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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread


This game is so amazing when you have a team of people communicating. It's so awful when you don't. I play online with my brother so we get stacked against full parties really often. A lot of the time, we get partners who probably just have everyone muted. So when we're calling people out or building strategy, they're just running around aimlessly on the map.

But then we get another party of 2 with mics, and we're like Navy Seals.


I ... I already knew this?

In the entirety of the single-player, how could you not experiment with what happens when you hold triangle near supplies?

i never noticed that you could pick them up one by one until i watched someone else's gameplay.



So there's this guy that knows i'm in that library type building in bill's town but I figure I'll hide from him, he comes up the ramp and pops into listen mode so I don't move, then he circles around the bookcase I'm hiding behind and I circle around behind him, i sprint the final meter to close the distance aaaaand, no shiv prompt, I panic and start meleeing him while he turns around and puts three in my chest. It was so obviously a shivable moment that I wondered if I had only imagined crafting a shiv earlier. I had not.

Of course, to be fair, I had to xmb leave the same match later on due to horrific lag issues.


Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes its better to go for the execution than it is to heal a teammate. I'd say one in three times it becomes the priority to eliminate the risk of them either drawing a teammate who will kill you while you heal your own teammate, or crawling away sufficiently to reach backup/draw you into a firefight as you track them down.

Also, there'salways the possibility that your healed teammate will steal your execution with a couple of bullets as you make your way to the downed enemy. This happends less in proper teams, but it happens a lot in Mercenary mode. And the game encourages it with the Execution missions.

There are a few things that are counterproductive in this game, unfortunately

Its better to win 4-3 than 4-0
Missions encourage selfish play, such as stealing executions and leaving teammates to be Downed
Metagame also encourages selfishness

Is there any word on a No Listen/No Body Armour playlist?
If the guy can crawl away from you and get to teammates before you can revive your own teammate or if remaining enemies can rush and kill both you and your teammate before you can revive your mate, then that enemy very obviously wasn't the last enemy in the area. And what's the problem with teammates executing enemies? You claiming that you somehow have the exclusive 'right' to execute someone is just as selfish. You still get the points/supplies and the enemy is dead quicker, so what's the problem?

You're stuck in an animation when you try to revive someone as well. Plus you can't see nearly as well. I only play
Survivors and when someone is downed usually the enemy team starts hauling butt to get in that area if they don't manage a ranged kill. I just dont always want to be crouched over instead of seeing where they are coming from, so I may leave someone behind just long enough to make sure no one is advancing. You stay down for awhile, there's no rush IMO.

You also save ammo by melee kill or molotov/bomb throw, so moving in for a closer kill while someone is trying to get revived is advantageous. Sometimes mates will immediately reveal the team's location by inching back right after being downed. I just don't always see the point in reviving when the enemy can close the distance rather quickly from another area.
You're not stuck in an animation when trying to revive someone. You get into this crouching stance (thus giving you a low profile and taking you out of the direct line of fire of an enemy if in cover) that you can cancel at any time. If you special execute someone, you get stuck in an elaborate animation that makes you highly visible, makes you appear on the minimap and you can't cancel. If an enemy starts sprinting from halfway across the map to revive his buddy that he won't ever be able reach in time, oblivious to you still being there because his pal hasn't been executed yet, then that is only in your advantage. You will know the enemy is coming and where he is coming from, the guy you downed will die before his mate reaches you and if you revive your teammate before the enemy is at your broad location, it'll be two v. one, which gives your team another easy kill.


I just found this out just now. Lol

Anyways, what's everyone's setup? I kinda need help

- revolver
- silenced semi-auto rifle
- first aid training 3
- reviver 3

That's with all 13 loadout points unlocked though, so it might be different depending on what level you're at. But it's pretty much the easiest setup to rake in supplies with. Just stay close to team mates and heal them whenever possible.


My 13 pt loadout right now is

First Aid 3
Collector 2.

This game is so amazing when you have a team of people communicating. It's so awful when you don't. I play online with my brother so we get stacked against full parties really often. A lot of the time, we get partners who probably just have everyone muted. So when we're calling people out or building strategy, they're just running around aimlessly on the map.

But then we get another party of 2 with mics, and we're like Navy Seals.

