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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread

I’m completely addicted to this at the moment. I got up to week 6 in just one day! Once you understand how everything works it gets better and better. I really love how communicating/sticking to your team is pretty must essential.

I just wish the game had more modes. It’s extremely bare-bones. Oh, and my Sony Pulse Elite headphones arrived yesterday and playing multiplayer with them is heavenly. That bass! Everything from the T.V sounds so flat now!


I’m completely addicted to this at the moment. I got up to week 6 in just one day! Once you understand how everything works it gets better and better. I really love how communicating/sticking to your team is pretty must essential.

I just wish the game had more modes. It’s extremely bare-bones. Oh, and my Sony Pulse Elite headphones arrived yesterday and playing multiplayer with them is heavenly. That bass! Everything from the T.V sounds so flat now!

I always see this but I have found that I have helped out my team more often than not, as a covert class of course, by splitting off when I see that they are approaching the enemy and finding my own way to flank around solo. Saved many team members this way with some well placed shivs and arrows.
That would actually be pretty interesting/fun.

Hmm, I think a variant of something like Plunder from Uncharted could be entertaining as well. Just make it a package of supplies that spawn in certain areas of the maps and you have to score 5 to win. It would kind of fit in with the world (getting supplies is crucial). While a mode like Turf War (from Uncharted) probably wouldn't make sense in the narrative of the game, I still think something like that would be pretty fun.

Of course, what I really want is a co-op mode with 2-3 players vs clickers/runners/

You know, a Plunder/CTF mode could work if lives were limited. So basically, maybe the team shares a pool of 12 lives. That could get real intense real quick.


As for Armour, I think a good solution could just be that it requires time to put on, like health bandaging. Something like take 2x as long to put, provided you are putting it on mid-game. It gets more expensive the more you use, I think this is fair enough, no?

Maybe it isn't, because of how early winners can have a runaway lead, and thereby earn more Parts, but I think it should be balanced the way I'm imagining.
I always see this but I have found that I have helped out my team more often than not, as a covert class of course, by splitting off when I see that they are approaching the enemy and finding my own way to flank around solo. Saved many team members this way with some well placed shivs and arrows.

For the most part I find sticking to your team to be better than going solo. I find if I'm by myself and I come across two enemies chances are I'm dead. However, going in solo can work, but I find it safer to just stick relatively close to the team.


It really is amazing to me that they shipped this multiplayer without a coop mode. To be honest though, I would almost guarantee that the first MP DLC will be a co-op focused DLC plus one or two new maps.


Bloody annoyed. Got an important mission of Week 8 and one time the host has left and the other I got DC. The game has counted the day but did not give me any of the downs from the match. What the FUCK. I'm basically guaranteed to lose out now at no fault of my own.

Fix this shit ND.

EDIT: Holy crap I have 13 sick and 38 hungry now too!!
Bloody annoyed. Got an important mission of Week 8 and one time the host has left and the other I got DC. The game has counted the day but did not give me any of the downs from the match. What the FUCK. I'm basically guaranteed to lose out now at no fault of my own.

Fix this shit ND.

EDIT: Holy crap I have 13 sick and 38 hungry now too!!

I hope your saving all the easy missions for when your clan has a risk of being 100% wiped out.

And if you don’t complete the mission, simply quit the game through the XMB. It won’t count......


Finished up the Fireflies 12 weeks and started on the hunters. O'll probably hang it up for a bit though. Fun times. I can get close to 5000 parts in matches now.
I'm thinking about giving multiplayer a whirl today or tomorrow. Any tips? Like which mode should I try first? What customization options should I use? What should I know as far as basic mechanics are concerned?
Start slow. Don't run around until you get to be a better player and know the maps. Try all the weapons when you unlock them and find out which one is the best for you. You cannot gift or heal teammates until you unlock the second tier of perks.

Stay low. Stay close to a teammate and watch their backs. If someone is downed on the other side of the map and they are not immediately killed be cautious about rushing in. It might be a trap. Always try to heal teammates in cover, usually they will try and crawl to you.

