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The iPad Mini

I miss the good ole days when we Apple fans cared more about quality than we did sales. This has just become so sad.

oh now it's not even a high-quality device.

go ly dow

For now, but going by the Stapples leaking stuff out early there is a 32 gig version coming and a supposed price drop on the 16 gig version.

would be remiss to not mention that you're paying for access to the largest selection of apps, music and movies on the planet.

If I'm going to keep a device for years, I'd rather drop the extra $50-$100 on one that I know I'm going to have a great ownership experience from. Content matters, and content is on iOS right now.
My iPad 3 has frozen on me a couple times on ios6. Its only for a short time but it does happen. I hope it wasnt designed with the 4 in mind.
Isn't "Best Value" a bit subjective?

Yep. For instance with Fire you get current tech and access to Amazon Prime for 150-200 dollars. With iPad Mini you get 2 year old Apple tech miniaturized for 329 dollars. You tell me what someone looking for the best value would choose.

oh now it's not even a high-quality device.

go ly dow

2 year old screen tech and 2 year old processor tech for 330 (16 gig). To me, nope, not a high-quality device. We'd destroy anyone else for pulling this crap.


Yeah really. There's a huge market of people that will look at the prices of the various smaller tablets and go for the cheapest one. That didn't change today.

There is a market of those people, but it's tough to say how "huge" that market is. Look at what happened with netbooks. They were cheaper than the iPad and other laptops. Didn't seem to help.

Yep. For instance with Fire you get current tech and access to Amazon Prime for 150-200 dollars. With iPad Mini you get 2 year old Apple tech miniaturized for 329 dollars. You tell me what someone looking for the best value would choose.

You assume that the apps on a device have no value to a purchasing decision and that if Thing B does what Thing A does only cheaper that Thing B will always sell more or will find a large market. I don't think that's true.
these are some kinda underwhelming specs

i'm sure they'll still sell a fuckton though. i'll stick with my ipad3. i do like the 7" form factor but i already have a kindle fire running jelly bean so i don't really care
these are some kinda underwhelming specs

since all the apps are going to run smoothly regardless, the only questions are (1) is the screen good, (2) is the memory sufficient, and (3) what's the battery life looking like.

it's going to perform on par or better than just about all competitors.


baconsammy I agree with you, the one's that are saying that it's a good thing for the new Mac's not to have a disc drive are the one's out of touch.

It's a delusion that anyone is saying that you should have to buy an external drive for an desktop computer instead of one that should be built in.

It's the same thing with the Ipad mini, it's at least 80 dollars overpriced and not worth it for what they offer in it since it's going to be out of date the second it gets released.
Yep. For instance with Fire you get current tech and access to Amazon Prime for 150-200 dollars. With iPad Mini you get 2 year old Apple tech miniaturized for 329 dollars. You tell me what someone looking for the best value would choose.

As I mentioned before, it may make more sense for someone who already has iOS devices with a decent library of universal apps to buy a Mini instead of buying a Kindle or Nexus and having to rebuy those apps.

I'm not saying the iPad Mini is a good deal nor am I saying the Amazon and Android equivalents are bad deals, just that it's not as simple as "this device is cheaper so it's the best deal".
Yep. For instance with Fire you get current tech and access to Amazon Prime for 150-200 dollars. With iPad Mini you get 2 year old Apple tech miniaturized for 329 dollars. You tell me what someone looking for the best value would choose.

2 year old screen tech and 2 year old processor tech for 330 (16 gig). To me, nope, not a high-quality device. We'd destroy anyone else for pulling this crap.

Yeah... let's completely forget about the build quality, user interface, integration with other Apple products, the app store, battery life, and the great Apple customer service. None of that matters.


My biggest concern with the mini, outside of a bit of disappointment with the reso, is the size. It looks too big for what it is, especially with the 4:3 dimensions.

I'll have to hold one, but the 16:9 tablets, like the Nexus 7, are really great because you can very comfortably palm them with just a thumb and a middle finger doing the grip. Makes for a great reading and casual internet experience. I kind of wish they would just chase the iPhone line in going 16:9 in the future, all around, but I understand this is to taste and not everyone will want that.
Stop embarrassing me, Apple fans. Stop it. We used to be so much better than this garbage.

The issue is the design or the price. It's what you get for that price. Really really old screen tech + really really old processer tech. If you don't plan to do much other than browse, read books and watch videos on it, you're golden. Otherwise, it's going to show its age the day you bring it home.

It's true it will be dated compared to the iPad 3 and iPad 4, but i am curious to see how It will compare to its closest "real" competitors though.
since all the apps are going to run smoothly regardless, the only questions are (1) is the screen good, (2) is the memory sufficient, and (3) what's the battery life looking like.

it's going to perform on par or better than just about all competitors.

Exactly. Old tech or not, as long as it works quickly and people can use their stuff they wont notice.
Yeah... let's completely forget about the build quality, user interface, integration with other Apple products, the app store, battery life, and the great Apple customer service. None of that matters.

