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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)

The lighting at
the University of Eastern Colorado
is just amazing, hands down the greatest of this generation. With the leaves falling the atmosphere is just amazing.

is probably the prettiest locale in the entire game; technically and artistically.
Finally finished it. Loved it, for me it´s not best of the gen stuff but i really liked it. Solid 9/10 game. Could be my game of the year 2013.

But i`m a little bit disappointed that this wasn`t in the final game.


I think I'm coming close to finishing the game. I'm at
the university fighting my way out.

-Weapon Sway first for sure.
-You shouldn't be using listen mode so skip that upgrade entirely.
-Max Health is second best after weapon sway, but save actually getting the upgrade till you need a heal as it recovers your health to full when used and is, as such, a free medkit.
-Crafting speed is by and large useless.
-Healing speed can be useful in a pinch, but I'd get both the health and sway upgrades first.
-Shiv master is a weird one- it's super useful if you're willing to use it, but I preferred saving shivs/not crafting them till needed for doors. I also felt that, whenever I got grabbed, I should probably have played the scenario differently to avoid needing it to begin with. Could be nice as an insurance card for those long segments you just want to avoid having to redo, but I'd get it after the health and sway upgrades as well.
Agree wholeheartedly. I'm doing the exact same process.


What is the minimum # of kills one would have to make if they tried to get through this game killing only when necessary? 200? 500?


Playing on Survivor I feel like I killed less than 50 humans.

Same, in my Survivor playthrough. Bypassed nearly every area I could, unless it was a forced situation. Wish the game would let me know how many I killed in one specific playthrough; from what I can see I only get a total number from all playthroughs and replays.


I noticed that the weapon sway was almost completely gone after the first time I upgraded it. Never felt the need to max it out. Even without upgrading at all it's not that bad. On higher difficulties I would definitely say upgrading health (max health and healing speed), shiv master, and crafting speed are better options.
Got through Bill's section today. Do you guys think it was the right call at the end for the devs to put the scene with
Elie pulling out the gay porn as a way to point out Bill being gay?
was it a bit heavy handed given that all the clues were there? Or did you think it was a good way to lighten up the tension while pointing out something that the audience might not have caught due to the other more pressing things occurring during that act?


Got through Bill's section today. Do you guys think it was the right call at the end for the devs to put the scene with
Elie pulling out the gay porn as a way to point out Bill being gay?
was it a bit heavy handed given that all the clues were there? Or did you think it was a good way to lighten up the tension while pointing out something that the audience might not have caught due to the other more pressing things occurring during that act?

I feel the latter


I can't believe I just bought the season pass... wtf is wrong with me.

Hopefully ND does a horde mode and a no-booster/LM playlist so I don't feel like a complete asshole a few months from now.

I'm tempted to do the same, and buy the art book as well. It's like the Silent Hill 2 effect, when I had to get everything that was related to it.


Literally just finished the game. It was hands down one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. I really enjoyed each chapter, there never was a point where I really did not want to play.


Cool, thanks for the spoilers.

I suggest you spoilertag your quote as well, so you don't inadvertently spoil more people,
Then again (minor(?) spoiler for the first hour or so)
Joel/Tess say pretty early on in the game, that they should go see Tommy, since he's had ties with the Fireflies.


Junior Member
Wait a second.

Is the
you meet in the
Section the same
brother Joel interacts with during the opening scenes (driving in the car, etc)?

Is this true? Did I completely black out during that scene?

I think I'd spoiler this up like this. Not that it's major, but in the OT, I'd rather we all be precautionary. People playing the game should be able to come in here to ask questions about their current location without the possibility of having anything spoiled.

To anyone posting something story or related to any part of the game, use the save-screen to check at what percentage you're at. Just hover over the most recent save, and it'll tell you. Then you can spoiler like this "I was wondering about (~50%)


Need help, I keep running into a game-freezing glitch

I just reached salt lake city and in the tunnel where you first meet the infected, including the bloater, the game always freezes after I kill a few of them. Playing on an original PS3 slim
Agree wholeheartedly. I'm doing the exact same process.

I disagree whole-heartedly.

Shiv Master was essential for me. It made combat more fluid, less restarts, and it provided a gruesome sense of loss after wasting one of my shivs on a clicker, knowing that now I might not be able to get the next shiv-door-stash open.

