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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)

hmmm...a lot of the comments in this thread are pushing me towards doing a playthrough on survivor. I'm not a very good at stealth games, and even less so at shooters but normal has already been a tense challenging experience. One of the problems I had was not knowing where to go. Often times I'll clear out an entire room (pretty un-elegantly I might add) only two walk around in circles for a few times and realize "Oh! You wanted me to go through this door?". I also haven't been using smokebombs, bricks/bottles or my bow very effectively either...It took the winter segment of the game for me to realize how useful it is.

Smoke bombs are godly. YOu can run into the middle of a smoke bomb and stand there picking enemies off. The enemies won't shoot accuratly into the smoke bomb either, nor will shoot through it.

The bow was most useful for me with stealth areas. It's silent, so it doesn't alert anyone to you when firing. Headshots are key here though as the arrow will break unless you can pull it out of someone's skull. lol

Bricks and bottles were hit and mis useful for me. Sometime I was able to lead whole groups of clickers away to just slip by. Other times I lob a moltov on where they go to investigate the sound. Other times I wasn't as effective in my use.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I think the weakest section in TLoU that really exemplifies this was the part where
you're chained upside down and need to protect Ellie. Up until this point you were scavenging for ammo and suddenly you're put in a section where you magically have unlimited ammo.
Pretty disappointed they felt the need to put that in there. Kind of cheapens the game.

The ammo wasn't entirely
unlimited. There was a cost. Going into that section, I had completely filled my revolver ammo capacity. I actually had to leave some revolver ammo behind in the room right before the trap, because I was full up.

During the fight, I exhausted my ammo supply. Ellie threw me some more ammo. But when it was all said and done, I walked away from the encounter with only six revolver rounds left. It completely ate up what I'd hoarded.

So yeah, it was set piece-y, but there was still a cost. People who are complaining about the unlimited ammo weren't (imo) really paying attention. Yes, it's unlimited in that Ellie with throw you ammo if you run out, but it's still burning through what you have, at least in my experience, since I had just checked my ammo count going in, and had so comparatively little coming out.

By all means criticize the game wherever you see fit... but we should at least try to get the details right when we do.


hmmm...a lot of the comments in this thread are pushing me towards doing a playthrough on survivor. I'm not a very good at stealth games, and even less so at shooters but normal has already been a tense challenging experience. One of the problems I had was not knowing where to go. Often times I'll clear out an entire room (pretty un-elegantly I might add) only two walk around in circles for a few times and realize "Oh! You wanted me to go through this door?". I also haven't been using smokebombs, bricks/bottles or my bow very effectively either...It took the winter segment of the game for me to realize how useful it is.

A heads-up: you can always change the difficulty and other settings while playing the game.


I think the weakest section in TLoU that really exemplifies this was the part where
you're chained upside down and need to protect Ellie. Up until this point you were scavenging for ammo and suddenly you're put in a section where you magically have unlimited ammo.
Pretty disappointed they felt the need to put that in there. Kind of cheapens the game.

Not true.

I went into that part with 18 revolver bullets,
once I was clear I had around 8 left even though I didnt shoot once I was dropped down.


The ammo wasn't entirely unlimited. There was a cost. Going into that section, I had completely filled my revolver ammo capacity. I actually had to leave some revolver ammo behind in the room right before the trap, because I was full up.

During the fight, I exhausted my ammo supply. Ellie threw me some more ammo. But when it was all said and done, I walked away from the encounter with only six revolver rounds left. It completely ate up what I'd hoarded.

So yeah, it was set piece-y, but there was still a cost. People who are complaining about the unlimited ammo weren't (imo) really paying attention. Yes, it's unlimited in that Ellie with throw you ammo if you run out, but it's still burning through what you have, at least in my experience, since I had just checked my ammo count going in, and had so comparatively little coming out.

By all means criticize the game wherever you see fit... but we should at least try to get the details right when we do.
I guess it's an ability Ellie has, taking ammo out of nothing. I had 1 bullet in my revolver when David took it and he fired it three times against me. IT'S MAGIC!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I guess it's an ability Ellie has, taking ammo out of nothing. I had 1 bullet in my revolver when David took it and he fired it three times against me. IT'S MAGIC!

