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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread


I'm giving up on this. It just never clicked for me and the only thing that drove me so far is wanting to platinum the game. I just can't imagine playing through 84 matches twice, while hopefully not wiping, to get 100%. I should have probably put more effort into playing with you gaffers. I need to be more proactive for future releases.

There is an insanely easy and fool proof way to get through multiplayer while skipping over half of the matches.



1. Quit matches until your survivors get to around 5. (quitting advances a day)
2. Play a match (your needed supplies will be insanely low, around 9)
3. Your survivors should jump up to 15-20, which will allow you to quit the next 4-5 games or so. Repeat.

Obviously you're still going to have to get through the 100% risk challenges. Don't even bother with the other challenges. Pick the marking challenges (or whatever you find easiest and uses those for the 100% risks)
Any tips on a new player? Or should I just pick up as I go?
Things I didn't know early on which I wish I did:

- Pick up supplies from drop boxes. You can't steal any supplies from others players, so pick up everything you see.

- Crouching and walking do not make you show up on the enemy's minimap. Running does.

- Stay with your teammates as a group (unless you have some dickhead sniper who just sits in the corner of the map, but that rarely happens). If you're in a firefight, stay close, but not right next to a teammate if you can help it, else you can both be taken out by one explosive.

- You can shiv someone from behind (if you have a shiv), but I find that you have to be standing. Also punching is an absolute last resort and it's often better to pull out your gun and shoot at close range instead of getting in a boxing match.

- Important one: buying armour and ammo and anything else does NOT effect your supplies after the game, so buy whatever you need whenever you need it.

Have fun!


Got my Skull Mask, actually ended my second 12 weeks with 96 survivors. This game is horribly addicting, so much fun playing with folks with mics. I will say a team of healers and reviving is a little OP.

I also really wish we had the share button feature, so many great moments.


Did I say I hate the bow? I meant I love the bow

When I first started using the bow I was all "fuck this i can't fucking hit anything" then I figured it out and I was all "can i like, sell back all these extra arrows for parts or something?"

I'm not using it right now because I'm trying to max out my part totals every game so I can get the last of the unlocks (151 clan members, week 10, fingers crossed) which means I'm using first aid 3 and collector 2. I'll be more than happy to switch back to it when I no longer care about my stupid clan and do whatever the hell I want.

Man, randoms can be so bad though, it's really sad how little awareness some teammates have of what's going on around them.

"oh it's cool, bandage yourself while i try to heal you for free"

"oh yeah, totally run out into the open to get that special execution"

"no, don't worry, i'll res myself while you run off"

Bad teammates, iffy laggy melee attacks, and trying to shiv a guy who runs around the stairs and now the camera is turned the wrong way but your thumb's on the triangle button so now it's really awkward to reposition so you can get the prompt again, are the most frustrating things in this game for me.

Any tips on a new player? Or should I just pick up as I go?

- there's 4 supply boxes, one at each starting spawn and two in the middle. At the start of the game the middle boxes will very likely have a melee weapon for you, melee weapons can be very valuable

- crafting a modification for your melee weapon allows you to keep the melee weapon when you die, otherwise you will lose it. Not to mention it gives you a one hit kill

- you can see melee weapons on an enemies pack and you can see if it's modified, if there's a guy with a modified melee weapon sprinting at you either drop him or run.

- likewise, it is often clear when an enemy is aiming a molotov, move your ass.

- Don't try to sit in listen mode, make an intelligent choice about where the enemy might be if they're nearby listen quickly and pop out.

- Don't be afraid to run away.

- First Aid 3 is really strong because it gives you tons of points and lets you bandage yourself quickly, AND because if you're in any way an effective healer you can basically spam the heal challenge every time, I get something like 160 - 180 heals across 3 matches. Even if you're not that good you can easily meet most of your challenges through healing.

- don't sprint all the time

- sprint sometimes

- what you get out of supply boxes depends on your current state, if you have no ammo you will get ammo, if you have low health you'll get health items or a first aid kit. If you haven't been scoring kills you'll get parts.

- You shouldn't need sharpshooter to shoot straight or hit targets except maybe if you're sniping?

- Be smart about executions. 2 shots (or less, particularly with a headshot) from the semi auto, or 1 from the bow will finish a downed target. This is better than running out for a special execution now, or letting the target slip behind cover hoping for one later

- Revive your teammates before you go for executions.

