Everyone is saying that the game doesn't really start until you meet Bill. How far long do you meet Bill?
Not sure, maybe 5 hours?
Everyone is saying that the game doesn't really start until you meet Bill. How far long do you meet Bill?
Everyone is saying that the game doesn't really start until you meet Bill. How far long do you meet Bill?
Do you guys remember this gif?
Was that scene actually in the full game?
Do you guys remember this gif?
Was that scene actually in the full game?
Do you guys remember this gif?
Was that scene actually in the full game?
I wouldn't like to miss this stuff out, so can someone help and tell me where do you find the code for the safe in the Hotel (Pitsburg) behind the reception desk?
I wouldn't like to miss this stuff out, so can someone help and tell me where do you find the code for the safe in the Hotel (Pitsburg) behind the reception desk?
You're backtracking hardcore. You never said aiming was more difficult because of the frame rate, you said you couldn't aim for shit because of it. What I'm saying is that you can't aim because you can't aim, not because of the frame rate. It's more likely to do with the lack of auto aim, the recoil/sway, your skill with the controller, how you're getting on with the movement acceleration etc etc. Not frame rate.
I usually play with fraps open or on in the background. I'm pretty anal about it. It's also easier to notice frame rate drops on a PC than normal imo, partly because you're dropping from higher frame rates and partly because of monitors vs TV's etc.
I'm liking this game so much I'm avoiding to play it because then, it will end.
This is how good I think this game is, I think I'm going to start playing it in short burst to increase my gameplay length. Does this even makes sense fellow GAFfers? Probably not, but come on, how long I've been waiting for this game, and the sound is so good too. Amazing.
Not really feeling the intro hype. Very well crafted but predictable as hell. You know what's going to happen as soon as you get control of the character.
Do you guys remember this gif?
Was that scene actually in the full game?
What the fuck is this shit? Aiming at 27FPS is worse and harder than aiming at 60FPS. Do we really need to discuss that? Certainly I can train and adopt to 27, but that's not fun and not worth it.
I don't have a problem aiming with a controller, neither do I have a problem with accleration, recoil or sway. It's just that the fucking framerate sucks hard and it's a fucking shame that such a jewel of a game suffers so hard under these restrictions. It's Shadows of the Colossus all other again. Massive, epic potential, but borderline playable. And that stinks.
Not really feeling the intro hype. Very well crafted but predictable as hell. You know what's going to happen as soon as you get control of the character.
Oh jesus, some of this stealth is going to be unforgivable. I can see myself not wanting to go further.
I mean yeah, of course they don't want to make every section easy, but I'm failing every section before I can get through -- between the flashlights, multiple enemies, etc, its frustrating.
And why is the grab move only available when the enemy is literally right in front of you?
I guess I was under the impression it was going to be an adventure game, but this falls into stealth more than anything so far. Definitely not a big fan of stealth.
Don't fret. If you don't like stealth you can play this as an action game. Though it's a bit farther ahead than where you are. Where are you btw?
First and foremost, I'd recommend bumping it down to easy though. There are certain sections later on that would benefit from stealth, but you can tackle that in a guns blazing route as well.
it's on the floor directly above, you need to move across a narrow ledge.
go upstairs and then go to the right, crossing the small ledge, its over there
Can someone help me, for a while now when playing my ps3 the screen is always too dark, even when i raise the in game brightness. Yesterday i was playing this and the night scenes at the very start i can barely see anything. My ps3 is plugged hdmi. The rub is that so is my 360, on the same tv and on there, the colors and brightness are fine. Is there a setting i dont know about here?
Some scenes are supposed to be dark, flashlight is used with R3. If regular scenes are wonky, did you mess with the resolution? Can you turn your TV brightness up?
I think I need to. I've had my fill of stealth unless it's brain dead simple and these guys cross paths a lot.
I'm at the part right afteryou meet your first couple clickers, you pull a cabinet out of the way, drop down with the 2 ladies, but then go ahead and check it out yourself. There's about 5 or 6 bad guys.. 1 or 2 clickers and 3 or 4 other infected. There's some revolver ammo, a pipe, I have enough stuff for 2 shivs. I have 2 health packs also. There's nothing item-wise stopping me from finishing this fight. But there's seemingly no angle I can do this from. I stealth kill the first guy, but then my options are 1) attack guy 2 and set off the whole place or 2) go off to the dark room on the left (took like 6 tries to even know that was there) and let the enemy walk by.