See, now that's very fair criticism. You're a natural! :)


See, now that's very fair criticism. You're a natural! :)

I guess it says a lot about the quality of the game when little things like these are criticised, the game is so immersive that every little detail got wrong can break your immersion and take you out of the experience.

It was fantastic and really intense. Definitely my favorite PS3 game, I still don't know if I like The Last of Us or Alan Wake better for my game of the generation.


Also give survivor a go. Knowing 2 bullets can kill you, while battling with extremely limited resources could surely spell some of the boredom away.

i'm not one of those guys that start a game on they first playthrough on highest difficulty. for instance, when i first started TLoU i chose "normal".
but now i'm on my 3rd "Survivor" playthrough and i have to say: there's no other way to play this game. the low amount of resources, the danger of physical injury, the lack of a "super-sonar-vision"... it all adds up to the basic atmosphere setting of this game.
mankind is running on reserve, we have no superpowered-hearing and not every enemy with a weapon carries ammo for the guns you use.

Survival mode is the way to play this game experience "The Last of Us" (which is more than just a game. i feel like we need a term like "graphic novel" was for comic books, to carry video games like TLoU to other, older audiences. I know quite some people that would enjoy this immensely, but would never play it because it's a "video game", played on a video gaming console.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
hmmm...a lot of the comments in this thread are pushing me towards doing a playthrough on survivor. I'm not a very good at stealth games, and even less so at shooters but normal has already been a tense challenging experience. One of the problems I had was not knowing where to go. Often times I'll clear out an entire room (pretty un-elegantly I might add) only two walk around in circles for a few times and realize "Oh! You wanted me to go through this door?". I also haven't been using smokebombs, bricks/bottles or my bow very effectively either...It took the winter segment of the game for me to realize how useful it is.

If you play survivor, in my experience, every resource/bullet/arrow is precious. And you really need to plan your approach and hoard certain things for later encounters. You must be careful what to craft and what not to craft.
For example... if you upgrade Joel's health with pills, that will completely fill his life bar. So instead of crafting and using a med kit in the early game, which doesn't even fill his entire life bar, wait until you're close to death and do the pill upgrade. This will let you craft a Molotov instead of health kit. You can do this twice! Molotovs are super important in infected areas on survivor.

And if you want to get into shiv doors, then you basically can never craft nail bombs. Maybe you can make one or two the entire game, to have enough shivs for the doors, and you can never kill the infected or anyone with shivs (unless you have both shiv upgrades, keep two on hand at all times, and plan it perfectly, with foresight). So you have the one nail bomb Bill gives you, and maybe one or two more you pick up off dead bloaters, and that's it!

I've heard people say they had excess of supplies on survivor, but I don't see it. I've been so careful, and at all times I'm pretty damn low.

In survivor, the go-to mechanic for me to preserve resources (outside of total stealth) is the bottle or brick stun and running melee attack. Get to know this one, because it's super important to have in your arsenal. And on survivor, they barely give you bricks or bottles! In hard you're tripping over them. On survivor, I've gone an hour or more without seeing one or having one in inventory.

Also, I'm 70% through survivor, and Ellie has never once given me ammo like she often would on hard. And at times I've been down to like one arrow and a couple bullets in the handgun, and that's it.

Survivor is tricky and takes some patience and planning.
I finished the game yesterday afternoon and my friend forced me to go watch Man of Steel later in the evening. It's funny because all I could think of before, and after the movie was The Last of Us and every now and then it's haunting theme plays in my head. And my heart suddenly feels heavy and a pouring of emotions flow through. Man of Steel was kinda average.

But The Last of Us is a triumph.

