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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread

The melee system in multiplayer is stupidly broken. Played a game where in 3 instances where my 2x4 should've killed the other player, but NOPE their 2x4 gets priority over mine. Big sigh.
You were playing people closer to the host than yourself or hit the button too slow. It's random luck in the grand scheme.
Finally played Downtown after reaching week 9 day 1 and had the best game of survivors I have ever had. I didn't think it was as bad as people have made it out to be. Playing ir for the first time it though, it definitely had a different flow to it compared to the other maps, so I get where the dislike comes from.
I only just found out yesterday that I've been playing a censored version of the MP. Apparently, the gore has been cut down in the UK/European version of the game... So no dismemberment, no awesome executions... and no toggle to switch it on. :(

Might just get the US version.
God I'm bad at this game.

Still managed to get to the end of the 12 weeks on my first meta game. That last hunter attack was a bitch. Would have helped if I had a fucking clue not to use all of the easy challenges first. Close call.

What would be a good melee loadout ? Is brawler 2 really worth it and would it affect the machete ?



Am I the only one here having serious problems with matchmaking? I mean I made this video yesterday evening (I know it's bad quality, I was just upset and wanted to share this moment), I live in Hungary I have a 120 mBit/s connection, not using wifi and still, for most of the time the game rates my connection as very poor. I'm guessing the cause for this is that the game puts me together with players in, for example the US or Canada, ar Japan (WTF there).

This results in unplayable laggy shit and this happens not just in the last of us but in halo 4 too.

What makes matchmaking so popular if it's so terrible? Or I'm the only one struggling to get a proper play? I hope developers get it together for next gen because this shit is just unbearable. Or at least can Halo:Reach's matchmaking become a standard, where I could set my preferences to find games within the EU. Please.

Please ND, do something! The game's great, it's just that shitty matchmaking fucks it up. (for me at least)


Kittowny, Kilgoreisdead, and one other guy who's name escapes me: Good times last night! Our team was rolling pretty hard for the most part. Really great to have a solid team that understands the basics as well as the deeper game. Looking forward to hooking up again!

I really hope ND support the multiplayer for months to come. Do we know anything so far about what future DLC will entail? I'm hoping for at least 2 new maps, but man oh man would I love to see clan support and tournaments. This game is so awesome I really want to see ND give it a good push for a while. I think its pretty unique and special compared to everything else out there right now.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Kittowny, Kilgoreisdead, and one other guy who's name escapes me: Good times last night! Our team was rolling pretty hard for the most part. Really great to have a solid team that understands the basics as well as the deeper game. Looking forward to hooking up again!

I really hope ND support the multiplayer for months to come. Do we know anything so far about what future DLC will entail? I'm hoping for at least 2 new maps, but man oh man would I love to see clan support and tournaments. This game is so awesome I really want to see ND give it a good push for a while. I think its pretty unique and special compared to everything else out there right now.
For the first time ever we’ll be offering single player DLC. The journey and cast of characters in The Last of Us lends itself to thorough narrative exploration and we’ve got more of the story to tell. The two other DLC packs will feature multiplayer content in the form of additional multiplayer maps and other expansions. You’ll be hearing about our multiplayer over the next couple of days. It’s an experience that continues the themes, tone and tension from the single player campaign and we can’t wait to tell you more about it.


What would be a good melee loadout ? Is brawler 2 really worth it and would it affect the machete ?

Yes to both. Brawler 2 is pretty awesome by itself and with the machete you always have a melee weapon handy. The machete actually goes from 2 to 5 (!) hits when upgraded and the best part is the machete doesn't put you in an elaborate kill animation when used, which the upgraded 2x4 does. I started using it together with Marathon Runner 2 just recently and I've been doing pretty good with it (and normally I suck). While everyone is busy sneaking, just run up from the side (or the front if you're ballsy) and smack them in the face. Just make sure to catch them alone or just out of reach from their friends. Down one, run away, heal if necessary and run back to get the guy reviving the first one lol. Went 15-11-4 this way in my last game, felt pretty good. Works best in the small maps offcourse with lots of cover. It's a risky class, because you are going to run directly at everyone, but it's pretty fun to just beat everyone up.
I'm utterly convinced that the game makes no attempt to match you up with players in your region.