I play muted most of the time, I just prefer it, I find a lot of the chatter to be distracting. I do stick with my team though and most of time can read what they intend without needing chat.


Does anyone know how many parts are needed for each loadout point? I'm on 11 so far. Also, what are everyone's favored perks? I'm very fond of Hawkeye skill. I'm not the best shot but being able to at least give a visual confirmation of the enemies position to other teammates is quite satisfying so at least I'm not a complete dead weight haha. It's also very hard to go from crafting 75% faster with the Crafter skill to none at all. :-(


Hey all, just picked up the Pulse headset so now I'm getting even more into MP. Looking to roll with some Gaffers if possible.

Gaf Username: Ezio
PSN ID: SorrowsEnd82
Timezone: EST
Mic/No Mic: Mic
Additional notes: Can play most nights after 8:00PM EST.


If anyone wants a chat room invite quote this post to see the PSN ID for it and send a friend request. I'll send you a chat room invite the next time I log on.

Anybody up for a couple of hours?

Gaf Username Duo014
Timezone GMT +1
Got a US account and started playing and right off the bat i had an amazing match. We were 3-0 in survivor mode, the fourth round began and my teammates were quickly killed off, i became the last one standing and i managed to kill all four of the opposing team members (it was 3 vs 4) fifth round came and one of my team mates became the last one standing and he also managed to kill the remaining four guys, sixth round came and i again became the last one standing and i managed to kill the remaining 3 of the opposing team. At this point the match was tied going into the 7th round but we unfortunately lost, would have been an amazing comeback if we won (and this was with complete strangers)
I played this for the first few nights without using my mic, and I had a blast.
I'm sure mics would enhance the experience, but you'll still have fun without one.

Like any co-op MP type game just be a good team mate. In the case of TLOU stay close-ish to your team mates, revive, and co-ordinate.

I also wish more people streamed the MP, it's the most fun thing to watch while I am doing stuff at the moment.

Wish I had time to play.


Like any co-op MP type game just be a good team mate. In the case of TLOU stay close-ish to your team mates, revive, and co-ordinate.

It's the worst thing ever being on a team full of uncooperative people.
Pay attention to what's going on around you with your teammates.. I've had people watch me get downed, then crawl to a safe location to be revived, yet they still try and get kills, instead of trying to keep everyone alive.
There's a strong emphasis on survival in the MP, and I love that.


yeh i have everyone muted outside of people i play with regularly on gaf, otherwise my ears bleed from the shitty mics.
I've played over 24 weeks in multiplayer, however I just learned you can hold triangle to pickup all supplies at once.... I feel like a newb. I had even commented last night about how funny it is you can hear all the people mashing triangle when they bunch up over a supply box. I guess not many other people know about it as well.

Well damn.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Does anyone know how many parts are needed for each loadout point? I'm on 11 so far. Also, what are everyone's favored perks? I'm very fond of Hawkeye skill. I'm not the best shot but being able to at least give a visual confirmation of the enemies position to other teammates is quite satisfying so at least I'm not a complete dead weight haha. It's also very hard to go from crafting 75% faster with the Crafter skill to none at all. :-(
You need ~7,500 supplies for the full 13 loadout points iirc.


Finally started playing the MP a few days back. I'm really enjoying it.

Downside, it's a bit unstable. Never had a crash in my 2 game completions, but it's happened twice in MP mode.

Otherwise, I really like what they've done here. Having a headset really helps, with or without mic.

I imagine ND will patch more into it as well. They did a lot with U2 and a shit load of post release content with U3. I expect a good bit to be added to the MP here. Already love it as it is, and I don't play much MP on consoles really. Usually just try out each games a few times, but this keeps me wanting to play another round.....one more round....another round.


Finally started playing the MP a few days back. I'm really enjoying it.

Downside, it's a bit unstable. Never had a crash in my 2 game completions, but it's happened twice in MP mode.

Otherwise, I really like what they've done here. Having a headset really helps, with or without mic.

I imagine ND will patch more into it as well. They did a lot with U2 and a shit load of post release content with U3. I expect a good bit to be added to the MP here. Already love it as it is, and I don't play much MP on consoles really. Usually just try out each games a few times, but this keeps me wanting to play another round.....one more round....another round.

Yeah, same here. I almost forgot about the MP but thought I'd try it out and really, really like it. First night last night and had some memorable and intense matches.

