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The new iPad |OT|


hmm. I don’t know about 1024 x 768 but I ran it on an older plasma that was 1366 x 768 and it worked fine.

In fact, are you sure the res isn’t 1366 x 768?

a 1024 x 768 set would be 4:3 like older TVs. I don’t know of any HDTVs that ran at that res (maybe an old CRT set?)

anyway, it is the original ipad’s native res so it should work.

Thanks for the quick reply. It's this samsung set.

But ya you're right it matches the original ipad resolution. So it should work.
In fact, are you sure the res isn’t 1366 x 768? a 1024 x 768 set would be 4:3 like older TVs. I don’t know of any HDTVs that ran at that res (maybe an old CRT set?)

The majority of Plasma TVs in homes today are 1024x768 with non-square pixels. 1080p Plasma is a fairly recent invention and while it's standard for 50" sets, most 42" sets are still 1024 as it's the cheaper option. (Plasma sets almost always have good scalers onboard so 720p/1080p/i inputs are always accepted)

In the case of something like the iPad, I've used the HDMI adapter with my Plasma just fine. (Although, upon getting iPad 3 I did need to go swap the HDMI adapter at an Apple store...) As far as the TV is concerned it's receiving a 720p (well, for iPad 2) signal so it still shows up widescreen.

The only trick to the adapter is that usefulness varies among models. On the iPad 2 and iPad3 you get direct interface mirroring - all apps and the main screen port to the TV. On the original iPad you need to be using a compatible app like the default Apple video application.


Still amazed at the display. Got a look at an iPad 2 again at work the other day....yikes!

Yeah it's funny. Lately I've been setting up iPad2's for clients and when I look at the old screen it's definitely noticeable. It's amazing how your eyes play tricks on you the first time you see retina. "Oh it looks good I guess." Then you go back to the old screen after extended use..."Hold shit that resolution sucks!"


I had started my tablet experience with the Touchpad, and even during the short tenure I had with it, I knew the resolution was terrible. So when I received the new iPad, it was like experiencing tablets all over again. Recently, I had the chance to use an iPad2, and I was shocked to see it was just as atrocious as a Touchpad, as far as resolutions are concerned.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah it's funny. Lately I've been setting up iPad2's for clients and when I look at the old screen it's definitely noticeable. It's amazing how your eyes play tricks on you the first time you see retina. "Oh it looks good I guess." Then you go back to the old screen after extended use..."Hold shit that resolution sucks!"

this has always been the curse of higher resolution. i mean ten years ago i thought a component display ps2 was the most amazing TV i'd ever seen, now it's barftastic. and the first time i saw hd fuhgedaboutit now it's like UGH what res is this game at?


Can anyone recommend a good app to stream video from my computer to my iPad on the fly? I have been using Air Video since the days of iPad 2 but it hasn't been updated since last year and the non-retina icon / UI is starting to irk me.
Going to be getting my very first IPad tomorrow and was to get the 16GB but then i was told by my friend who has an IPad 32GB that 32GB is the sweet spot for an IPad.

is that true ?

I've currently got about a 1.55GB of Music and 5.48GB of Apps

and 1 Movie

what do you guys think 32GB or 64GB ?


Going to be getting my very first IPad tomorrow and was to get the 16GB but then i was told by my friend who has an IPad 32GB that 32GB is the sweet spot for an IPad.

is that true ?

I've currently got about a 1.55GB of Music and 5.48GB of Apps

and 1 Movie

what do you guys think 32GB or 64GB ?



Super Sleuth
Going to be getting my very first IPad tomorrow and was to get the 16GB but then i was told by my friend who has an IPad 32GB that 32GB is the sweet spot for an IPad.

is that true ?

I've currently got about a 1.55GB of Music and 5.48GB of Apps

and 1 Movie

what do you guys think 32GB or 64GB ?

16GB has always been fine for me, but I don't care to keep media on my ipad. I stream any media if I want it on there.


Can anyone recommend a good app to stream video from my computer to my iPad on the fly? I have been using Air Video since the days of iPad 2 but it hasn't been updated since last year and the non-retina icon / UI is starting to irk me.

I use StreamToMe, which was updated a few months ago to stream 1080p video for Retina iPad. Very similar to Air Video, but I think I like it better.


It pretty much is a big iPod. There really isn't much more to that because there doesn't need to be. Being a big iPod is pretty damn substantial.

I'd disagree, because apps designed for iPad set it apart from the iPod touch/iPhone. What the larger form factor and apps designed for it enables is a very different experience. The iPod touch is an iPhone without cellular and phone functions, the iPad is more it's own thing now.


Your not tobor, I'm not falling for this.

It browses the internet, checks e-mail, plays games, able to create word/excel/powerpoint document types, etc. And does a damn great job at all of the above. All things 99% of people need their computer for. How is it not a personal computer?
My safari is the pits right now. Constant crashes, constant tab reloads, slowarse tabs

All after installing spotify. Guess it really goes eat up a lot of memory.
It browses the internet, checks e-mail, plays games, able to create word/excel/powerpoint document types, etc. And does a damn great job at all of the above. All things 99% of people need their computer for. How is it not a personal computer?
Can't download music except through iTunes


It browses the internet, checks e-mail, plays games, able to create word/excel/powerpoint document types, etc. And does a damn great job at all of the above. All things 99% of people need their computer for. How is it not a personal computer?

still shit at multitasking when you need to do serious work (research, writing etc.)
So the original Mac wasn't a computer? iPad is better at multitasking than it by far! Apparently multi window support is how one defines a computer and that alone now.

For very basic things it can replace a laptop, but so can a phone.

Why are you getting upset?
For very basic things it can replace a laptop, but so can a phone.

Why are you getting upset?

No. Phone screen is too small for what ipad can do

Also the ipad case is becoming too heavy for me. Anyone know a cover which is cheaper than smart cover but cheap and minimally invasive


For me the issue is screen real estate. I can not read a fucking book or comic on a phone, nor stare at a tiny screen hours on end viewing media.


Mozilla 'Junior' browser: http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/17/3093178/mozilla-junior-ipad-web-browser

iOS is a platform where Mozilla has yet to make an impact, he admits. "There are a lot of reasons we should be on iOS even though we can't bring our rendering engine there." It's also here that Limi claims Google will soon be shipping a version of Chrome for Apple's OS, a rumor we've yet to come across anywhere else lately. Ultimately he says Junior was born out of necessity: as of now, Mozilla has "no vehicle on one of the biggest consumer platforms in the world."





Hail to the KING baby
For me the issue is screen real estate. I can not read a fucking book or comic on a phone, nor stare at a tiny screen hours on end viewing media.

Hence the need for a giant iTouch! Well provided you're not mostly reading books. If you're doing that, then just get a Kindle.


Neo Member
Just upgraded from my 1st gen iPad to the "new iPad" . Wow, what a huge improvement! I loved my first iPad, but I agree with the idea that this version of the iPad makes good on the promise of the iPad. (To be fair the iPad 2 probably did as well, but I haven't used it)
Sorry if this has been asked (I don't really follow this thread) but does anyone know any pouches that will fit both an iPad and the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover?


Trying to update a tumblr post using only an iPad and running into a dropbox problem that I'm not sure how to solve.

I want to embed a picture in the tumblr post using a photo in my dropbox public folder but I keep getting the website url, not the direct url.

Anyway around this? I've tried going through the dropbox website in safari and i've tried the dropbox app on iPad and still not seeing it for some reason.

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