Give us an option to toggle local searches PLEASE. I will gladly wait longer for a match to start if I can avoid players that teleport to shiv you or smack you in the face with a 2x4!
I'm utterly convinced that the game makes no attempt to match you up with players in your region.

Give us an option to toggle local searches PLEASE. I will gladly wait longer for a match to start if I can avoid players that teleport to shiv you or smack you in the face with a 2x4!
It's not exactly a grand multiplayer and is designed for a very, very specific kind of player. If the game restricted matchmaking you'd rarely find any games and when you did, it'd be against the same players consistently due to the lack of people playing.

The average gamer either won't touch the mp, or will drop it indefinitely within three matches. The game is not by any means noob friendly, and the majority if it's learned through the tips provided on the loading screen.

I'll be quite surprised if the online component is still around come November.


Finally played Downtown after reaching week 9 day 1 and had the best game of survivors I have ever had. I didn't think it was as bad as people have made it out to be. Playing ir for the first time it though, it definitely had a different flow to it compared to the other maps, so I get where the dislike comes from.

The dislike comes from the fact that there's only 1 way to flank and it's a long way around. There's not much tactics involved other than being a good shot. Compared to other maps, it's very restricted in what you can do and there's no "verticality" to it and not many places to duck and hide.


I'm finally getting into the SP for this game but sort of wish I hadn't as it means splitting time between single and multi-player modes.... I usually find with most games that I like one or t'other experience but with TLOU I'm finding it hard to decide which to play!

It's not exactly a grand multiplayer and is designed for a very, very specific kind of player. [REMOVED FOR BREVITY]

The average gamer either won't touch the mp, or will drop it indefinitely within three matches. The game is not by any means noob friendly, and the majority if it's learned through the tips provided on the loading screen.

I think it's definitely fair to say the MP in TLOU isn't the usual run of the mill team shoot bang and I think it is also definitely fair to say that there is a steep learning curve however I *hope* (and largely /believe/) that this isn't putting too many people off investing some time into the MP mode.

I was looking at the leader board yesterday, scrolling down as far as could - I got to #924,000 before I got bored - and the game type (Survivor/Supply Train) boards list time played as a stat. I was surprised to see that even down at 900k + although a lot of the entries are for minutes of play time there are a significant proportion that are measured in hours (the mode average for the ones I looked at seem to be 5-7 hours of playtime).

I'm crossing my fingers that this means that there *is* a demand for this more strategic, team based, slower paced style of MP.

I'll be quite surprised if the online component is still around come November.

With the releases in and around that time scale I would expect to see a significant population drop but I hope some people will still be playing.

I know I will be playing a shed load of online GT6 when it comes out (I'm a right public lobby slag) but I also know I will save a little time for some TLOU MP as it's really wriggled it's way into my cold black heart.

I hope others do too... if only to let ND (and other devs) know that FPS/TPS MP doesn't have to follow the same old formula time and time again.

The dislike comes from the fact that there's only 1 way to flank and it's a long way around. There's not much tactics involved other than being a good shot. Compared to other maps, it's very restricted in what you can do and there's no "verticality" to it and not many places to duck and hide.

I had my first game on this map yesterday and conversely loved it for the different play style required.

I was playing in a pub game so didn't get the chance to employ much in the way of real tactics but I have a feeling It's the kind of map where a good team can use all sorts of bait and ambush type plays.


Has anyone been freezing lately in multiplayer? Hasn't been happening excessively but I hadn't had any crashes happen till just recently. The two times it's happened, I was party leader and host for the game since everyone in the match was kicked back to the lobby. Seemed to happen around the beginning of both of the matches.
Has anyone been freezing lately in multiplayer? Hasn't been happening excessively but I hadn't had any crashes happen till just recently. The two times it's happened, I was party leader and host for the game since everyone in the match was kicked back to the lobby. Seemed to happen around the beginning of both of the matches.

I logged in twice yesterday and both times I froze, the only two times it has happened to me since launch.


I suck at the multiplayer on this game. I also wish there was a few different multiplayer modes on this game too. Feels like the same 4 maps over and over.
Why do I play so much worse when I'm just playing with randoms, and not anyone from GAF?

It's getting to the point where I normally won't even play if I can't team up with another GAF'r.
Man, there are few feelings better than having a team of people all under 10 ranking going up against 30+ with stars, and winning because they listen to you when you suggest everyone stick together as a team and support each other.