If those were factors, these people would never have bought Amazon/Google products before. At least follow the conversation. We're talking about people that are buying Amazon/Google products already suddenly jumping ship for Apple's overpriced 2 year old tech. If the Apple Ecosystem was so valuable to them, they wouldn't be Google/Amazon customers.


And somehow you translated "People who still shop for the best value will continue to buy the 199 dollar option" as "Google is going to outsell iPad Mini." That's quite a leap you made.

There will always be people who buy the cheapest thing available, however the way you are talking is as if you think Apple just priced themselves out of the 7" tablet race. If they sell more, while making more money doing it, I'd say that's a good thing for Apple. So no, they don't need to match Google and Amazon's price points if they can still manage to sell more than either of them.
would be remiss to not mention that you're paying for access to the largest selection of apps, music and movies on the planet.

If I'm going to keep a device for years, I'd rather drop the extra $50-$100 on one that I know I'm going to have a great ownership experience from. Content matters, and content is on iOS right now.

What content isn't on other tablets besides some games?
The iPad mini will be huge. I say that as someone who really dislikes the way Apple does business, it's walled garden approach, it's "It's only done right, til we say it's done right" arrogance, the ridiculous and anti competitive patent war it is fighting and the reality distortion field that seems to spin around everything they touch.

You can play it any way you want, but when people see the build quality in the flesh and it's within £70/$129 of a Nexus 7, has the lure of an Apple device, has a marketing machine non stop 24/7 behind it and a superior tablet eco system, then people will fork out extra for it. They already do that for iPhones when there are now arguably superior Android handsets at cheaper price points, so why would an iPad mini be any different?

Now I'm not saying that the iPad mini will suddenly destroy the Nexus 7, or Kindle Fire, but don't doubt that a large swathe of customers who were considering buying those devices and perhaps have iPhones or iPods already will be swayed by all the above factors to buy Apple instead - and that will hurt competitors sales.

I'm no lover of Apple, and I find it frustrating that due to Apple's incredible marketing and a general lack of critical thinking in the populace when it comes to their products ("it's an iPhone, it must be the best phone") that people just assume an idevice is always best when that isn't always necessarily the case, but that doesn't mean I can't be realistic.

This thing will sell in droves.
There will always be people who buy the cheapest thing available, however the way you are talking is as if you think Apple just priced themselves out of the 7" tablet race. If they sell more, while making more money doing it, I'd say that's a good thing for Apple. So no, they don't need to match Google and Amazon's price points if they can still manage to sell more than either of them.

Again, instead of assuming what I've said, actually quote what I've said. I've never come remotely close to saying Apple priced themselves out of the market. I said they haven't destroyed Amazon/Google's market. Because they haven't.


since all the apps are going to run smoothly regardless, the only questions are (1) is the screen good, (2) is the memory sufficient, and (3) what's the battery life looking like.

it's going to perform on par or better than just about all competitors.
If specs don't matter, why did they bother with upgrading the cpu and gpu on the big iPad?
There will always be people who buy the cheapest thing available, however the way you are talking is as if you think Apple just priced themselves out of the 7" tablet race. If they sell more, while making more money doing it, I'd say that's a good thing for Apple. So no, they don't need to match Google and Amazon's price points if they can still manage to sell more than both of them.



Was ready to buy one of these, then they told me the price.

$250 seems like it would have been a killer price point.



Is this a serious question?

I dunno, I think it's a fair question to raise. I'm into both systems actively, and honestly I find gaps in both for app work outside of games.

I mean I couldn't get a single decent video app that wouldn't chomp subtitles until I messed with Android.

The iPad 3 is slower than the iPad 2. Unless you meant that you wanted 2048x1536. In which case, lol.

I don't know how it is nowadays, on iOS6 between them and the like, but the iPad 3 smoked the iPad 2 for most things when I had mine. Especially internet browsing, everything was just more responsive.



Performance drop from pushing more pixels.

Honestly if the iPad mini was $250 I would consider getting one to replace my iPad 1. The only thing I use it for is reading comics so the smaller form factor would be more comfortable to use.
Yes it will and that's a damn shame for what it's offering.

why is it a shame? its a pretty good device. its not crazy to think some people would prefer a better ecosystem and build construction instead of having a better screen. lack of retina does suck but besides that its solid.

i was turned off by the price, but i might end up getting one after the 4. the form factor is appealing.
They don't need to match Google on price in order to go at their throat.

I agree, but the price gap probably should have been closer if they wanted to go at their throat. $299 at the most, preferably closer to $250 to start. Being $130 more which is more than 50% more expensive is too big of a gap to be going for the throat IMO.

I just find it weird that some people are acting as though Apple somehow just made their current iPad obsolete by releasing a new one with slightly improved specs. It's still the same great device it was yesterday.

Isn't this the case for any new Apple product release though? How many Apple fans are ready to toss out the item that they bought less than a year ago to get the new iPhone or iPad? You're guilty of it too.
Performance drop from pushing more pixels.

