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Just got the strategy guide. ¥2700! ($30US)
This better be awesome!


Thanks for the tips guys. I managed to beat it after:
* Buying the maximum number of herbs possible for those needed in making vivication herb
* Hiring soldiers so each group had one healer (mystic art) and one reviver (herbs) - making them two different people meant each revive was fully restored afterwards by a healing spell. I wasn't too concerned about damage done by the new parties
* Each part was put in "Hawkeye" formation (buy two lances at the weapon shop in Athlum, disassemble them to get the commemorative medals, then go to the guild for your reward)
* Making 5 groups of 3 people. Each group took out the smaller fighters before the main fight. after that, they simply sat back and healed/revived when the my team were forced to engage and were killed. Basically there was lots of healing while cyclops took most of the damage

God, what a day. The battle afterwards was pretty straight-forward compared to the Gates of Hell. With five healing parties you pretty much don't have much to worry about... the battles just takes time.

Again, thanks very much to those that helped me.



880 pages


Goddamn this third fight with the little fuck face guy is a pain. Galaxy is just wrong. WRONG.


The 6 boss fights are not really difficult except everyone has an "I win" button special which can take out a single union with one shot (unless it has like 5000+ HP). It's hard to recover if you have not taken out most of the other units, but otherwise it's just an annoyance.
RevenantKioku said:
Goddamn this third fight with the little fuck face guy is a pain. Galaxy is just wrong. WRONG.
Go do some quests and grind your ass off. I came back after doing a bunch of side stuff and didn't have any trouble with the 6 strongholds. (That was after getting my ass kicked like twice to those twins in 4 I think it was.) Make sure you take out the punk mages first, that's what usually messed me up.

Also that guide looks fucking awesome, the guides over here suck so much it's depressing.


Wow nice Guide book,i'm not surprised considering how big this game can be...I tried one more time to do the "Wisdom's Echo" quest last evening,with Glenys,got to the bottom floor of Aveclyff again,nothing there and the quest still says that Glenys wants me to pay attention to any weirdness around us...killed a few of the bugs in the middle but it's endless,they always respawn and nothing else happens...oh well got me to BR 68 now at least.

Don't forget to go check in Calapaleis, at the Guild of The Sword of The 3 Realms,once in a while for completed guild tasks because they are not the same ones you report at the regular guild places.



The guidebook in the US has been delayed again. *shrug*

First IU's guide didn't come out until a month after release and now the same shit with TLR's.


So I unlocked the Fallen, he kicked my ass. I'm depressed.
I'm even more depressed when I see the quality level of the Disc 2 quests. Oh god, how dull, how repetitive, how unimaginative they are. "Hey go fetch me 15 things. Oh now go fetch me 30 more" or "hey do the same LONG fight 4 times in a row". I was surprised how different Disc1 quests were, rarely dumb, but Disc 2 quests are the contrary :|

The second disc really feels rushed. I liked the 6 bases, but these copy/paste fights are obviously a proof of lazyness and/or will to extend the game. And I don't even talk about the silly story behind the 6 bases, and how I have the annoying feeling that some cutscenes are missing during the main storyline.
I mean, we had silly and useless cut scenes in disc 1 like when we see the shitty sister Irina looking at a window and just saying (as usual) *loading* "Ru..sh.............................................." *loading* and we don't even have cut scenes or any text about what were they doing in Koenigsdorf or what the Conqueror was doing here or there (no no, once the boss is killed it's always "LET'S RETURN TO ATHLUM AND TALK ABOUT OUR LOVE, SISTER !" )

I'm disappointed, GAF ! I loved disc 1, this game is probably still my GOTY, but I have fun no more in this disc 2 :(
Anyway I'm still playing. Well, since the Fallen disappears after Undelwalt I'm forced to be stuck with the silly quests for now, but still playing :lol

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Amon37 said:

The guidebook in the US has been delayed again. *shrug*

First IU's guide didn't come out until a month after release and now the same shit with TLR's.

My copy shipped from Amazon on Dec. 26th. Hasn't gotten here yet, though. Should come in today or tomorrow.


Diseased Yak said:
My copy shipped from Amazon on Dec. 26th. Hasn't gotten here yet, though. Should come in today or tomorrow.

That's so weird last night I was looking at the order and it said it wasn't shipping until 1-6-09

I looked at it now and it said it shipped on 12-27? WTF?


