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The New and Improved Cricket Thread© - Now Roadblock Free!


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Meh to cricket.

Got this about an hour ago



Huge Barra.


Beautiful fish.

I wish I had

a) had longer to spend in Tassie.
b) brought a rod.

So many spots around there that looked fucking amazing for a fish.


Salazar said:
Should have claimed it, Prior. Gilchrist would have thrown that sucker up.
Are you implying Gilly was anything but an honest cricketer? Really, Salazar?

Edit: Self Avatar Quote



matt404au said:
Salazar, I just noticed you changed your avatar again. Damn, you have the worst avatars -_-

On what grounds could you possibly object to dancing Tiffany ? Do you have no taste/soul/hormones/brain/humanity ?

Dead Man

Mr_Moogle said:
This is probably the worst Australian test side in 30 years. Theres no runs coming from the top order and our bowling attack can only manage patches of brilliance.

The blame must be placed on the top order batsmen. Watson, Hussey and Haddin are the only aussie batsmen to make any runs. Ponting, Clarke and Hughes are all dead wood and havent contributed at all this series.

I dont know how Phil Hughes is there when there are more in form batsmen at domestic level. Ponting would be gone already if he wasnt captain but you can hardly replace him with Clarke who is equally as out of form.

After the world cup, ricky has to go. Selectors need to start blooding our younger players. We need to give test experience to players like Ferguson, Kawaja etc.
Not having a great replacement is no excuse to keep him. Both Ponting and Clarke should be gone after this series, Ponting permanently, Clarke until he shows some maturity and form. In the meantime, try a few other players in the Captain and Vice Captain roles, see who does well. Nobody can be worse than the current pair. No leadership, and no form. I was all for keeping Waugh as captain even when his form was struggling because he provided such great leadership, but Ponting contributes nothing if he cannot get runs.


matt404au said:
Are you implying Gilly was anything but an honest cricketer? Really, Salazar?

Edit: Self Avatar Quote

Gilchrist is right now my fav Aussie but he didnt have a squeaky clean record either, despite having walked on many occasions .. But yeah if we're counting 'honest' cricketers, he would figure in there.
Kozak said:

bets on Pontings exit?

I say...15 runs?
Close .. better buy a lottery ticket next time ;)



"What a wonderful opportunity for Steve Smith to stand up under enormous pressure".

:lol :lol

I say, is this iceberg melting ? I think it is. What a glorious opportunity.


Clarke's most recent test innings:

vs England:
9, DNB, 2, 80, 4, 20, 20, 13

vs India:
14, 3, 14, 4

vs Pakistan:
3, 77, 47, 12

15 innings, avg of 21.47

Drop him.

Edit: by comparison, Marcus North:

vs England 26, 22, 1
vs Pakistan 16, 0, 0, 20
vs India 128, 3, 0, 10

11 innings at 20.55

Both about as mediocre as each other.


RandomVince said:
Clarke's most recent test innings:

vs England:
9, DNB, 2, 80, 4, 20, 20, 13

vs India:
14, 3, 14, 4

vs Pakistan:
3, 77, 47, 12

15 innings, avg of 21.47

Drop him.

Edit: by comparison, Marcus North:

vs England 26, 22, 1
vs Pakistan 16, 0, 0, 20
vs India 128, 3, 0, 10

11 innings at 20.55

Both about as mediocre as each other.


Dead Man


The thing is, Australia is now the cricket equivalent of Richmond, who were laughingly seen by their fans to have had a much improved AFL season despite finishing second last on the ladder.

One win and we’ve got tickets on ourselves. Such is the sad state of Australian cricket.

In part, our decline is an inevitable cyclical dip. Partly it’s bad selections, partly it’s the vibe and partly it’s the rise of other nations - with India, South Africa and now England all packed with top performers at present.

But the one thread through each of Australia’s failed Ashes campaigns in 2005, 2009 and and 2010/11 is Ponting. Clearly, as I wrote in this piece, he is not the man to bond a winning team by instilling belief in individuals, as England’s impressive skipper Andrew Strauss has done.

Cricket Australia is loathe to sack him as captain, for 101 reasons covering everything from marketing to team stability.

But the best marketed, most stable institution in the world is worthless if the bottom line isn’t delivering and the stakeholders are raging. Ralph Norris would be the first to tell you that.

If Ponting doesn’t have the good grace and common sense to resign as captain after Melbourne, here’s hoping CA chief James Sutherland has the guts to do what 95 per cent of his stakeholders want.
More at the link.


Potential Australian captains then?

Clarke will be useless, moreso than Ponting since he is in equally bad form and added pressure of responsibility plus maintaining his twitter profile will do no good for the team.

Hussey is too old. Watson is a slight chance, as is Katich and Haddin.

Apart from that, who else is there? Bowlers are on a permanent rotation since they cant string 2 good tests together (let alone innings for johnson).


