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desverger said:
Edit: what's Blackout and who gets it?
Blackout is an AOE Arcana spell that can be very useful and powerful. Anyone capable of using attack Mystic Arts can learn it, as far as I know: David, Rush, Pagus, etc. For me both Rush and David learned it, but only Rush gets to use it more or less regularly, which is probably due to my union setup.


desverger said:
Edit: what's Blackout and who gets it?
It's basically a kill button for non ??? HP groups. Kills most normal unions in one shot, so useful if you're facing a full seven and don't like to be flank raped. Any leader with mystic arts can learn it. Have them keep using that and put them in a group with high AP. It should show up sooner or later. I don't know if formation helps. I use Orb for my mystic groups.


When does disc1 end actually? I just entered Aquaducts and reached the Hell's Gate fight (wow what a cheap one :lol), but I'm wondering if I should actually head back and finish the two sidequests I have left from disc1 - assuming I can't do the Rainbow Bond on the second disc.

But is there a chance to break from the plot after this fight (and return from the world map) or is it just straight to disc 2?
desverger said:
When does disc1 end actually? I just entered Aquaducts and reached the Hell's Gate fight (wow what a cheap one :lol), but I'm wondering if I should actually head back and finish the two sidequests I have left from disc1 - assuming I can't do the Rainbow Bond on the second disc.

But is there a chance to break from the plot after this fight (and return from the world map) or is it just straight to disc 2?
After the Hell's Gate fight you'll have one more boss fight, however you will have a chance to save after you beat HG.

I don't think so, I don't remember seeing a portal after HG.
Just won this yesterday. Once I got use to the combat system and what to expect from each character I really started to enjoy it. I focused mainly on combat arts and geez, Baulson was a brute by the end of the game :eek:. I remember seeing him do something like 12k on a regular flank attack. I think I might go back and check some of the guild quests that are left over at my save from the last battle.


Finally beat the little Ostji twirp at Base 3...Base 4,was doing great with the Twins...until Enthralled ruined everything ;) ....next time bitches :D


desverger said:
When does disc1 end actually? I just entered Aquaducts and reached the Hell's Gate fight (wow what a cheap one :lol), but I'm wondering if I should actually head back and finish the two sidequests I have left from disc1 - assuming I can't do the Rainbow Bond on the second disc.

But is there a chance to break from the plot after this fight (and return from the world map) or is it just straight to disc 2?
You won't be able to do anything but follow the plot after Hell's Gate, so finish your sidequests before then.


Thanks guys. I finished disc1 today morning, with (I hope) all the sidequests complete. That dragon for the Rainbow Bond was annoying, but I'd mostly leveled enough so the others weren't too much of a trouble (Frustrations wasn't really as frustrating as I thought). I still goddamn hate Blaster and Curse so much :lol

Hell's Gate wasn't as awful as I thought at first either, didn't get a single KO in there (saved by 30 hp at one point) so I didn't have to panic, but that Grenade attack is awful and was oneshotting me previously.
Cyclops is great!

Something funny happened today though, I was poking around towns and seeing what sidequests were available, and I tried the one called Infestation! - while being knee-deep in bugs just when the queen spawned, I got a lucky shot with Gae Bolg and wiped everything out except the boss. I fell out of my chair and laughed like a dirty old man for a good minute lol.


I now have all achievements except AC, Monster Dismantler and Guru.

I actually beat The Fallen with 0 weapon arts at BR 88. I'm now BR 92 and going to do 10-20 BR levels worth of grinding in AR which hopefully is good enough for AC.


Still have 2 Bosses to beat from the 6 Bases....Milon pissed me off so much yesterday that I put the game away saying i was done with it(again hehe)...my 5 Unions where full health,br 81,he was flashing red and I still lost the fight(40 minutes of fighting down the drain because of a cheap spell)...so now I have to raise my HP a bit so he doesn't kill all my Unions when he starts his crazy stuff.
Fucking christ. This game is so frustrating. I grind and grind and it feels like i accomplish nothing. My party gets cursed and slowly all die, get flamed after all my unions attack and lose two of them, dont get healing options when i need them most, sadistic AI gang raping single unions, its just all too much. The first ten hours where so enjoyable for me but im losing my shit right now.

