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The Last of Us Multiplayer Discussion Thread


All the "bonus parts" skills get you extra parts that are converted into supplies at the end of the game. Getting parts IS getting supplies at the end of it. The only way you directly get supplies while playing is by picking them up off of players you've killed or downed and died. Still, you are right that reliably getting parts is easier with First Aid, but occasionally in games you can end up reviving lots of people and the bonuses from that can stack quite a lot.

No, you don't only get supplies by killing people and picking them up. You actually get +1 supplies for every heal you do. You also get +2 supplies for every gift you give away. While reviving only nets you +2 supplies directly for every revive you do you often can perform multiple heals on a hurt person and thus get maybe +2 or +3 supplies for fully healing someone. If that dude keeps getting shot when he pops out of cover it's like supply central. (even healing when they are already bandaging nets you +1 supply even if what you are doing is technically useless) As I said, you can do way more healing than reviving and thus net more supplies in the match itself easily, with less risk too. Carefully watch the supply counter when you gift/heal or do other things and you will see. Normally executing a player actually already nets you +2 supplies without picking up the supplies they drop. When you special execute them, you immediately gain +3 supplies and then you can still pick up the supplies they actually drop. You are right in that getting parts = getting supplies, but it is way more reliable to keep your clan alive by crazy gifting/healing to get that supply counter up in the match itself instead of relying on your end-match part conversion (and the conversion rate is actually quite low). I easily netted up more than 100 supplies in a full survivor match, without counting the part gains.
I'm not finding the map diary videos that interesting. It's cool to learn there's a room or staircase where I never knew there was, but overall it's typical "our work is brilliant because" chatter so far with "Diane is spray painted on the wall because Diane works here" for 10 minutes each. Wish there were cooler reveals like the clock tower.

And I don't hate Down Town because it's dark, I just think the layout is a mess.


No, you don't only get supplies by killing people and picking them up. You actually get +1 supplies for every heal you do. You also get +2 supplies for every gift you give away. While reviving only nets you +2 supplies directly for every revive you do you often can perform multiple heals on a hurt person and thus get maybe +2 or +3 supplies for fully healing someone. If that dude keeps getting shot when he pops out of cover it's like supply central. (even healing when they are already bandaging nets you +1 supply even if what you are doing is technically useless) As I said, you can do way more healing than reviving and thus net more supplies in the match itself easily, with less risk too. Carefully watch the supply counter when you gift/heal or do other things and you will see. Normally executing a player actually already nets you +2 supplies without picking up the supplies they drop. When you special execute them, you immediately gain +3 supplies and then you can still pick up the supplies they actually drop. You are right in that getting parts = getting supplies, but it is way more reliable to keep your clan alive by crazy gifting/healing to get that supply counter up in the match itself instead of relying on your end-match part conversion (and the conversion rate is actually quite low). I easily netted up more than 100 supplies in a full survivor match, without counting the part gains.

Those supplies are added up on the fly from the parts you get. As soon as you get X amount of parts, it adds the supplies in front of your eyes. What you are seeing is you picking up parts and it immediately converting it to parts.

This is from The Last of Us Wikia

"Supplies are the main currency needed to sustain your clan in multiplayer and changes based on the number of survivors within your clan. Supplies can be gained in-game by collecting parts (50 parts = 1 supply), or by collecting blue bottled containers from the bodies of executed opponents. As you collect parts in-game, your supply counter updates and converts the parts into the appropriate supply amounts."


Where my invite at yo? :p

My clan is sitting nice at 121 atm. Could do with some good teammates now. Unlocked everything except for skull and the flight helmet. I'll probably get the second one, don't know about the first. In a good match I can get 100 supplies no problem, but I really don't feel like quitting every single time things go bad, just because of some minigame. But now I'm there I hope I can keep those numbers up haha. Still have 6 weeks to go in my second journey.

Fuuuuuuu. I'm an airhead. i'll do it when I get home!
Need some more gaffers to play with, my FL is getting thin on people playing TLOU MP.

btw, i'm amazed that more people don't pay attention to parts and how important they are to not only purchasing armor but upgrading your weapons. Been running crafter 3, collector 2 to start matches and if need be switch over to a similar class but with the shotty as a purchasable. Not uncommon to be able to buy armor, the shotty and a bunch of ammo. still loving this but randoms mostly suck.


Does TLoU MP GAF play often during the weekend? I'm from Peru and play every now and then with local friends, I've played with people from abroad too and lag doesn't seem to be too bad so I guess I'd be fine :D Hit me up! My ID is HardJoker, I got a mic and my spoken English ain't bad :p
So I've been playing as Crafter 3 a lot lately; is there any way to get rid of a Health Kit Gift if everyone on your team has full health? Literally the only thing I can think of is shooting a bomb when your teammate is near it so he heals (assuming there aren't any healers in your group) and then giving it to him, which would be kiiiiiiind of dickish.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
So I've been playing as Crafter 3 a lot lately; is there any way to get rid of a Health Kit Gift if everyone on your team has full health? Literally the only thing I can think of is shooting a bomb when your teammate is near it so he heals (assuming there aren't any healers in your group) and then giving it to him, which would be kiiiiiiind of dickish.
Nothing you can do about it other than to ask someone in your team to use one up so you can gift them another one.