The cherry on top: the moment the game ends and you hear the people on the other team bitching at each other.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, there are few feelings better than having a team of people all under 10 ranking going up against 30+ with stars, and winning because they listen to you when you suggest everyone stick together as a team and support each other.

The cherry on top: the moment the game ends and you hear the people on the other team bitching at each other.

I know that feel bro.. Thats the moment where I throw away my controller and go like this

On the other end of the fun spectrum, I had a game where a guy spawned along with the rest of us, but never played. Literally away from the controller the entire game. It was in Checkpoint, so the other team never went into the building he was in. So it was 4 vs 3 the entire game. Shit sucked.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
This This This This. Why can't they fix this shit? I am a 6 and last night I had a 1, 1, and a 7 against a 337?!, 100 and a 77. We got absolutely waxed.

The numbers only mean how many weeks you've completed. If for example you lost 100% clan in Week 3 day 4 your number would only show #2. A person who is #40 could have had more games than a #60 if he kept losing his clan by day 6.
Good games Killthee, Kitton and Uno! (I'm ScareGoat)

I really enjoyed playing with you dudes. Us unleashing a hail of nail bombs on that guy who was hiding behind that trailer was the highlight moment for me. I laughed so hard at that.
Was in week8 day3, i failed the execution side objective, lost all my survivors, and it all got reset to week1. Firefly and Hunter Journey are the two only trophies that's holding me back from platinuming it.


Was in week8 day3, i failed the execution side objective, lost all my survivors, and it all got reset to week1. Firefly and Hunter Journey are the two only trophies that's holding me back from platinuming it.

Save the easy challenges for 100% risks. Executions aren't necessarily hard to get but they are far from guaranteed, especially if you're on the second level of the challenge.

Do challenges like healing, gift giving, or marking for the 100% challenges.
Save the easy challenges for 100% risks. Executions aren't necessarily hard to get but they are far from guaranteed, especially if you're on the second level of the challenge.

Do challenges like healing, gift giving, or marking for the 100% challenges.

Will keep in mind when I give the multiplayer another shot in the future!

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished the campaign today and am considering jumping into MP tomorrow. What should I know before I start? I enjoyed the multiplayer in UC2/UC3, but from the videos I've seen the MP in TLoU is pretty different.
I just finished the campaign today and am considering jumping into MP tomorrow. What should I know before I start? I enjoyed the multiplayer in UC2/UC3, but from the videos I've seen the MP in TLoU is pretty different.

- Stay with your teammates. When playing with random people this can be easier said tha done, but if everyone on your team is just going off on their own follow one around. Going off by yourself in this game is a death sentence - if you come across 2 or 3 enemies who are together they'll rip you to shreds.

- You show up on the map when you sprint, so don't sprint everywhere unless...

- ...you need to run away, which you should do if you're hurt bad, outnumbered and outgunned. There is no shame in running away in this game.

- Marking enemies is important (R3)

- As fun as 'special' executing someone is, don't do it unless you're sure no other enemies are around. I kill so many people who get locked in the special execution animation because they got greedy and wanted the extra points.

- Try starting out with some support abilities like First Aid and possibly Reviver while you get the hang of multi. It'll help your teammates out a lot, and give you extra parts to spend.

- Recognize what enemies are carrying on their backs or aiming at you so you don't get downed in one shot. The long shiny thing on that enemies back? A plank with scissors that downs you in one hit. Keep your distance.


Finally finished my first 12 weeks as Firefly. It was pretty do-able. Didn't even touch the healing objective. Crafting and marking are definitely the way to go for the 100% objectives for the rest I just stuck to downs and executions (with certain weapons/melee).

Started my new campaign as hunter to knock out the final trophy and I discovered the awesomeness of the support class. First Aid 2, Revive 2 and Crafter 3, and it's goddamn part-city. Learned to upgrade my guns first before anything else and I have been doing a lot better slowly. Made the switch from Supply Raid to Survivor too and became way less reckless now, stopped being greedy/overeager. Also learned to not alter my playstyle too much when on a challenge.

I switch it up between 4 classes depending on the maps. My support as described before, a Machete Marathon Brawler, a Sharpshooter/Marksman Hunter and Stealth Crafting Bowsman.