Tell me it gets better. Help me.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Fucking christ. This game is so frustrating. I grind and grind and it feels like i accomplish nothing. My party gets cursed and slowly all die, get flamed after all my unions attack and lose two of them, dont get healing options when i need them most, sadistic AI gang raping single unions, its just all too much. The first ten hours where so enjoyable for me but im losing my shit right now.

Tell me it gets better. Help me.
You shouldn't be grinding at all. If you're losing, look at your tactics. If curse is a problem, make sure you're only engaging enemies who curse with few unions as possible. Birds only curse in the first round, so keep away until then. Also, high morale seems to help resisting the effects of curse.

If you're not getting healing options, you haven't set up your unions well. Make sure you have two types of healers, one item and one mana, and make sure you're well stocked with the items they need.
Aaron said:
You shouldn't be grinding at all. If you're losing, look at your tactics. If curse is a problem, make sure you're only engaging enemies who curse with few unions as possible. Birds only curse in the first round, so keep away until then. Also, high morale seems to help resisting the effects of curse.

If you're not getting healing options, you haven't set up your unions well. Make sure you have two types of healers, one item and one mana, and make sure you're well stocked with the items they need.

How do i keep away when the bird is the only thing in battle? Also, im having serious trouble teaching skills to my recruits when my leaders (especially Pagus) seem to be the only ones that can use techs 70% of the time.


Gamer @ Heart said:
How do i keep away when the bird is the only thing in battle? Also, im having serious trouble teaching skills to my recruits when my leaders (especially Pagus) seem to be the only ones that can use techs 70% of the time.
Get better recruits. Select them from the bottom of the list, they have better stats. Have only one group engage the bird and keep the others back, either waiting or healing in case or whatever. Don't feel the need to blow your AP in the first attack. Save it up, and everyone will get a go. If your unions are still having trouble, form a smaller number of unions with more soldiers each.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Fucking christ. This game is so frustrating. I grind and grind and it feels like i accomplish nothing. My party gets cursed and slowly all die, get flamed after all my unions attack and lose two of them, dont get healing options when i need them most, sadistic AI gang raping single unions, its just all too much. The first ten hours where so enjoyable for me but im losing my shit right now.

Tell me it gets better. Help me.

Not sure how early you are in the game, but you're better off making two strong unions, or if you have advanced a little, three unions with 4 units each. Dedicate each union to a single task, and make sure the leader knows these. Recruit soldiers with the same skill set to support this. Also, make sure there is at least one person in the union who can heal with a spell and one who can use "vivification herb", that is the resurrect skill. Rush and David learn herbs, for example. Stack up on components, you can see what items they require on the arts screen. Learn how to take advantage of reassess. If one of your unions goes down, and you have a "herb rezzer" and a second healer in group, the rezzed union will get a free heal and most likely not die immediately again. And don't be afraid to break a deadlock if you need a heal, just engage with a second union - depending how far they are, you might get raidlocked, but that's not nearly as fatal as trying to survive the attacks.

With those tactics you shouldn't need to grind for disc1 at all.

And yes, those birds will be annoying every time :p I just send one union in the start, they will cast curse on everyone who attacks them on the first turn. Most of the time you just need to bite the bullet and send one union in. I usually wait for the leader of the union to KO, then use a vivi herb to bring him/her back (This comes up as "cure their status ailments!").

I noticed I had trouble having the heal options coming up in the start too, I'm not exactly sure why this is, but I suspect the cause being that none of your healers are really good in healing in the start and the game can't really decide what you want to do :p

Once you get some higher level Restore/Herb skills, you will have the heal option 99% of the time once your union goes low in hp.


Don't grind until the very end and only reason you'll be grinding is for AC as I personally found The Fallen a cakewalk.

I use a 5/5/5/3 format, 1 union is all attack (I try to get this union in flank status whenever possible), 1 union is very defensive (union I send in first to evaluate how I'm going to approach a boss or for birds with curse), 1 mixture between defense and attack and 1 union with only healers.

