Check out the Kata 3n1 25 or 30. These bags are far better constructed than lowepro and might be up your alley.
Agreed, had a Kata bag for a couple of years now and love it
Check out the Kata 3n1 25 or 30. These bags are far better constructed than lowepro and might be up your alley.
I was talking about L's though.
I know. I would've but dropping close to 2 grand on a lens isn't remotely possible right now. Someday. Someday...
i see that, but what i'm saying is...given the choice right now, i'd pick the sigma 35mm 1.4 over the canon L (which I have), its a newer, better lens. L is not necessarily the best choice. on the other hand you paid $700 for a $1300 lens...i'd say that's a good deal.
but even the sigma is very expensive.
Looking to add to my small lens collection a wideangle zoom, a macro and a wider prime.
I'm considering these:
- Canon EF-S 10-22mm
- Canon EF-S 60mm Macro
- either the Canon EF 28mm or the Sigma 30mm (which seems to have mixed reviews)
Any thoughts/further suggestions? I'm looking for lenses that are competent but not extravagant, and aiming to spend under £1,000 total by going through a reputable secondhand dealer.
When I was on the hunt for a macro lens, I had the chance to try this lens for a couple of days. Going from what I was used to, the image quality was excellent. With the lens itself feeling light, but very solid and decent to hold.
In the end the lens is what spurred me on to buying a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM. (I only went for the 100mm to give me the extra distance between me and my subjects. Less chance to disturb them etc). I can show you some examples of both lenses if it helps at all.
As for the wideangle, I've had a Sigma 10-20mm and a Tamron 10-24mm. Both were great lenses, with very similar image quality, but overall I would give the Sigma a slight edge. I also had to get the Tamron repaired recently because the lens casing started to become loose from the part connected to the mount. (Intro2020 did a great job fixing and also cleaning the lens. It came back looking brand new).
Thanks Raknar!
Hadn't considered the Sigma wideangle or the Canon 100mm. I think in the end it is going to come down to balancing the available budget and what's available at what price on the quality used market at the time. (And that's what worries me a bit about the 30mm Sigma, that the used market might be a bit of a dumping-ground for the ones with dodgy focus). I feel a spreadsheet calling me.
With the macro I'm not all that fussed about disturbing my subjects as they are mostly dead, and was thinking that the 60mm on a crop body might do double duty as a portrait lens (which the 100mm might be a bit long for). Would love to see some comparisons though.
With the wide-angle I can find used Sigmas, but they're expensive enough (which I suppose is a good sign in some ways) that I might be able to afford only two of the three lenses - and which one am I going to drop? The £1000 limit is a very strict one (even though it is self-imposed for the sake of marital harmony!).
Thing is, when the money comes through it'll probably be my last chance for a few years (while we're building the bead shop business up) to really broaden my experimentation in photography, so I want to take the opportunity now to go as broad as possible while recognising that when I find whatever my favourite niche is I will probably need to lash out again, but to do all that without actually getting a lens I will positively regret to the extent of never putting it on the camera!
I don't think you can go wrong with either lens really. Like you said, maybe just spend a couple of days watching items on Ebay and see what condition of both lenses you can get for your money. They seem to retain their value quite well from what I'm seeing on a few sites at the moment. I even just saw a Canon 100mm Macro end nearing the £300 mark. So if you did decide wide-angle / macro isn't an area of photography you're interested in anymore, you should be able to sell the lenses on for a really reasonable price.
Yeah, it will make a great portrait lens as well. I find myself using mine for all sorts of stuff, with it attached to my camera body more than it probably should be! From portraits, macro wildlife to even a product shoot last week where I was very happy to have it with me.
What other lenses have you got? It's hard for me to recommend what lenses to get without knowing what you have all ready, or even what sort of photography interests you. But I would probably look at getting the wide-angle and the macro first, then seeing what money you have left over.
I have to ask though. What are these dead subjects you'll be shooting? hah
All you need is a cheap adapter on ebay. All modern system can use m42 without correction lens. All you need is a tune.
