That happened to me twice with different people at different points playing Blade. I avoided it after that.Saved before the Practical Exam in chapter 4 and went on till I got to the train and decided to call it a night. Before saving I decided to chat with my party and play Blade. Got to the last member (Fie) and played the last card in the bout. Then the game froze (music still played but input didn't work and nothing moved). I had to manually turn off my system. Now I have to gain those 30 minutes of play time tomorrow.
Still a absolutely fantastic game.
CSII will have more of it with better mechanics for it too!Holy Crap!
Just finished the game and there are! Single-handedly turned this game from okay to freaking awesome! Now I can't wait for CS2 for moreGundamsGundams
Finished chapter 1 yesterday. The game is growing on me with every minute I play it, I just wish I had more time.
CSII will have more of it with better mechanics for it too!![]()
Holy Crap!
Just finished the game and there are! Single-handedly turned this game from okay to freaking awesome! Now I can't wait for CS2 for moreGundamsGundams
Translation and editing of Cold Steel II is finished, so that means they'll be moving on to QA now.
Just play it straight away. I don't think it really matters which one you play before the other. Seeing all the connections between all these games will be cool no matter what order you play them. Like take the story about (certain TitS FC + SC character spoiler in relation to 3rd)Aww snap
now Im torn
do I play it when it hits or wait for 3rd? Life is full of tough choices
Yes.Uhh, so Prince Olivert,is he Olivier from TitS? I only played FC, but man that resemblance is striking
No, I don't remember it does.So I know there's some carry over in the form of starting bonuses for Cold Steel 2 if you have a save file from the previous game.
Does who youhave any affect on 2?chose at the festival
No, I don't remember it does.
Well which is it
I don't remember
Or it does
Finally started this today and I have to know does thislast for long?Alisa having tensions with Rean because of the worst out-of-the-anime-book accidental boob fall joke
Please tell me it doesn't. After coming from Trails FC/SC, it's killing me silently already.
Finally started this today and I have to know does thislast for long?Alisa having tensions with Rean because of the worst out-of-the-anime-book accidental boob fall joke
Please tell me it doesn't. After coming from Trails FC/SC, it's killing me silently already.
It will probably last a little longer than you'd like it to, but it's not an issue for most of the game.
Don't worry. She'll be dere for Rean in no time.
Translation and editing of Cold Steel II is finished, so that means they'll be moving on to QA now.
I hated that as much as you and the next person did, but I ended up genuinely liking Alisa. So there's that.Finally started this today and I have to know does thislast for long?Alisa having tensions with Rean because of the worst out-of-the-anime-book accidental boob fall joke
Please tell me it doesn't. After coming from Trails FC/SC, it's killing me silently already.
Finally started this today and I have to know does thislast for long?Alisa having tensions with Rean because of the worst out-of-the-anime-book accidental boob fall joke
Please tell me it doesn't. After coming from Trails FC/SC, it's killing me silently already.
Jusis falls out of plot relevance earlier than I'd like, but he stays extremely useful battle-wise all the way up until the endgame.
I already expect Rean, Crow, Fie, Emma, and Alisa to overshadow everyone else. I'll honestly be (pleasantly) surprised if Jusis, Gaius, Laura or... anyone else, really, gets significant plot development or screen time dedicated to them.Most characters in Class Seven only get about a chapter of significant plot relevance. I'm hoping the sequel builds on this, though I'm still expecting certain characters are gonna get much more development than others by the end.
Finally started this today and I have to know does thislast for long?Alisa having tensions with Rean because of the worst out-of-the-anime-book accidental boob fall joke
Please tell me it doesn't. After coming from Trails FC/SC, it's killing me silently already.
Finally started this today and I have to know does thislast for long?Alisa having tensions with Rean because of the worst out-of-the-anime-book accidental boob fall joke
Please tell me it doesn't. After coming from Trails FC/SC, it's killing me silently already.
Translation and editing of Cold Steel II is finished, so that means they'll be moving on to QA now.
Not gonna lie, Elliot is pretty adorable!
Most characters in Class Seven only get about a chapter of significant plot relevance. I'm hoping the sequel builds on this, though I'm still expecting certain characters are gonna get much more development than others by the end.
I already expect Rean, Crow, Fie, Emma, and Alisa to overshadow everyone else. I'll honestly be (pleasantly) surprised if Jusis, Gaius, Laura or... anyone else, really, gets significant plot development or screen time dedicated to them.
Guys, I need honest opinions on my case.
I bought this game because of the good word of mouth from Trails in the Sky (which I have yet to play). I finally started playing it today did not leave a good first impression on me at all.
I do not want to be quick to dismiss it, but I also value my time, specially due to my current lifestyle.
I have only clocked ~60mins, and this is why I do not like it so far:
-Really bland dungeon, town, and enemy designs.
-Game is too tropey (characters are too archetypical, many scenes and behaviors are very predictable or cliche. For example, not even an hour has elapsed and we get a scene where female character lands on MC -> awkardness -> girl calls out MC and slaps him)
-Battles feel slow and do not require a lot of strategy (to be fair, this is probably because the game is starting, but it should not necesarilly be this way...see SMT series for example)
-This is not a dealbreaker, but there seem to be frequent FPS dips on Vita
Do any of those things get better? (specially 1 & 2)
And if they actually don't, why would you still recommend it?
Also, try to get used to the slower pace and start talking with people. NPCs have something new to say after pretty much every single story event, and I feel like that's the aspect that makes these games special. The world feels like a real place with real people just living their lives.
I can easily say the game would have been a much worse experience if I never took the time to talk to people, getting to know them, reading the news magazines, just generally getting immersed in the world.
Not sure what's bland about the enemy design. It would help if you say what you find bland about the town and enemies..
I get what you mean, but I'm not sure it improves much in that respect. The visual (and audio) design of the final dungeon blew me away, for what it's worth.I can't picture the enemies I have fought so far in my mind. I find them forgettable. Dungeons do not do a great job with ambiance: Textures and layout are very simple. Look repetitive.
Maybe a good counter-example could be Digimon Cyber Sleuth. Dungeons are usually very simple as well, but they look pretty. Another vita example could be FFX HD, game is an eye candy.
Even P4 that is a dungeon crawler...dungeons have more 'personality'.
I've only seen two dungeons so far, but the problem is they are very samey. My concern is that this stays true throughout the game.
Thanks for the other info, I'll keep at it a few more hours.