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The iPad Mini


I'm thinking the mini is perfect for my parents. My brothers and I all have iPhones, and we're always playing on them when we're over there. They don't need/care about the latest tech specs, but an easy way to read email, shop Amazon, watch YouTube, and play me in Carcassonne:) I think I found this years Christmas present.


Its an absolute shameless money grab and they know it. They also know that the market will bear it. The strategies are definitely different. Google looks to sell the devices for the cheapest it can to enter the market. Apple looks to maximize profit because they already control the market.

Who wouldnt?



LOL. wat?


These are two hidden fields which show which service you're signing up for 'mail' and what the next page to display is 'continue'. It's how HTML forms work.

These come from GAF. Is GAF tracking and selling our movements?

<form action="search.php?do=process" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="do" value="process">
	<input type="hidden" name="quicksearch" value="1">
	<input type="hidden" name="childforums" value="1">
	<input type="hidden" name="exactname" value="1">
	<input type="hidden" name="s" value="">
	<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="random-token-goes-here">


These are standard logs saved for ALL web servers. All of them. The IP is needed to send the response and the &q is the query itself which is required to even know what the hell you're searching for. These logs are legally required to be saved in some countries. Also, how do you think Apple just showed that 90% of tablet traffic comes from iPads? By analysing exactly those logs.

Also, cookies:

I didn't even bother reading anything else on that page after that. Just a bunch of scareware written by (or for) people who have no idea how the HTML/HTTP works.


I was looking forward to ditching this crappy Transformer tablet for the Mini. I'm not interested at $329 price point though.
The response, of course, will be to just use an external drive and plug it in as you need to. The response makes perfect sense too.

Yes, perfect sense to an apologist. To an intelligent person buying a DESKTOP computer, you care more about features/accessories than you do how stupidly light the computer is. Who the hell cares more about the weight of their desktop than having the ability to do normal desktop activities with it without having to pay 80-100 dollars extra to do it? That's just idiotic.


Yeah yeah, we get it, you love Apple. Now defend the idiotic decision to sell a desktop computer without an optical drive. Be sure to tell us how no one burns or rips CDs anymore.

They really don't, except maybe my dad. Anyways with Windows 8, Steam, OSX software is digital. Apple has made deals to get their iTunes video stuff packed in with most major video releases, and people for whatever reason still buy most music on iTunes. So to a Mac user it doesn't matter, and even to Windows users most of us are getting off the physical media train.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yes, perfect sense to an apologist. To an intelligent person buying a DESKTOP computer, you care more about features/accessories than you do how stupidly light the computer is. Who the hell cares more about the weight of their desktop than having the ability to do normal desktop activities with it without having to pay 80-100 dollars extra to do it? That's just idiotic.

Why are you acting like you represent everyone?

A lot of people do not give a shit about optical drives. They'd rather have a lighter and thinner computer.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This seems more desirable to me in every way. This feels like the "real" iPad, while my ipad3 is like some sort of oversized clunker.
Its an absolute shameless money grab and they know it. They also know that the market will bear it. The strategies are definitely different. Google looks to sell the devices for the cheapest it can to enter the market. Apple looks to maximize profit because they already control the market.

Not sure how "profit" becomes "an absolute shameless money grab"

Samsung sells their 7" tablet for an MSRP of $249 and it only has 8GB of space, lower resolution, smaller screen, lower quality camera, etc.

All products are priced at the maximum that the largest market will accept. Google priced their tablets that low because they had to, and have still not been able to sell a million of them at cost. Google is also profits by recording and selling as much of your personal information as it can get....
Why are you acting like you represent everyone?

A lot of people do not give a shit about optical drives. They'd rather have a lighter and thinner computer.

So you can carry your desktop into the bathroom when you take a crap? Show me these people that were whining about the weight and thickness of the old iMac.


So you can carry your desktop into the bathroom when you take a crap? Show me these people that were whining about the weight and thickness of the old iMac.

Nobody but nobody was buying macs for the amazing deals or the high-end internals. That's not what Apple sells in that market.


This seems more desirable to me in every way. This feels like the "real" iPad, while my ipad3 is like some sort of oversized clunker.
I feel the same way. iPad 3 gets uncomfortable to use for me for long sessions. This is the perfect size and weight. No-retina is a bummer and the price is about $30 more than I thought it be, but I think I'm going to pre-order one.
I'd argue you are confusing cause and effect. Apple gets a lot of play on CNN because they are really popular. CNN/NPR/etc. has no skin in this game, they cover what is popular because they want eyeballs.

No argument from me there. It's a vicious cycle. Apple products are covered because they are popular, apple products are popular due to their coverage. Doesn't really change my reasoning as to where the majority of its sales will come from on this one. Brand loyalty, brand coveting, and consumer awareness, not VFM.
I'll wait for the version with an A6X and Retina display and 32GB. I'll pay the $430 for it.