MP has been stable so far. I had SP lock up hard once.


My 13 pt loadout right now is

First Aid 3
Collector 2.


Go beyond, bump the semi-auto and add creator 2 with first-aid 2 instead.
The revolver will do the job pretty nicely and with all the parts you'll get it's trivial to upgrade it.
Try it ;)


Unconfirmed Member
For parts;

Revolver (0)
Collector 2 (5)
First Aid Training 2 (4)
Crafter 2 (4)

Hoard all +10% parts one-use-boosters, use them when you get a 100% challenge (+10% parts buff). This will give you a nice boost in supplies (+40% parts) and it might give you enough survivors to act as a buffer for the ones you will lose, provided that your clan is healthy.
What the hell happened? There was a good 7 days where it seemed like people were getting used to avoiding sprintng needlessly, building up the supplies like bombs and molotovs, and working as a tight group to prevent losses.

Since that patch though, a bunch of knobends seem to have come back, the guys who sprint into the middle of the map and get shot to pieces, people who sprint near you when you're trying to keep a low profile, people trying to run up to & melee enemies when they could easily shoot them.

Also, do some people not mark enemies on purpose to heighten the chances of them getting the Down?


Unconfirmed Member
This game is so frustrating at times.

> Start the match. My team is somehow already one man down. Someone joins, but him spawning apparently costs us one of our 20 lives.
> I craft stuff, go around the enemy and craft some more. I kill several enemies in the same general area but can't get to the supplies because the remaining enemy kills me.
> Teammates keep sprinting to the same spot for the entire duration of the match, despite the enemy always waiting for them at that same spot.
> I respawn on the other side of the map, can't get to my supplies.
> I down a lone enemy as that enemy downs me. I crawl into cover so the teammate standing right behind me can safely revive me. He decides to turn around and enter a building to get shot to pieces by some enemies that shot him in that exact spot just before then.
> I respawn in the same spot as before, still on the other side of the map with no way to safely get to my supplies. This happens three more times.
> I die, again because a teammate refused to revive me, and get our last spawn. I spawn in a building just next to all the supplies I've been waiting all match to get. I crouchwalk outside only to get instantly killed by a bow headshot from halfway across the map.
> We lose.
> -4 supplies. One clan member dead, one sick, two hungry.

In another match, I manage to get +50 supplies. I get just eight new clan members.

The punishments for doing even just marginally worse than your best are just too harsh compared to the measly rewards you get for doing absolutely great.
Matchmaking is fucked. How hard is it to just put me in matches with people within, at the very least, 10 levels of myself. I'm level 3 and facing people at level 44 with 3 stars. I'm guessing that is prestige?


What the hell happened? There was a good 7 days where it seemed like people were getting used to avoiding sprintng needlessly, building up the supplies like bombs and molotovs, and working as a tight group to prevent losses.

Since that patch though, a bunch of knobends seem to have come back, the guys who sprint into the middle of the map and get shot to pieces, people who sprint near you when you're trying to keep a low profile, people trying to run up to & melee enemies when they could easily shoot them.

Also, do some people not mark enemies on purpose to heighten the chances of them getting the Down?

This game is so frustrating at times.

> Start the match. My team is somehow already one man down. Someone joins, but him spawning apparently costs us one of our 20 lives.
> I craft stuff, go around the enemy and craft some more. I kill several enemies in the same general area but can't get to the supplies because the remaining enemy kills me.
> Teammates keep sprinting to the same spot for the entire duration of the match, despite the enemy always waiting for them at that same spot.
> I respawn on the other side of the map, can't get to my supplies.
> I down a lone enemy as that enemy downs me. I crawl into cover so the teammate standing right behind me can safely revive me. He decides to turn around and enter a building to get shot to pieces by some enemies that shot him in that exact spot just before then.
> I respawn in the same spot as before, still on the other side of the map with no way to safely get to my supplies. This happens three more times.
> I die, again because a teammate refused to revive me, and get our last spawn. I spawn in a building just next to all the supplies I've been waiting all match to get. I crouchwalk outside only to get instantly killed by a bow headshot from halfway across the map.
> We lose.
> -4 supplies. One clan member dead, one sick, two hungry.

In another match, I manage to get +50 supplies. I get just eight new clan members.