Unconfirmed Member
And I don't hate Down Town because it's dark, I just think the layout is a mess.

It makes me laugh whenever I see Downtown appear, and it's almost always a unanimous vote against it. feel kinda bad for that poor map.

I get the impression that the overall favourite is Checkpoint. 'Tis a great map to be sure.

Does anyone else find the molotov slightly OP, or am I just salty?


How exciting! Hopefully once the official patch notes released and we can see what's what then an influx of new players will arrive. Better matchmaking is a godsend.
-Better Matchmaking
-Can interrupt special executions
-New Mode
-Seems they didn't make any tweaks to weapons which I'm glad, as I find them to be very balanced

Great patch! Hope it goes live soon.


Interrupted executions is the best addition

Agreed so hard. I can NOW save my teammates when they're getting executed, yayyyyy.

But in the video all they say is that it prevents the executor from getting points and it appears that the person still dies. From what I can tell, all it does is stop the enemy player from getting the points. It will be really dumb if it doesn't stop the player from dying.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
It will finally stop the vengeful ghost of the guy you just domed with a shotgun as he prepped to kill your buddy from finishing the job. Which always looked ridiculous.

Fantastic patch update... i just finished my 3rd 12 week run and decided to take a break for Dragon's Crown (up to 54) and now it sounds like i'm gonna have to come back for a bit. Excellent.


But in the video all they say is that it prevents the executor from getting points and it appears that the person still dies. From what I can tell, all it does is stop the enemy player from getting the points. It will be really dumb if it doesn't stop the player from dying.




Patch goes live across all regions tomorrow!

Multiplayer Addition
-New game mode — Interrogation
-Interrogation is a 4v4, two-part objective game mode where rival factions vie to find and open the other faction’s lockbox, stealing the supplies inside. Each team must first achieve five interrogations of players on the other team.
-Players can get interrogations by shivving an enemy, or getting an enemy into the down state, then pressing triangle while next to them. Once your team collects five interrogations the location of the enemy’s lockbox will be revealed. Your team must attempt to open the lockbox before the other team can collect five interrogations and open your lockbox first. Whichever team opens the opposing team’s lockbox first wins.

Multiplayer Fixes
-Revive range has increased slightly (about 1 meter). It’s more difficult to crawl out of range when a teammate is reviving you now.
-Players can prevent opponents from finishing Executions/Interrogations so that the opponent does not receive Parts for the special Execution/Interrogation. The downed player will still lose their life, but this makes preventing Executions/Interrogations more helpful to your team, as you prevent the other team from gaining Parts.
-Matchmaking update: players should find opponents around their level of experience more often, and teams should be balanced more evenly.
-Item cache locations adjusted for balance on University, High School, Lakeside, and Downtown.
-Starting cameras adjusted so they show your player with greater frequency.
-Item cache disbursement tweaked so additional items are given out more fairly.
-Winning a Survivors match by a count of 4 rounds to 0 now means your team will get more bonus parts for winning the match by that margin. This applies for games with scores of 4-1, 4-2, etc. as well. Rewards are tiered by how dominant your team is. This system is in place for Interrogation mode as well.

That’s all for patch 1.03 — expect a lot more to come over the next few months in future patches
You can see in the video that interrupting the execution doesn't save the teammate. I think it's fine. Would make less people try executions.

Awe it goes out tomorrow? :(

I'm super excited about the damn matchmaking fix.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
-Winning a Survivors match by a count of 4 rounds to 0 now means your team will get more bonus parts for winning the match by that margin. This applies for games with scores of 4-1, 4-2, etc. as well. Rewards are tiered by how dominant your team is. This system is in place for Interrogation mode as well.
This took way too long to get fixed.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Survivors still seems useless if you care about the metagame.

Unless you're one of those dudes who purposefully makes the match go seven rounds by delaying/sabotaging wins.

This new mode is kinda whatever to me, unless they release a no radar/booster playlist, don't see myself playing this anymore. Even with new maps. Don't really care.

Horde would bring me back though. And I'd stay for a while.


Unless you're one of those dudes who purposefully makes the match go seven rounds by delaying/sabotaging wins.

This new mode is kinda whatever to me, unless they release a no radar/booster playlist, don't see myself playing this anymore. Even with new maps. Don't really care.

Horde would bring me back though. And I'd stay for a while.