- be aware of your surroundings when reviving or executing, you do not want to be standing outside of cover and getting shot up. The target will die but you won't get any parts for it or execution credit and now you're dead, you made a shitty trade. or reviving a guy who is still in line of sight to the enemy, also it happens that once you start reviving, they'll just bum-rush the both of you and then you're both dead.

- mark targets. It gives a few points when you mark and if your marked target dies you get a few more, more importantly it signals to everyone on your team where the enemy is, everyone who might not already know. If you go straight for the kill you might wind up revealing your position and starting a 4 on 1 firefight because there's the one guy you can see and the 3 you can't. At least this way your teammates will know where the enemy is and can move in.


Guys, are there any known technical hitches that would prevent me from getting into games? I played 2 in 90 minutes yesterday, with 7 failed attempts because of connection lost to host or matchmaking server unavailable... even though I was always in the map's lodaing screen! I really want to try this, but the technical issues are preventing me from enjoying it. My DNS is (Google's) and my NAT is Type 2, never had any issue to play online (UC2GAF represent!).


Short bus special
So guys, if anyone from GAF hooks up with me in a group tonight; please dont steamroll the other team. I need 30 Heals. Which means, I need some of you to get shot while I am near you.

Just a heads up in advance. Week 10, day something. 100% Risk mission. Blargh.


Unconfirmed Member
Lots of lag/glitches lately, ranging from not getting supplies from downed/executed enemies to being teleported across a room to get shivved somehow or throwing a smoke bomb in a room and the guy in the room not getting stunned, while I myself am magically stunned by it through a wall and subsequently one-hit meleed by the opponent the smoke bomb was supposed to stun.
I think it might be glitched, I've unlocked the combat mask when I'm only on week 11, day 7. Is it not supposed to unlock when you reach week 12?

This is just after being thrown off of PSN when seconds away from a mammoth, 130+ resource haul. Thankfully it hasn't destroyed by clan, did ND patch in a differentiator between quits and forced disconnects?


Unconfirmed Member
Why are all randoms I play with so incredibly stupid, and why does the game continue to place me in ridiculously lopsided matches and stupid situations? This seems to be what the average TLOU-player thinks;

  • 'Hey, my teammate has just been downed by someone I didn't see or hear. I must sprint directly to my teammate to revive him while I am completely exposed.'
  • 'Hey, I just downed the enemy who downed my teammate. He seemed to be the last enemy in this area, so I must now completely ignore my dying teammate and execute the enemy first.'
  • 'Hey, the enemy team is obviously on the other side of the map, as I can very clearly see on the mini-map and by seeing my teammates there being shot to pieces, so I guess I'll just camp it out in this building I'm in currently that the enemy won't be passing for quite some time.'
  • 'Hey, I just downed an enemy, but another enemy is reviving him while in my line of sight. I guess I should just turn around and not bother.'
  • 'Hey, I can very clearly see this enemy bomb marked on my screen here, so I guess I should just run straight into it.'
  • 'Hey, my teammate is trying to sneak around the enemies me and my other teammates are directly engaging, I guess I should sprint ahead of him to get behind the enemy quicker.'
  • 'Hey, I see this enemy rushing straight for me with an upgraded melee-weapon, so I guess now is the perfect time to go craft a molotov.'
  • 'Hey, my teammate is trying to heal me. I guess I should reward him by using my own medkit and constantly running away from him.'


Guys, please try and help me. Yesterday I had trouble connecting then getting into games, now I'm just stuck "Connecting...". Anyone know of any usual problems that I could fix on my side? I really want to try this. Thanks!

EDIT: I erased everything in the game data folder and reinstalled everything... Seems to have done the trick! Managed to have my team tie in a survivor game too...


I haven't played that much multiplayer but what I've played of it has been fun.

I had a question about the Fireflies/Hunters 'campaign' of 12 weeks. Is there a way to completely fail getting to the end of 12 weeks?

Or is it a matter of just playing a bunch of multiplayer matches while trying to complete challenges to continually grow your population for fun?

I got my pop up to 40 but in one fell swoop if fell down to 15, and I was wondering if there's a metagame fail-state where you have to start over.


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't played that much multiplayer but what I've played of it has been fun.

I had a question about the Fireflies/Hunters 'campaign' of 12 weeks. Is there a way to completely fail getting to the end of 12 weeks?

Or is it a matter of just playing a bunch of multiplayer matches while trying to complete challenges to continually grow your population for fun?

I got my pop up to 40 but in one fell swoop if fell down to 15, and I was wondering if there's a metagame fail-state where you have to start over.
If you lose all your clan-members, you fail and have to start a new metagame. As you progress you will get missions that put 100% of your clan at risk (you fail, your clan dies), so keep some of the easy challenges for that, like spotting, downs, executions or healing.


