So light and fluffy. I can hold it in one hand without feeling like my fingers are killing me after a while. And the black is really nice. I don't really notice the pixels as much as my 2 unless I am looking for them specifically.

Some elements do sometimes feel small. Maybe in time Apple and other companies will adjust certain buttons to be a little bigger on the iPad mini to account for it but it's not unusable.

A weird problem I did have is when I set it up I restored from my iCloud backup, but for some reason it wouldn't download the apps. And wouldn't set them in the right places when connected to iTunes. I had to go through the list and select each one I wanted then rearrange the apps myself. I'd have been pissed but somehow it DID copy over all of their individual settings files. I haven't had to set up a single app nor have I lost any saved games. So no big deal.

Oh, and unrelated to the iPad mini but I'm having that same problem I have with my iPhone where it just won't show up in iTunes until I reboot the device or connect it directly. Completely making WiFi syncing useless when it won't even work until I go out of my way to restart the device. I think it's an iOS6 problem, but I didn't have it with my iPad 2. Just my iPad mini and iPhone 4S. Fix it Apple plz.

Also, I'm sure the employees at the store were making fun of me before and after I went in because of the whole voicemail thing. But I don't care. They were all young punks I never saw working there before. Let 'em laugh. I got my iPad mini.

When they add Retina it'll be perfect. Right now it's just simply amazing.


So my iPad mini I ordered today is set to be delivered on the 28th of december and the Sim card will arrive on the 4th of Jan?

That is ridiculous...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The screen is less robust than any other iOS device, I think. Err, the glass on top of the screen that is, I've been getting back into hexagon again and this is really the first time I've spent any amount of time playing on the mini. The last time I really played this game i still had my old ipad3. Well I've started to notice moderately forceful touches do the wavy LCD distortion thing. Which is scary. I'm not pressing that hard, I even noticed a small area seemingly distorted for a few minutes after playing, it went away after a few seconds but I'm positive I wasn't imagining.

Anyway, scary stuff.
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