RandomVince said:
No, that was roebuck. Your hate of australia is blinding you.
Nah, I'm just mocking Gruggy for being so butthurt over some one who was a critic of Australian cricket .. I'm guessing his list will increase exponentially after this series is done. :D

Btw any wagers on the margin of victory?


irfan said:
Nah, I'm just mocking Gruggy for being so butthurt over some one who was a critic of Australian cricket .. I'm guessing his list will increase exponentially after this series is done. :D

Btw any wagers on the margin of victory?

South Africa to win by 6 wickets.


You're a childish tool irfan.

You honestly have to get that Australia chip off your shoulder. Carrying that much negativity around will take years off your life otherwise.

You know how tiring and banal it is that you have to try and spin every comment as being because someone is a "butthurt" (such a classy term btw) Australian. It's such a immature herpa derp level of discourse that belongs on YouTube comment pages, not a discussion forum. It's just so lowest common denominator dreck that adds nothing.

In case you hadn't realised, everyone is a critic of Australian cricket at the moment, and rightly so. If your childish little assertion held even a modicum of water I'd be taking swings at them all.

Roebuck is a knob, always has been, always will be. If you want to throw in with the buttock caner, go ahead. I could use a derivation of your same munted logic and say that you'll naturally gravitate to anyone who strokes that anti-Australian boner of yours (your list will increase after this series) but I'm better than that (you). :)

The Australian posters in this thread have been pretty scathing in their assessment of the performance of the Australian team yet you seem to keep the blinkers on and pretend that we are all chest-thumping delusionals who refuse to accept that the Australians aren't world beaters, if only so you can keep your little nationalist bravado thing happening. Like I said, take that shit to YouTube comments with the other frothy-mouthed ferals.

You aren't a lost cause. We got you to ease off on the racism over time. Now if we can get you to elevate your contributions into something in the vicinity of "insightful" we'll be off and running.

Edit: :lol at your Sharwood fail btw. Cringeworthy.


The Sydney test will be interesting from an administrative viewpoint.

With the Ashes headed back to England either way, it will be interesting to see what the selectors do.

Do they go for continuity in a chance to try and at least draw the series or do they really start to ring in the changes? Khawaja ftw.

Then there is the Ricky factor... is Melbourne his last test match? Will he get a swansong at Sydney? Or will the selectors not eliminate him entirely from the possibility of playing in further tests.


Rezbit said:
South Africa to win by 6 wickets.
Thats an easy call. I'm talking about the mighty Ashes.
Grug said:

Roebuck is a knob, always has been, always will be. If you want to throw in with the buttock caner, go ahead. I could use a derivation of your same munted logic and say that you'll naturally gravitate to anyone who strokes that anti-Australian boner of yours (your list will increase after this series) but I'm better than that (you). :)
Just because you think he's a knob doesnt make him a knob, does it? Just like how this is what I perceive you to be in real but doesnt mean you are really like that .. :lol

Grug said:
The Australian posters in this thread have been pretty scathing in their assessment of the performance of the Australian team yet you seem to keep the blinkers on and pretend that we are all chest-thumping delusionals who refuse to accept that the Australians aren't world beaters, if only so you can keep your little nationalist bravado thing happening. Like I said, take that shit to YouTube comments with the other frothy-mouthed ferals.
We're not talking about the other Aussies in this thread who by the way have some balls to show up in this thread despite the poor performance on field. We're talking about you and your delusional little world.

Grug said:
You aren't a lost cause. We got you to ease off on the racism over time. Now if we can get you to elevate your contributions into something in the vicinity of "insightful" we'll be off and running.
Racism? WTF was I racist? In fact it was you first who posted a rat and said it was India .. you're the troll and I was the bait then. The only reason you didnt get a ban then was that your posse is large. I have only learnt to not bite your trolls while you have remained the same .. enough of the rant. Keep it to PM and dont derail the thread with your rants. If you cant handle a joke and then dont bother coming in here.


Grug said:
Then there is the Ricky factor... is Melbourne his last test match? Will he get a swansong at Sydney? Or will the selectors not eliminate him entirely from the possibility of playing in further tests.

I reckon he'll retire. I wouldn't bet five dollars on it, but I reckon he'll go.

If the selectors don't experiment on a dead rubber, they're crazy as well as stupid.


Irfan said:
Racism? WTF was I racist? In fact it was you first who posted a rat and said it was India ..

You've been corrected on this once before. The roadkill rat was referring to the ease of negotiating the Indian "roadblock" (your words), not India itself. This was entirely clear and evident in the context of the thread.

If there was any confusion, it has now twice been clarified. Very little room for misunderstanding, much like someone who (hypothetically) says that a country's flag would be good for wiping their posterior with. Hell, if anything, my comment about India's GDP per capita at least refered to India itself. The rat was absolutely benign. :lol

Irfan said:
you're the troll and I was the bait then.

Please. No one is buying. How many people have had to put you on their ignore list to make the thread readable.

irfan said:
We're not talking about the other Aussies in this thread who by the way have some balls to show up in this thread despite the poor performance on field. We're talking about you and your delusional little world.

