so I missed the boat on the listing your top 5 of this gen and would like to add mine, because listing things is the bestest.
Could you talk about your experience on hard?
Were there fewer items to craft? Where there fewer ammo for your weapons? Did you feel more under powered at all, and did that leave you resorting to more stealthy options?
Well I didn't try the game on normal or survivor so I can't really compare the amount of supplies. However, around 90% of the time I am usually on extremely limited ammo, I think the most I've seen on any gun were 10 bullets on my revolver and they run out fast. The fact that you can hold all your weapons all the time helps a lot though; so I always had a few bullets to fight with in case stealth didn't work. The bow was usually my go to weapon since there's a chance to retrieve your arrows if they didn't break on impact.
Most of the time I tried to rely on stealth to take down a few guys like the one's with shotguns and stuff because they really hurt. If I get caught I fight or run away and go stealth again, depending on my health.
To those who have played it, what's the ratio of combat/stealth to slow, meandering story moments when you're just exploring? I loved some of the footage of Joel and Ellie just walking around without enemies, taking in the world, so I was wondering if that's representative of the game as a whole
How much ammo does it take to kill a human enemy? Is it 1 for the head? They don't become bullet sponges do they?
What about the infected, and the other creatures? Do they ever become ridicoulous bullet sponges?
Fuck PSN, game comes out in two days and there is no preload? Should have just ordered it from Shopto.
Is pre-loading even a thing on PSN?
It should be.
Is pre-loading even a thing on PSN?
To those who have played it, what's the ratio of combat/stealth to slow, meandering story moments when you're just exploring? I loved some of the footage of Joel and Ellie just walking around without enemies, taking in the world, so I was wondering if that's representative of the game as a whole
The game does an excellent job with pacing itself and mixing exploration, stealth, combat and storytelling. There are quite a lot of moments when you're simply just on your own exploring punctuated with sudden and intense combat. The game rarely throws enemy waves after waves. The one moment it did, I thought it kinda stumbled but thankfully it doesn't do a lot.
Is the beginning as slow as most people are saying?>
Yes it is. Personally I really liked it and at how it eased me in into the mechanics.
I'm interested at how long I'm gonna take the first couple of chapters in subsequent playthroughs.
how many hours was your total playthrough?
Still in my first playthrough, 15 hours and 20 minutes. Nearly at the end so I guess it's 16 to 18 in total.
Definitely one of the longer non-RPG single-player games I've played in a long time.
I heard the 2nd half of the game is much more quicker paced, and feels very "impactful", do you sense that as well?
doea anyone know here how long it takes redbox to get the game delivered to the kiosk?
I saw that The last of Us will be there on the 14th. I just wonder what time it'll get there?
I would love to buy the game honestly. But I just don't have that kind of money right now. Will definitely buy it down the line if I really like it though.
All these posts and you're not even fucking buying it? Jesus H Christ.
2 days before official release date...
thanks amazon![]()
EB Online (AU) has sent my Joel Edition.
Once my tracking updates in the morning, i'll be driving to there like it's the end of the world!
whoop whoop!
Is the beginning as slow as most people are saying?>
Apparently,lol.Will EB even give it to you a day early?
Unfortunately I have to wait till after work on Friday to get mine.
EB are usually the most tight arse people, but i'm starting to warm up to their Online site. LOL
It's already on the way (Mailbox) So yeah.
Expessed, and tracking..
*austin powers*
Tomorrow baby, yeeah
But once the Tracking updates in the morning saying it's at my local Postoffice. I'm gone! LOL
The game does an excellent job with pacing itself and mixing exploration, stealth, combat and storytelling. There are quite a lot of moments when you're simply just on your own exploring punctuated with sudden and intense combat. The game rarely throws enemy waves after waves. The one moment it did, I thought it kinda stumbled but thankfully it doesn't do a lot.
I know.Lucky, they are usually the strictest place in the whole country haha.
Friday can't come fast enough!
I love the sound of this. I know some have being saying the game's actually quite linear but the E3 demos and Pittsburgh video indicate more open ended combat scenarios. Would you say that most combat is open (like multiple paths and room to flank, etc)?The game does an excellent job with pacing itself and mixing exploration, stealth, combat and storytelling. There are quite a lot of moments when you're simply just on your own exploring punctuated with sudden and intense combat. The game rarely throws enemy waves after waves. The one moment it did, I thought it kinda stumbled but thankfully it doesn't do a lot.
It shipped, but it's still scheduled to arrive on Friday, and they sent it via the postal system, not a transporter like they usually do for 24-hour deliveryMy order status is "shipping soon" now, and since I have Amazon Premium (French equivalent of Prime), it might be here tomorrow... Woo!
Botta di culo2 days before official release date...
thanks amazon![]()
When I realized this wasn't your ordinary game:
Watching Ellie walk over to the toy Ben dropped, waiting for me to turn around, then stuffing it in her backpack as I'm not looking.
And the moment the game became a 10/10 for me:
Taking control of Ellie, stabbing grown dudes in the neck.
Finished it two days ago, already halfway through Survivor mode.
Did you play on Normal or Hard mode first? And how does Survivor mode compare?
I know me and a few others were curious what the differences are between Survivor and the other difficulties. Is it just less player health, more enemy health and damage? Or there less supplies, better equipped enemies, remixed enemies, etc.?
And any spoiler-free impressions?
Did you play on Normal or Hard mode first? And how does Survivor mode compare?
I know me and a few others were curious what the differences are between Survivor and the other difficulties. Is it just less player health, more enemy health and damage? Or there less supplies, better equipped enemies, remixed enemies, etc.?
And any spoiler-free impressions?
Got the game, will play in about an hour. Any advices what is the best way to play it. Haven't followed much of the news regarding this game. Listen mode on /off, difficulty, etc?