Honestly if the iPad mini was $250 I would consider getting one to replace my iPad 1. The only thing I use it for is reading comics so the smaller form factor would be more comfortable to use.

But the smaller size would be possibly worse for comics. I use my iPad 1 for web browsing, a few games, and comic reading. I am really wanting a Mini, but want to see what a comic looks like on it before deciding between a mini and the iPad 4. Just worried about that drop in size, as the regular iPads are a great size for comics.
Yes. I have an iPad and an Android phone. What non-game content that I have on my iPad can I not get on my phone?

In regards to music, movies, books, tv, there's nothing you can't get elsewhere. Apple does not rule the multimedia market anymore. Since Amazon's apps are available on just about every device, you have access to the most content already. In terms of apps/games/utilities you have far more choices on iTunes. If you're like most people and just need social apps, a few games, mail, word processing etc you're covered on any device you buy. iOS devices simply offer more of them.

Plug your iphone into your car. You are grasping at straws here.

No, I'm actually not. I apparently live in the real world. Not in Apple's world where people dont use optical media any longer and Flash is no longer a thing.


why is it a shame? its a pretty good device. its not crazy to think some people would prefer a better ecosystem and build construction instead of having a better screen. lack of retina does suck but besides that its solid.

i was turned off by the price, but i might end up getting one after the 4. the form factor is appealing.
It's overpriced for using ipad 2 tech, I was wanting to get one until I heard that it was 330 and also using Ipad 2 tech and no retina screen.

I'll wait for the revision next year and than see but it will sell and I think it's unfortunate because I think it's an incredibly lacking offering.


It's overpriced for using ipad 2 tech, I was wanting to get one until I heard that it was 330 and also using Ipad 2 tech and no retina screen.

I'll wait for the revision next year and than see but it will sell and I think it's unfortunate because I think it's an incredibly lacking offering.

My exact sentiments.

I was ready day one for an iPad 3 mini.
But the smaller size would be possibly worse for comics. I use my iPad 1 for web browsing, a few games, and comic reading. I am really wanting a Mini, but want to see what a comic looks like on it before deciding between a mini and the iPad 4. Just worried about that drop in size, as the regular iPads are a great size for comics.
It'll be straight-up worse for comics. I've tried reading comics on a Nook Color, my iPad3, and a Transformer. The Transformer was the best experience, even with the decreased resolution, because the shape of the screen is the closest to comics (in portrait at least) and thus displays them with the least size reduction.


Hmm I tried to psyche myself up for this thing but I can't do it. I think I'll just upgrade my Kindle Touch to a Paperwhite instead


In regards to music, movies, books, tv, there's nothing you can't get elsewhere. Apple does not rule the multimedia market anymore. Since Amazon's apps are available on just about every device, you have access to the most content already. In terms of apps/games/utilities you have far more choices on iTunes. If you're like most people and just need social apps, a few games, mail, word processing etc you're covered on any device you buy. iOS devices simply offer more of them.

It really just depends what you're after, again, for certain things, I found more proliferation and more selection on Android.

Like for general ebook/PDF/etc work, there was more on iOS, for sure. Although, why use anything other than Good Reader!

But for a lot of music and browsing and video work, I'm liking the selection and integrations on Android more.

If you're going for games though, iOS sllayyyyss android. It's not even close, not even talking about the high powered stuff, I mostly played casualware crap (I have a thing for goofy time management games like Diner Dash) and I can't get most of it on Android.

But I mostly play Dungeon Raid 99% of the time on both my 4S and my Nexus 7, so whatever.

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but wouldn't a retina screened ipad mini require apps to support a third resolution?

Yes, and that fragmentation is probably the reason it's just got a 1024x768 display in it. They likely do not want to ramp up a third arena of asset resolution just for a miniture iPad. I just question if one year would be enough to shove the iPad 3 display into a mini.



No one is saying that in absolute terms on a technical level. However there are instances where the GPU is tasked a bit too hard at retina resolution for its increase in power, resulting in worse performance than the iPad 2 in GPU heavy applications. It's hardly slow, but it isn't the same consistent performer we're accustomed to now from the other idevices.

From Anandtech:

but at 2048 x 1536 performance can drop to well below what the iPad 2 was able to deliver at 10 x 7. It's because of this drop in performance at the iPad's native resolution that we won't see many (if any at all), visually taxing games run at anywhere near 2048 x 1536.
It'll be straight-up worse for comics. I've tried reading comics on a Nook Color, my iPad3, and a Transformer. The Transformer was the best experience, even with the decreased resolution, because the shape of the screen is the closest to comics (in portrait at least) and thus displays them with the least size reduction.

I have been intrigued by the upcoming Nook HD+ just for comics. 9 inch screen, high resolution, and the perfect aspect ratio for comics.


I was looking forward to this and would have jumped on for $350 with retina, but at that price and those specs no way, this is pathetic for $330.
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