If you lose all your clan-members, you fail and have to start a new metagame. As you progress you will get missions that put 100% of your clan at risk (you fail, your clan dies), so keep some of the easy challenges for that, like spotting, downs, executions or healing.

Damn, that's harsh. Could be a chance that I never get to finish either of them because my performance is very erratic *_*


Shivvin' people from the back is immensely satisfying.

Too bad you only get one per life unless you're crafting extra ones.

There are days where I used to play Gears and only chainsaw/lancer people to death. Same with UC2, just get behind 'em and go for the instant kills.


  • 'Hey, my teammate is trying to heal me. I guess I should reward him by using my own medkit and constantly running away from him.'


I'll be honest though I probably do a lot of stuff that pisses people off, like sprinting. I really don't care if we win the firefight, i only somewhat care if we win the game, what truly matters to me is that I have like 5.5k parts at the end of the match and that doesn't happen on a steamroll or when I give up healing opportunities.


Why are all randoms I play with so incredibly stupid, and why does the game continue to place me in ridiculously lopsided matches and stupid situations? This seems to be what the average TLOU-player thinks;

  • 'Hey, I just downed the enemy who downed my teammate. He seemed to be the last enemy in this area, so I must now completely ignore my dying teammate and execute the enemy first.'

I was faced with this situation a few nights ago - I picked up my team mate for the extra points and........Boom he steals the down by shooting the enemy when I really needed the special execution and then proceeds to tea bag him.


Why are all randoms I play with so incredibly stupid, and why does the game continue to place me in ridiculously lopsided matches and stupid situations? This seems to be what the average TLOU-player thinks;

  • 'Hey, my teammate has just been downed by someone I didn't see or hear. I must sprint directly to my teammate to revive him while I am completely exposed.'
  • 'Hey, I just downed the enemy who downed my teammate. He seemed to be the last enemy in this area, so I must now completely ignore my dying teammate and execute the enemy first.'
  • 'Hey, the enemy team is obviously on the other side of the map, as I can very clearly see on the mini-map and by seeing my teammates there being shot to pieces, so I guess I'll just camp it out in this building I'm in currently that the enemy won't be passing for quite some time.'
    [*]'Hey, I just downed an enemy, but another enemy is reviving him while in my line of sight. I guess I should just turn around and not bother.'
  • 'Hey, I can very clearly see this enemy bomb marked on my screen here, so I guess I should just run straight into it.'
  • 'Hey, my teammate is trying to sneak around the enemies me and my other teammates are directly engaging, I guess I should sprint ahead of him to get behind the enemy quicker.'
  • 'Hey, I see this enemy rushing straight for me with an upgraded melee-weapon, so I guess now is the perfect time to go craft a molotov.'
  • 'Hey, my teammate is trying to heal me. I guess I should reward him by using my own medkit and constantly running away from him.'
This one is so annoying.
Another that really bothers me is when our team is losing by one guy, the rest of the team act like they have infinite time to camp and move slowly and we eventually lose the round.
just tried to play a match and first impressions are horrible. Shot someone in the face at close range with a hunting rife and they live. What? Later i shoot someone twice in the body with the hunting rifle live yet again. I get shot with a bow and arrow twice and im dead. WOW, do they start you off with shooting peas out of the gun wth ?!?!?! Also followed my team mates and got all the stuff they did yet they can make molotovs yet i cant??? Do i have to upgrade to get the privilege of having an even chance???? Will try again later to try and learn this thing but im really annoyed.


  • 'Hey, I just downed the enemy who downed my teammate. He seemed to be the last enemy in this area, so I must now completely ignore my dying teammate and execute the enemy first.'
  • 'Hey, my teammate is trying to heal me. I guess I should reward him by using my own medkit and constantly running away from him.'
I agree or more or less see where you're coming from for all except these two, which I've been guilty of at some point or another.. First, it's better to make completely sure that the area is clear before reviving, sometimes enemies start sprinting to your direction from across the map after they down someone. It takes awhile to revive without added perks on. I don't want to have my ass out because I just had to rescue someone.

Second, healing myself is instinct sometimes. I'll see someone healing and have already start patching myself up. I can't always tell if they're going to continue healing so sometimes I just do it myself. I don't always recognize someone is trying to heal in the heat of the moment either, so I may just keep moving by accident. Another key thing is that I may not even need healing that badly.