Jeez that is a freaking guide. May have to pick that up as well. Amazon shipped my copy so I should be able to dive in soon enough.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Just noticed that the Brady guide is 304 pages, so no epic 800 page monster for the US I guess. Ahh well, I hope it at least covers everything well enough.


My only concern about doing grinding is that my Unions suck and therefore I am just digging myself into a deeper hole. :/


It seems like the best way to level someone's skills fast is to take them out of the PT and let them level in the background and best way to level stats is to have them in the PT. Anyone else finding that?

Also a quick question, I just started disc 2 (man those battles at end of disc 1 were FUN!), does your available leaders you can recruit increase? Currently I believe you can only have a maximum of 16 leaders recruited? Does that increase again?
Having a problem with "The Ancient War" sidequest. I am level 46 BR with 2 unions comprised of 5 and 4 members respectively with 2 leaders in each union. I can get the boss down to below half way no problem, but then he constantly spams a superpowerful AoE fire spell after every turn. As others have mentioned, I am not given the option to heal every turn, which makes it even more difficult.

I had the boss' health down so far once that you couldn't even see any red, but then he killed me :lol . So Frustrating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here is my recommendation.

Make 3 unions instead of 2, 1 of 4 and 2 of 3 (I believe 12 is the limit at that time in the game). Only engage with 2 units. The other unit can be cycled in when other units heal themselves or that unit can be used to heal the other units.


Kestastrophe said:
Awesome. I'll give that a try, thanks. :D

edit: I can only have 9 party members. Should I progress the main story and then try it like you said?
yes, I suggest you wait till you can have 18 party members and 6 leaders, then go to ancient ruins to grind your stats, since if you begin to grind your stats nao, later on there are many power leaders available but your BR is too high for them to catch on......also I suggest do some sidequests to get more leaders available, as far as I know Baulson, Glenys, Allan, Jager, and Caedmon are all MONSTERS....

Kestastrophe said:
Having a problem with "The Ancient War" sidequest. I am level 46 BR with 2 unions comprised of 5 and 4 members respectively with 2 leaders in each union. I can get the boss down to below half way no problem, but then he constantly spams a superpowerful AoE fire spell after every turn. As others have mentioned, I am not given the option to heal every turn, which makes it even more difficult.

I had the boss' health down so far once that you couldn't even see any red, but then he killed me :lol . So Frustrating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
later on there are many bosses doing some ass shit AoE, like blackout and whiteout(the guardian dragon in ancient ruins), wat you need to do is trying to figure out which leaders you wanna use in most of the hard fights, and put them in your squad now
and for 3 unions you need to have a decent tank team in the dragon fight, and there should be some decent healers in the other two, then you could use these two healer unions heal the tank in turns, usually one union will be free of that AoE ass fire


Kestastrophe said:
Awesome. I'll give that a try, thanks. :D

edit: I can only have 9 party members. Should I progress the main story and then try it like you said?

No, just do 3 unions of 3. That's what I did and it was a breeze.


Anyways...thought I had already posted it in this thread, but guess not:

I picked up TLR at Futureshop for $20 on Boxing Day. Might have been a pricing error on their site, as the item listing was removed...but I basically told the cashier it was $20 on the site and he gave it to me at that price (Infinite Undiscovery as well).

Gonna boot up both tonight. Hopefully TLR is good. I bought IU just because I want to see why people think it sucks. :lol
Up around 90 in battle rank with, importantly, a satisfyingly strong setup. I have a consistent batch of mystic-using soldiers that I trade in leaders with, Pagus primarily. He just lays waste to everything, with Nikita sometimes switched in for kicks, and sometimes Nora as a mystic-using combat generalist good for only a middling Blackout but great for later single enemy cleanup.

Second is all remedies users, led by both Rush and Emmy. They can refresh/revive/heal constantly, and when free dish out the damage.

Third is a small 3-unit combat team led by Glenys and high hp units Baulson or Blocter and another yama. Glenys has grown into a real powerhouse without much effort, and no one should be surprised it is the same with Baulson. Blocter is a great all-rounder.

Fourth is largely evocations focus led strongly by Torgal (only one who has learned Whiteout so far) or

This setup was coincidentally capable of taking out one of those damned
(I couldn't help but enter Ancient Ruins after finding it) with smart use of anticipatory reviving, but it took way too long to bother with again for now.