I don't know where to start, so I'll start with the most obvious. The plot of the game isn't exactly new or groundbreaking, which is fine because it wasn't intended to be. If you've read The Road, seen Children of Men or many other post-apocalyptic literature and movies that deal with survival and what it means to ensure survival, you know what you're getting into. It's a very depressing and morose genre. But it's the journey that counts and the journey in TLoU is head and shoulders above it's competition. The storyline is excellently told and the characters are some of the best you will see in a videogame. Joel's character arc that develops over the span of the game is a joy to behold. Ellie is probably the most realistic 14 year old ever depicted on a TV screen that is not annoying. Crazy, I know. The supporting characters are also very realistic in their own ways.
I particularly love how Bill is portrayed. There is so much history between him and Joel, yet there are many things best left unspoken. This is why I love this game. It doesn't spoonfeed you everything you need to know about Bill, what happened between him and Joel and why he's a crazy sumbitch. That might seem as a character not well developed, but to me, it's a risk that pays off tremendously.
It's superflous. This is not an RPG where everyone has a side story. Which is why I don't understand Gamespot's critique saying characters are unsympathetic. Of course they aren't. Lets see how easily likeable people are in a post-apocalyptic horror nightmare. These people lost someone they cared for/loved, and they are normal human beings that tripped over something fierce. They are not going to be saints. It's funny because if you were playing one of the hunters, Joel would be the perfect villain. He is such a creature of the world he lives in.
The overarching narrative of survival and coming to terms with loss is really poignant. The ending of Fall when Joel is fucked up, holy crap. That was really something. The whole ending of Fall/Winter section is easily my favorite part of the game. I felt so bad for Joel's condition. Dude still wakes up and goes to find Ellie.

Which brings me to script. Let's get Ellie's awesomeness out of the way. Nearly every movie that depicts a young teenager makes us hate him/her. I don't know why. They're just being their loudest/most annoying and the directors think they got the teen angst down. The last teen I liked in a movie was Mattie Ross in True Grit and I think TLoU shares a few similarities with the classic. Both Mattie and Ellie are strong and independent, and they can handle situations without the aid of Rooster Cogburn/Joel. The game does not pull cheap tricks like that and neither does True Grit. Ellie kicks all sorts of ass without being a damsel in distress or a cheap plot device. Her lines are so amazing, and the delivery is perfect. The one thing I really, really liked about the script is the way lot of motivations are not coursed through it. Silence says a thousand words, and ND employed this truth in a fantastic way. The characters share their communication in a very taut manner. The voice acting is quite easily the best in videogames. It's simple as that.
When Joel catches up with Ellie when she runs away from the power plant, shit was amazing. My eyes welled up when Ellie tells Joel that Joel is the only person who didn't die/leave her in the stupid world she lives in, and Joel says to her that he's not her father. It was intense. And realistic. It played out the exact way it would. And that's the moment when Joel realizes that he is running from his past.
That ladies and gentlemen, is how you develop characters without being retarded. It's not that hard, and ND shows you how easy it is. Don't know why so many games stumble over this aspect of storytelling. Stuff's made out of pure win.

Fireflies, Hunters and the government. You have a very basic understanding of these entities, but nothing is black and white. Again, it's the subtlety of the handling of complex subjects that makes TLoU shine. I don't for a minute think that Fireflies were interested in saving the human race or whatever. They were simply terrorists, and Marlene was nothing more than a megalomaniac who wanted to be famous for discovering the cure. She hid her ambitions behind "saving humanity", but that recorder tells you everything you need to know. Even if they found the cure, they would've used it to suit their agenda. It was falling in the wrong hands, so I think Joel (inadvertently) did make the right choice in the end. Instead I wish the 3rd entity (government) was a little more organized and Dept of Health, or a UN organization was more present. I am sure there are humane organizations without any ambitions present.