My experiences with randoms has been pretty good. I believe good players can carry so-so teams if you are aware of each other's skillset. The only thing I dislike is when people are farting around the back of the map throwing smoke bombs at each other instead of playing. I just can't.


just tried to play a match and first impressions are horrible. Shot someone in the face at close range with a hunting rife and they live. What? Later i shoot someone twice in the body with the hunting rifle live yet again. I get shot with a bow and arrow twice and im dead. WOW, do they start you off with shooting peas out of the gun wth ?!?!?! Also followed my team mates and got all the stuff they did yet they can make molotovs yet i cant??? Do i have to upgrade to get the privilege of having an even chance???? Will try again later to try and learn this thing but im really annoyed.

Did the people you shot have visible body armour on? If not then the hunting rifle is a one hit down if you shoot somebody in the head. Same deal when you shot somebody in the body. Two hits = down.

The pressure of being the last one standing is too much!

I quite like it due to the handout from the toolboxes.
Did the people you shot have visible body armour on? If not then the hunting rifle is a one hit down if you shoot somebody in the head. Same deal when you shot somebody in the body. Two hits = down.

I quite like it due to the handout from the toolboxes.

I know for a fact it registered, the person i shot in the face their helmet popped off. I know nothing of some invisible body armor or even if your joking i just played that one match. I dont care if they had armor or something on, i you get shot in the face with a hunting rifle at close range having a helmet on wont make a difference. They didnt even get downed they were still alive, same with the other person i shot twice.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree or more or less see where you're coming from for all except these two, which I've been guilty of at some point or another.. First, it's better to make completely sure that the area is clear before reviving, sometimes enemies start sprinting to your direction from across the map after they down someone. It takes awhile to revive without added perks on. I don't want to have my ass out because I just had to rescue someone.

Second, healing myself is instinct sometimes. I'll see someone healing and have already start patching myself up. I can't always tell if they're going to continue healing so sometimes I just do it myself. I don't always recognize someone is trying to heal in the heat of the moment either, so I may just keep moving by accident. Another key thing is that I may not even need healing that badly.

My experiences with randoms has been pretty good. I believe good players can carry so-so teams if you are aware of each other's skillset. The only thing I dislike is when people are farting around the back of the map throwing smoke bombs at each other instead of playing. I just can't.
Going for a special execution is more dangerous than trying to revive someone, since you'll be stuck in an animation. If you know you just downed the last remaining enemy in an area, there should be absolutely no reason to put special executing said enemy above reviving a dying teammate. The guy you just downed isn't going anywhere and letting your teammate bleed out will cost your team a life. I don't see how that's something you can't agree on.
A question, i bought TLOU from Amazon (new) and i have been playing on my Japanese account (70% complete). I tried going into MP tonight and it said i needed an online pass, however it doesn't work. Is it because i am playing on my JP account with a US game, is there a way to get around it?
Going for a special execution is more dangerous than trying to revive someone, since you'll be stuck in an animation. If you know you just downed the last remaining enemy in an area, there should be absolutely no reason to put special executing said enemy above reviving a dying teammate. The guy you just downed isn't going anywhere and letting your teammate bleed out will cost your team a life. I don't see how that's something you can't agree on.

Sometimes its better to go for the execution than it is to heal a teammate. I'd say one in three times it becomes the priority to eliminate the risk of them either drawing a teammate who will kill you while you heal your own teammate, or crawling away sufficiently to reach backup/draw you into a firefight as you track them down.

Also, there'salways the possibility that your healed teammate will steal your execution with a couple of bullets as you make your way to the downed enemy. This happends less in proper teams, but it happens a lot in Mercenary mode. And the game encourages it with the Execution missions.

There are a few things that are counterproductive in this game, unfortunately

Its better to win 4-3 than 4-0
Missions encourage selfish play, such as stealing executions and leaving teammates to be Downed
Metagame also encourages selfishness

Is there any word on a No Listen/No Body Armour playlist?
Im guessing this has been brought up but the one taint to this otherwise brilliant online experience is that the game actually punishes you for doing well. I played in a match yesterday where we won 4-0 by absolutely wrecking the other team (I only play Survivor... no respawn fo lyfe yallllllll). It was over so quickly that we all finished with about 15 cans. I need like 80. So the game is basically encouraging you to not kick the crap out of the other team. That doesn't make sense to me.

Otherwise... this game online is amazing. It gives me that same feeling that Socom 2 did... even though they are quite different games.


I was faced with this situation a few nights ago - I picked up my team mate for the extra points and........Boom he steals the down by shooting the enemy when I really needed the special execution and then proceeds to tea bag him.

