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The Last of Us 2 is "one of the greatest games ever made", according to The Russo Brothers


I think they are right. It's one of the greatest games ever.

It's main flaw it's the fucking pacing that was all over the place and probably the only thing keeping me from playing it again since launch.

In any other regard I think it can compete with any other game out there objectively. I mean yes, you could argue that Dak Souls, Bloodborne or whatever has a better gameplay but I think it would be a matter of taste. For a third person shooter with a melee component it's pretty good and it's AI is second to none.

Looking forward to whatever game comes next and beats it.


Of course it is.

It is also heads and shoulders about anything Hollywood has put out in the last 15 years in terms of production, quality of direction, intensity, narrative boldness and emotional engagement. In fact I think unironically that nearly every « big name » movie director has been put to shame by this game.

It is once in a lifetime achievement imho. Better than the first by a significant margin and I doubt ND will have the balls and the vision to top it in the future.
This game is just driven by an insane dark energy.
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Gold Member
damn right walter white GIF by Breaking Bad


strongly disagree.

videogames trying to be movies are the worst waste of potential to ever happened to a media.

like if movies decided they wanna be like theatre, fixed camera and all, and just register what happens on a stage
or if comic artists decide that drawings are too immature, and their works should just be walls of text and maybe an illustration, you know, like a book

because that's what a medium has gotta do to realize it's true potential...copy another one that already exists.


Yep gigastrongly agree. It is the best game.

Naughty Dog just is the one developer that feels like one generation ahead of the rest and delivering TLOU2 on the PS4 was well beyond what we could've hoped for on that hardware. I wonder what their multiplayer project looks like. Not much of a multiplayer player these days, but it sounds like are putting a lot of time and effort into it.


Suffers with mild autism
I had to go to imdb to find out who these guys are, no joke.

But apparently they made around 4 of those trash Marvel superhero movies so... their opinions are guaranteed to be opposite of mine.


To each their own.

Some see TLoU II as the greatest thing since sliced bread; I see it as an extremely competently crafted TPS plagued by contrived writing, inconsistent characterization, among other problems.

The game as a narrative is an absolute mess.
Cinema directors are looking for cinematic games, that expected. TLOU 2 is good narrative driven game, one of the best, but it's not a game that I will reply, because every time the experience s the same.
This is the biggest weakness of the moves and the narrative games.
Naughty Dog should work more to delver a proper game experience next time. They already master the cinematic experience far beyond everyone else in the industry. I want each time I play or replay to discover new layers of the experience, something fresh. Achieve that and you will be one of the best game studious eva. Now you are the best narrative driven linear game maker in my book.


*Refreshes biennially
Aren’t most games (like 99%) cinematic these days? You’ll have to look at small time indies to find something that’s not.

I don't know about 99% (sounds like a statistic pulled out of ass) but sadly more and more releases want to be cinematic experiences rather than actual games.

People love it, developers seems to love it so there's no turning back now.


I liked Russos when they made hilarious tv comedy 10-20 years ago, but their big screen output is what is wrong blockbuster cinema - no character, no unique voice, just cold, calculated focus group fluff to please as many people as possible. And of course they love games that more or less represent the same in videogame medium.

P.S. I think they are pretty good producers.

Prove that their MCU work is focus group based. You can't. But I have a book that proves it's not focus group based.

Marvel Studios don't use focus groups and the only test screenings they do are with friends and family.
I really didn’t like what I played of this but I’d be willing to give it another go if it comes to PC in the future.

It was just so fucking bleak and there was never any let up.


not even in my top 100 of all time , i can list 10 games that are better without even thinking , in no order :
Batman arham city
witcher 3
divinity original sin 2
baldurs gate 2
deus ex original
thief old one
half life 2
planescape torment


I feel like you people are trying to sell me on Scientology at this point.

"Well Tom Cruise thinks it's great so it must be."

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
I freaking love how polarising TLoU2 is with everyone.

TLoU2 can’t be the best game ever made, since that honour already belongs to Ultima VII Parts 1 and 2.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
The cinematic complaints still ring hollow. That only applies to the intro and the short flashbacks. The game straight up has more combat and levels than Resident Evil 4. It is an extremely interactive experience. I completely understand hating the story or not liking the core gameplay, but I’ll never understand people pretending its just a Telltale-esque movie-game.
I'll be honest, I've always owned a Playstation of some variety and enjoyed their offerings immensely but I will never, for the life of me, understand the accolades heaped upon Last of Us. The first one was respectable, the initial 20 minute intro sequence is certainly iconic. LoU2, however, is not even close, most of the game is forgettable, the charcters are nonentities and the ending is frankly retarded. I just can't figure out why the Russo brothers would say something like this, they're obviously blowing smoke up IGN's arse.
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Its one of the greatest experience as a full package, I don't judge it solely on mechanic and game design. Video game media for me is more than just playing and fun, its also a better media for artistic expression than traditional media such as book and films.

I do like pure mechanically fun games, but I also enjoy full package experience such as TLoU franchise. Judging a video game product solely on its game loop for me is a shallow way of looking at a product, because it basically neglects every other talent in the credit list other than the mechanic designer. Yes its still called video "games", but nitpicking semantics are meaningless here, I've enjoy a good narrative or cinematic video game more than I do to films, it has much better audience agency compare to traditional media type. The word "game" only describes its root, but don't let that word limit what the media could be capable of becoming.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
The Russo Brothers are "a bunch of hacks", according to TintoConCasera.


Prove that their MCU work is focus group based. You can't. But I have a book that proves it's not focus group based.

Marvel Studios don't use focus groups and the only test screenings they do are with friends and family.
And you really believe that? Good for you! But even if they don't...

When they started out 12 or 13 years ago, I was pretty optimistic about MCU future, because it felt fresh and exciting - a whole cinematic universe supervised by a bunch of pretty smart and talented filmmakers. And while they still manage to make an occasional interesting oddity (the last one was probably GOTG2), everything about them feels cynically calculated to the point where it becomes annoyingly visible. Focus group or no, it feels exactly like the stuff where creatives are executives, not creatives. They have lost whatever soul they had long time ago. It's sad to see a giant like Sam Raimi given an opportunity to make a movie and then letting him to do his stuff for maybe 20 minutes of the movie's runtime. They rest is directed by robot.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
The first is still better, just like the first Avengers is better then the others


That doesn't invalidate my point. Both Ellie and Abbey are all over the map when it comes to emotional composure. Would a dystopian future tend to make people do awful things? Sure, but I've got my limits in tolerating it...and believing it.

Excited Jump GIF by Grease Live
1) she didn't know she was pregnant.
2) dystopian world doesn't mean never play a guitar.
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