But you do kill an unrealistic number of people, which can bring back comparisons with Nate Drake or worse, Rambo.
But the game is fully cognizant of this and weighs that against you in a really smart way in the form of David. David is retribution personified. He is not only Joel's but your reckoning. The people you've been killing over the past 4 hours were people with friends, family, surviving. Of course they're bunch of crazy cultist cannibals so it's little easier to kill them without feeling remorseful, but even then, there are women and children among them.
And with that, ND has turned the critique of Drake as mass murderer upside down with TLoU. Just compare how easy it is to snap peoples' necks in Uncharted compared to TLoU. In Uncharted, it's a quick snap. In TLoU, it's a rigorous mess of grunts, bones breaking and life being sucked out of the person in an agonizing, torturous way. Every bullet fired from your gun feels real. Every cannonshot of a sniper rifle being fired is terrifying as it rings throughout the city in an echo. Every step you take feels heavy on the rusty metallic stairs. Every leg you pull of an enemy trying to jump over the counter, landing on his head and becoming dazed is felt. You read that right. The shootouts in this game are so awesome. They're brutal, scrappy and violent as fuck. Limbs blows off, heads smashed in, throats being gutted. In many games (like Deus Ex for example), being spotted means shit hit the fan. Not in TLoU. Being spotted means different kind of fun! Every brawl is a dynamic orchestra of bullets, molotovs and bricks flying. I can guarantee you that no two encounters are going to play the same, unlike Uncharted or other shootbang games. Even the encounters with infected. Ah the infected. The gooey fungi people with bad smell and even worse appetites. Let me tell you that this game will bring you closest to Amnesia level of tension and stress when fighting these monsters. No Resident Evil or Dead Space brings you closer to survival horror than TLoU does. Its scary as fucking hell, regardless of whether its night or day. But you just have as much variety as you do in fighting against humans. Distract them, light them up, blow them up, sneak around them, kill everyone of them like Solid Snake would, or kill everyone of them like Chris Redfield would. Or mix and match what works best. In one instance, I have sat for upwards of 20 minutes in one location trying to figure out what to do, and it was fun.

So all in all, this is easily the greatest game I've played this generation, if not, of all time!! I am serious, I love this game so much. Yes there are minor glitches and AI troubles. Hopefully ND can iron that out in the next iteration, but please keep the same level of commitment to the universe. Please please please. This is the swansong of this generation and what a glorious swansong it is. I am so happy with this game.


The ammo wasn't entirely
unlimited. There was a cost. Going into that section, I had completely filled my revolver ammo capacity. I actually had to leave some revolver ammo behind in the room right before the trap, because I was full up.

During the fight, I exhausted my ammo supply. Ellie threw me some more ammo. But when it was all said and done, I walked away from the encounter with only six revolver rounds left. It completely ate up what I'd hoarded.

So yeah, it was set piece-y, but there was still a cost. People who are complaining about the unlimited ammo weren't (imo) really paying attention. Yes, it's unlimited in that Ellie with throw you ammo if you run out, but it's still burning through what you have, at least in my experience, since I had just checked my ammo count going in, and had so comparatively little coming out.

By all means criticize the game wherever you see fit... but we should at least try to get the details right when we do.

Not true.

I went into that part with 18 revolver bullets,
once I was clear I had around 8 left even though I didnt shoot once I was dropped down.

Maybe I'll have to try that section again...I remember going into it with just 4 bullets and I was able to shoot to my heart's content. I never noticed Ellie throwing me ammo...maybe I just missed it.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Normal should be called easy.

I know why it's not... but it's still too easy.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Btw... great post Rusty, that was enjoyable to read. I agree on pretty much everything.


This game folks, is just fucking majestic.

I absolutely loved it and it is up with RDR for my best game of the generation.

Even though I hate stealth (I fucking loathe having to redo entire sections after a small mistake which gets you notified), this fucking game man.

Yes RustyNails, i agree thoroughly with you.I finished the game yesterday and is a master piece from beginning to end.My favourite game this gen along with U2 and probably from all gens.No game had my thinking about it after finishing as much as this.I miss Joel and Ellie... i knew it woulh happen and so i played the game slowly,tasting every minute of it.Oh Naughty Dog,what have you made!What am i playing now?!.
Well I beat this game yesterday and I must say it was one of the finest games I’ve ever played, and one of my top three games of all time (Zelda:TOoT, and KZ2.) I’ve not had enough time to decide if it’s my game of the forever, but TLOU is a gaming masterpiece. I was on a media blackout for this game, and was actually on vacation out of the country so I was late (relatively) picking this up. I knew I was in for something special when I purchased it at Bestbuy(it was sold out at Target) and the sales rep clutched the game to his chest and could not stop raving about the game, and then when leaving the store the security guard saw I had it and also commented on how amazing the game is.