I've been solo'ing it up 'till now mostly so if anyone wants to get a (regular) GAF party going sometime you can add JinjoNL. I'm online a lot more now than before. (GMT+1)

Also, Hunter > Firefly. #TeamHunter


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I just finished the campaign today and am considering jumping into MP tomorrow. What should I know before I start? I enjoyed the multiplayer in UC2/UC3, but from the videos I've seen the MP in TLoU is pretty different.

Try not to be too concerned with the meta game unless you're specifically going for the trophies, and even then, don't concentrate on it too much.

Basically, the only time you have to even think about it are during the handful of 100% population risk hunter/firefly attacks. I can't recall how many times this happens exactly, but I think it's only like 4-5 times in the 12 weeks. Save your easiest missions (heals, marks, gifts) for these, and you can pretty much ignore everything else.

If you're trying to complete one of those important missions, tell your team and (gaffers) will help you get it out of the way, but no one really wants to hear about that stuff otherwise. Meta game is kind of annoying to hear people talk about. We've all done it. I've personally annoyed my gaf buddies with it (sorry guys!) and I think at this point, people would rather talk about anything else... like the match at hand!!! lol

As for actually playing... I recommend support role. Stealth is worthless imo. Too expensive. Having a shiv every round is nice, but with crafter you can make one pretty fast anyway. Use those two loadout points for something better.

Stick together. But get the boxes asap. Some matches you can hit three boxes before seeing enemy if you do it right. This might mean rushing a far box first and then falling back (slightly risky, but high reward) and getting the ones closer to your spawn. Don't actually craft until you get to the 2nd or 3rd box. People who craft at the first box are fucking noobs. Truthfact.

I personally upgrade my weapons or buy purchasable weapons before getting armor, but armor is pretty damn powerful. So parts are important. That's why I recommend support role, you get more parts, and buy more stuff that makes you more lethal/harder to kill.

Play with Killthee... he will decimate the entire other team for you. I've found this to be pretty helpful.


I just finished the campaign today and am considering jumping into MP tomorrow. What should I know before I start? I enjoyed the multiplayer in UC2/UC3, but from the videos I've seen the MP in TLoU is pretty different.

Always craft a spike bat. Well, it's actually a plank of wood with scissors on the end but I call it the spike bat. It ignores armor and is a one hit down, although it puts you in a brief animation. Also, in Supply Raid mode, if you make it, it let's you keep the board between deaths, otherwise the board disappears.


Good games Killthee, Kitton and Uno! (I'm ScareGoat)

I really enjoyed playing with you dudes. Us unleashing a hail of nail bombs on that guy who was hiding behind that trailer was the highlight moment for me. I laughed so hard at that.

Uno here. That moment looked like it was raining bombs, it was an amazing sight from my spot in the back. You guys actually threw like 5 bombs. I'd never seen anything like it!

I just finished the campaign today and am considering jumping into MP tomorrow. What should I know before I start? I enjoyed the multiplayer in UC2/UC3, but from the videos I've seen the MP in TLoU is pretty different.

Join the GAF group and we can show you the ropes. There's a chat room where we organize parties. Join up and add everyone in it each time. My psn handle is unoillnino so you can start with me.
I think I'm done with the MP. I'm out classed too often and get stuck with horrible teams too often. I feel like anything I do in the MP just isn't good enough... It's fun but I just suck too much to keep playing.
I think I'm done with the MP. I'm out classed too often and get stuck with horrible teams too often. I feel like anything I do in the MP just isn't good enough... It's fun but I just suck too much to keep playing.

Group up with some gaffers. I'm sure there are people here on around the same time as you. I have 3 friends locally I play with so it works out for us great.

That said, we need new maps. I can't remember the last time I have so eagerly awaited new maps. New modes wouldn't hurt either, so long as they support no respawn as well.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the tips guys, looks like playing with Gaffers is the way to go. What's the GAF group name on PSN? I'll try to jump on tonight for a few matches if anyone is around.

My handle is in my profile.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Thanks for the tips guys, looks like playing with Gaffers is the way to go. What's the GAF group name on PSN? I'll try to jump on tonight for a few matches if anyone is around.

My handle is in my profile.

I might be on later tonight... but I'll send you an invite to the chat straightaway. :)


Thanks for the tips guys, looks like playing with Gaffers is the way to go. What's the GAF group name on PSN? I'll try to jump on tonight for a few matches if anyone is around.

My handle is in my profile.