More childish rubbish. When did I go missing? Am I not here on the day England will seal the Ashes? This is exactly what I was referring to with you and your blinkers. You have formed ignporant little characterisations of posters in your head and no facts will deviate you from that course. Your inability to enjoy the game of cricket without stirring in schadenfreude or boorish keyboard aggression is baffling.

irfan said:
Keep it to PM and dont derail the thread with your rants.

Says irfan in a public post. I look forward to your PM.

Irfan said:
If you cant handle a joke and then dont bother coming in here.

I believe I started this thread, visitor. If you can't handle people calling you out on your childishness, don't bother coming in here. See what I did thar?

At the end of the day, you've exposed that Australian chip on your shoulder with your childish "butthurt Australian" post. Whether it was a deflection from the Sharwood stuffup, I don't know. But you keeping on sniping posters with personal comments out of nowhere without provocation and then throwing up your hands in innocence when they call you out on it grew tired years ago.

It's not the theory of relativity or anything, but if people avoid the needless provocation of other posters, who knows how good this thread could be.

Now in the spirit of conciliation, I agree with your assertion that any further addendums to this debate should be carried out via PM. I'll keep an eye on my inbox.


Salazar said:
I reckon he'll retire. I wouldn't bet five dollars on it, but I reckon he'll go.

Most great test cricketers have a certain stubborn belief in their ability to turn things around. I get the feeling Ricky still thinks he has it in him. I reckon he will need a little push if he is to retire. Maybe an elder statesman like Steve Waugh may provide some advice.

Salazar said:
If the selectors don't experiment on a dead rubber, they're crazy as well as stupid.

I don't know if there is an economic factor involved. Will a test match full of rookie lambs going to the slaughter pull a decent crowd over 3-5 days? Not that there is much belief in the current squad either, but "come see Ricky Ponting's last test match" has some appeal.

I could be wrong though. Maybe money doesn't play that much of a role.


Grug said:
You've been corrected on this once before. The roadkill rat was referring to the ease of negotiating the Indian "roadblock" (your words), not India itself. This was entirely clear and evident in the context of the thread.
Hokay ... :lol

If there was any confusion, it has now twice been clarified. Very little room for misunderstanding, much like someone who (hypothetically) says that a country's flag would be good for wiping their posterior with.
Like you I'll excuse myself by saying that I meant it in a different context and you and others got their panties in a bunch. "See what I did thar"

More childish rubbish. When did I go missing? Am I not here on the day England will seal the Ashes? This is exactly what I was referring to with you and your blinkers. You have formed ignporant little characterisations of posters in your head and no facts will deviate you from that course. Your inability to enjoy the game of cricket without stirring in schadenfreude or boorish keyboard aggression is baffling.
Facts are facts. Look how many times I'm here on an Indian defeat and how many times you and your posse show up when you're thoroughly humiliated.

Says irfan in a public post. I look forward to your PM.
Your public rant required a public retort. I asked you to keep the thread clean from there on which if you could keep your knickers dry, would have done by now ..

I believe I started this thread, visitor. If you can't handle people calling you out on your childishness, don't bother coming in here. See what I did thar?
You flame baiting in the OP doesnt exclude my from posting in this thread. I'm purely here because of my interest and love for Cricket.

Public rant counts today for Grug: 2, Irfan: 2. Lets keep it that way and if you still have flames, take it to a PM.

Dead Man

Salazar said:
I reckon he'll retire. I wouldn't bet five dollars on it, but I reckon he'll go.

If the selectors don't experiment on a dead rubber, they're crazy as well as stupid.
So, no experiments then?


Here's how I see things shaping up. Sort of been posting this same comment on and off but its becoming more obvious now as the series progresses what I think should happen.

Watson - will maintain his spot for the time being
Katich - as per Watson
Hughes - adios for good this time
Ponting - should lose captaincy and drop down the order. Or be pushed.
Clarke - back to sheffield shield for yu0, stripped of VC so he can concentrate on his Twitter career
Haddin - in form but should be retired shortly
Hussey - given the chance to retire gracefully, he is in better form than anyone else
Smith - needs to impress in Sydney or else he is back amongst the pack. Nothing special yet.

Potential inclusions:
Ferguson - deserves a test callup
White - deserves a test callup also, eyes to long term
Khawaja - must play in sydney

Longer term:
Paine - replacement for Haddin, and clarke for vice captaincy with view to longer term captaincy
Captain: potentially white, katich or hussey until he retires. If hussey retires, it should be a katich captaincy, followed up by paine as VC and white as next captain. It will be a poisoned chalice as per Kim Hughes' "reign" but the time is needed for bringing in fresh players.

Bowling lineup:
Keep rotating through mediocrity until some decent talent rocks up. Harris looks alright, Siddle is about the most consistent out there. Bollinger and Hilfenhaus have been flat and poor. Hauritz has earnt a recall on form. Johnson is a one hit wonder. Time to look at some more shield bowlers like Drew and George.
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