At the moment I'm running with the kit EF-S 18-55, the 50mm f/1.8 (sometimes coupled with Kenko extension tubes) and the EF-S 55-250 (which I find really good for top-of-bus city stuff and wildlife).
But I find the 50mm prime a bit narrow on a crop body as a general walkabout lens (I'm accustomed to 50mm from my childhood but then had a big big old gap before taking it up again). Hence wanting something 30mm-ish.
Done enough macro with the extension tubes to want to do more (and the portrait stuff is a bonus, but a nice one).
The wide-angle is a bit of a stab in the dark. Never tried it before and looking forward to getting all excited over it!
As to my subjects, I suppose I should have said inanimate rather than dead - well, mostly. Closest I get to living things in macro is plants.
is there a fast, sharp canon lens that can take full body portraits and achieve a very shallow DOF? I can achieve the effect now with my 50mm 1.8, but i have to a good 20-30ft back to get a full body shot (though i am working on a 1.6 crop factor). Is there like a 35mm or 20mm thats decently priced (under $1500).
The Canon 35L is the lens you're looking for (the thin depth of field is intensified when paired with a Full Frame camera). Goes for $1300 on Amazon.
wasn't sure what this means. after some googling would that require my camera have an "AF motor" or whatever? I searched around and I'm not sure my D5100 has that so I'm guessing the M42 lenses wouldn't focus accurately with this body?
you know so much about camera equipment :O
I meant a tube sorry. M42 are first generation of manual focus lens from 40-60 years ago. Obviously they don't have auto focus mechanism. You have to manually focus with your hand.
As far as your d5100, it doesn't have a in-body focus motor so it can not auto focus with older AF-D lens.Only newer AF-S will work. More expensive Nikon bodies can use both AFD and AFS lens.
to be honest, i never considered the canon 70-200 lenses because of the bulk and white color. i like to do spontaneous street photography and nothing scares people like a bulky, obvious, telephoto. but i would consider the older black L:
however, for my style, smaller is better so a decent prime gets the job done.
i wanna get my hands on a 135mm f/2 for family/friends portraits my wife and i travel a lot, and it's just a great lens.
The Canon 35L is the lens you're looking for (the thin depth of field is intensified when paired with a Full Frame camera). Goes for $1300 on Amazon.
With the APS-C sensor you could also use the much much cheaper sigma 30/1.4.
The Canon 35L is the lens you're looking for (the thin depth of field is intensified when paired with a Full Frame camera). Goes for $1300 on Amazon.
I like to only buy full frame compatible lenses as I know my next SLR will be full frame, but thank you for the suggestion!
is there a fast, sharp canon lens that can take full body portraits and achieve a very shallow DOF? I can achieve the effect now with my 50mm 1.8, but i have to a good 20-30ft back to get a full body shot (though i am working on a 1.6 crop factor). Is there like a 35mm or 20mm thats decently priced (under $1500)
Update on my "travel camera" purchase too. After playing around with some cameras and reading reviews and specs, I think I may just buy this bad boy:
I'm dont like the fixed lens, but looking at its specs and what it can acheive I think I can live with it as a 100% travel camera, as honestly I wouldnt want to be carrying extra lenses with me anyway.
I don't like to tell people to wait for other cameras, but Sony is heavily rumored to introduce a Full Frame mirrorless camera soon, giving probably what you really want. The RX1 is just their expensive trial camera, much like the Fuji X100 lead to the Fuji mirrorless system.
Save your money.
I don't like to tell people to wait for other cameras, but Sony is heavily rumored to introduce a Full Frame mirrorless camera soon, giving probably what you really want. The RX1 is just their expensive trial camera, much like the Fuji X100 lead to the Fuji mirrorless system.
Save your money.
The latest rumor from last week is that the FF NEX won't be out until 2014 unfortunately. I think I'm more curious to see if there will be a follow up to the RX1 later this year.