Was trying to keep my br static as long as possible, but traveling through that disc 2 area with the initially challenging armorshells saw br rise almost every fight it seemed.

Currently 4 of 6 bases down, but moving to put them down rather than keep running around the Ancient Ruins.

Additional note: formations are also very important, a key one I use is the AP-benefitting Orb formations for Pagus' union; The Rush and Glenys unions have special variants but I forget off what bases, Maraider's Glaive I think is one perhaps for Gelnys


So I'm after Darken Forest, I've done all the sidequests so far, I'm BR 67 and my 4 unions have around 2400 hp. Am I normal ? :lol
Amon37 said:

The guidebook in the US has been delayed again. *shrug*

First IU's guide didn't come out until a month after release and now the same shit with TLR's.


I've had my copy since Dec 15/16/17

Diseased Yak said:
Just noticed that the Brady guide is 304 pages, so no epic 800 page monster for the US I guess. Ahh well, I hope it at least covers everything well enough.

it's pretty good


I loved this game so much that when I needed my shumps (Raiden Aces etc..) and finally could afford to import a JPN model last week I got the LR edition 360. Worth it for the faceplate and music disc (comes with JPN version as well which wont be much use to me).

Regarding the game I finished it couple of weeks back and was around 87 level by end. I did all quests on disc one but hardly any of the pub ones on disc two. The nack later on with any bad mob (ie the fear ones) and the bosses at the end is to never send more than 2 unions at them at first as they only fear on first go.

The last nasty fight I did on second attempt no problem. Nack with that is to go at them both until they start flashing then concentrate on the other till it starts flashing. Then finish off the is it big enforcer bloke first NOT the lass(so long now my memorys pap so apologies) and only go for the lass once hes down. The reason for this is if you down her first the other mob he goes into x3 hit mode per attack so you either have to only get one or two attacking him (as they will just go down) and rest heal and revive or make sure not to do that! If you have the lass standing then its much easier as she has weaker attacks.

Main boss go for spider thing first and concentrate one only on the boss (as it keeps him in check with one attacking and he uses less powers than if hes not attacked). Keep one back at all times to heal only (2 is more preferable) and any hint of getting near half health dont fight em and reheal as he uses mass spells that will kill a group in half under health. You also have to judge when the spiders gone and only use 2 groups to fight him and rest either heal or keep back and not even fight because again he will go into overdrive and keep x3 hitting (at my level anyway) and twice he will use a uber spell where he will poison everyone possible and whack close 2 2thirds health off on top (I myself took it really really slow for about an hour on him and sent two in rest back and heal or not attack and soon as the 2 attacking got down to just 2/3 health I switched and let em heal and repeated).

Its a pretty good tactic all round for any of the harder bosses to always have at least one group never fight and heal/revive. Make sure at least 2 in each formation can heal and revive. The formations themselves I never bothered about I stuck everyone at arrowhead after messing as it always seemed the best one and I use protaganist and David as group one with soldiers, 2 was the daughter and multi armed bloke, 3 was I think protagonist sister on her own and then the final formation frog dude on his own (both with soldiers to make up. Using that or varients (its always better to max a group of 5 out than to have a group of more with only 3 say) I didnt die for over 60hours until right up until the end (I played it for around 84hours total).


Shahadan said:
So I'm after Darken Forest, I've done all the sidequests so far, I'm BR 67 and my 4 unions have around 2400 hp. Am I normal ? :lol
its normal if you just follow the quest not grinding the stat to the max :D

now if you wanna kick Fallen's ass, go to Ancient Ruins lv3 killing that Olivion Wings you ll find your stat grows like shit :D

I was average 2500 with tank union 3800 on BR63, now I am BR78 but the tank union is already over 6000, dps union is 5000, healer and mage unions are around 3500 :D

also three ppl have strength over 100 with Jager an insane 143 strength, Irina has Int 139 while Pagus has only 98 Int but he could do some crazy AoE like Blackout and Megalore :D

Avatar1 said:
The guide is in my local Gamestop. Flipped through it yesterday. It's like picking up a bible it's so thick.:D
wat? wait! there are some Jap characters on that book! you sure its the 880 pages one in the gamestop?
Well having 3 unions consisting of 3 members, including one dedicated healing union helped on the Ancient War sidequest. I still couldn't beat that damn dragon though because that motherfucker apparently has a healing spell called "mend II". I got that bastard to 1/8th of health and he casts that, which then puts his health up to almost 1/2. I don't know if there is anything more frustrating or cheap than a boss that heals itself