Price is fair to me. Google doesn't try to make their profits on their hardware. They make their profits on their services. That's why there is a price difference. If Google tried to make their profit on hardware you can bump that Nexus 7 price by 60% to get an idea of what it would cost.
Yeah yeah, we get it, you love Apple. Now defend the idiotic decision to sell a desktop computer without an optical drive. Be sure to tell us how no one burns or rips CDs anymore.

Well, you should have seen the reaction when the original iMac ditched the floppy.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So you can carry your desktop into the bathroom when you take a crap? Show me these people that were whining about the weight and thickness of the old iMac.

I doubt people are taking them into the bathroom, but portability certainly does become an option when things become lighter and thinner. Not only that, but they look nicer. Aesthetic appeal is an important factor when you're trying to sell premium products. It also opens up more options for where you can put the machine.

Is all of that worth losing built-in optical disc functionality? That's something that individual consumers will have to decide. Considering how well the MacBook Air line is selling, I think you'll find that most people don't give a damn.
I like Apple products. But you know that feeling you get when you feel like you are witness to a change in momentum for a company? When they are still booming but you get that sense it's about to flatten out and slowly start to decline? That there just seems to be this undercurrent of reduced expectations and doubt?

That's how I'm feeling about Apple right now.

If they now are going only release annual, incremental updates to existing products or "new" products that are just variations on what they already have, the competition is going to continue to catch up and the premium people are willing to pay for an Apple product is going to go down.

Their growth has been extraordinary, and they need something revolutionary to maintain it.


I'll wait for the version with an A6X and Retina display and 32GB. I'll pay the $430 for it.

Price is fair to me. Google doesn't try to make their profits on their hardware. They make their profits on their services. That's why there is a price difference. If Google tried to make their profit on hardware you can bump that Nexus 7 price by 60% to get an idea of what it would cost.

Why on Earth does the business model matter? The end results is you get better things for cheaper. It's not likely they are forcing you to buy apps to pay the difference.


I'll be getting three of these for Christmas,wife, son and myself.
Love everything about it and with the smart cover looks so cute.
I just wish the camera and screen resolution were more but then apple needs something to upgrade to.
I really wish they would do more with apple TV.


If you want to get a feel of the dimension, the iPad mini is approximately half the size of the big iPad. Just turn the iPad sideway and count three columns of apps.
Pretty much. The worst thing about Apple products are the loathsome fanboys they attract.

Well, in the past we used to proclaim that we didnt sell the most, but we had the best products. Now it's flip-flopped, which makes the fans seem pathetic, whereas they were more noble in the past. Now it's all sales sales sales. The iPad Mini is a complete joke of a product. The processor is two generations old. The screen is 2 generations old. It's going to be obsolete in under a year. And it's 329 dollars for 16 gigs. Just awful. If any other company did this we'd crucify them. Rightfully.


Ok no retina is bad enough, but just noticed the internals.

So this is actually an iPad 2 mini?

Fuck you Apple. Fuck you so so much. So when iPad 4 is released, this thing will essentially be 2 gens behind despite only being 6 months old?

Ok no retina is bad enough, but just noticed the internals.

So this is actually an iPad 2 mini?

Fuck you Apple. Fuck you so so much. So when iPad 4 is released, this thing will essentially be 2 gens behind despite only being 6 months old?

iPad 4 was announced today. So it'll be three gens behind soon. I can barely contain my anger.
Well, in the past we used to proclaim that we didnt sell the most, but we had the best products. Now it's flip-flopped, which makes the fans seem pathetic, whereas they were more noble in the past. Now it's all sales sales sales. The iPad Mini is a complete joke of a product. The processor is two generations old. The screen is 2 generations old. It's going to be obsolete in under a year. And it's 329 dollars for 16 gigs. Just awful. If any other company did this we'd crucify them. Rightfully.

It's a first-gen Apple product. They all have glaring deficiencies.


Well, in the past we used to proclaim that we didnt sell the most, but we had the best products. Now it's flip-flopped, which makes the fans seem pathetic, whereas they were more noble in the past. Now it's all sales sales sales. The iPad Mini is a complete joke of a product. The processor is two generations old. The screen is 2 generations old. It's going to be obsolete in under a year. And it's 329 dollars for 16 gigs. Just awful. If any other company did this we'd crucify them. Rightfully.

Pretty much. I have no idea who really would buy this over an iPad 4, except people who don't know better. Fanboys are the fucking worst.


Well in fairness it's hard to know what your comment meant since all you said was "$329 rofl".

fair :p

It just made me laugh in the sense that I thought they'd go at Google's throat with this. I was willing to get one if they matched prices, or at least got a bit closer.
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