I would do this too. I don't go for a special execution before I bring up my teammate but I sure as hell am going to stick an arrow in the guy while I'm walking up to revive you.
Im guessing this has been brought up but the one taint to this otherwise brilliant online experience is that the game actually punishes you for doing well. I played in a match yesterday where we won 4-0 by absolutely wrecking the other team (I only play Survivor... no respawn fo lyfe yallllllll). It was over so quickly that we all finished with about 15 cans. I need like 80. So the game is basically encouraging you to not kick the crap out of the other team. That doesn't make sense to me.

Otherwise... this game online is amazing. It gives me that same feeling that Socom 2 did... even though they are quite different games.

That's why it's best to play the respawn mode until you have both achievements as well as all the unlocks you may want. After that, the meta-game really doesn't matter at all.
Im guessing this has been brought up but the one taint to this otherwise brilliant online experience is that the game actually punishes you for doing well. I played in a match yesterday where we won 4-0 by absolutely wrecking the other team (I only play Survivor... no respawn fo lyfe yallllllll). It was over so quickly that we all finished with about 15 cans. I need like 80. So the game is basically encouraging you to not kick the crap out of the other team. That doesn't make sense to me.

Otherwise... this game online is amazing. It gives me that same feeling that Socom 2 did... even though they are quite different games.

Yup. The system's broken. There are also further problems which have been outlined above (encouraging selfishness etc). I think we've just gotta live with it for now. Maybe they'll provide another patch with some much needed tweaks to the scoring system.


I think armor itself is fine but it needs a cooldown. I went 6500 in a match and literally as soon as they had shot the body armor off me I was back in the store buying another set? I just had enough parts that it didn't matter anymore. It wasn't the fact that I had body armor sometimes, it was the fact that I had continually regenerating body armor that was ridiculous.

Im guessing this has been brought up but the one taint to this otherwise brilliant online experience is that the game actually punishes you for doing well. I played in a match yesterday where we won 4-0 by absolutely wrecking the other team (I only play Survivor... no respawn fo lyfe yallllllll). It was over so quickly that we all finished with about 15 cans. I need like 80. So the game is basically encouraging you to not kick the crap out of the other team. That doesn't make sense to me.

Otherwise... this game online is amazing. It gives me that same feeling that Socom 2 did... even though they are quite different games.

Yup, this is exactly my problem, trying to farm 120-130 supplies in a match is pretty damn hard and it encourages me to want the other team to do well, to hurt and down our team so I can get revives and heals for parts, likewise I don't want our team to get executions because there's only so many of them to go around. I used to be dumb and not finish off downed targets because i thought I could special them, but now I hold off hoping they'll get revived by their team so I can get more downs.


I think armor itself is fine but it needs a cooldown. I went 6500 in a match and literally as soon as they had shot the body armor off me I was back in the store buying another set? I just had enough parts that it didn't matter anymore. It wasn't the fact that I had body armor sometimes, it was the fact that I had continually regenerating body armor that was ridiculous.

I agree. I think it would be more costly a well. 450 parts is relatively small when you can score 3k+ per game.
I think armor itself is fine but it needs a cooldown. I went 6500 in a match and literally as soon as they had shot the body armor off me I was back in the store buying another set? I just had enough parts that it didn't matter anymore. It wasn't the fact that I had body armor sometimes, it was the fact that I had continually regenerating body armor that was ridiculous.

I think at the very least you should only get a 20 second window at the start of the game in which to buy it. Having it shot off and then running into cover and replacing it is silly.

'Yes, I got the jump on him and shot his armour off, as well as putting a couple of rounds in him. One more decent chest-shot should do it. Come on, pop out of cover to take a shot, give me my opening'

*Pops out of cover, looking like a cross between an NFL player and a bomb-disposal expert, and destroys you, having essentially double XP with his legs behind cover*



I think at the very least you should only get a 20 second window at the start of the game in which to buy it. Having it shot off and then running into cover and replacing it is silly.

'Yes, I got the jump on him and shot his armour off, as well as putting a couple of rounds in him. One more decent chest-shot should do it. Come on, pop out of cover to take a shot, give me my opening'

*Pops out of cover, looking like a cross between an NFL player and a bomb-disposal expert, and destroys you, having essentially double XP with his legs behind cover*


to be fair, if you let me sit in cover i'm just going to bandage anyways and pop out with full health, unless you seriously rush me i'm going to pull it off too, because first aid 3.
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