I'm not trying to fight. I need an item to open a door and I don't have that item and haven't found an alternate route.
Oh so you need to find the item then. I hope you
didnt activate the generator before finding the item you need.
I'm not trying to fight. I need an item to open a door and I don't have that item and haven't found an alternate route.
I'm not trying to fight. I need an item to open a door and I don't have that item and haven't found an alternate route.
I still can't believe that ND really thought that having enemies' weapon magically disappear into thin air the second they're killed was a good idea. Coupling that with Joel's inability to loot bodies makes for one cheap difficulty setting. What's worse is that 95% of ARMED soldier don't carry any ammo on them yet random infected civilians carry around with them shotgun shells or friggin' fuel canisters. Where the hell is the logic in that? Is this amateur hour?
I get it that they tried to make this game all about survival with minimal resources at your disposal but this is not the way to do it.
2) When I started playing today, I was 44% of the way through, in the lower depths of (location spoilers):Did this happen to anyone else? Maybe my game glitched out on me there and I ended up getting lucky as a result...?the hotel in Pittsburgh. Thus far, the most intense place encountered. I died a ton, mostly by the goddamn Bloaters. The only way I got through it was by running like hell. During my successful run, I didn't encounter a Bloater at all.
Oh so you need to find the item then. I hope youdidnt activate the generator before finding the item you need.
Take that item before youand then just run to the exit, it's easy to skip this part without using a single bullet. On top of that the game aut-saves before that point.turn the lights on
Can't find the damn thing anywhere lol. I'm so blind.
Exactly what happened to me. Wonder if the game took pity!
I believe it's in a small office but can't remember. Just keep looking, there aren't enemies to worry about (at least there weren't for me).
For those of you who started their first playthrough on normal, how much supplies are you finding? Do ever feel they're in excess at any point, whether they're ammo or crafting material?
Need some quick advice because I can already tell it's going to be one of those sections I need to retry 60 Million times and I simply don't have the patience for it. Playing on Hard, after ( 4-5 hours in )what's the approach here?the fall in the elevator shaft, where the elevator falls down and Ellie is left up top. You make your way through the basement and at some point you need to start a generator to get they keycard pad working. So once you've started the generator 3-4 runners come at you and a fucking bloater and they constantly know where you are, no hiding, no nothing. I simply do not have enough ammunition to take them all out, I tried gunning for the door but they ALWAYS seem to be coming towards me
For those of you who started their first playthrough on normal, how much supplies are you finding? Do ever feel they're in excess at any point, whether they're ammo or crafting material?
I'm playing on hard right now, and going steal every chance I get, not even taking down every enemy I face. I'm barely using ammo, yet I'm still barely making it because there ain't anything lying around. I've swept the areas good afaik, and oly ignored one shiv door. This game is killing me. It's good, but sometimes it's not fun.
I need to play something whimsical for a change.
I still can't believe that ND really thought that having enemies' weapon magically disappear into thin air the second they're killed was a good idea. Coupling that with Joel's inability to loot bodies makes for one cheap difficulty setting. What's worse is that 95% of ARMED soldier don't carry any ammo on them yet random infected civilians carry around with them shotgun shells or friggin' fuel canisters. Where the hell is the logic in that? Is this amateur hour?
I get it that they tried to make this game all about survival with minimal resources at your disposal but this is not the way to do it.
Agreed. Makes the world feel less real.
Need some quick advice because I can already tell it's going to be one of those sections I need to retry 60 Million times and I simply don't have the patience for it. Playing on Hard, after ( 4-5 hours in )what's the approach here?the fall in the elevator shaft, where the elevator falls down and Ellie is left up top. You make your way through the basement and at some point you need to start a generator to get they keycard pad working. So once you've started the generator 3-4 runners come at you and a fucking bloater and they constantly know where you are, no hiding, no nothing. I simply do not have enough ammunition to take them all out, I tried gunning for the door but they ALWAYS seem to be coming towards me
It's not logical for civilians to have guns? Really? Those people died fighting for their lifes. Most people you meet in the game carry guns and if they turn they'll still have them on them.
And you want every armed enemy to drop ammo? I think you're playing the wrong game.
True, but on the other hand it makes for a much better game.
Need some quick advice because I can already tell it's going to be one of those sections I need to retry 60 Million times and I simply don't have the patience for it. Playing on Hard, after ( 4-5 hours in )what's the approach here?the fall in the elevator shaft, where the elevator falls down and Ellie is left up top. You make your way through the basement and at some point you need to start a generator to get they keycard pad working. So once you've started the generator 3-4 runners come at you and a fucking bloater and they constantly know where you are, no hiding, no nothing. I simply do not have enough ammunition to take them all out, I tried gunning for the door but they ALWAYS seem to be coming towards me
The stories by proxy in this game are the best shit.
Best one for me:Ish and Kyle and the children
What happens if you fail to sustain your clan?
What happened to him in the end? I think I missed a note or two.
My last one was when he mentioned he and Susan has taken some of the kids to live somewhere else. Also Susan is the only reason that keeps him going.
The user reviews on metacritic are simply pathetic.
i don't know what you mean. Just truthfacts:
and three people agree.
Oh, so it's perfectly logical for infected to be carrying around ammo yet armed enemies carrying no reserve ammo on them and their guns magically disappearing into thin air upon death isn't?
I'll have to disagree with that. In my opinion, it makes the game's difficulty feel cheap rather than actually challenging.
Oh, so it's perfectly logical for infected to be carrying around ammo yet armed enemies carrying no reserve ammo on them and their guns magically disappearing into thin air upon death isn't?
I'll have to disagree with that. In my opinion, it makes the game's difficulty feel cheap rather than actually challenging.
lighting is great
My main problem with the game right now is the fucking bullet sponging. Nothing more frustrating in a game with limited ammo seeing a guy take TWO fucking shotgun bursts at 4-5m range and still manage to quickly recover and shoot at you. Bullet sponging is the worst thing that has ever happened to gaming.
My main problem with the game right now is the fucking bullet sponging. Nothing more frustrating in a game with limited ammo seeing a guy take TWO fucking shotgun bursts at 4-5m range and still manage to quickly recover and shoot at you. Bullet sponging is the worst thing that has ever happened to gaming.
More people need to read this.Digital Foundry's tech analysis of The Last of Us is up.
My main problem with the game right now is the fucking bullet sponging. Nothing more frustrating in a game with limited ammo seeing a guy take TWO fucking shotgun bursts at 4-5m range and still manage to quickly recover and shoot at you. Bullet sponging is the worst thing that has ever happened to gaming.
It's not bullet sponging when you're smart enough to shoot with a shotgun at this range LOL
4 meters is "at this range LOL" - Are you daft? Do you even know how a shotgun works?
4 meters is "at this range LOL" - Are you daft? Do you even know how a shotgun works?
I know but you obviously don't.
My main problem with the game right now is the fucking bullet sponging. Nothing more frustrating in a game with limited ammo seeing a guy take TWO fucking shotgun bursts at 4-5m range and still manage to quickly recover and shoot at you. Bullet sponging is the worst thing that has ever happened to gaming.
I think under powered shotguns are worse, personally.
I have a pipe and a brick, but it seems I can only hold the brick in my hand.. Is there a way to switch to equip the pipe?