You can shiv dudes for a one hit kill but it needs to be from behind unless you use a smoke bomb and then it can be from the front. Most of the time you 'down' an enemy like in Gears and they are down but not out.

Try to do a variety of missions when they come up. Like mark an enemy or revive a teammate. Don't keep doing the same one over and over because the requirements go up.

That's all I got for now.
Finished up the Fireflies 12 weeks and started on the hunters. O'll probably hang it up for a bit though. Fun times. I can get close to 5000 parts in matches now.

Start slow. Don't run around until you get to be a better player and know the maps. Try all the weapons when you unlock them and find out which one is the best for you. You cannot gift or heal teammates until you unlock the second tier of perks.

Stay low. Stay close to a teammate and watch their backs. If someone is downed on the other side of the map and they are not immediately killed be cautious about rushing in. It might be a trap. Always try to heal teammates in cover, usually they will try and crawl to you.

You can shiv dudes for a one hit kill but it needs to be from behind unless you use a smoke bomb and then it can be from the front. Most of the time you 'down' an enemy like in Gears and they are down but not out.

Try to do a variety of missions when they come up. Like mark an enemy or revive a teammate. Don't keep doing the same one over and over because the requirements go up.

That's all I got for now.

Good stuff right here


I hope your saving all the easy missions for when your clan has a risk of being 100% wiped out.

And if you don’t complete the mission, simply quit the game through the XMB. It won’t count......

It does though. I've found it takes a day away whether you quit or DC or the host leaves.


What a shitty day. 2 disconnects, every team I have randomed to has been awful and 85 of my 108 survivors are hungry.
So, I can say now, Last of Us Multiplayer is easily my most favourite MP shooter experience since...Battlefield 3/Bad Company 2.

I just had a series of amazing games w/ some GAF friends against a group of opponents. Supply Raid. EVERY GAME WAS NECK AND NECK.

A constant back and forth. Sometimes we'd fall back by 3-4 lives, only to regroup, restrategize, and tie/take the lead. Most of the time we won, but these were hard fought victories-- victories that came down to the wire with sudden deaths/clutch matches (which I think we lost).

Awesome moments were I molotoved, flanked, shived, etc.

I have to say, the BEST EXPERIENCE is fighting in a room with tons of cover, trading crossfire, frantically cooking up medkits and molotovs, shimmying around cover to protect yourself from fire, healing, reviving, moving cover to cover, having one guy sneak around to flank..

It's such an AMAZING experience to just hang behind cover and THINK of your next move. To outsmart and think ahead of your opponents, to coordinate BEAUTIFUL team attacks (smoke/molotov, smoke/team shiv combinations).

I can't praise this MP enough, I can't believe that ND underplayed it


Unconfirmed Member
Gaf Username S0cc3rpunk
PSN ID unknownphyzics
Timezone Central Daylight Time
Mic/No Mic yes i have a mic
i play to win and work as a team :)


Are they planning to add more content for free or is the rest of the content going to be paid dlc?
Multiplayer is fun, but kinda seems bare at the moment.
It would be nice to see more modes, especially one involving the infected.


Unconfirmed Member
Now this is complete bullshit.. I had a good run till week 8 with 150 population. All of a sudden I get kicked and disconnencted from the server in almost every match today. My kills dont count but of course 40 people already died and everyone is ill. I cant complete the mission if I dc the next round.



They need to add multiplier if you eliminate the other team 4-0 in Survivor.

2x multiplier for 4 - 0
1.5x multiplier for 4 - 1
1.25x multiplier for 4 - 2

It fucking sucks being the best team and getting 40 supplies.

I think there's a better solution. Assuming a match of 7 rounds being the maximum (no draws), they should find your average 'Parts per round' value. At the end of the match, they award all players this 'Parts per round' value, multiplied by the amount of missed potential rounds. People who play well and beast the first 4 rounds will get more parts at the end than people who sucked throughout.

It's a silly oversight.