Torgal Rush 2 Pure Attack Soldiers 1 Attack/Herbs Soldier - 5800HP @ BR 92
2 Pure Attack Soldiers 1 Attack/Herbs Soldier - 6200HP @ BR 92
Emmy 3 Pure Attack Soldiers 1 Attack/Herbs Soldier - 5200HP @ BR 92
Irina 2 Healing Soldiers that use single swords (i.e. fast) - This unit NEVER engages unless raidlocked and if raidlocked, that means one of my top units died. @ 3000 HP @ BR 92


Tabris did you do the fallen quest or fight the fallen in Ancient ruins? I saw the surrounding area change while fighting the fallen from quest and he did Armageddon and bam 'Game Over'. My unions were fully healed as well.

Do you have to beat him before that happens or what?

Also I unlocked all of Siebenbur paths, what does the door in 6th path lead to? It says 'message not found' when I click on door. Anyone?


Just getting started on this game really. I made it to the first town, got given a choice of two areas to go to, went to one and handled it fairly easily, went to the other and got my ass handed to me by a huge group of guys.

I think it's safe to say the combat hasn't quite clicked with me yet. I'm not really sure what I'm missing, but I'm not quite "getting it" yet.
Quazar said:
Tabris did you do the fallen quest or fight the fallen in Ancient ruins? I saw the surrounding area change while fighting the fallen from quest and he did Armageddon and bam 'Game Over'. My unions were fully healed as well.

Do you have to beat him before that happens or what?

Also I unlocked all of Siebenbur paths, what does the door in 6th path lead to? It says 'message not found' when I click on door. Anyone?

You have 10 turns to beat the fallen. At BR 81 I managed to get the Fallen blinking by the eight turn. I think I will have him in a BR level or two.

This has given me a little more confidence in my theory that you can get through the game without too much grinding with well balanced unions and a bit of luck.

edit: that door comes into play later in the game.


Schopenhauer said:
You have 10 turns to beat the fallen. At BR 81 I managed to get the Fallen blinking by the eight turn. I think I will have him in a BR level or two.

This has given me a little more confidence in my theory that you can get through the game without too much grinding with well balanced unions and a bit of luck.

edit: that door comes into play later in the game.

Hey, thanks for the help. I think I'm BR 82, and I didn't manage to get him blinking. Does he have a million HP like the one in ruins?

I'm getting owned on the double dragon fight quest for Jager as well. -_-
Quazar said:
Hey, thanks for the help. I think I'm BR 82, and I didn't manage to get him blinking. Does he have a million HP like the one in ruins?

I'm getting owned on the double dragon fight quest for Jager as well. -_-

I think he has around 350,000 - 380,000 or maybe it was 450,000. Honestly I can't remember which.

You mean Loki's quest? Yeah, that was hard but you just need to take them out one at a time. It really helps if you have a summoned unit fighting the named dragon. Well it helped me anyway.


Schopenhauer said:
I think he has around 350,000 - 380,000 or maybe it was 450,000. Honestly I can't remember which.

You mean Loki's quest? Yeah, that was hard but you just need to take them out one at a time. It really helps if you have a summoned unit fighting the named dragon. Well it helped me anyway.

haha I've been waiting for a summon for that fight.(Yea, Loki's) But good to hear on the HP. Maybe I can get him. Have only tried once.


Junior Member
So were are the ancient ruin located in the game?? I am at BR 73 and can't beat the Base #4 with Hinnah and Hannahit sucks that I only have a pool 18 usuable unitts so my Union go . 3,4,4,4,3, I want to do some serious grinding so I need to know were can I find the Ancient Ruins?


PusherT said:
So were are the ancient ruin located in the game?? I am at BR 73 and can't beat the Base 34 with Hinnah and Hannahit sucks that I only have a pool 18 usuable unitts so my Union go . 3,4,4,4,3, I want to do some serious grinding so I need to know were can I find the Ancient Ruins?

2nd path Siebenbur.

AR is not a push over when it comes to Rare monsters.(Save before fucking with them) At your rank the regular mobs aren't to hard. But the fights do take sometime when you first get in there. I think I was BR 72 when I first entered and made my way to BR80.