Kestastrophe said:
Well having 3 unions consisting of 3 members, including one dedicated healing union helped on the Ancient War sidequest. I still couldn't beat that damn dragon though because that motherfucker apparently has a healing spell called "mend II". I got that bastard to 1/8th of health and he casts that, which then puts his health up to almost 1/2. I don't know if there is anything more frustrating or cheap than a boss that heals itself
I waited until I had four unions of three members each for that quest. Got my ass repeatedly handed to me trying that one with three unions.

Once you do that, go to the desert area (sand sea? can't remember the name) and there will be dragons (abelisk?) walking around as normal enemies that follow the same routine. If you can beat an abelisk, you should be able to tackle the big dragon in the Ancient War quest.
Thanks, imma gunna try that. I've now tried that sidequest at least 5 times, and it takes about 1/2 hour each time for it to kill me. I just didn't want to miss any sidequests since i'm trying to get all the achievements.


Just started this today. Got for $20 and so far glad I didn't pay more. It's pretty ugly in battle (fonts/menus mostly) and everything is so very very, very slow.

I'm gonna try my best to like this and put in at least 10 hours, but I'm really not sold after the first couple hours at all. Better than IU though.


You did install it, right? I dunno if I'd call the battles slow, but to each their own.


I think I'll get this game soon, after watching Gamersyde's awesome first 10 minutes series :D
I've already learnt to never trust reviews again after the low IU scores.


Is the US guide as big as the Japanese one? I would love to pick it up if its got good in depth information. There really isnt much out there in terms of formations or trying to put together decent weapons for the most part.
So I bought this game about two weeks ago and I think I'm finally ready to deliver my opinion... the game is not so good.

The graphics and load times are decent enough. The texture issue is frequent but not a significant problem - and the load times are pretty good, especially compared to Lost Odyssey (Keep in mind I have not installed either game). I enjoy most of the cutscenes - the animation is well done and the effects are nice, however the lip-syncing is horrid.

The music and sound effects are actually one of my favourite parts about the game. The music (mostly) feels epic and fitting - and the sound effects have some 'oomph', though the voice overs are an acquired taste.

Frankly, those are the only two parts of the game that I could compliment. The battle system starts off as a fresh twist on a stale genre - promising epic battles and 'strategy', but it quickly becomes clear that the system offers no more strategy than other JRPG's have offered this gen. The 'Union' system is about as tacked on as it gets - the game could have just as easily involved individual units and individual commands and the premise would/could be the same.

There's something particularly frustrating (for me at least) that the Combat and Mystic Arts feel like such a generic and boring choice to use. I simply click it (and check what each unit will use) whenever I have AP to waste and/or need to deal some extra damage. While the effectiveness of the Arts/Spells are similar relative to other JRPG's - its highly unsatisfying IMO to not be able to choose Fire, Ice etc and the strength of said ability.

The battle system feels even more cumbersome when it comes to healing. I will not complain about the lack of option to heal at some critical times - because if you setup your unions properly and aren't afraid to break a deadlock - it's rarely an issue. However, 'Keep your HP up' is such a common and necessary choice throughout the game (unless you have a dedicated Healing party - and even then...) that it feels pointless having 'Attack' or 'Keep on your toes' as options - despite whatever limited use they have within the game.

However, the deal breaker for the battle system for me is the Deadlock system. I was particularly excited about the premise of being able to deadlock, flank, rear assault, intercept etc... but ultimately it is just as tacked on as the Union system. The fact that Deadlock -> Flank -> Flank -> Rear Assault - Massive Strike, is just adding labels to 'You're attacking the same union with multiple of your unions for bonus damage". There is no strategy (or ability) to position your unions on the battlefield for said bonuses... it is simply - send 2+ unions towards one enemy union for bonus damage - assuming you are not intercepted, raid-locked etc.

Normally I would simply write the game off as 'not for me'... but the shitty backgrounds, uninspired art style (though, I love the Sovani), TERRIBLE running animation, shitty link/agro system, shitty dialogue (outside of cutscenes) and a lot of generic and/or cumbersome quests and bosses - amount to the whole game just feeling second-rate at best.