The punishments for doing even just marginally worse than your best are just too harsh compared to the measly rewards you get for doing absolutely great.
yeah, because of stuff like these two state...

I had a match with 9kill 9 execution.

My 3 teammates combined: 1 K, 1 E

Dudes that just be running around at random times. It's one with when the match just starts. Or you've taken a hit and you make a dash to get out of fire or lead to a trap...nope, no intelligent reason. Just running because there is a button that allows it. So dumb. I was lucky to get that many kills with that crap going on.

Other matches when guys do that, I usually just get straight mowed down.


EuroGAF, I want to play with you to get better (and to finally win a Survivor game!). I'm in France and up for playing at night with a mic, who's up for teaching me the ropes?
As the community dwindles, the quality of the multiplayer will improve massively I think.

The metagame makes it difficult to be a part of a good team. There are generally only so many points to go around, and you get a lot more when you shine in a rubbish team than you do when you play your part in a good one.


As the community dwindles, the quality of the multiplayer will improve massively I think.

The metagame makes it difficult to be a part of a good team. There are generally only so many points to go around, and you get a lot more when you shine in a rubbish team than you do when you play your part in a good one.

Naughty Dog will also support the multiplayer in the same vein as UC2 and UC3 with additional modes and balances, I hope! A mode playing as the Infected would be pretty neat.
Man, nothing like joining a game with three "snipers" on your team who go into different corners of the map and hide with their bows. Real fun.
Shit, thought I'd done all the missions, I;ve just been given the last one and opted to go for Healing again. Screw playing with randoms for now then, can't be sure that they'll run away sufficiently for you to heal the, or for them to even let you heal them before they go straight to the med-kit option

Do One Use Boosters carry across after completing the 12 weeks?
Shit, thought I'd done all the missions, I;ve just been given the last one and opted to go for Healing again. Screw playing with randoms for now then, can't be sure that they'll run away sufficiently for you to heal the, or for them to even let you heal them before they go straight to the med-kit option

Do One Use Boosters carry across after completing the 12 weeks?

How many heals do you need? Even playing with mic-less randoms, heals should be easy to get. I've never needed people to avoid their medkits or stand still all the time in order for me to get my heals. There are plenty of opportunities to heal in a given Supply Raid game.


I say the bow needs to be nerfed

Bow is fine encounter to encounter, but the fact that when I use the bow I wind up leaving arrows on the ground because I'm consistently maxed out on arrows is silly. YOu need to get less ammo with the bow.

They sure do.

I agree, 'Heal Teammates' is definitely the easiest mission, considering you will get a few 'heals' for each person you heal to full health.

It's too bad it maxes out after like 6. I could have spammed that across all 12 weeks. I think I'll switch to burst rifle downs for my final 100% challenge, SKULL MASK HERE I COME.

Shit, thought I'd done all the missions, I;ve just been given the last one and opted to go for Healing again. Screw playing with randoms for now then, can't be sure that they'll run away sufficiently for you to heal the, or for them to even let you heal them before they go straight to the med-kit option

Do One Use Boosters carry across after completing the 12 weeks?

you get at least one heal credit when they med-kit up, but it still sucks, I mean, i'm crouching here trying to heal you, pay some attention dude.

How many heals do you need? Even playing with mic-less randoms, heals should be easy to get. I've never needed people to avoid their medkits or stand still all the time in order for me to get my heals. There are plenty of opportunities to heal in a given Supply Raid game.

For me it's not about heals I need so much as heals I could be getting, its frustrating to watch 200+ parts go bye bye because a dude decides to bandage himself instead of letting you heal him.


The healing challenge and the marking challenge are so easy you can finish all 3 tiers in a single match.

Bow doesn't need a nerf.


This game's MP, more so than any other MP game I have played, seems to have a huge number of completely clueless players. I'm not saying I'm amazing or anything myself, but some of the things people do just blow my mind. My absolute favorite is watching a team mate sprint straight at the enemy by themselves and getting massacred again and again. I've actually had a team mate with 15 deaths in one match. How is that even possible?
For me it's not about heals I need so much as heals I could be getting, its frustrating to watch 200+ parts go bye bye because a dude decides to bandage himself instead of letting you heal him.

I feel you, but if it's about completing your mission, that shouldn't be difficult even when you're playing by yourself.
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