I will not post any spoilers, but the amazing intro fully immersed me into the game. That’s prob. the best first few minutes I’ve ever experienced in an interactive medium, just phenomenal. This game is just so damn good, the characters, the stories, the AI, the visceral play, the sound (you must play this game w/ a decent surround system), just wow; I cannot praise this game enough. I’m 30 years old and have been gaming for most of those three decades, and I’ve just never experienced a game quite like this. Hats off to Naughty Gods, you have produced an absolutely spectacular swan song for the PS3. Also, lol at completing the game and the only trophies I achieved were for completing the game.


Finished it last night. Loved it. Was never the biggest ND fan, I always found Uncharted to be more or less enjoyable but never agreed with the gushing. TLOU makes me want to gush.

My 20 hour play through went smooth as silk except for one annoying part, and I'm curious to know if it was just me being lame-
Towards the end of the game, towards the end of that last tunnel before the hospital, after you pass the two bloaters- the tunnel is flooded with rushing water you can't swim in, the current just pushes you forward. You have to climb up on top of a truck and jump to a vent duct. I had to attempt this jump about 15 times before I finally succeeded. To me it looked like I was clearly making the jump, but Joel just refused to grab the edge. Eventually I made it, but I didn't do anything differently than in previous attempts.
Anyone else have trouble there?

This was very frustrating for me too, then I found you just have to press up and X at the same time while on the edge of the truck -.-


If you play survivor, in my experience, every resource/bullet/arrow is precious. And you really need to plan your approach and hoard certain things for later encounters. You must be careful what to craft and what not to craft.
For example... if you upgrade Joel's health with pills, that will completely fill his life bar. So instead of crafting and using a med kit in the early game, which doesn't even fill his entire life bar, wait until you're close to death and do the pill upgrade. This will let you craft a Molotov instead of health kit. You can do this twice! Molotovs are super important in infected areas on survivor.

And if you want to get into shiv doors, then you basically can never craft nail bombs. Maybe you can make one or two the entire game, to have enough shivs for the doors, and you can never kill the infected or anyone with shivs (unless you have both shiv upgrades, keep two on hand at all times, and plan it perfectly, with foresight). So you have the one nail bomb Bill gives you, and maybe one or two more you pick up off dead bloaters, and that's it!

I've heard people say they had excess of supplies on survivor, but I don't see it. I've been so careful, and at all times I'm pretty damn low.

In survivor, the go-to mechanic for me to preserve resources (outside of total stealth) is the bottle or brick stun and running melee attack. Get to know this one, because it's super important to have in your arsenal. And on survivor, they barely give you bricks or bottles! In hard you're tripping over them. On survivor, I've gone an hour or more without seeing one or having one in inventory.

Also, I'm 70% through survivor, and Ellie has never once given me ammo like she often would on hard. And at times I've been down to like one arrow and a couple bullets in the handgun, and that's it.

Survivor is tricky and takes some patience and planning.

Indeed...I haven't had a SHIV in hours... They're really stingy with the scissors on Survivor. On normal, once I got the first shiv upgrade I never ran out now I never have them. I spent a long portion of the game with nothing but 6 shotgun shells and the occasional 3-4 revolver/handgun bullets. Since I never wanted to waste the shotgun shells, I've learned to brick/bottle to the face and take them out like no other.

I'm at a pretty good point now though. I just reached the (Mid game)
and I've got 7 shotgun shells, 1 molotov, 8 rifle, 8 revolver and 5 pistol bullets. Which I think is the most ammo I've had ever. Good thing too...as there's a particular part coming up where I know I'll burn it all.

Loving the tension of playing Survivor.

The fact that I can walk into a room, find 3 bullets and be overjoyed is something special.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Indeed...I haven't had a SHIV in hours... They're really stingy with the scissors on Survivor. On normal, once I got the first shiv upgrade I never ran out now I never have them. I spent a long portion of the game with nothing but 6 shotgun shells and the occasional 3-4 revolver/handgun bullets. Since I never wanted to waste the shotgun shells, I've learned to brick/bottle to the face and take them out like no other.

I'm at a pretty good point now though. I just reached the (Mid game)
and I've got 7 shotgun shells, 1 molotov, 8 rifle, 8 revolver and 5 pistol bullets. Which I think is the most ammo I've had ever. Good thing too...as there's a particular part coming up where I know I'll burn it all.

Loving the tension of playing Survivor.

The fact that I can walk into a room, find 3 bullets and be overjoyed is something special.