Got to the second floor where some eye rares were and they fucking ass raped me in a couple of turns.


Junior Member
Quazar said:
2nd path Siebenbur.

AR is not a push over when it comes to Rare monsters.(Save before fucking with them) At your rank the regular mobs aren't to hard. But the fights do take sometime when you first get in there. I think I was BR 72 when I first entered and made my way to BR80.

Got to the second floor where some eye rares were and they fucking ass raped me in a couple of turns.
On my map screen I have been to 1st path of Siebenour and the 4th and 5th paths too. I don't see any pop ups for the 2nd and 3rd on my screen. I think I am playing this game wrong because I do not use any of the recruitable leaders i only have 6 slot avaliable for leader so I screated my parites like this"

1. Rush's Troops: Arrow of Athlum: Rush,Chamberland, and Lambert: HP=1654
2. Davis Division: Arrow of Athlum II: Davis,Blocter,Annalise,and Ratner: HP=3034
3. Emmy's Squad: Arrow of Athlum II: Emmy,Ternis,Straker,OIrsa: HP=2068
4> Torgal Squad: Cascade II: Torgal, Caplan,Gene, and Herius: HP= 2239
5. Irina Troops: Wave Crest: Irena,Kraliss,and Cain: HP= 1675


PusherT said:
On my map screen I have been to 1st path of Siebenour and the 4th and 5th paths too. I don't see any pop ups for the 2nd and 3rd on my screen. I think I am playing this game wrong because I do not use any of the recruitable leaders i only have 6 slot avaliable for leader so I screated my parites like this"

1. Rush's Troops: Arrow of Athlum: Rush,Chamberland, and Lambert: HP=1654
2. Davis Division: Arrow of Athlum II: Davis,Blocter,Annalise,and Ratner: HP=3034
3. Emmy's Squad: Arrow of Athlum II: Emmy,Ternis,Straker,OIrsa: HP=2068
4> Torgal Squad: Cascade II: Torgal, Caplan,Gene, and Herius: HP= 2239
5. Irina Troops: Wave Crest: Irena,Kraliss,and Cain: HP= 1675

Talk to NPC in Ghor pub. I think he might unlock 2nd path. And there is another NPC in Athlum pub that will unlock Blackdale second entrance. 3rd Siebenbur you don't get until past Mt Vackel I believe. Others all came from quests.

As for your party setup, I can't really say how good it is because I've only used two and three unions through the whole game. I tried four once but I kept getting owned.


Just played through the opening 30 minutes or whatever (just got to the world map). I installed it...I thought that was supposed to solve a lot of the technical issues?


eznark said:
Just played through the opening 30 minutes or whatever (just got to the world map). I installed it...I thought that was supposed to solve a lot of the technical issues?

I'm scared to see what a non-install is like.


PusherT said:
On my map screen I have been to 1st path of Siebenour and the 4th and 5th paths too. I don't see any pop ups for the 2nd and 3rd on my screen. I think I am playing this game wrong because I do not use any of the recruitable leaders i only have 6 slot avaliable for leader so I screated my parites like this"
There's a side mission you can do for Rush's mother, I think it's kicked off in the Atlum pub. That opens the second path.


I'm trying the 5-5-5-3 setup too. So far it's sweet - having unions around 3k hp @ BR56. Haven't seen Blackout yet but I slapped a 2h sword for Rush (Defender) and he started plonking down 4k hits.

There's this Yama leader you can hire on disc2, can't remember his name but when you make him the leader, your union gets the name "Kamikaze Troop" :lol

I wish I could have more leaders in battle. Most of the plot leaders get unique summons and skills so there's little point in using the hired ones outside your 5-6 :/ I haven't been using Pagus at all, so I have room for *one*. Glenys is pretty great - she's an outstanding healer and doesn't do shabby damage either.


Junior Member
desverger said:
I'm trying the 5-5-5-3 setup too. So far it's sweet - having unions around 3k hp @ BR56. Haven't seen Blackout yet but I slapped a 2h sword for Rush (Defender) and he started plonking down 4k hits.

