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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread


It's too bad it maxes out after like 6. I could have spammed that across all 12 weeks. I think I'll switch to burst rifle downs for my final 100% challenge, SKULL MASK HERE I COME.
That's why I've been keeping 'Heal Teammates' until the later weeks to ensure I don't mess up any 100% risk missions.

My problem now is that my partner and I have gotten so good that when one of us does especially well it affects the amount of parts the other is able to earn. So I don't really agree with some of the posts here about nerfing certain weapons or armour, my main request is to up the number of spawns, even just to 25. I guess raising it too much would unbalance the metagame.


That's why I've been keeping 'Heal Teammates' until the later weeks to ensure I don't mess up any 100% risk missions.

My problem now is that my partner and I have gotten so good that when one of us does especially well it affects the amount of parts the other is able to earn. So I don't really agree with some of the posts here about nerfing certain weapons or armour, my main request is to up the number of spawns, even just to 25. I guess raising it too much would unbalance the metagame.

I feel like it'd be better to use the time remaining and victory quality to figure out a score bonus that works. If we wipe the field of our enemy in 2 minutes and have no deaths on our side we should get a big score bonus. we should be incentivizing overall success, beyond simply individual tasks and individual performance of tasks when success eludes us.
As someone who plays solo most of the time without a mic, the mercs update made the game like 300% more fun. Going alone or even with one party member against a party of 3 or 4 is instant death in this game.


I feel like it'd be better to use the time remaining and victory quality to figure out a score bonus that works. If we wipe the field of our enemy in 2 minutes and have no deaths on our side we should get a big score bonus. we should be incentivizing overall success, beyond simply individual tasks and individual performance of tasks when success eludes us.
I hadn't thought of that, rewarding efficient team play in that way does sound like a great idea. It would be nice for there to be more score bonuses like that. I'm familiar with bonuses like 'Skill bonus' adding 10% to your parts earnings for downs and kills, and I'm pretty sure I've noticed a 'Rampage' bonus for when you kill multiple opponents in succession, so the precedent has already been set. I like your idea because I'm guessing the bonus would be applied when the game has finished? That way you get around rewarding an already dominant player during the game and messing with a game that is (surprisingly) well balanced.

Hoarding parts doesn't increase supplies, right?
Right, I thought this when I first started playing and thus wasn't upgrading my weapon or buying armour as much as I could have been. However, you should always ensure to pick up the supplies any enemies you kill may drop, as I'm sure you're aware, they are added to your total at the end of the match.


This game's MP, more so than any other MP game I have played, seems to have a huge number of completely clueless players. I'm not saying I'm amazing or anything myself, but some of the things people do just blow my mind. My absolute favorite is watching a team mate sprint straight at the enemy by themselves and getting massacred again and again. I've actually had a team mate with 15 deaths in one match. How is that even possible?

Let's just assume those people play other online shooters that don't require forethought or teamwork. And let's also assume that those people will give this game an hour and then go online and bitch about how bad it is.
I really hope that we see something like the Lab in the future. I would really like to see a hardcore playlist that gets rid of weapon upgrades, one-use boosters, perks, listen mode and armor, then gives everyone first-aid 2 and sharpshooter 2. If you take a silenced weapon (pistol, long gun, bow) then you get first-aid 3 but no sharpshooter.

Everything else in the game just seems to unbalance the engagements. Other than the fact that many of the maps are very uninspired and randoms are generally morons, the base game is absolutely amazing. Unfortunately if you do not have sharpshooter equipped and engage someone who does - you will lose, or if they have an upgraded weapon, or a one-use booster that gives them level 2 out of the gate. It is a shame that ND though it would be a good idea to give people who are doing well so many options to improve their game while people who are lagging behind will fall behind (sure they get more supplies, but what is that when someone has armor and fully upgraded weapons, and is getting a molotov anyway?).

In the end, I am just bored of only playing deathmatch and every match boiling down to just more and more armor and faster kills. We need new modes and the Lab allows for a lot of trial and error.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
What's the "July 4th Celebration Event" ND are referring to in their tweet?

Increased parts to supply conversion.

The Last of Us Supply Drop and Uncharted 3 Rare Treasure Drop July 4th Events

It’s almost time for fireworks in the USA and we wanted to celebrate with a couple blasts of our own. We’re kicking off the inaugural The Last of Us Supply Drop event AND we’re holding another Uncharted 3 Rare Treasure Drop event!

The Last of Us Supply Drop event will see an increase to the parts to supplies conversion. This will help you grow your clan to be healthy and large. Also, since some very cool unlocks are tied to clan size, you’ll be able to unlock that multiplayer content more quickly. However, we didn’t alter the number of supplies an enemy will drop when they are killed. You’ll have to play well and strategically to maximize the supplies you’ll earn during this event.

The Uncharted 3 Rare Treasure Drop event applies to both co-op and competitive game types. We are feeling generous so if there are any treasures you’ve been hunting for this is the time to get online and earn them.

Both events will run starting now until Monday July 8, 2013 at 12:00 GMT.