I think I'm supposed to do 2), but after 10 tries I just got frustrated, because I must have come up behind him at the wrong angle, Triangle Grab didn't appear and I set the whole room after me again. Argh.
I think I need to. I've had my fill of stealth unless it's brain dead simple and these guys cross paths a lot.
This is where I am at the moment. Think I've tried this area a good 20-something times. Starting to feel like too much of a trial-and-error game at this point. Can't believe I have no trouble stealthing my way through any Metal Gear Solid, but that this is giving me such a headache.I think I need to. I've had my fill of stealth unless it's brain dead simple and these guys cross paths a lot.
I'm at the part right afteryou meet your first couple clickers, you pull a cabinet out of the way, drop down with the 2 ladies, but then go ahead and check it out yourself. There's about 5 or 6 bad guys.. 1 or 2 clickers and 3 or 4 other infected. There's some revolver ammo, a pipe, I have enough stuff for 2 shivs. I have 2 health packs also. There's nothing item-wise stopping me from finishing this fight. But there's seemingly no angle I can do this from. I stealth kill the first guy, but then my options are 1) attack guy 2 and set off the whole place or 2) go off to the dark room on the left (took like 6 tries to even know that was there) and let the enemy walk by.
I think I'm supposed to do 2), but after 10 tries I just got frustrated, because I must have come up behind him at the wrong angle, Triangle Grab didn't appear and I set the whole room after me again. Argh.
This is where I am at the moment. Think I've tried this area a good 20-something times. Starting to feel like too much of a trial-and-error game at this point. Can't believe I have no trouble stealthing my way through any Metal Gear Solid, but that this is giving me such a headache.
Where can I upgrade my shivs? (and what do I need? mechanics or pills?) Someone mentioned you can upgrade their durability? Just reached the first workbench to upgrade your weapons, but its not in there. Was the guy just making things up or have I simply not unlocked what I need yet? (The skill for shiv doesnt mention durability, just self-defense against infected)
Shiv upgrades are done in two places - finding a piece of the technical manual. This is a passive upgrade from then on. And you can also upgrade your shiv usage in the pills skill levelling system (bottom one - first one is shiv master I think)
This is where I am at the moment. Think I've tried this area a good 20-something times. Starting to feel like too much of a trial-and-error game at this point. Can't believe I have no trouble stealthing my way through any Metal Gear Solid, but that this is giving me such a headache.
Got them down to just two this one time, but the thing is most of them just turns around when I'm sneaking up on them. Even when there's no one else close. Naturally I'm crouching and moving slow towards them. Is there anything more I can do for them not to notice me as I approach?This is really the only section like that though.
So I get to the first workbench and I have no tools...? I looked and explorerd everywhere I could,besides that section with the guards up top with all the flashlights/spotlights,was getting shot at from goes knows where and barely made it to the ''safe'' spot...they could of at least give you one of those tools...or am I missing something...?
I'm liking this game so much I'm avoiding to play it because then, it will end.
This is how good I think this game is, I think I'm going to start playing it in short burst to increase my gameplay length. Does this even makes sense fellow GAFfers? Probably not, but come on, how long I've been waiting for this game, and the sound is so good too. Amazing.
So I get to the first workbench and I have no tools...? I looked and explorerd everywhere I could,besides that section with the guards up top with all the flashlights/spotlights,was getting shot at from goes knows where and barely made it to the ''safe'' spot...they could of at least give you one of those tools...or am I missing something...?
Ah, so I need to find the manual thing first. Thanks. So I dont need mechanics for it? Just want to know whether I can spend mechanics on my pistols or whether I should keep them for the shivs.
Hey guys, bit of an odd question, but does anyone know how overseas versions of the game will be handled?
I live in Japan and am excited to pick up a physical copy this Thursday (with a nice price and some goodies). Just wondering if anyone happens to know how voice acting/subtitles/text is handled in Naughty Dog's games over here.
If anyone has any info/experience in this regard then it'd be a great boost. Thanks in advance.
You will find them later. It's something you upgrade by collection rather than a currency like the scrap you pick up to upgrade weapons.
Really dumb question but how to you quit back out of multiplayer without quitting back to the dashboard? Couldn't see any option to quit back to the menu/title screen.