Not really sure why The Dam exists. WORST MAP EVERER

I can barely feed 60 survivors at this point. Still in the first week, and I cant get to the supplies after i kill someone. I think I have a survivor named Liam Nelson though...
Finished week 12. Started as Fireflies. So fucking better. I wish we had a choice to change HUD color; firefly colors are so better.

There's a difference?! I'm powering through Hunters so I'll find out soon enough I suppose.

The revolver is amazing. I don't use any other gun other than that.

Yeah I have a class where the whole point is to get the shotgun with the rest of the points spent on perks and I chose the revolver too.
Here's an update on what I want from a VIP mode; suggest any changes and I'll submit it to ND.com where Evan Wells seems to hang out.

Similar to UC3/Gears:

One member of each team is "Marked". This person acts as the leader of their parties. They have (2x) armour by default, but cannot ever gain any more armour after this. They can, however, use first aid kits.

The objective of the game is to twofold:

1) Kill the VIP

2) Kill the remaining players


-Everybody but the VIP has infinite respawns.
The VIP can respawn once. You can continuously spawn and make a rush for the enemy's leader or to defend your own.
-If the VIP dies, sudden death mode is engaged for his team. The VIP respawns as a regular teammate (thereby using up his only respawn). This team and him is then given a chance to kill the enemy's VIP, thereby forcing a sudden death/Survivor situation for everybody. If they are killed by the enemy team, they lose.
-The VIP must be executed to count as a kill. This further encourages teamwork to ensure that you move and act as a squad.
-Supply boxes opened up by the VIP contain greater resources than what his teammates can find. His teammates can find basic scraps, but not very many.
-The VIP cannot craft items,. Whatever he finds, he gives to his teammates. But he can have items given to him from his teammates through the Crafting booster.
-Whatever the VIP picks up in supply boxes is given to his whole team. This ensures that the VIP moves around the map instead of completely holing up in a place, and also ensures that teammates care to properly escort the VIP. Since supply pickups from the VIP go to everybody, crafting items will be common, and teammates have to determine if it's a better choice to give their VIP extra items for defense, or use those items to kill the enemy VIP.

I really think this makes use of LoU's unique features:

-Limited lives/no respawns
-Intense gameplay/thoughtful planning

I also think this is a more realistic variation using resources in the game that already exist, instead of expecting something complicated and unlikely like 2v2v2, or CTF mode.



Unconfirmed Member
Just unlocked the bow, damn what a beast. And thanks @ everyone who suggested healing, it works like a charm and I haven't had any problems maintaining my clan since I started healing the shit out of my teammates. I now also have a tactic for missions; I just ignore all missions that don't put my clan at risk by putting them on stuff I'll never do, and keep healing, bow downs, executions and the other easy stuff for the 100% missions. Now to keep my survivor count up for three more weeks...


This is the most fun I had in MP since COD4 early this gen.
One more game again and again. I can't stop playing!

It takes a couple of hours for everything to click though.
And I had my doubts since I find the Uncharted MP really boring. But this here is something else!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Any idea when Merc mode is coming?

Posted on 6/21:

Hey everyone,

The game has been out for a week now, and the response has been flattering, to say the least. We're glad so many people are enjoying SP and MP, and being active on the forums giving us feedback. But we're only getting started with The Last Of Us; there's plenty yet to come with the Season Pass DLC (which is currently being worked on, it's all new content not on disc or digital) and more.

1.02 is in the works, and although we're not ready yet to reveal the full fix list, we do want to let the community one of the most requested features is being rolled out in this patch. Two new playlists are being added with this patch: No Parties for Supply Raid and Survival! This will help the solo players who have been running into large parties in the original playlists.

If all goes well, the patch willbe available in a couple weeks.
It still needs to go through the approval process, which takes a while when you're dealing with the entire world at once :smileyhappy: We'll give an exact date in the near future. Stay tuned!

Regards, EvangM


Thinking about jumping in to multiplayer before finishing the campaign.
Any suggestions on the best way to start out?
Feel free to add me too.

Should be online in about 30 minutes.


Add me if you wish. I'm generally home from work after 6pm Eastern US time. I would like to have an actual team as well.

PSN - zma1013
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