Naturally, you could just replay and seek perfection, but after a few times doing that on my survivor run, I said "fuck it", and now I just play whatever I'm dealt rather than try to do the perfect route. Usually I end up getting killed anyway, until I do it well, but I felt that I'd rather keep the flow of the game going as smoothly as possible than retrying.

Also, it adds a lot more tension to know that if you screw up, you're going to lose tons of ammo/shivs/resources which makes the next part even harder. But it seems more organic to actually let a poorly run section influence the next rather than just restarting an encounter.

Full disclosure: this was NOT how I handled the high school situation. Tons of restarts on that one. But after that I've been trying to go with the flow.

Weapon Sway > Health > Shiv Master > everything else.
Just wrapped up single player this morning. Decent game, great story. I had a problem with all the derivative mechanics at first but after a while it's understandable why the gameplay has to be the way it is. Skipping MP so I'm about to sell it with the online code intact


Yay! Just completed Survivor+. Did the glitch to do it right away. Decided to do all the other trophies in the same go, and luckily I had already opened a door on another playthrough so the one I didn't have enough shivs to open was okay. Took me
hours which is about an hour shorter than my first play through which was on normal/hard. Was about the perfect difficulty for me. Not nearly as hard as something like Metal Gear or Resident Evil. Probably helps to have upgraded weapons already.
Infinite's not in the same league as this game.

They are really very different games so it's hard to directly compare. They are 1a and 1b for me at this point.

The biggest issue with TLOU is that Infinite's core shooting and guns/vigors combat is much more fun to me than using the guns in TLOU. It's like Deus Ex: HR, Alpha Protocol,or Dishonored where as soon as stealth is broken, the combat just isn't very good. All the more reason not to break stealth, though, huh?

The unique world, art design, story twists, sci-fi craziness, and pure ambition of Infinite are what set it apart from most games (and TLOU). After Infinite, I spent hours reading through the spoiler thread and many more hours discussing it online and with friends. TLOU just doesn't inspire the same level of discussion outside of the morality questions. That's partially a by product of it being a small story within this established world that ends
with no real change or resolution for the world, which i think is super interesting
whereas the events of Infinite ARE the whole world.

However, what TLOU does well, it probably does better than any game I've ever played. The world is so well-realized, the pacing is pretty much perfect, the acting is second-to-none, exploration for supplies/collectibles is world appropriate and top-notch, the stealth gameplay loop is well above average, and it just fucking hit me HARD over and over. I'm still reeling from the last few minutes of the game and what it means for the characters and the world.
They are really very different games so it's hard to directly compare. They are 1a and 1b for me at this point.

The biggest issue with TLOU is that Infinite's core shooting and guns/vigors combat is much more fun to me than using the guns in TLOU. It's like Deus Ex: HR, Alpha Protocol,or Dishonored where as soon as stealth is broken, the combat just isn't very good. All the more reason not to break stealth, though, huh?

The unique world, art design, story twists, sci-fi craziness, and pure ambition of Infinite are what set it apart from most games (and TLOU). After Infinite, I spent hours reading through the spoiler thread and many more hours discussing it online and with friends. TLOU just doesn't inspire the same level of discussion outside of the morality questions. That's partially a by product of it being a small story within this established world that ends
with no real change or resolution for the world, which i think is super interesting
whereas the events of Infinite ARE the whole world.

However, what TLOU does well, it probably does better than any game I've ever played. The world is so well-realized, the pacing is pretty much perfect, the acting is second-to-none, exploration for supplies/collectibles is world appropriate and top-notch, the stealth gameplay loop is well above average, and it just fucking hit me HARD over and over. I'm still reeling from the last few minutes of the game and what it means for the characters and the world.

Agreex, they're very, very, different games, trying to accomplish different things. And if it weren't for the similarities in terms of Ellie/Elizabeth (jesus, they essentially have the same name, didn't realise that before). The comparison wouldn't be made that often.

The combat in bioshock is all about being powerful and mixing vigors, weapons and environment. It's super fast paced and exhilarating. TLOU is not going for that kind of combat. I think both succeed exceptionally well in terms of what they're trying to accomplish gameplay wise. But in terms of cohesion and story, TLOU definitely comes out on top.