Yeah... knowing that part was coming up, I was hoarding like a madman. Refused to use anything, and it made the
sniper encounter very, very tense. (until I realized going over to the right side was way easier (and offered more resources to pick up) than going left). Anyway, the sewer didn't go as perfectly as I'd planned, but that was the one time the game actually gave me some ammo. Seemed like every couple of stalkers dropped a shorty round or two. I guess they tuned that one differently, assuming people would probably have little to nothing if they weren't planning for it in advance.
That section was actually harder for me on hard than survivor.


Survivor sounds brutal, I actually do feel some compulsion to play the game again, which isn't always the case with me and narrative driven games. Game mechanics just feel so good. This game is definitely up there as far as my favorite games of the gen.


TLoU joins the ranks of Dark Souls and Portal 2 to be one of my favorite games of the generation. As much as I like Uncharted 2, the last section was absolutely terrible and the boss fight left a bad taste in my mouth. TLoU's ending on the other hand was very satisfying.
Indeed...I haven't had a SHIV in hours... They're really stingy with the scissors on Survivor. On normal, once I got the first shiv upgrade I never ran out now I never have them. I spent a long portion of the game with nothing but 6 shotgun shells and the occasional 3-4 revolver/handgun bullets. Since I never wanted to waste the shotgun shells, I've learned to brick/bottle to the face and take them out like no other.

I'm at a pretty good point now though. I just reached the (Mid game)
and I've got 7 shotgun shells, 1 molotov, 8 rifle, 8 revolver and 5 pistol bullets. Which I think is the most ammo I've had ever. Good thing too...as there's a particular part coming up where I know I'll burn it all.

Loving the tension of playing Survivor.

The fact that I can walk into a room, find 3 bullets and be overjoyed is something special.
Same. I'm a little past you (
) with a brick, a half durable pipe, 1 arrow, 2 sawed off, and 2 rifle. Not items and not enough supplies to craft anything


Are item locations randomized in this at all, or are items always found in preset places? I was just kind of curious about that because in my first playthrough there were always a few rooms that you would enter that would *look* like they should have items in them, but ended up having nothing. It just made me wonder if in new game+ (or other playthroughs), things may be randomized a bit.


Indeed...I haven't had a SHIV in hours... They're really stingy with the scissors on Survivor. On normal, once I got the first shiv upgrade I never ran out now I never have them. I spent a long portion of the game with nothing but 6 shotgun shells and the occasional 3-4 revolver/handgun bullets. Since I never wanted to waste the shotgun shells, I've learned to brick/bottle to the face and take them out like no other.

I'm at a pretty good point now though. I just reached the (Mid game)
and I've got 7 shotgun shells, 1 molotov, 8 rifle, 8 revolver and 5 pistol bullets. Which I think is the most ammo I've had ever. Good thing too...as there's a particular part coming up where I know I'll burn it all.

Loving the tension of playing Survivor.

The fact that I can walk into a room, find 3 bullets and be overjoyed is something special.

I'm there right now and I cannot for the life of me figure out a good way to NOT just blow all of my ammo there.

Are item locations randomized in this at all, or are items always found in preset places? I was just kind of curious about that because in my first playthrough there were always a few rooms that you would enter that would *look* like they should have items in them, but ended up having nothing. It just made me wonder if in new game+ (or other playthroughs), things may be randomized a bit.
It depends on the difficulty. For instance, right after the "tutorial" infected fight, there's a small room before you go upstairs. On Hard, there's nothing in there. On Easy, I found 3 9mm rounds.


If you play survivor, in my experience, every resource/bullet/arrow is precious. And you really need to plan your approach and hoard certain things for later encounters. You must be careful what to craft and what not to craft.
For example... if you upgrade Joel's health with pills, that will completely fill his life bar. So instead of crafting and using a med kit in the early game, which doesn't even fill his entire life bar, wait until you're close to death and do the pill upgrade. This will let you craft a Molotov instead of health kit. You can do this twice! Molotovs are super important in infected areas on survivor.