I don't care about co-op modes usually, but this is one game I would definitely prefer to play coop rather TDM.


holy shit awesome! dl'ing now~

goddamn fucking CLUELESS teammates outright killing downed enemies instead of special exec/interrogating them!!! WTF??
This is fucking FUN!!! Very tactical, needs LOTS of Communication!

The phases make it really fun, changes up your pacing and you have to allocate your team to defense/offense.

Molotovs are less valuable since you can't interrogate a dead victim, and unlocking happens in phases, which makes things more intense (you unlock 1/3 at a time)
Does anyone have any suggestions to get any better? I'm absolutely horrible at this. I was able to beat TLOU single player on hard, because I am a single player type of person. This is one of the few games I have with multiplayer, and every time I give it a shot I get like no parts and down almost no one


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My first match of interrogation some douche just punched us all to death. He literally just punched four of us to downed state upstairs in a room. Actually warped a few meters to engage me (i'm shooting him with the revolver) and just punches me to death.

Cheaters are awesome. :/
Does anyone have any suggestions to get any better? I'm absolutely horrible at this. I was able to beat TLOU single player on hard, because I am a single player type of person. This is one of the few games I have with multiplayer, and every time I give it a shot I get like no parts and down almost no one

Stay with your team and probably start with focusing on support. Craft, gift, mark, heal, and revive. Not only does that keep you in the thick of things and boost up your team's performance, you'll earn more parts that way than through focusing on downs.

Weapon-wise, the semi or burst are decent choices in that role. You don't want your head up a scope with the hunting rifle when you're built for support.

My first match of interrogation some douche just punched us all to death. He literally just punched four of us to downed state upstairs in a room. Actually warped a few meters to engage me (i'm shooting him with the revolver) and just punches me to death.

Cheaters are awesome. :/

Yep, those guys are the best. Instant down melees while being immune to downs? Only way to kill them is to use a molotov (and they'll still be considered down despite the execution for a bit) or possibly shiv.
Does anyone have any suggestions to get any better? I'm absolutely horrible at this. I was able to beat TLOU single player on hard, because I am a single player type of person. This is one of the few games I have with multiplayer, and every time I give it a shot I get like no parts and down almost no one

Can't speak for Supply Raid, but in Survivors load up Collector and just learn where the supply drops are in the maps-- University, Checkpoint, The Dam, and Bill's Town are simple for hitting 3 without encountering anybody-- and just craft like a mofo. I would say until you are able to unlock support skills that give you parts (Healer Lv.2, Crafter Lv.2), to just focus on AoE items like bombs, stick close to your teammates, and rain fire on enemies that engage your team. As you unlock more skills and Loadout Points, there are a number of pages in the this thread dedicated to different builds. My personal go-to build for parts has Collector 2 and Crafter 3 in it whereby I'm just making tons of stuff and keeping my teammates stocked with gifts.


Interrogation mode is awesome. I was slowly getting kinda bored from survivors and I don't enjoy supply raid as much, but this mode is a very good mix between action and tactics/teamwork.


I know it's only been up an hour or so but christ @ people actually executing the enemies after the down. Grrrrr

And it's not like it was two of us shooting and the enemy getting executed accidentally... the enemy was clearly down and crawling away and dudes on my first few matches with randoms were clearly shooting them well after. I was on mic reminding guys to get the special executions and not kill them but nope.

finally hooked up with a couple of friends and then it became shit loads of fun.

@jinjo: we need to play! i'll be on tonight.


I like how interrogation mode requires you to play differently. All of a sudden, you have to balance and choose how to kill and who not to. Molotovs aren't good for offense, only for defense. Bombs become more important.


And it's not like it was two of us shooting and the enemy getting executed accidentally... the enemy was clearly down and crawling away and dudes on my first few matches with randoms were clearly shooting them well after. I was on mic reminding guys to get the special executions and not kill them but nope.

finally hooked up with a couple of friends and then it became shit loads of fun.

@jinjo: we need to play! i'll be on tonight.

Yeah, I'm down for that. I'll probably be online too tonight. I sort of accidently left the chat lol. I ended up deleting the wrong one haha, so we'll have to do with just an invite. There wasn't much going on in the chat tho.

I like how interrogation mode requires you to play differently. All of a sudden, you have to balance and choose how to kill and who not to. Molotovs aren't good for offense, only for defense. Bombs become more important.

Yeah, I like how the gameplay focus shifts throughout the match. At the beginning everyone is really careful, trying to not get interrogated/interrogate the enemy. As soon as one team finds the lockbox the focus shifts completely. Either you're completely on the offense or defending your lockbox, still at this stage it's important for the offensive team not to get killed. When both teams know the lockbox location it's totally on lol.


A new mode in a patch. I wonder what will come in the DLC. Which reminds me, didn't Neil say we'll hear something at the end of this month?
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