We recently pushed Patch 1.02 for The Last of Us and are hard at work on other tweaks and patches as well as the Season Pass DLC. On the Uncharted 3 front, we’ll be revising the Lab calendar and rolling out some more lab maps in custom games in the coming months. Today we’ve changed up the Lab playlist to have different Lab Maps. We’re also looking through our archives to see what else we might be able to get out there for you. For the record, Lab Dodgeball is here to stay.

Be active on the forums and let us know what you think. Enjoy the weekend and we’ll see you online!


So this is the first console MP game I've played with any significance since MAG or Gears 2. Online passes are an odd thing to deal with, and I discovered they're region specific.

Anyway, it is a very enjoyable MP. I'm in Australia and frequently find myself with a 0/4 bar connection to a seemingly US based host and it still plays more than fine.

Molotovs are
OP lol
just about the only thing worth crafting (as a lower level player, that is) and I adore the shorty and shotty. I'm only in the very early stages though and don't have access to silenced anything except the 9mm so I'm just min/maxing my ability to drop fools as quickly as possible.

Melee is hilariously odd in MP. Getting the first punch in doesn't mean shit, which is frustrating, but it's like that in SP as well so I guess it works out. However a shiv or a modded 4x2 is different story altogether.

Marking is an amazingly easy and beneficial thing to do - I'm constantly amazed at how often I find that people don't do it. I also think the perks have been well implemented, in that I don't feel that I am a lesser player for being a lower 'level' than those with more time invested.

Listen mode is awesome when used well and totally ineffectual the rest of the time, just as it should be. Without a mic it has zero use beyond my own thumbs. It's the same for everyone in the game so I don't buy or care for the complaints.

I think that the time available in a 'downed' state should be much shorter, probably by 33%. Alternatively, upon being resuscitated from a 'downed' state, there should be a harsher penalty for the revived player - harsher than just a lower initial pool of HP - but I think a change like this would require significant balances elsewhere.


I'm loving this multiplayer. Still tinkering with my go to class (even at level 20).

But I want to echo what someone said earlier: there are so many clueless players in this game. I'm not great, but some things people do just defy common sense. I only do survivors, so I can't speak for supply raid, and maybe the strategies are somehow different, but:

- if you're the last man standing and they have two left, and you down one of them, FINISH HIM OFF DON'T RUN AWAY ESPECIALLY IF YOU SEE THE SECOND PERSON CREEPING UP TO REVIVE HIM. Same goes really no matter how many they have, but it is obviously much harder when they have 4 left and you're screwed.

- I know being the last person standing is cool and gives you extra points, but hiding far away from your teammates and going Rambo or camping a supply box just to try and be the last person standing and get all the bombs and such is what causes teams to lose. Use the buddy system. If you can't reach a teammate in one un-marathoned sprint, you are doing it wrong.

- if someone is down and you can safely revive them, revive them.

- if you are sticking with a teammate and that teammate goes into an area and engages in a fight with an enemy, don't run away. I swear, half the people play this game on mute. I can't count the number of times I have taken point and gone into an area with 2 teammates right behind me only to get downed or shot or down one of the enemies in a group while my teammates just stand there looking the other direction, or wander off back the way we came. Pay attention.

These are just off the top off my head.

Common sense, paying attention, and using the buddy system go a long way.



But I want to echo what someone said earlier: there are so many clueless players in this game. I'm not great, but some things people do just defy common sense. I only do supply raid, so I can't speak for the 20 lives mode or whatever that's called, and maybe the strategies are somehow different, but:.

Supply Raid is the 20 lives mode. What you play is Survivors.
I'm loving this multiplayer. Still tinkering with my go to class (even at level 20).

But I want to echo what someone said earlier: there are so many clueless players in this game. I'm not great, but some things people do just defy common sense. I only do survivors, so I can't speak for supply raid, and maybe the strategies are somehow different, but:

- if you're the last man standing and they have two left, and you down one of them, FINISH HIM OFF DON'T RUN AWAY ESPECIALLY IF YOU SEE THE SECOND PERSON CREEPING UP TO REVIVE HIM. Same goes really no matter how many they have, but it is obviously much harder when they have 4 left and you're screwed.

If they have two left I always have the downed enemy as bate. 90% of the time it works 100% of the time.

Totally agree with the special execute shit too. That bugs the hell out of me.
It bugs me more that it's the same button. It only happened once but it was 3 down and 1 was a teammate and I'd get pushed out of the way by the guys on the ground OR I'd the special execute by mistake.
Imagine choosing Marks as your mission to prevent a 100% wipeout, and running into 3 teams in a row all running with Covert Ops 3.

Do they still count as Marks for the mission?


If they have two left I always have the downed enemy as bate. 90% of the time it works 100% of the time.

Totally agree with the special execute shit too. That bugs the hell out of me.

That's fine, but what I see happening a lot is the person downing the enemy, and then literally running away, rather than attempting to take down the 2nd one. It's like they down one and think "alright that's one, one to go" without realizing they failed to finish the job.
That's fine, but what I see happening a lot is the person downing the enemy, and then literally running away, rather than attempting to take down the 2nd one. It's like they down one and think "alright that's one, one to go" without realizing they failed to finish the job.