And if you want to get into shiv doors, then you basically can never craft nail bombs. Maybe you can make one or two the entire game, to have enough shivs for the doors, and you can never kill the infected or anyone with shivs (unless you have both shiv upgrades, keep two on hand at all times, and plan it perfectly, with foresight). So you have the one nail bomb Bill gives you, and maybe one or two more you pick up off dead bloaters, and that's it!

I've heard people say they had excess of supplies on survivor, but I don't see it. I've been so careful, and at all times I'm pretty damn low.

In survivor, the go-to mechanic for me to preserve resources (outside of total stealth) is the bottle or brick stun and running melee attack. Get to know this one, because it's super important to have in your arsenal. And on survivor, they barely give you bricks or bottles! In hard you're tripping over them. On survivor, I've gone an hour or more without seeing one or having one in inventory.

Also, I'm 70% through survivor, and Ellie has never once given me ammo like she often would on hard. And at times I've been down to like one arrow and a couple bullets in the handgun, and that's it.

Survivor is tricky and takes some patience and planning.

Ellie has given me bullets on survivor difficulty. I think it depends on how much you are dying though. I kept messing up on this one section and the next try she gave me 6 (6!) shotgun shells.


Are there separate teams at Naughty Dog? If so, I hope the TLoU team is assigned the next Uncharted.

I think amy henning was creative director/writer for Uncharted 2/3 while dreikmann was the design lead. They have a good team at naugthy dog regardless of whose working what and the uncharted team moved over to TLOU sometime after they were done with uncharted 3.


The game was amazing! I still want to hear Joel sing though...

Bioshock Infinite Spoilers:
You should check out the credits for Bioshock Infinite then.

What disappointed me gameplay-wise was
how underused Stalkers were. I feel like Bloaters were more frequent than Stalkers, they really should've used them better for more variety during stealth-horror segments

Absolutely agree with that sentiment, the section with the
hotel basement was the most tense part of the entire game for me. I think they should've been included during one of the sections with Ellie because she never experienced them with Joel during the bit in the hotel.


I never even noticed the
stalkers. I played the entire game under the assumption that it went Runner-Clicker-Bloater
Bioshock Infinite Spoilers:
You should check out the credits for Bioshock Infinite then.

Absolutely agree with that sentiment, the section with the
hotel basement was the most tense part of the entire game for me. I think they should've been included during one of the sections with Ellie because she never experienced them with Joel during the bit in the hotel.
Yeah Stalkers were way underused


I'm there right now and I cannot for the life of me figure out a good way to NOT just blow all of my ammo there.

Is it possible to stealth that section? I tried on normal but it seemed impossible to me, I would get detected every single time. I might just try and throw a bottle and burn as many with the molotov as I can in one go...


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I never even noticed the
stalkers. I played the entire game under the assumption that it went Runner-Clicker-Bloater

They were straight up
"clever girl".

Imo one of the few spots where it seemed like ND was borrowing a bit. Even though they were cool, felt a little too trope-y and I'm glad they (and the bloaters) were a rarity.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Is it possible to stealth that section? I tried on normal but it seemed impossible to me, I would get detected every single time. I might just try and throw a bottle and burn as many with the molotov as I can in one go...

Throwing a bottle is the worst thing you could do. (if you want to stealth)

Stalkers, in the beginning... just kind of sulk around. But if one of them spots you, or become alerted, they ge into aggro and start bolting around everywhere.

At that point you (afaik) can no longer stealth kill them.

You must get them before they aggro.
Is it possible to stealth that section? I tried on normal but it seemed impossible to me, I would get detected every single time. I might just try and throw a bottle and burn as many with the molotov as I can in one go...

I killed the clickers, a few stalkers, and then just ran. Threw down a molotov to block a path and gain some time


I always thought that the "Stalkers" were just another name for the "Runners"...

Absolutely agree with that sentiment, the section with the
hotel basement was the most tense part of the entire game for me. I think they should've been included during one of the sections with Ellie because she never experienced them with Joel during the bit in the hotel.

Even with that area:
The fact that the stalkers could be skipped rather easily just shows how little you see them in the game

Now that I think about it (spoiler for those that haven't gotten to the Fall or 50%)
There are stalkers in the sewer part near the end when you are separated from the group with Sam. I just thought those were runners, but now that I think about it, they were hiding too.
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