Hi guys, I've been using a lowly Nikon D3100 so far and I feel like I'm fighting the camera half of the time but I'm considering to replace it with something better. I wanted to know if Canon 650D (also known as T4i) would be a good upgrade over it ? I can spend around £600, lens not including.
Tokina is going to make its version of 70-200/4. So if you can't handle the white color you can do that.
Or a 200/2.8.
I have been thinking about getting a Canon body just to use the 70-200/4 actually.
Hi, the Sigma 35mm (art series) kills the canon L in terms of quality and value. End of story. Save your money!
Totally forgot about the new Sigma and I agree. It even rivals the Zeiss.
Don't do it! Wait for the NEX version!
are there any previews on this? The canon 70-200/2.8 is so damn sharp, i'd be interested in Tokina comes close, for the moment, i'm saving up and trying to decide if i really need IS
Wide angle FF lens are easily 3x more expensive the APS lens in the same focal league. That would be an unwise upgrade strategy.
Its not out yet. Its going to be cheaper and in black.If I have to guess, I would say it will have decent IQ but focus slower. You can buy camo skin for your lens you know.
NEOGAF Camera dudes assemble!
Going to buy my first DSLR camera in a few months but my with a bit of a limited budget I want to know which is best
Nikon D3200
Nikon D5200
Canon 650D
Does the touchscreen on the 650D really make it better? How is the picture/video quality between the 3?
NEOGAF Camera dudes assemble!
Going to buy my first DSLR camera in a few months but my with a bit of a limited budget I want to know which is best
Nikon D3200
Nikon D5200
Canon 650D
Does the touchscreen on the 650D really make it better? How is the picture/video quality between the 3?
Guys, how come DSLRs are so expensive in the US compared to other electronics? I have a fried who is in Boston at the moment and he asked me if I wanted him to buy anything for me so I started looking at a couple of things I "need". Laptops etc. are really cheap compared to what they cost here but DSLRs cost about the same for some reason?
Fuji X20 pre-order placed. My local camera shop said they expect delivery before the end of the month.
Update on my "travel camera" purchase too. After playing around with some cameras and reading reviews and specs, I think I may just buy this bad boy:
I'm dont like the fixed lens, but looking at its specs and what it can acheive I think I can live with it as a 100% travel camera, as honestly I wouldnt want to be carrying extra lenses with me anyway.
Guys, how come DSLRs are so expensive in the US compared to other electronics? I have a fried who is in Boston at the moment and he asked me if I wanted him to buy anything for me so I started looking at a couple of things I "need". Laptops etc. are really cheap compared to what they cost here but DSLRs cost about the same for some reason?
Why do you think they are expensive? I find them to have the same range any other electronic will have.
You have your super cheap DSLR's starting at under $500, just like a laptop or TV.
You have your mid tier going between 700 - 1500
You have your mid/high tier going between 1500 - 2200 -
You have your high end tier at 2200 - 3500. -
Then you have your insane/Pro/Business tier going for what ever the market will support -
Nothing seems out of place to me? Are you just thinking you need an insane high end camera?
WTF? That RX1 exposure behavior sounds offensively bad. Always shoot at 1/80s f/4 makes A and S modes very unusable.
So this is true, the RX1 was really designed by the monkeys from Sony's P&S division.
seriously, wow at this:
"There is no way to vary these settings. Auto ISO always uses 1/80 as its minimum shutter speed, so it can't be set to a higher 1/125 as I prefer for family shots, and can't be set down to 1/15 or 1/8 as I'd prefer for other shots. Auto ISO queerly uses f/4 as its maximum aperture before it starts ramping-up ISO.
In other words, as the light gets dimmer than f/4 at 1/80 at ISO 100, ISO starts climbing in Auto ISO until it hits the maximum ISO value you've preset, and only then starts using slower shutter speeds or larger apertures."
The hell? I'd end up spendning all my time micromanaging the camera in Manual mode just to get her to behave. Sad as I do not like the design of the FugiI'll just wait.