It really is unfortunate, because I really, really wanted to like this game. I loved Lost Odyssey and disliked Eternal Sonata, Infinite Undiscovery and Blue Dragon - Last Remnant had me thinking this would be the next LO with similar/superior production values and epic battles - boy was I wrong... here's to Star Ocean 4 - I hope it turns out excellent.


Man, I'm either getting my ass kicked or being driven bored out of mind with disc 2.

I loved the combat system before and while I still love it, the 5 minutes of watching animations after the 30 seconds of selecting your move before your turn is driving me insane.

People used to complain about the KOTR or Eden summons of the Final Fantasy games. Well imagine those x 4, then you gotta watch the enemy do the same thing to you. When you have the change for 13 units in battle and you have to watch the following animations every single time:

*run up* *each attack* *if combat art or mystic art, need to watch the animation before the actual animation* *combat art/mystic art animation* ... REPEAT 13 fucking times before you can pick your moves again. It's driving me insane at this point. It would be brillant if you could skip the animations but they didn't think ahead I guess.

I think I need to play this game with another game (DS or PSP) as this is ridiculious.


So for the DLC area, do the rare monsters disappear forever if you exit out of dungeon while they're up? Gamefaqs says they don't respawn ever. Or does he mean after you kill it?


Is increasing the number of usable leaders, max number of soldiers, max number of unions, etc linked to Battle Rank or is it just something that is increased through the story arc?


Avatar1 said:
Is increasing the number of usable leaders, max number of soldiers, max number of unions, etc linked to Battle Rank or is it just something that is increased through the story arc?

It's the latter. At set points in the story.

Since I've already missed out on a quest back on disc 1, I won't be getting the all complete achievements anyway and I may as well just plow through to the end and be done with this game. The reason why each battle takes so long is the unskippable animation. Ultimately, it has a couple of things to like but plenty to hate about.

Oh, I think I've encountered a bug. At the Empyreal (?) door in the Sixth Path, I got a "MessageLabel was not found" when I tried to open it.


Zalasta said:
It's the latter. At set points in the story.

Since I've already missed out on a quest back on disc 1, I won't be getting the all complete achievements anyway and I may as well just plow through to the end and be done with this game. .

Which one is it? I do not want to miss it and be stuck in the same situation.


Quazar said:
So for the DLC area, do the rare monsters disappear forever if you exit out of dungeon while they're up? Gamefaqs says they don't respawn ever. Or does he mean after you kill it?
He means after you kill it.

Avatar1 said:
Which one is it? I do not want to miss it and be stuck in the same situation.
The only one you can miss is there are a series of quests where you get prompted for a response at the end. Always pick the lower response, or the final quest won't be available. Kind of sucks I missed this quest myself.


I'm on the second disc. Still loving it. It's occasionally cheap and frustrating, but less than most jRPGs. Overall, it's a great game. It just has technical issues and occasions when it throws you into too long multi-stage battles with no save or rest between. Most of that is on the second disc though.


Krelian said:
Is anybody still playing and enjoying this game? I read many negative comments lately.

Eh, not so much. Last Remnant is a one trick pony. Very limiting as a RPG and hardly customizable. It's almost like the antithesis of what makes a good game in the genre.

Aaron said:
The only one you can miss is there are a series of quests where you get prompted for a response at the end. Always pick the lower response, or the final quest won't be available. Kind of sucks I missed this quest myself.

That is exactly the one I missed. I would have chosen Roberto's side every time, but I thought maybe switching to Ophelia would unlock something for me. Instead, it was the wrong choice to make. So yeah, terrible design as I would never restart or play through this game twice.
Zalasta said:
At the Empyreal (?) door in the Sixth Path, I got a "MessageLabel was not found" when I tried to open it.
I had the same thing. It's a door that you need to get through later in the story, at which point it did open without a problem for me.

Beat it last night, but i was kinda surprised. I thought the number of party members was purely related to story progression, and i ended up with a max of only 18 instead of 25. How do you expand the party further?
That last fight was pretty intense btw. Lasted a good 30 turns, was down to one single character. I thought the ending pretty much sucked. Just so freakin predictable, run of the mill BS.
The game was great for a good while, but at some point on the second disc, it started getting a little tedious.
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