There's this Yama leader you can hire on disc2, can't remember his name but when you make him the leader, your union gets the name "Kamikaze Troop" :lol

I wish I could have more leaders in battle. Most of the plot leaders get unique summons and skills so there's little point in using the hired ones outside your 5-6 :/ I haven't been using Pagus at all, so I have room for *one*. Glenys is pretty great - she's an outstanding healer and doesn't do shabby damage either.
Yeah I don't like Pagus either, I got to have at least 5 union out there especially for the bosses that aways "Muti-Deadlock" you. There some bosses in this game that can deadlock up to 3 unions at once I need those other 2 for healing and flnaking especially since my party is spread so thin. Having 5 people in a unit must be great since you get to max out that certain formation you use.


Aaron said:
There's a side mission you can do for Rush's mother, I think it's kicked off in the Atlum pub. That opens the second path.
It's actually much easier to unlock second path. Just go to the Yama in the back past the Pub in Athlum, talk to him and that's it. Should be on your map.
desverger said:
I wish I could have more leaders in battle. Most of the plot leaders get unique summons and skills so there's little point in using the hired ones outside your 5-6 :/ I haven't been using Pagus at all, so I have room for *one*. Glenys is pretty great - she's an outstanding healer and doesn't do shabby damage either.
More leaders would be great. But there are many helpful leaders outside the main ones. I think a party full of non-plot leaders would work as well. The problem is that you get some of them pretty late, by that time your plot leaders are more powerful naturally. Baulson and Jager are great though. Baulson gets his Weapon Art and Jager is a powerful character from the very beginning. He can also get a useful summon.

As for Pagus, he's not bad, but for some reason I don't like using him either =P


Pagus is the only story leader I've used from the start, and he can destroy all but bosses pretty much single handed. For bosses, it's Emmy who does the most damage for me. I use a 4-4-4-3-3 setup, and it's been working well for me so far. Wish I had more troops just to have some truly massive battles though.


Has Tabris quit playing yet so I can come back to this thread without being enraged?


Quazar said:
I'm scared to see what a non-install is like.

I'm no frame rate whore, hell I didn't even know what a frame rate was a couple years ago, but this game really chugs at times. I haven't even gone to the first city yet, but it was struggling through the first portion of the game. I really hope this improves.
eznark said:
I'm no frame rate whore, hell I didn't even know what a frame rate was a couple years ago, but this game really chugs at times. I haven't even gone to the first city yet, but it was struggling through the first portion of the game. I really hope this improves.

It does improve after the first portion, but it gets worse at times throughout. And yeah I played the first 20 minutes of disc 2 not installed. It is absolutely atrocious.


Ricker said:
If you want to get them all,pretty Impossible I would say,but not to bad for about 400 worth.
Definitely not impossible. But it will take time and you'll likely have to finish the game at least twice, unless you follow a guide the first time.


Eldritch Dragon was an insanely tense fight for like 30-45min. Holy shit. Tried just a few BRs ago and he tore me to pieces.


RevenantKioku said:
Has Tabris quit playing yet so I can come back to this thread without being enraged?

I haven't quit playing yet as I still gotta do more stat grinding.

Why does it enrage you? Because I talk more fact than anyone else here and I'll have a 1000 point achievement rank before anyone else either?

Also to answer the previous question, it was the quest The Fallen I beat at BR 88 with no weapon arts (Glenys had a weapon art but she wasn't in my PT as I decided to go with Emmy instead). It's definitely do-able and actually semi-easy with the 4 unions, 1 defensive, 2 offensive and 1 strictly healing style of gameplay.

I don't think I can use that strat on AC though.

Definitely not impossible. But it will take time and you'll likely have to finish the game at least twice, unless you follow a guide the first time.

I disagree. You can definitely do it on one playthrough without a guide. Just make sure not to BR grind (i.e. link lots of mobs or fight weak mobs) and just google "missable quests" so you know which quests you can't miss and you'll get them all.


Well finally beat it. Last fight was a little on the easy side tbh. Time to send this back to gamefly and buy a copy for another play through eventually.
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