OG Kush

Guys I just finished the
high school with bill
and have only come across one work bench to upgrade my weapons so far? Is this normal?


Guys I just finished the
high school with bill
and have only come across one work bench to upgrade my weapons so far? Is this normal?

They become a bit more frequent as time goes on. I think because you don't have many weapons at that point and you won't have a very big stockpile of parts anyway. You're still only 25% of the way in. You'll come across one every couple of hours or so and they're pretty easy to see.


The biggest issue with TLOU is that Infinite's core shooting and guns/vigors combat is much more fun to me than using the guns in TLOU.

I couldn't disagree more. It's good thing that people have different taste.

I'm on my second play through, loving the tension in combat on survivor difficulty.


What skills should I focus on upgrading first?

Max Health
Listen Mode Incr.
Crafting Speed
Healing Speed
Weapon Sway
Shiv Master

Listen mode is great, ignore anyone that says otherwise. None of the upgrades are really much better or worse than any other so you could probably just to whatever the heck you want.


Need help, I keep running into a game-freezing glitch

I just reached salt lake city and in the tunnel where you first meet the infected, including the bloater, the game always freezes after I kill a few of them. Playing on an original PS3 slim

We need a thread to be made, or a class to be taught on how to properly mark spoilers. This is insane.


I couldn't disagree more. It's good thing that people have different taste.

I'm on my second play through, loving the tension in combat on survivor difficulty.

I really disliked the combat for the first half of the game. I couldn't decide whether to stealth, run away, or run and gun and found the whole think awkward and frustrating. As the game went on though I appreciated it more and more and actually looked forward to combat situations. It really requires a mix of different styles to do it well and reading a situation and taking the right approach counts for a lot. i think this is why it felt a bit frustrating and trial and error to begin with. It's a bit like Goldeneye/PD in that respect. Even the AI reminded me of PD a little bit.

The weapons and items are really well balanced and the there aren't many games that present you with as many options going into any combat scenario, while the scarcity of items and varied AI behaviour often requires you to rethink your approach to otherwise familiar situations.

It's one game where I think I'd really appreciate some sort of 'horde' or Mercenaries mode.
You are so damn right. TLoU does everything right that i hated about Bioshock Infinite.

They are very different games, but I'd mostly agree. As far as gameplay is concerned, I think they are both pretty good. Both try to create tension and provide options to how you approach situations in different but effective ways. The real difference for me is the writing and characterization.

One of the things that is really unfortunate in a way is how much more effective and useful Ellie is vs Elizabeth. Both the dialog and the combat application of Ellie serve to make the character feel so much more real and useful than Elizabeth, despite Elizabeth being so exhaustively programmed to interact more realistically with the environment and not dance around corners and enemies. And while I felt the relationship of Liz and Booker developed well enough while playing BI, compared to Ellie and Joel it seems forced and implausible by comparison.

The other angle for me is how, despite being more predictable overall than BI, TLoU seems to manage humor and plot development with thematic consistency. I'm not going to get into this again here, but BI felt like two plotlines cobbled together to me, with major opportunities offered by themes and supporting characters mostly abandoned in the second half.

It's a bit like Goldeneye/PD in that respect.

Thank you for saying this. I thought I was nuts that parts of the game have reminded me of the Goldeneye campaign. Just a feeling, can't even pinpoint why.


What'd I do wrong?

Anyway, third time's the charm, I finally finished that section and just beat the game.

You spoiler-tagged too much. If I had no indication of where you were in the game I would be cautious or even avoid reading your post, since this isn't the spoiler thread people might even be a bit more easy going on what they read. If you had said something like "Spring Spoilers" it would make it easier for those who haven't gotten that far a clear idea of whether it's safe for them to read or not.

It happens, don't worry about it too much. It didn't come off as intentional and at the very least you now have a better idea of what to do.


beat the game yesterday. The ending was
touching and lovely...but man that last encounter in the hospital with the armor wearing goons was TOUGH

will this game get any single player DLC? Really looking forward to the PS4 version
Really? I was surprised myself but that was the easiest level in the entire game for me. I didn't die once (on normal) and only got caught when there was three guys left in the first area. The last encounter I just blazed through (molotov, heh).
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