Yes. I've seen that too. Situational awareness is key to winning in this game. That plus bullets.


Neo Member
I ended week 12 with 84 survivors... couldn't believe it. I got screwed over because I went AFK for 1-2 minutes in week 11 and it kicks you and all of your people get sick and starve.


If you pick up supplies (blue cans) after the round ends, does it still count towards your total collection?

Is anything not fair game in the time after the round ends when the score screen is still up?
I love the multiplayer, but they need to improve the button recognition for reviving people or something. I've had a few teammates die because I had to keep walking around them trying to get the triangle prompt to pop up. Then I had another teammate die because I downed an enemy right next to him, and then executed the enemy instead of reviving him.

I'm surprised at the amount of teamwork going on in the multiplayer, especially since people don't usually have mics.(I have one, but I don't use it). I've had like one game in which my team got obliterated, but other than that it usually feels like my entire team is in sync.

Also, I love marking people. That's the only challenge I ever get, because I mark like crazy.
Does anyone else think the shorty is underpowered? I've hit people with 3-4 shots and they simply walk up to me and pound my face in with punches.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Does anyone else think the shorty is underpowered? I've hit people with 3-4 shots and they simply walk up to me and pound my face in with punches.

The shorty is my primary sidearm, along with my hunting rifle. I once took out three other players converging on me using 6 shorty shells and a single piece of cover.

The important thing is to get close or let your enemies get close. Get close, and aim for the upper body/head.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I know Cole brought it up a few days back that he had interest in doing some private matches but nothing came out of it... Anyone interested in doing it sometime this weekend? Saturday 1PM PDT, meetup in the chat room and go from there?



I know Cole brought it up a few days back that he had interest in doing some private matches but nothing came out of it... Anyone interested in doing it sometime this weekend? Saturday 1PM PDT, meetup in the chat room and go from there?


sounds good, will probably show up.


Does anyone else think the shorty is underpowered? I've hit people with 3-4 shots and they simply walk up to me and pound my face in with punches.


So now I'm rollin' down Rodeo wit a shotgun.

However, it's real power and potential is unlocked at level 2. It's a brutally different gun after you get that upgrade.


I know Cole brought it up a few days back that he had interest in doing some private matches but nothing came out of it... Anyone interested in doing it sometime this weekend? Saturday 1PM PDT, meetup in the chat room and go from there?


Great times for me! Just after I finish work.
Had some amazing matches today. So many funny moments, like when my whole team had the same idea to rush this one guy and start punching him. It was hilarious!


Persecution Complex
I know Cole brought it up a few days back that he had interest in doing some private matches but nothing came out of it... Anyone interested in doing it sometime this weekend? Saturday 1PM PDT, meetup in the chat room and go from there?


I'm down, but I just got the game. I love the MP but I still need another day or two before I become profecient in the MP aspect of the game to start dominating dudes.

ND did a hell of a job, and this is probably the best 3rd person online shooter since Gears of War. Look forward to playing with GAFFERS:

GAF Username: Kastrioti
PSN ID: Kastrioti516
Timezone: PST

No Mic for now (Will get one the next few days because its a necessity)


Imagine choosing Marks as your mission to prevent a 100% wipeout, and running into 3 teams in a row all running with Covert Ops 3.

Do they still count as Marks for the mission?

lol no. It just happened to me :( thankfully I got level 1 mark the first match because my 2nd and 3rd match had teams of covert ops 3 :( I would have gotten 100% wipe too!


Started playing this recently and I'm absolutely loving the slow pace and tactical aspect of matches. Hooked!

I have two questions regarding things I've been noticing from other players:

1. How do you gift stuff to teammates during the match?
2. How do you patch up teammates with low HP?


Unconfirmed Member
Started playing this recently and I'm absolutely loving the slow pace and tactical aspect of matches. Hooked!

I have two questions regarding things I've been noticing from other players:

1. How do you gift stuff to teammates during the match?
2. How do you patch up teammates with low HP?

1.You need to have Crafter mark 3 to do this, once you craft 2 items, you'll get a gift box that can be selected using the D-PAD.
2. You need the healer perk enabled, walk ( or rather crouch ) to your team mate, and hold X to patch - This is really helpful for use on high risk missions, as it's easy.
Round 1 of Survivors on University, 3-2 remaining in favor of the enemy. Buddy at one of the windows in the classroom gets shot and crawls around a convenient partition for me to revive him. Was about to too until I noticed three blips on the radar coming my way. Dropped a bomb immediately, hoping to buy myself some time to scavenge by downing one guy, and high-tailed it without looking back because cowards cool guys don't look at explosions.

And then the words "ROUND WON" popped up and I ran back. For the supplies, of course, not to revive my buddy.

Anyways, struck me as a rather nasty trick to pull on the enemy since they're guaranteed to finish someone off and go for their supplies. Figured I'd share it.
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