I'll also be on tonight! Hope to see you in the chatroom!
I think I'm done with the MP. I'm out classed too often and get stuck with horrible teams too often. I feel like anything I do in the MP just isn't good enough... It's fun but I just suck too much to keep playing.

How many loadout points do you have available? Also, do you care about the metagame of survivors and cosmetic unlocks or are you just interested in playing MP?

For me, I've found a good balance between being a team player and satisfying my need to feed the many mouths of my clan. I've got a "Santa Claus" build going that only has the Shorty but is kitted out with Collector 2, Crafter 3, Marathon 1, and Explosive Expert 1.

Keep to a routine of swooping in on toolbox locations, crafting, and gifting things to your teammates. You'll help out a ton, always have options for flushing out enemies with explosives, and get a ton of parts/supplies to boot. By the end of game I'm usually earning the most parts by a couple thousand.

University, Checkpoint, and to a lesser extent BIll's Town and Dam maps are your friends for this build. High School is so-so and Downtown is a deathtrap.

TL;DR Find a role that you're comfortable in that allows you to feel satisfied even if you get taken out a lot.
TL;DR Find a role that you're comfortable in that allows you to feel satisfied even if you get taken out a lot.

Completely agree. I play a support role for the most part because I'm not super great at killin' dudes and only carry a revolver (First Aid 3, Explosive Expert 1, Reviver and Collector 2 for good measure :p)

I LOVE throwing bombs and healing teammates -- that is what's fun to me. I really like how you don't need to be a killing machine to still do well in this game. Though if I did have the choice, I'd be a killing machine. :D


A nice loadout for support class:

Revolver (stopping power, better in a jam than the 9mm)
First Aid 2 (heal your teammates)
Crafter 2 (gifts for your teammates, faster crafting)
Collector 2 (20% more parts for you)

This loadout will keep you swimming in parts for armor and weapon upgrades, but also feeding your clan. Best of all, you're a real credit to your team with heals and gifts.

Like others have said, make hitting all the supply boxes your priority. Work in a loop so that you're visiting all of the ones that you can get to without a ton of resistance. Crouch walk a lot. More than likely you'll have at least one teammate who does this too, so figure out who it is and partner up. The game gets a lot more fun this way, and you stand a real chance at surviving the meta-game and unlocking that damn 85 population mask. :)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
A nice loadout for support class:

Revolver (stopping power, better in a jam than the 9mm)
First Aid 2 (heal your teammates)
Crafter 2 (gifts for your teammates, faster crafting)
Collector 2 (20% more parts for you)

This loadout will keep you swimming in parts for armor and weapon upgrades, but also feeding your clan. Best of all, you're a real credit to your team with heals and gifts.

Like others have said, make hitting all the supply boxes your priority. Work in a loop so that you're visiting all of the ones that you can get to without a ton of resistance. Crouch walk a lot. More than likely you'll have at least one teammate who does this too, so figure out who it is and partner up. The game gets a lot more fun this way, and you stand a real chance at surviving the meta-game and unlocking that damn 85 population mask. :)

Collector is a waste. You could make up any difference with Crafter 3 and First Aid 3. And you'll be more helpful to your teammates (more gifts + heals).

Some combination of crafter/firstaid/reviver fit into however many loadout points you have is the best support build for your team. And probably still better for parts than collector.
Collector is a waste. You could make up any difference with Crafter 3 and First Aid 3. And you'll be more helpful to your teammates (more gifts + heals).

So I've thought of that and so have tried some of my builds-- I've got a Marker build, a Healer, and a Gifter-- without Collector in it to get some variety in there and for whatever reason I still get far more parts with than without. Like, at least 1000 more. You make some good point though and once I get that final unlock (85 population after 12 weeks) I'll definitely go back and mix it up.


Collector is a waste. You could make up any difference with Crafter 3 and First Aid 3. And you'll be more helpful to your teammates (more gifts + heals).

Some combination of crafter/firstaid/reviver fit into however many loadout points you have is the best support build for your team. And probably still better for parts than collector.

Respectfully disagree. While you can gift more with Crafter 3, your First Aid perk is dependent on the idea that your teammates will need you to heal them. Depending on who you are playing with, this may not be the case. This is especially true for Survivors, which is my preferred way to play. Most of the time its an immediate death, leaving you no time to heal your teammate.

Also, don't forget that Collector multiplies ALL your parts earned, not just gifts, crafts, and heals.
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